Chapter 103: Long Aotian and Leng Xianjun

"Uncle," Lu Shijin kept a polite smile, "Do you think I look very stupid and easy to deceive?"

"No." Zhou Xueyuan was expressionless, "Why do you say that?"

"Then why do you think that I will fall in the same place twice and fall for you twice?" Lu Shijin pulled out his hand and hid behind him, "Have you not heard the story of the wolf coming?!"

"I know that you won't believe what I say now, it's not your fault." Zhou Xueyuan's eyes were light, neither sad nor happy, as if he didn't care about everything in the world, he paused for a while, and said, "But if it's really like you As said, this seat and the devil Mu Cang are the same person, and this seat will never allow myself to become a half-human, half-demon monster. Therefore, you must help this seat."

"This can't be called a monster, can it?" Although Lu Shijin resented Zhou Xueyuan for lying to him, he couldn't really watch him die. He got out of bed, straightened his clothes, and persuaded with all his heart, "Uncle, Mu Cang, he It is your evil thoughts, but as long as it is a person, there will be negative emotions, and you should think about how to suppress him, not to die with him."

Zhou Xueyuan looked at Lu Shijin coolly, "But I still don't believe what you said, Mu Cang will be the same person as me."

Lu Shijin: "???" Dare he analyze and reason for so long, is he all blind?

Zhou Xueyuan lowered his head and straightened his sleeves, and said casually: "Mu Cang is insidious and cunning, and won't show up easily, but now he is most interested in you, and he will definitely come back to you, so I can only aggrieved my nephew to lead him to show up for me. already."

As soon as Zhou Xueyuan finished speaking, a golden rope flew out of his sleeve and charged straight towards Lu Shijin.

Before Lu Shijin could react, he was tied three times on a golden rope into a zongzi.

"Zhou Xueyuan! What are you doing!" Lu Shijin also has a cultivation base, and ordinary straw ropes can't trap him, but this golden rope seems to grow on his body, no matter how much he earns, he can't break free, "Quickly give it to him. I unlock! Are you crazy?"

Zhou Xueyuan was indifferent to Lu Shijin's words, "Don't fight in vain, this is the immortal rope, even if the immortal is tied, it can't be untied without the secret door."

It was useless to resist, and Lu Shijin also calmed down: "What on earth are you trying to do?"

Zhou Xueyuan gave Lu Shijin a cold look, and left with a flick of his sleeves, leaving only "Wait for Mu Cang to come to you".

Lu Shijin jumped up in anger, chased Zhou Xueyuan's back and jumped to the door, but the door was mercilessly closed by Zhou Xueyuan, and by the way, he added a spell on it that prevented him from opening the door.

Lu Shijin scolded in the door: "Zhou Xueyuan! Wait for me! You will regret it if you treat me like this!"


Lu Shijin scolded Zhou Xueyuan for two hours in a row in the door, making him dry and exhausted.

However, Zhou Xueyuan ignored him at all.

After Lu Shijin finished writing all the swear words he had known all his life, he was tired of scolding, and reluctantly took small steps towards the bed, lay down on the bed with difficulty and closed his eyes, waiting for the unknown fate to come.

After an unknown time, Lu Shijin woke up. When he opened his eyes, it was already dark, and the room was pitch black.

Just as he was about to move his body, he felt a hand quietly pressing on his leg, and his brain was so frightened that he almost screamed.


"It's this seat." The man said in a low voice.

He wore a black robe to blend in with the night, and his breathing was shallow, so Lu Shijin didn't notice his existence the first time he woke up.


It can't be anyone else but him.

Now that Mu Cang has appeared, what about Zhou Xueyuan? What about Zhou Xueyuan, who promised to protect him? !

Has he been sold again?

"When did you come?" Lu Shijin calmed down and asked calmly.

"While you were fast asleep." Mu Cang's hand slid down Lu Shijin's leg onto his waist, "Who tied you like this?"

Lu Shijin opened his eyes and said nonsense: "I tied it myself. I guessed that you were coming and wanted to play some new tricks with you. Do you like it?"

"Interesting." Mu Cang snorted, and his voice sounded like he was in a good mood, "It seems that you are in love with this master, right? You also use this method to please this master. It happened that the Japanese master also found a book. Double cultivation practice, just practice with you little fox."

