Chapter 101: Long Aotian and Leng Xianjun

"Hehe, Uncle Master, you really like to joke..." Lu Shijin raised his hand to wipe the sweat from his forehead with his sleeve, and clasped his fist towards Zhou Xueyuan, "Although this disciple is not a human, he is also a serious fox, how could he do such a wicked thing that **** yang energy. What's the matter? Really, I don't need to worry about my disciple's illness, and leave!"

Zhou Xueyuan coldly watched Lu Shijin scurrying around like a headless fly, and did not stop him, sneered behind Lu Shijin, and said slowly: "You entered the virtual mustard seed world of this seat, without the permission of this seat, are you? Can't get out."

Lu Shijin also discovered that the space here is wide, surrounded by darkness, and it seems that there is a boundary, but when you walk past, the boundary will become farther, as if it will never end.

He didn't know why Zhou Xueyuan created such a world, and why Zhou Xueyuan in this world was completely different from the one he saw yesterday.

But this Zhou Xueyuan in front of him was full of strangeness, and at first glance he didn't look like a good person.

The keen sense of danger in the nature of animals made Lu Shijin feel that if he stayed here again, something terrible would happen.

"Convenience store! Are you there?" Lu Shijin secretly contacted 711.

711: "I'm here!"

Lu Shijin: "Is this person Zhou Xueyuan? My husband?"

711 pondered for a while and said, "Yes, no."

Lu Shijin: "???When did you talk like those ox-nosed old-fashioned people who like to play tricks?! Is that true?!"

711: "It's Zhou Xueyuan, that's right, but you've also seen that, except for their faces, they don't look alike in other places."

Lu Shijin paused, "You mean, this person is another avatar of Zhou Xueyuan?"

711: "Yes."

Legend has it that Zhou Xueyuan cut off his good thoughts and evil thoughts to separate his body, and then reincarnated in reincarnation as a human being.

So this "Zhou Xueyuan" in black robe is one of good thoughts and evil thoughts?

In fact, there is no need to guess whether he is a good or evil one. Judging from the evil and unruly behavior of others, it must be an evil one.

Gan, what a bad luck!

Although no matter whether it was a bad idea or a good one, in the final analysis, it was separated from Zhou Xueyuan, but Lu Shijin still couldn't equate them with Zhou Xueyuan.

Therefore, the thirty-six strategies are still the best strategy!

"Uncle Zhou, the disciple really did not intend to break into your mustard seed space. I hope that Uncle Zhou, Haihan, can let the disciple out."

Lu Shijin knew that it was futile to rush around like himself, so he stopped, and bowed deeply to Zhou Xueyuan to apologize, hoping that he would let the black-robed "Zhou Xueyuan" let him go.

"Zhou Xueyuan" laughed and said, "This seat kindly told you how to heal your wounds to save your life. Not only did you not appreciate it, but you were in a hurry to leave. Why? Did this seat make you feel terrible?"

"No, no, Master Zhou, you look like a man in the sky, how can the disciple feel terrible? It's just that the disciple suddenly remembered something important and hurried to deal with it," Lu Shijin slapped his forehead, "Before the disciple came out, he had already fought with Junior Brother Lin. If he doesn't wait for me to go back for a long time, he will be worried."

The implication is that I have rescuers, so don't mess around!

"Lie." "Zhou Xueyuan" looked at Lu Shijin's face and made a cold conclusion.

Lu Shijin said sincerely: "Everything that the disciple said is true. If Shishu Zhou doesn't believe it, he can ask Junior Brother Lin in person."

"Zhou Xueyuan": "This is my mustard seed space, which one of your words is true and which one is false, this seat will be clear if you are a mirror. If you lie, your body temperature will rise like falling into a brazier. If you are not afraid of dehydration and death, you can say a few more words."

After listening to "Zhou Xueyuan", Lu Shijin really felt a scorching heat wave hit him, surrounding his whole body, as if he was being steamed on a steamer.

He swallowed, afraid that he would be roasted to death, so he didn't dare to open his mouth any more.

"Zhou Xueyuan" approached Lu Shijin step by step, his wide sleeves rolled up in black waves.

It was only then that Lu Shijin discovered that "Zhou Xueyuan" was standing on the ground with bare feet, and every time he took a step, a flame resembling a lotus flower would grow under his feet, seductively seductive.

I heard that this strange scene can only be seen when the demons are walking, and the more petals of the lotus, the higher the cultivation of the demons.

Lu Shijin counted it carefully. The fire lotus has seven petals, so the cultivation of this "Zhou Xueyuan" has at least reached the level of the seventh-rank sage in the magic way.

