Chapter 104: Long Aotian and Leng Xianjun

"What do you say?" Zhou Xueyuan's eyelashes trembled slightly.

Lu Shijin lost his mind for a moment, as expected of a beauty of ice and snow, even the blink of an eye is so beautiful.

Unlike Mu Cang, who is evil, charming and mad, Zhou Xueyuan's temperament is out of the dust, like a cold bright moon.

A thought flashed in Lu Shijin's mind, if he cultivated with Zhou Xueyuan, he would feel different from Mu Cang, right?

When he realized what he was thinking, he quickly spat on himself again in his heart, and there was a quarrel between two villains in his mind.

The villain in white, Lu: "Bah! Stop it! Lu Shijin! How can you have such a lewd and dirty idea!"

The villain in black Lu: "You're not lewd, you're so lofty. Then tell me, Mu Cang doesn't cultivate with you, how can you survive without killing Zhou Xueyuan?"

The white-robed man Lu fell silent.

The black-clothed villain Lu sneered: "That's it, he doesn't want them to lose both, and he doesn't want to lose his life, so he can only cultivate a path with Zhou Xueyuan. Anyway, they are both alone, and who to cultivate or not to cultivate?"

What the villain in black said made sense, but the villain in white couldn't find anything to refute for a while.

The balance in Lu Shijin's heart also tilted against the villain in black.

That's right, it's his husband anyway, who is he sleeping with?

Thinking about it this way, the point in my heart and Mu Cang were both cultivated first, and the guilt that I felt sorry for Zhou Xueyuan was swept away.

"Uncle, I don't want to kill you, but I don't want to die either." Lu Shijin looked at Zhou Xueyuan faintly, "So, I can only feel sorry for my uncle to help me."

Zhou Xueyuan coughed, lowered his eyes unnaturally, and asked in a low voice, "How do you want me to help you?"

"I will die if Mu Cang doesn't double cultivation with me, but since you are the same person, I think," Lu Shijin moved the futon under his **** to sit closer to Zhou Xueyuan, "Shuangxiu and I are the same, right? ?"

Zhou Xueyuan's body trembled, as if he could not avoid being close to Lu Shijin, he stood up in a panic, fluttering his sleeves to express his anger, his face was as cold as cool.

"Nonsense! How can I be with you..." He paused for a while, as if he felt that these two words were hard to say, "What! This master cultivates the Tao of Forgetfulness, and the first point is to have no desires and no desires. …”

"Uncle," Lu Shijin grabbed Zhou Xueyuan's sleeve from behind, raised his head to look at Zhou Xueyuan, his white face was full of sorrow, "Do you have the heart to watch your disciple die tragically? The disciple is innocently implicated, not to mention that Mu Cang has already You have double cultivation with your disciple, and he used your body, so you can also be regarded as a disciple and uncle..."

"Shut up!" Zhou Xueyuan seemed to realize that what Lu Shijin said could not be heard, and hurriedly cut him off. His face was not different, but his snow-white neck was stained with a thin layer of red.

"Don't stop talking!" Lu Shijin was righteous and held on to Zhou Xueyuan's sleeve, "I don't care, you have to be responsible for me when you sleep with me!"

Zhou Xueyuan turned his face away, Gao Leng Xianjun's personality was about to be unsustainable, and he stammered: "You, you, you, when did this seat sleep with you! You are making trouble without reason!"

Oh, and pretend to be innocent with him.

Lu Shijin sneered silently, and you haven't seen the more unreasonable ones!

"Uncle, as the saying goes, a husband and wife are blessed for a hundred days." Lu Shijin grabbed Zhou Xueyuan's sleeve and pulled him back a little bit, "This disciple's life is at stake, you can't ignore me. Otherwise, I will Go and tell Junior Brother Lin, my life is bad, I'm afraid I won't be able to see Master and Sect Master again, but I can ask Junior Brother Lin to go back to Master Sect and tell Master Sect how you always gave up on me!"

Zhou Xueyuan: "..."

A tree lives a skin, a person lives a face, and the most important thing for immortal cultivators is the skin.

With such a threat from Lu Shijin, Zhou Xueyuan really didn't dare to ignore him.