The devil wants to please you!

Lu Shijin smiled perfunctorily, and suddenly said, "Well, don't you think it's a little dark? Why don't we turn on the lights and let's practice?"

Mu Cang thought about it for a while, and thought it was right. He couldn't see the expression on Lu Shijin's face when he and him doubled up, and it was a little less fun.

Mu Cang raised his hand and flicked his sleeves, and a row of candles were lit in the thatched hut, and the candlelight illuminated the house as if it were daytime.

"Little fox, do you feel that your injury has healed a little in the past two days?" Mu Cang asked Lu Shijin's face.

Lu Shijin rolled his eyes, lay there and nodded with difficulty, "It seems to be better."

"That's right, your physique is a rare congenital pure yin body, and the exercises in this seat belong to the extreme yang, which complements you." Mu Cang raised his hand and pinched Lu Shijin's face, his lips slightly raised Jiao, "I'll take you back to the Demon Realm when I'm done. As long as you're obedient, I'll never treat you badly."

Lu Shijin kept staring at the hand that Mu Cang touched him, his eyes moved with Mu Cang's movements, but Mu Cang's wrist was covered by the cuff, and he couldn't see if there was a red rope on it.

Mu Cang: "Do you untie this bundle of immortal rope yourself or let it continue to be tied?"

Lu Shijin's sadness comes from it, but I want to solve it myself, but I have to have the ability!

Mu Cang added: "Actually, it's not bad to keep tying it up, and it's also very fresh to change things up occasionally, but it's just that you have to suffer a little bit."

"Don't, don't!" Lu Shijin swayed his body from side to side quickly, letting Mu Cang see his attitude of resistance, he said in a hurry, "The reason why I tied myself up was that I wanted you to help me untie it yourself, don't you think that , is this like opening a gift?"

"Unpacking the gift?" Mu Cang raised his eyebrows and said in disapproval, "But I don't know the formula for unlocking your bundle of immortal ropes, how can I help you unlock it?"

"You know, you know for sure! Think about it!" Lu Shijin said in a persuasive manner.

Mu Cang was puzzled for a moment, his fingers touched the Immortal Binding Rope on Lu Shijin's body, and his lips pursed together as he read a few words silently, and something unexpected happened - the Immortal Binding Rope actually loosened!

Mu Cang untied the immortal rope, and he couldn't believe it, and looked at Lu Shijin with some surprise and some doubts.

Lu Shijin, who was finally free, couldn't care less.

He quickly got up and grabbed Mu Cang's hand, rolled up his sleeves, and clearly saw that Mu Cang's wrist was wrapped around a red rope that was exactly the same as his wrist!

Sure enough, it's you! Son of a bitch!

Lu Shijin raised his head and glared at the inexplicable Mu Cang angrily, then lowered his head and bit Mu Cang's wrist with force, the sharp tiger teeth pierced the skin on the wrist, and the **** smell quickly filled his mouth.

But Lu Shijin is still not relieved, being teased like this, how can he be willing to bite off a piece of meat to express this bad breath!

"What are you doing? Presumptuous!"

Mu Cang withdrew his hand from Lu Shijin's mouth, the little fox dared to bite him, and he dared to be lawless because of his favor, didn't he?

A layer of frost formed on Mu Cang's face, grabbed Lu Shijin's collar, and carried the person in front of him, "Who gave you the courage to bite this seat? Don't think that this seat spoils you now, so you can act willfully, Annoying this seat, believe it or not..."

Lu Shijin spat on his face in dissatisfaction, interrupting Mu Cang's threat: "Bah, who cares about your favor! Son of a bitch, big pig's hoof, get out of here! I don't want to see you again!"

Mu Cang frowned, obviously the little fox was fine just now, why did he bite and scold him with his teeth and claws as soon as the immortal rope was untied?

Mu Cang once doubted whether Lu Shijin had fallen into evil.

"Are you alright?" Mu Cang hesitated for a moment, then grabbed Lu Shijin's wrist with his backhand, and placed it on his pulse gate to diagnose Lu Shijin's pulse. The infuriating qi flowed smoothly, and it didn't seem like he was going crazy, so why did he suddenly Big change in words and deeds?