In the world of self-cultivation, the strong is king.

As for Lu Shijin himself, he has not yet broken through the Golden Core Stage, and against such a master, killing him is as easy as killing an ant.

Now in the hands of others, life and death are just a matter of "Zhou Xueyuan" nodding his head.

"Uncle Zhou, I heard that before you escaped from the world, the relationship between you and your teacher was very strong, and the teacher often mentioned you to his disciples, saying that when he came out of retreat, he would definitely come to the Lotus Peak to talk to you." Lu Shijin bit the bullet. , moving out the real master Zhongxiao, hoping to shock "Zhou Xueyuan".

"Zhou Xueyuan" let out a low chuckle in his throat, and said, "Take your master out to press me? Even if the head of Tianqingzong is here today, what can I do?"

He had already walked in front of Lu Shijin, raised a pale-skinned hand with distinct knuckles, picked up a strand of Lu Shijin's black hair hanging on his chest, and held it in his hand to play with it casually.

"You are a smart fox, and you should understand the truth that the person who knows the current affairs is the best. Today, you have thrown yourself into the trap, so don't blame me for being rude."

Lu Shijin froze in place, and he didn't know whether it was because "Zhou Xueyuan" performed the immobilization technique or he forgot to resist because of fear.

"You, what are you doing?"

"Zhou Xueyuan" smiled slightly, lowered his head to his ear, and his voice almost murmured: "Of course I helped you heal."

"Zhou Xueyuan" suddenly stretched out his hand, grabbed Lu Shijin's waist and jumped into the air, flying over the sun, moon and stars under his feet, landing on a high platform.

There is a throne on the high platform, the back is made of pure gold and inlaid with various precious gems, and the bottom is paved with a whole piece of white jade from the East China Sea.

"Zhou Xueyuan" put Lu Shijin on the throne, his fingers flexibly untied Lu Shijin's well-tied belt, opened the front of his shirt, revealing the neat and pure white lining inside, he wanted to continue to take it off, and the alarm bell in Lu Shijin's mind rang loudly. , and quickly shouted loudly: "Wait, wait!"

Unexpectedly, "Zhou Xueyuan"'s hand really stopped, and the faintly scarlet deep eyes looked at Lu Shijin with interest, and asked, "What are you waiting for?"

"That Master Zhou, is it bad for us to do this?" Lu Shijin tried to struggle to the death.

"Zhou Xueyuan": "Why is this bad law?"

Lu Shijin: "Uncle Master, this disciple knows that it is a good intention for you to heal my wounds, but I feel that my life is not worth your sacrifice, Master Zhou!"

"Whether it's worth it, it's not up to you, it's up to this seat," "Zhou Xueyuan" smiled lightly, his fingers moving along the contours of Lu Jin's face, "Don't think of any more excuses, you Body, this seat is set."

Lu Shijin noticed that "Zhou Xueyuan" said "you this body", not "you this person".

Could it be that... this "Zhou Xueyuan" wants to make himself into a furnace? !

Lu Shijin: "Uncle Shishu!"

"Zhou Xueyuan" was about to unbutton Lu Shijin's underwear when he was interrupted again, and raised his eyebrows impatiently, "What's the matter? Believe it or not, this seat has sealed your mouth now."

Lu Shijin: "Don't, uncle, shut my mouth. If I don't make a sound, you won't be able to play, right?"

"Zhou Xueyuan" thought for a while, then snorted coldly, "That's right, okay, just lie down for this seat, and this seat should try to move as lightly as possible, and you will suffer less."

"Uncle Shi, you just said that it is better to treat the disciple's wounds with a virgin. Then, uncle, are you a virgin?" Lu Shijin asked reluctantly.

"Zhou Xueyuan": "So what?"

Lu Shijin: "It's a virgin, so it must be inexperienced? Otherwise, Shishu, you have accepted the immobilization technique on the disciple, the disciple has experience, and the disciple will serve you, okay?"

"Zhou Xueyuan" lifted Lu Shijin's chin with disdain in his eyes, and said with a sneer, "I've heard about the fox clan being sexually lewd, but they didn't want to pretend to be a virtuous woman just now, but as soon as they got to the bed, their nature was exposed. no?"

Lu Shijin laughed and said, "Is it because of your peerless demeanor, Uncle Shi, that the disciples couldn't help but feel close?"

"Zhou Xueyuan" seemed to think that even if he let Lu Shijin move freely, he would not be able to escape from his palm, or maybe he thought it was not interesting to play with a wooden man, so he generously solved Lu Shijin's immobilization technique.