Zhou Xueyuan hesitated so much, and was dragged back by Lu Shijin before he knew it, and Lu Shijin directly grabbed Zhou Xueyuan's thigh, "Uncle, anyway, in this life, the disciple is yours, and death is your ghost, disciple. You can sacrifice your life for your Dao, but the disciple can't sacrifice in vain, you must give me a name!"

Zhou Xueyuan was stunned: "What name?"

Lu Shijin pressed his face to Zhou Xueyuan's thigh and said, "Or you can announce to the world that we are Taoist companions, so that I can also be a sensible ghost."

Zhou Xueyuan: "...Hu—"

"Nonsense, nonsense, nonsense... What other words do you have? Feel free to scold, anyway, I'm a dying person, and I don't care about anything!" Lu Shijin shook Zhou Xueyuan's thigh vigorously, playing a rogue.

Zhou Xueyuan was dizzy and dizzy when he shook his head. If he hadn't had a trace of guilt in Lu Shijin's heart, he would have used spells to blast people out of the house long ago.

"Okay, okay, don't shake this seat!" Zhou Xueyuan held his forehead and said with a headache, "You can think about this seat."

"What are you thinking?" Lu Shijin stopped shaking Zhou Xueyuan's thigh and asked strangely.

Zhou Xueyuan: "Naturally, I'm thinking about how to solve this matter."

Lu Shijin: "Do you still need to think about this? There is only one way I said. Your life is at stake. How long do you want to think about it?"

"Could it be, are you going to die now?" Zhou Xueyuan asked.

Lu Shijin: "That's not true. Mu Cang said that if he doesn't cultivate with me, I will die in three days."

"Then I will tell you the answer in two days!" Zhou Xueyuan took a step forward, broke away Lu Shijin's hand, walked to the door, pointed to the door and turned his head to Lu Shijin, "Now, let me go out!"

"..." Lu Shijin stood up reluctantly, and whispered forcefully, "Just go out, I'll see if you can think of a good way."


That night, Mu Cang unexpectedly didn't come to find Lu Shijin, and Lin Junchen also returned to the thatched hut early after cultivating.

Lu Shijin's internal injuries have mostly healed, and he will no longer change into a fox form.

Lin Junchen saw that the little fox appeared in the face of a big brother again today, and the smile in his eyes couldn't stop.

The night passed without incident, and in the early morning of the second day, Zhou Xueyuan sent a voice transmission to Lin Junchen to let him go to practice.

Lying on the bed, Lu Shijin noticed that Lin Junchen was leaving, and quickly got off the bed.

"What are you doing?" Lin Junchen wondered why the little fox didn't sleep in today?

Lu Shijin said as a matter of course, "I'll go with you."

"Ah?" Lin Junchen scratched his head in embarrassment, "Xiao Bai, don't make trouble, Master Zhou said that no one else can approach his residence without his permission. Be good, I know you've been staying here for a few days. I’m bored on the mountain, after a while, I’ll leave with Uncle Zhou and take you down the mountain to play, okay?”

Lu Shijin ignored Lin Junchen's coaxing, tidied up his clothes, and walked out the door first, "Go, you don't need to worry, I'll have my own opinion when I get to Uncle Zhou's place."

Lin Junchen had no choice but to follow Lu Shijin worriedly.

When he arrived at Zhou Xueyuan's place, as usual, Zhou Xueyuan would give Lin Junchen a morning class to explain the scriptures.

Usually there were only the two of them, so Zhou Xueyuan only put a futon in front of him, which was Lin Junchen's seat.

Zhou Xueyuan was stunned when he saw Lu Shijin walk in first, and Lin Junchen, who followed behind, hurriedly stepped forward to apologize.

"Uncle, forgive me, the disciple's spiritual pet admires Uncle Master for your profound teachings, so I also want to listen to Uncle Master's lectures, and I hope Uncle Master will not bother with him."

After Lin Junchen finished speaking, he stood tremblingly on the spot, unsure of Zhou Xueyuan's attitude, hunched over and did not dare to stand up.

Lu Shijin didn't frighten Zhou Xueyuan at all, and glanced down at the ground, pretending to be surprised: "There is only one futon, so where do I sit?" He glanced around Zhou Xueyuan again, and took out a futon from his storage bag. Throwing it at Zhou Xueyuan's feet, he sat on the futon carelessly, "Why don't you just sit here."

Lin Junchen saw that Lu Shijin dared to act so recklessly in front of Zhou Xueyuan, his heart was hanging in his throat, he could only raise his eyes and observe the change of Zhou Xueyuan's face.