"Of course I'm fine! It's you who is in trouble! Are you still pretending?" Lu Shijin pushed and kicked Mu Cang, "Isn't it fun to play double-sided games with me? Is it fun to tease me?!#%¥#%¥ …”

Mu Cang pursed the corners of his mouth tightly, and patiently listened to Lu Shijin's foul language for a while. He couldn't help it. He stood up and shouted angrily, "Enough! I think you are crazy!"

"You are crazy! You are crazy! You are mentally ill!" Lu Shijin got up from the bed, grabbed the immortal rope on the bed and stuffed it into Mu Cang's hand, "Aren't you crazy, what are you? Don't you remember? You tied me with this broken rope, and are you pretending to be here with me?"

"Nonsense! When did this seat tie you with a rope?" Mu Cang looked ugly and denied it.

"Don't admit it?" Lu Shijin grabbed Mu Cang's arm, opened his sleeve, and held it in front of him, "Look for yourself, what is this?!"

"What is this? Why is there a red rope tied to this seat's hand?" Mu Cang frowned deeply, and his expression looked very puzzled. If it wasn't for his acting skills, then he really didn't know.

But Lu Shijin had already cheated on him twice, and determined that Zhou Xueyuan or Mu Cang were playing tricks on him, and sneered: "You still pretend? You tied this red rope yourself, and you also tied one to me. You forgot in the blink of an eye? You said, if you want to pretend to be two people, you also pretend to be a little bit like, such a big flaw, what else do you have to explain!"

Mu Cang: "..." Why can't he understand a word of what the little fox said?

"Zhou Xueyuan, if you pretend again, then it's really boring," Lu Shijin put his arms around his chest and looked at him with a sneer, "Okay, I admit, your acting is good, even I was deceived by you, and I fell in love with you. Second time. Tell me, is it the first time you see me, you want to sleep with me? It seems that you are too obsessed with love and cultivation. "

Mu Cang: "...What's your name?"

"Zhou Xueyuan," Lu Shijin raised his eyebrows and pushed him, "Don't think that I won't recognize you if you change your clothes!"

"It's ridiculous, how could this seat be Zhou Xueyuan!" Mu Cang flicked his sleeves, anger gathered between his brows.

"Then explain why you two look the same?" Lu Shijin asked.

Mu Cang snorted coldly, "The world is so big that there are all kinds of surprises, even if there are two people who grow up to be the same, why is it strange?"

Lu Shijin heard something strange and didn't dare to believe: "So you already knew that you look the same as Zhou Xueyuan?"

"Yes." Mu Cang admitted frankly, raised his head proudly and said, "Someone once mistook me for him, so I knew that Zhou Xueyuan and I looked alike. I heard rumors that Zhou Xueyuan cut himself off thirty years ago. The evil thoughts of Zhou Xueyuan, and the birthday of this seat happened at that time, so this seat infers that this seat is transformed by Zhou Xueyuan's evil thoughts."

Lu Shijin lowered his head and thought for a moment. No wonder he was not surprised when he first broke into Mu Cang's mustard space and mistook him for Zhou Xueyuan.

Zhou Xueyuan escaped from the world at Lotus Peak and didn't go out for a while, so naturally no one told him that Mu Cang looked like him, so he didn't know.

"Then what do you want to do on Lotus Peak?" Lu Shijin began to feel uneasy.

Mu Cang pursed his lips coldly, the air pressure around his body suddenly dropped, and the candlelight in the room was flickered by the gloomy wind from somewhere, and the room fell into a strange atmosphere.

"Zhou Xueyuan wanted to cultivate the Dao and abandoned me, but if he can cultivate the Dao, why can't I?" Mu Cang put his sleeves behind his back and raised his chin arrogantly, "There is only one Zhou Xueyuan in this world."

Lu Shijin had some eyebrows in his mind, opened his eyes slightly, and said incredulously: "You came to Lotus Peak to kill him?"

"Not bad!" Mu Cang said coldly, "As long as you kill Zhou Xueyuan, this seat can replace him, but this seat has not encountered Zhou Xueyuan for a long time, otherwise, he would have been killed by this seat long ago. Well, he must have known in advance that this seat would come to him, so he was afraid of this seat and deliberately avoided seeing him! Oh, the first person in the right way, according to this seat, is nothing more than that."

Lu Shijin: "...Brother, have you ever thought about a question?