As soon as Lu Shijin realized that he was able to move, he immediately sat up, took the initiative to straddle "Zhou Xueyuan"'s thigh, and put his arms around "Zhou Xueyuan"'s neck.

"Uncle, do you want to be above or below? Or let the disciple sit up and move by yourself?" Lu Shijin used an unskilled charm technique, looking at "Zhou Xueyuan" with a wink, and his voice became low Magnetic up.

In fact, when it comes to the technique of harvesting yang and nourishing yin, their old fox family is the ancestor!

He can't be fooled by being used as a cauldron. Since the big devil has no experience, let him **** it up!

"It doesn't matter." "Zhou Xueyuan"'s face was indifferent, as if the next thing to do was just a daily practice for him, and there was nothing special about it, "However, before doing things, you should take this first, and it will help you later. Healing."

"Zhou Xueyuan" quickly put a pill in Lu Shijin's mouth, Lu Shijin was caught off guard, swallowed subconsciously, and the pill went directly into his stomach!

Lu Shijin's face changed, he slapped his chest wildly and wanted to spit out the pill, but he swallowed it, and it was too late to spit it out!

Lu Shijin pinched his neck and asked fearfully, "What did you eat for me?!"

"Zhou Xueyuan" said calmly, "Don't panic, you can't eat dead people, it's just the magic medicine, so that you can better please me in the process of double cultivation."

Lu Shijin: "…"

What happened next was completely beyond Lu Shijin's control.

Clearly reason told him it was wrong to do so, but his body couldn't help it.

As a boy, "Zhou Xueyuan" seems to have gradually found the trick of double cultivation, and glimpsed the wonderful method of double cultivation.

He had seized the initiative from Lu Shijin, only to see two figures intertwined in confusion on the luxurious throne.

"How?" "Zhou Xueyuan" hugged Lu Shijin's waist from behind, ordered him to stand up and put his hands on the back of the throne, and asked, "Do you feel that your internal injuries are getting better?"

Lu Shijin was tossed so that the corners of his eyes and cheeks were wet, and the originally tied bun was loose and out of shape, and the black hair was scattered on his back to cover the terrible scene of the demon dragon raging behind him.

Instead of feeling any signs of improvement, the internal injury seemed to be getting worse.

Lu Shijin shook his head desperately, motioning for the man to stop, but "Zhou Xueyuan" chuckled softly: "I'm lying again, I can see that you are very comfortable. Did you forget? What happens when you lie?"

A heat wave came up, and he couldn't tell where the heat was coming from, as if he was draining the water in his body.

Lu Shijin raised his neck and gasped silently, his back bowed unconsciously, like a shrimp that was about to be cooked.

"It seems that it's not bad to be hot, little fox, you really gave me a big surprise..."


I don't know how long it took, "Zhou Xueyuan" finally stopped and let Lu Shijin out of his virtual space.

I thought it had been a long time outside the mustard space, but when Lu Shijin looked up, he found that the position of the moon in the sky was almost the same as when he entered the thatched hut where Zhou Xueyuan lived.

Lu Shijin returned to Lin Junchen exhausted. Lin Junchen was still asleep. Lu Shijin was afraid of causing him suspicion, so he changed into the appearance of a little fox and slumped on the wooden bed.

Not to mention, although the double cultivation process was very tiring, after a while, Lu Shijin really felt that his internal injuries seemed to be getting better.

The dantian was hot, and the zhenqi that had been disturbed for a long time was able to condense.

The next morning, Lu Shijin slept until the sun rose, not even knowing when Lin Junchen left.

Lin Junchen should have been called by Zhou Xueyuan to practice again. Lu Shijin lay on the bed and couldn't help but wonder, who is Zhou Xueyuan who is preaching to Lin Junchen now?

If it was Zhou Xueyuan in white, then where did the black-clothed Zhou Xueyuan who forced him to double-cultivation last night go?

On the Lotus Peak, strangeness is revealed everywhere.

Lin Junchen didn't come back in the afternoon, and Lu Shijin thought that Lin Junchen would have to practice until sunset again, so he didn't take it seriously.

After suffering so many crimes last night, even if he is a fox now, his whole body is extremely sore.

Just as he was about to turn over and continue to recuperate, a voice suddenly appeared in the sea of ​​consciousness.

"Little fox, come to this thatched cottage quickly."

Lu Shijin: "..." Why does this voice sound like Zhou Xueyuan? Which one is it?

This is a sound transmission technique, and Lu Shijin doesn't have the ability to talk to people who are sound transmission, so it's not good to ask him directly whether it is the one in white or the one in black.