Secretly thinking in his heart, if Zhou Xueyuan shot Lu Shijin, could he help Lu Shijin to block it.

But something even more surprising happened.

In the face of Lu Shijin's words and deeds, Zhou Xueyuan didn't even frown. He just opened the scriptures on the table with a blank face, and said lightly: "Okay, all sit down, this seat is about to start teaching the scriptures."

Lin Junchen obediently sat down on the futon, but he couldn't help but wonder, what the **** is going on?

When Zhou Xueyuan began to teach the scriptures, he would inject his cultivation into the scriptures he recited. If someone with high understanding heard it, he would feel like he was enlightened.

Lin Junchen is like this. When he listens to Zhou Xueyuan's sermons, he always smiles and nods frequently.

Therefore, although Zhou Xueyuan has a cold and arrogant personality and doesn't like to interact with people, he is quite satisfied with the understanding of Lin Junchen, his nephew, and is willing to teach him.

If people with low comprehension, such as Lu Shijin, hear Zhou Xueyuan's scriptures, they will only feel dizzy, as if they are in the clouds and can't figure out the direction.

Lu Shijin only listened for a while, then he yawned again and again, so sleepy he couldn't keep his eyelids open.

This is also because everyone has different opportunities. There are three thousand avenues. Some people can penetrate one of them and they can soar in the daytime.

The scriptures Zhou Xueyuan spoke were obscure and profound, and Lu Shijin had no chance to understand its meaning, so he fell asleep.

Lu Shijin shook his body, but finally couldn't resist the sleepiness, and fell asleep at Zhou Xueyuan's feet.

Zhou Xueyuan was actually relieved to see that he was asleep. He was also afraid that Lu Shijin would mess up and let Lin Junchen see the clue.

Unexpectedly, Lu Shijin was not honest even when he fell asleep. He closed his eyes and groped for Zhou Xueyuan's crossed legs, arched it to Zhou Xueyuan's legs like a loach, found a comfortable seat on Zhou Xueyuan's legs, put his head on it, mouth He was still muttering in his dreams.

"Master, don't forget to cultivate with your disciple..."

Halfway through the scriptures, Zhou Xueyuan bit his tongue...

And Lin Junchen heard half of it and wondered if there was something wrong with his ears, and he had auditory hallucinations...

Zhou and Lin, you look at me, I look at you, no one forgot to speak, and the room was silent for a while.

Only Lu Shijin was holding Zhou Xueyuan's thigh, and he continued to talk in his sleep: "I will die if I don't do Shuangxiu, you are so cruel..."

Lin Junchen's heart froze in an instant, Xiaobai, Xiaobai, do you know what you are talking about?

It's over! It's over! Uncle Zhou must be angry, is it too late for me to take him away now?

If Uncle Zhou wants to hurt Xiaobai, what should I do?

Zhou Xueyuan's original cold expression had indeed changed, and there seemed to be a cloud of black energy lingering between his brows, but he just clenched his hand into a fist, tightened it, loosened it again, and finally took a deep breath and imposed a ban on Lu Shijin. Words, so that he can no longer sleep talk.

Zhou Xueyuan raised his eyes and looked at Lin Junchen, whose expression was dull, and said lightly, "It's alright, continue."

Lin Junchen: "..."

In a morning class, Zhou Xueyuan taught scriptures for an hour, and Lu Shijin slept for an hour.

After Zhou Xueyuan told Lin Junchen the scriptures, he left the thatched hut. He seemed to be so angry that he forgot to assign Lin Junchen the task of training.

When Zhou Xueyuan left, Lin Junchen quickly stood up and went to wake up Lu Shijin, who was lying unconscious on the ground.

"Xiao Bai! Xiao Bai wake up!"

"Ah? What's wrong? It's dawn?" Lu Shijin got up and rubbed his eyes. After realizing that this was not the thatched hut he usually slept in, he finally remembered where he was now, "What's the matter? Why did I fall asleep? already?"

Lin Junchen looked at Lu Shijin without words, "Don't ask why you fell asleep, do you still know what you said after you fell asleep?"

Lu Shijin frowned: "What?"

Lin Junchen hesitated, he was really embarrassed to say such words.

"Forget it, let's leave quickly, this time, Uncle Zhou is not angry," Lin Junchen rubbed his forehead and sighed, "It can only be said that you have a great fate."