Mu Cang turned his head to look at him, "What?"

"The reason why you can't find Zhou Xueyuan is actually because," Lu Shijin moved his Adam's apple, "You and him...are the same person at all?"

Mu Cang's eyebrows moved as if he was thinking, and his expression became very subtle in an instant.

"Actually, Zhou Xueyuan is also looking for you, but like you, he can't find you."

Lu Shijin took out a teapot and two teacups from his storage bag, and poured a glass of water for himself and Mu Cang. He first took a sip of water to moisten his throat after a day.

Then he continued: "He also tied me here today, the purpose is to lead you to show up, and then deal with you, but now that you see it, he didn't show up at all, only you came here. And on your wrist The red rope he tied was also tied so I could recognize him."

Mu Cang looked down at his wrist, he really didn't remember when such a red rope was tied to his wrist.

Is it really as the little fox said, he is Zhou Xueyuan, and Zhou Xueyuan is him?

How is this possible? !

Lu Shijin said helplessly: "Don't believe it? Don't think about it, why you never see Zhou Xueyuan? And do you only come and go at night? Never show up during the day?"

Mu Cang's face was pale, and he could faintly see his facial muscles shaking, "That's my habit... I don't like the day, can't I?"

Lu Shijin was a bit dumbfounded. After a long time, it turned out that these two people, oh no, it should be said that the main personality and sub-personality of the same person did not know each other's existence, and they thought they were independent individuals.

Then, both personalities wanted to kill each other, but couldn't find anyone.

Even if you have cultivated a ruthless way, you will become refined, what the **** is this called?

"What is the truth, I have already told you, if you still don't believe it, then you will continue to look for Zhou Xueyuan at Lotus Peak, but even if you search for a lifetime, you will never find it, understand?" Cang was lucky at last.

Mu Cang staggered under his feet and fell on the bed, as if it was difficult to accept this fact.

For the first time, the dignified Demon World Venerable had a helpless look on his face that no one had ever seen before.

When Lu Shijin saw it, he couldn't bear it, so he walked over and comforted: "Don't be too sad, it's okay to be alone, just treat it as a strong alliance, no matter who the two of you finally cultivate into the avenue, in fact, both the same, right?"

"It's different! How can it be the same!" Mu Cang stared sharply at Lu Shijin, and suddenly asked, "Zhou Xueyuan tied you here to let you deal with me, right?"

At this point, there is no need to help Zhou Xueyuan to cover up. Lu Shijin pursed the corner of his mouth and nodded in recognition.

"But why didn't you do it?" Mu Cang asked.

Lu Shijin spread his hands, "Because I later determined that you are him, of course it is impossible to do it again."

Mu Cang slightly pulled his lower lip, and a goosebump sneer appeared on his lips.

"That's why he trusts you." Mu Cang's tone was faint and his eyes were dark and gloomy, he said.

"It should be regarded as trust." Lu Shijin blinked, always feeling that Mu Cang's words had deep meaning, "What's the matter? Why are you asking that."

Mu Cang suddenly stretched out his hands to hold Lu Shijin's shoulders, his eyes flashing with crazy paranoia: "Then help me get rid of him!"

Lu Shijin: "???"

Thinking he heard it wrong, he shook his head, "You're right? Get rid of him? That's get rid of yourself, you two are the same person!"

Mu Cang: "I know, but as long as Zhou Xueyuan is dead, this body will be mine."

Lu Shijin frowned and asked in disbelief, "Are you sure? Is this still possible?"

Mu Cang said excitedly: "There is a story in the ancient books. Once a scholar named Li stumbled and fell into the water. When he was rescued, he was no longer breathing. His family thought he was dead. When the voice came, the family quickly opened the coffin, and Li Sheng actually came back to life! But strangely, Li Sheng did not admit that he was Li Sheng, and claimed to be a farmer thousands of miles away from the local area. The water ghost was possessed, but many Taoist priests were invited to exorcise the ghosts to no avail. One day, a very capable alchemist wandered here, and the family invited the alchemist to check on Li Sheng's situation, but the alchemist said, Li Sheng is not When a ghost hits an evil, Li Sheng has two consciousnesses in his body. Li Sheng fell into the water and thought he was dead, so the consciousness belonging to Li Sheng would not wake up, giving another consciousness the opportunity to occupy the body. In fact, Li Sheng is The farmer, the farmer is Li Sheng."