The man seemed to have anticipated what Lu Shijin was thinking, and came over with a voice transmission: "Don't be afraid, this is not the person you saw last night."

Lu Shijin was a little hesitant about whether to believe him. If it was Zhou Xueyuan in white, it was his husband and he should be trusted.

But last night, what he did with Zhou Xueyuan in black... Lu Shijin rolled and buried his face in the quilt, feeling ashamed to see Zhou Xueyuan in white.

Woohoo, sorry, I'm dirty.

However, curiosity killed the cat. After struggling for a long time, Lu Shijin jumped off the bed with energy, and decided to listen to the voice transmission person and go over to see what was going on.

Arriving outside Zhou Xueyuan's thatched cottage, Lu Shijin did not dare to go in directly after having learned yesterday's lesson.

As a result, the door opened automatically. He glanced inside. It wasn't the mustard space he saw last night. The layout inside was as simple as the one he lived in.

And Zhou Xueyuan in white was sitting cross-legged on the futon looking at him.

Lu Shijin looked into the room, but did not find Lin Junchen's figure.

Zhou Xueyuan explained lightly: "Junchen was sent by this seat to the Hantan Cave in the back mountain to practice. You don't have to worry about being known by him."

Hearing this, Lu Shijin walked in with confidence, and the door behind him closed.

"You came here last night." Zhou Xueyuan said straight to the point, his tone was affirmative rather than questioning.

Lu Shijin tapped the fox's head.

Zhou Xueyuan: "The person you saw last night was not this seat, but the incarnation of this seat's evil thoughts."

Lu Shijin said in his heart that I had already guessed it.

Zhou Xueyuan saw that Lu Shijin had been maintaining the appearance of a fox and could not communicate, so he waved his sleeves and injected a burst of true energy into Lu Shijin's body to help him restore his human form.

Lu Shijin suddenly turned into a human again, staggered for a while before he stood up, took a step back, and looked at Zhou Xueyuan with guarded eyes.

Zhou Xueyuan saw that Lu Shijin didn't trust him and didn't take it seriously, and said, "On the first day you came to Lotus Peak, this seat knew your true identity. You belong to the nine-tailed fox family, right or not?"

"Yes." Lu Shijin confessed.

Zhou Xueyuan nodded, "That's why Mu Cang found you."

"Mu Cang?" Lu Shijin blinked, "The man in black who looks like you?"

Zhou Xueyuan: "That's right. Mu Cang is transformed by the evil thoughts of this seat. Because of the evil thoughts, Mu Cang has a gloomy and tyrannical temperament. Respect."

"Then why did he appear at Lotus Peak?" Lu Shijin asked inexplicably.

Zhou Xueyuan said: "Since he is transformed by this seat's evil thoughts, he has an inextricable relationship with this seat, and the enchantment of this seat can't stop him. This seat was not at Lotus Peak last night, so it happened to be given to him. Taking advantage of the opportunity, he saw that you are a nine-tailed fox, so he wants to refine you as a furnace and improve his cultivation."

Lu Shijin was skeptical: "You said you weren't in Lotus Peak? Where did you go? Didn't you say you haven't left Lotus Peak for a while?"

"I went to the mustard space to copy the scriptures last night," Zhou Xueyuan waved his sleeves, a desk appeared in front of him, he pointed to the desk and said, "These are the scriptures I copied last night, if you don't believe me, come and check it out. Just a moment, the ink on it is still not dry."

Lu Shijin walked over, picked up the stack of rice paper where Zhou Xueyuan copied the scriptures, and flipped through it. Sure enough, as he said, he couldn't help but believe it by seven or eight points.

Lu Shijin put down the rice paper, "Since it wasn't you, Master Zhou, who was the person last night, I don't know why the uncle called the disciples this time, why?"

Zhou Xueyuan said solemnly: "Mu Cang has done all the evil things and ruined life, the root of these evils still originates from this seat. Over the years, this seat has always wanted to eradicate him, but unfortunately he is elusive, and his trace is elusive and hard to find. I haven't been able to catch him. Maybe, this time you can help me."

Lu Shijin: "How can I help?"

Zhou Xueyuan: "Mu Cang has already taken a fancy to you and wants to make you into a furnace, so he will never let you go, and he will definitely come to Lotus Peak. This seat wants you to be a bait to lure Mu Cang to appear, but Don't worry, with this seat at your side, Mu Cang will never hurt you."

"He was transformed by your evil thoughts, wouldn't killing Mu Cang affect you?" Lu Shijin hesitated.