Lu Shijin didn't care whether Zhou Xueyuan was angry or not, he just wanted to shake Zhou Xueyuan's eyes from time to time to remind him to think about their affairs.

Lu Shijin stood up and patted the dust on his body, "Let's go."

Lin Junchen silently followed Lu Shijin back to the thatched hut. When Lu Shijin turned his head, he found that Lin Junchen was still following him, and asked in confusion, "Aren't you going to practice?"

Although Zhou Xueyuan did not assign tasks to Lin Junchen, Lin Junchen was strict with himself and did not want to waste a day.

"We're going now." Lin Junchen looked at Lu Shijin, but didn't take a step.

Seeing Lin Junchen's posture, Lu Shijin was taken aback, "Do you have something to tell me?"

"Xiaobai..." Lin Junchen lowered his eyes and didn't look at Lu Shijin's face, he stared at his snow-white shoe toes, and hesitantly said, "I know that your fox clan...most of you like double cultivation to improve your cultivation level...but... …”

"But what, if you have something to say, don't be vague." Lu Shijin was a little impatient when he saw that Lin Junchen refused to clarify the words for a long time.

"Uncle Zhou's cultivation is ruthless, not someone you can choose to cultivate." Lin Junchen pursed his lower lip, as if he had made up his mind.

Lu Shijin didn't understand why Lin Junchen said that, and said inexplicably, "So what?"

"So...if you want to find someone to repair..." Lin Junchen raised his head suddenly, looking at Lu Shijin's eyes as bright as stars, "I can help you!"

Lu Shijin's pupils trembled: "Huh?"

"Xiao Bai... No, it's the senior brother," Lin Junchen stepped forward and looked at Lu Shijin deeply, "Eldest brother, I know it's you, you can't hide it from me. Even if someone can become like you It's exactly the same, but you can't even learn the demeanor and movements of a person, so I already knew it was you. You don't know how happy I was when I found out that the little fox was you!"

Lu Shijin: "..." It turns out that in Lin Junchen's eyes, his vest has already fallen off?

The young man has grown into a tall and handsome man, Qing Jun's face is full of tension and shyness, and his dark eyes looking at Lu Shi Jin are full of fiery affection.

"Senior Brother, I'm really happy that you can accompany me to Lotus Peak to cultivate," Lin Junchen tightly held the saber in his hand. The tension is no less than when I joined the Tianqingzong to take the entry exam, "So, I also want to do something for you, Senior Brother."

Lu Shijin's eyes twitched, "Do something for me?"

"Yes, if Shuangxiu can help Senior Brother improve your cultivation," Lin Junchen's pale cheeks flushed, "I will be happy to serve you."

Lu Shijin didn't know what he did to make Lin Junchen misunderstand that he wanted to practice with Renshuang, but he could hear the boy's admiration for him from the boy's words.

Lu Shijin was very moved, but he couldn't accept it.

But the other party is the male protagonist after all. If he rejects him directly, will he hold grudges and retaliate against him in the future?

Lu Shijin weighed it and decided to understand it with affection and reason with it.

"Junior Brother Lin, I am indeed your senior brother." Lu Shijin patted Lin Junchen on the shoulder and said earnestly, "But I didn't think about who I would practice with, you are still young and you are just laying the foundation. , you must not move your mind and take shortcuts, do you understand?"

A trace of heartache flashed in Lin Junchen's eyes, and the blush on his face quickly subsided, replaced by paleness.

"But you just said at Master Zhou's place..."

Lu Shijin: "What did I say? I slept from the beginning of listening to his sermons until he finished. How come I don't know what I said?"

"Yes, what you said was a dream talk," Lin Junchen took a step back, smiled tragically, and shook his head, "How can the dream talk be taken seriously, I was abrupt. Senior brother, I'm sorry."

Lin Junchen was so embarrassed that Lu Shijin was a little embarrassed. He shook his head and comforted Lin Junchen softly: "It's okay, I won't take it to heart, everyone just forget about it. You practice hard, Cultivation is about focusing on nothing else, and don’t have these miscellaneous thoughts anymore.”

"I understand, senior brother, I'm going to practice." After Lin Junchen finished speaking in a low voice, he turned and left with the cold sword in hand.

What a sin, he still hurt the pure and flawless boy heart of the male protagonist in the end!