After hearing this strange story, Lu Shijin felt a chill on his back, and he seemed to understand Mu Cang's meaning.

Mu Cang wanted him to assassinate Zhou Xueyuan, so that Zhou Xueyuan would mistakenly think that he was dead, and the consciousness belonging to Zhou Xueyuan would go dormant.

"Do you understand?" Mu Cang grabbed Lu Shijin's shoulder and shook it.

Lu Shijin shook his head: "No, no, this is absurd. Legends are just legends. What if you kill Zhou Xueyuan? Besides, Zhou Xueyuan is my uncle, why should I kill him?"

"Then can you help Zhou Xueyuan kill this seat?" Mu Cang's eyes became cold and chilling.

"I didn't want to kill you either." Lu Shijin lowered his voice because of his guilty conscience.

Mu Cang saw through Lu Shijin's lie, sneered, let go of his shoulders, and raised his sleeves, "Don't forget, you are already the cauldron of this seat, and this seat has branded you, if this seat If you don’t practice double cultivation with you within three days, you will die due to exhaustion of qi and blood.”

Each cultivator will cast a spell into his own exclusive furnace, on the one hand, to let the furnace be stubborn to himself, and on the other hand, to make the furnace more pleasing to himself.

Therefore, the matter of raising a furnace and cauldron is despised by people of the righteous way, and it is often seen in evil cultivators and devil cultivators.

Lu Shijin: "???"

Is this guy crazy? !

Damn it, you two are playing the trick of me killing myself, so why do you want to get on with me!

I am innocent!

"This seat won't come to you today, there are still two days left for you. If Zhou Xueyuan is not dead after two days, you can do it yourself."

Mu Cang left the last sentence and walked out of the thatched hut, leaving Lu Shijin dumbfounded.

God, who can tell him why he got caught in such a strange development?

"What should I do if my husband is a fine point? 》

"My husband is "I kill myself" every day

"My Husband Forced Me To Kill Him"

"I'll Die If I Don't Do It With My Husband"

"I'll Die If I Don't Kill My Husband"


Lu · Weak and innocent · Bottom cultivator · Can't do the big guy · Today: I'm too difficult.


On the second day, Lu Shijin took advantage of Lin Junchen to go out to practice, and took the initiative to go to Zhou Xueyuan's thatched hut to find someone.

And Zhou Xueyuan was sitting on the futon, raising his wrist, staring at a blood-stained tooth mark on his wrist in a daze.

No need to ask to figure it out, he must have forgotten how this tooth mark on his hand came from.

"Uncle Shi, you're back." Lu Shijin greeted him expressionlessly, "Mu Cang came last night, why are you missing again?"

Zhou Xueyuan put down his hand, hid his wrist in his sleeve, and was interrupted by Lu Shijin as soon as he opened his mouth to say "I".

"Okay, okay, you don't have to make excuses for yourself anymore, let's start with the tooth mark on your wrist," Lu Shijin sat cross-legged on the futon opposite Zhou Xueyuan, and pointed to Zhou Xueyuan's sleeve , pointed to himself again, "This, I bit, but the person I bit last night was Mu Cang, and today the tooth marks appeared on your hand. And I also checked it, last night Mu Cang's hand had a The red rope, so you two are indeed the same person, it's like a fake exchange."

Zhou Xueyuan's complexion changed greatly: "I..."

Lu Shijin waved his hand with an impatient look on his face, "Don't talk for now, listen to me, I know this truth is difficult for you to accept, but now there is a more important matter before us that needs to be resolved. "

Zhou Xueyuan coughed lightly, "What?"

Lu Shijin: "Mu Cang asked me to kill you."

Zhou Xueyuan: "..."

Lu Shijin rolled his eyelids: "Don't worry, I didn't want to kill you."

Before Zhou Xueyuan's expression softened, Lu Shijin added, "But if I don't kill you, I will die."

Zhou Xueyuan coughed again, and seemed to be annoyed by Lu Shijin's words.

Lu Shijin said: "I am Mu Cang's furnace now. If I don't listen to him, as long as he doesn't cultivate with me within three days, I will die. So, uncle, what do you think?"