Zhou Xueyuan said solemnly: "The influence will naturally be there, but if innocent beings are ruined because of this seat's mistakes in the future, even if this seat succeeds, they will feel uneasy, so Mu Cang must do it."

Zhou Xueyuan's righteous and awe-inspiring words moved Lu Shijin.

As expected of the man he loves! Care for the common people, sacrifice yourself for others!

Lu Shijin clasped his fists and said, "Since Master Zhou has said so, the disciple is also willing to do his best for Master Zhou!"

"Okay, worthy of being a disciple of my Tianqing Sect." Zhou Xueyuan showed a rare smile on his frosty face, stood up from the futon, walked in front of Lu Shijin, and took out a small and delicate dagger from his sleeve and handed it to him. To Lu Shijin, "This dagger has been stamped with a curse on this seat. At that time, you can stab Mu Cang's heart with the dagger when he is not prepared, which can greatly weaken Mu Cang's cultivation."

Lu Shijin took the dagger, and inexplicably recalled Mu Cang's appearance in his mind, his heart seemed to be weighed down by a huge rock.

Lu Shijin, wake up! The other party is a heinous devil who is not worthy of your sympathy!

Only get rid of him, you will not become a furnace!

Zhou Xueyuan didn't notice Lu Shijin's hesitation, and continued: "From now on, you will stay here in this seat, and when the night falls, Mu Cang should come to find you, and this seat will hide in the dark to protect you, and see the opportunity when the time comes. Do it, understand?"

Lu Shijin put away the dagger carefully and nodded firmly: "Disciple understands."

Following Zhou Xueyuan's instructions, Lu Shijin stayed in the room alone and waited for Mu Cang to come over, while Zhou Xueyuan disappeared, and Lu Shijin didn't know where he was hiding.

But Lu Shijin sat on the futon and waited until late at night, but no one was seen, and he fell asleep unstoppably drowsy.

Just when he relaxed his vigilance, the door was suddenly opened, and a gust of wind poured in.

When Lu Shijin opened his eyes, he was frightened by the dark shadow standing at the door. Who else could it be if it wasn't Mu Cang?

Gan! So nervous! It's time to put his acting skills to the test!

"Why are you here again?" Lu Shijin asked calmly.

Mu Cang, still in that **** robe, came to Lu Shijin step by step from the dark night with a chill all over his body, his eyes fixed on Lu Shijin's face.

"Little fox, why are you waiting here so well? Don't you know that this seat will come?"

Lu Shijin stood up, his wide sleeves covered the hand holding the dagger, "After the... double repair with you last night, I feel that my injury has healed a lot, so I thought... Please help me heal my injury tonight."

Mu Cang smiled and said, "Okay, let's start then?"

Lu Shijin glanced behind Mu Cang intentionally or unintentionally, feeling anxious.

The big devil has appeared, why hasn't Zhou Xueyuan appeared yet?

Do you have to let him assassinate Mu Cang?

This was the first time he had done this kind of murder. If the assassination failed, wouldn't Mu Cang slap him to death?

Mu Cang found that Lu Shijin was looking behind him and looked back, it was an endless darkness.

"Who are you waiting for?"

Lu Shijin flatly denied: "No!"

Mu Cang turned his head, and the door closed automatically, isolating the wind and snow outside, and also isolating Lu Shijin's hope.

"This place is too simple, let's go to the mustard space in this seat." Mu Cang wrapped his arms around Lu Shijin's waist and was about to open his mustard space, but found that the body of the person in his arms was a little stiff and was still shaking slightly. Lu Shijin glanced at his face, "Why are you nervous?"

Lu Shijin's Adam's apple rolled, "Before doing that kind of thing, it's inevitable to be nervous."

Mu Cang frowned, and he was already suspicious. His eyes went down Lu Shijin's face, and he found that something was wrong with his sleeve, and he was pushed up.

"What are you hiding in your sleeves?" Mu Cang asked coldly.

People with ghosts in their hearts can't stand cheating the most. Lu Shijin thought he had been exposed, and immediately felt a chill in his heart.

The hand holding the dagger was unstable, and the dagger fell straight from his hand to the ground. There was a crisp "bang" sound, but it fell to Lu Shijin's ears, but it was a shocking thunder that killed his soul.

"What are you doing with the dagger?" Mu Cang hesitated a little when he saw the dagger on the ground, then raised his head, the corner of his mouth twitched, but his eyes were as cold as ice, "Want to kill this seat?"

How could Lu Shijin manage so much? He turned around and fled from Mu Cang's arms, shouting at the door, "Uncle, save me!"