Lin Junchen went to the Hantan Cave in the back mountain, where there is a thousand-year-old cold pool, which is cold to the bone, and is the most suitable for tempering people's will and patience.

When Lin Junchen Yujian arrived there, he didn't even take off his clothes, and ran directly into the cold pool water, waving the shocking sword in his hand and slashing in the water, but he couldn't stop cutting everything. In this way, he vented his unwillingness to be with him. sad.

The eldest brother doesn't like him, and he doesn't want to double cultivation with him.

Lin Junchen, what a shame you are! Why do you think that a person as unparalleled in the world as Big Brother would like you? !

I'm actually too embarrassed to say those words to the senior brother. What will the senior senior brother think of you in the future? Do you still have the face to see the senior senior brother in the future? !

You are such an asshole!

You are so pathetic!

What else are you cultivating! No one will like you at all!

The more Lin Junchen thought about it, the more embarrassed he felt, the infuriating qi in his body suddenly began to rush, Yintang jumped, and the surging evil thoughts in his heart couldn't stop rising.

A voice kept shouting in Lin Junchen's mind.

"He likes Zhou Xueyuan, but doesn't like you! You can't compare to Zhou Xueyuan!"

"Zhou Xueyuan is the first person in the Tianqing Sect, how can you possibly compare to him hahaha!"

"He doesn't like you, that's because he has no eyes!"

"Wouldn't it be nice to take him back and be yours alone!"

"Like someone is to get him to possess him! If he doesn't like you now, you will make him have to like you in the future!"

There was more and more black mist in Lin Junchen's eyes. Just when the black qi was about to overflow, an invisible True Qi descended from the sky and entered Lin Junchen's body, helping him to control the disordered True Qi in his body.

"Concentrate, gather Qi." Zhou Xueyuan's voice suddenly came from outside, and Lin Junchen immediately stabilized his mind.

When he realized what he was thinking about, and almost went crazy, Lin Junchen felt ashamed and regretful, and when he saw Zhou Xueyuan coming, he wished he couldn't lower his head into the pool.

"What were you thinking just now?" Zhou Xueyuan asked coldly.

Naturally, Lin Junchen didn't dare to express his true thoughts, so he lowered his head and said, "I'm sorry, uncle, but there is a problem I can't figure out when my disciple is cultivating.

Zhou Xueyuan: "You don't have to hide from me, I have heard what you and your senior brother said just now."

Lin Junchen was immediately ashamed, his face was red, and he gritted his teeth to avoid standing unsteadily.

Zhou Xueyuan's voice suddenly became serious: "Do you know why your senior brother said that to me in a dream today?"

"Disciple, I don't know." Lin Junchen said.

Zhou Xueyuan: "That's because someone disguised himself as this seat and seduced your senior brother. Think about it, if your senior brother doesn't like you, why did he accompany you to the Lotus Peak? He was just deceived and blinded his mind and heart. Eyes, so I don't realize that he actually likes you."

Hearing this, Lin Junchen raised his head in surprise, his black eyes filled with ecstasy, out of his belief in Zhou Xueyuan, he believed Zhou Xueyuan's words almost without any doubt.

Does the big brother like him? Just got scammed?

who is it? Who dares to deceive his big brother? !

At this time, Lin Junchen's resentment finally found an outlet. His eyes were scarlet, and he gritted his teeth: "I dare to ask Shishu, who is the villain?!"

"That person's name is Mu Cang, and he is a master of the magic way. You should have heard of it." Zhou Xueyuan said lightly.

Lin Junchen suddenly thought that the senior brother once said that he had a grudge against Mu Cang, and after he had completed his cultivation, he would help him find Mu Cang to avenge him, so it was!

Lin Junchen had no doubts about Zhou Xueyuan's words. He clenched his sword and clasped his fist at Zhou Xueyuan and said, "Please tell me, my uncle, where is Mu Cang? Although my disciple is not talented, I can't watch my senior brother being insulted by thieves. Disciple must kill Mu Cang to let out this vicious anger for Senior Brother!"

Zhou Xueyuan nodded and said, "This is my Tianqing Sect disciple. Mu Cang insulting him is equivalent to humiliating this seat. If you want to kill Mu Cang, this seat will naturally help you. Come here, and this seat will tell you where to find it. Getting him and how to deal with him..."