Chapter 105: Long Aotian and Leng Xianjun

At night, Lin Junchen didn't return from his practice, and Lu Shijin was waiting in the thatched hut. He didn't wait for Zhou Xueyuan to call him over, so he couldn't sit still.

He took out a mirror and looked at his face.

The person in the mirror has slender eyebrows, a pair of affectionate eyes, cut eyes like a knife, skin like snow, which can be regarded as a face that turns all living beings upside down, why Zhou Xueyuan is not moved?

Obviously, in the first few worlds, stinky men are very showy.

Why did he become Liuxia Hui who was sitting still in his arms when he arrived in this world?

Lu Shijin was puzzled and asked 711: "Are you sure that 211 didn't tell us the wrong information? I think Lin Junchen is more like Zhou Xueyuan."

711: "It's definitely not wrong. It's Zhou Xueyuan. No matter how unreliable 211 is, it won't even bind the host wrong."

Lu Shijin was still skeptical: "Tell me the truth, was there such a record of binding the wrong host before 211?"

711: "..."

Lu Shijin listened to 711 for a long time without speaking, and said with a sneer, "Well, you don't need to say anything, I understand."

"Relax, host, that was before, I believe this time 211 will definitely not," 711 defended his good brother, "The reason why Zhou Xueyuan is indifferent to you, I guess it has something to do with his mission."

"Mission?" Lu Shijin thought for a while, "You mean the first task in the world?"

711: "That's right, Zhou Xueyuan is too obsessed with his love. If you cultivate with the host, wouldn't it be a failure? How can he still be number one in the world?"

Lu Shijin seemed to make sense when he thought about it.

"However, the protagonist of this plot is Lin Junchen, right?" Lu Shijin frowned and said worriedly, "In the future, the number one in the world must be Lin Junchen's, so how can Zhou Xueyuan complete the task?"

711: "Yeah..."

Lu Shijin has a big head and is heartbroken for his husband's ambition and dominance.

He was about to go out to find Zhou Xueyuan to explore, but he didn't expect to see Mu Cang in black standing at the door as soon as he opened the door.

"Why are you here?" Lu Shijin was a little overwhelmed. He was really afraid of what was coming. Isn't this guy here to urge his life?

Mu Cang's face was gloomy, and he didn't say a word, his robes rattled in the night wind.

Lu Shijin felt the low pressure in the air, consciously opened the door a little, and said with a dry smile, "How about you come and talk first?"

Mu Cang didn't stand still with Lu Shijin, walked into the thatched hut, turned his back to him and asked in a cold voice, "Why don't you do it yet?"

Lu Shijin closed the door and said in a low voice, "Don't think about it, Zhou Xueyuan is a master at the master level. How could he be his opponent by hitting me with a clear sword? So even if I want to do it, I have to find an opportunity. You say yes. no?"

Mu Cang: "Let me remind you, there is not much time left for you."

Lu Shijin nodded again and again, "I understand, I understand."

Sandwiched in the middle, it's hard to be human at both ends.

Lu Shijin can only be glad that the memories of these two personalities are not interlinked, otherwise they will overturn.

Mu Cang suddenly turned around, stared at Lu Shijin and said, "Don't forget, you are the cauldron of this seat, and you can only belong to one person in this seat in your life."

"Yes, yes, I didn't forget." Lu Shijin responded with a good temper.

"If you dare to disagree with this seat, this seat will make your life worse than death." Mu Cang threatened.

Lu Shijin: "Yes, yes, I know."

Mu Cang: "This seat helped you heal the wound. Without this seat, you would have died of serious injuries long ago."

Lu Shijin: "Yes, yes, I understand."

Mu Cang frowned, Lu Shijin's unusual obedience today made him feel perfunctory, and the little fox must have some bad idea in his mind.

Maybe it's to protect Zhou Xueyuan.

"Do you like Zhou Xueyuan?" Mu Cang asked coldly.

"Yes, yes... Wait!" Lu Shijin took a sip, and after seeing Mu Cang's quickly frozen face, he quickly changed his words, shaking his head into a rattle, "No, no, no!"

Mu Cang stepped forward and grabbed Lu Shijin's hand, and said in a low voice, "Then go and kill him. If you kill him, I will believe you."

Lu Shijin was helpless, "Didn't I say it? Wait for the time?"

"Excuse." Mu Cang grabbed Lu Shijin's chin with the other hand, and said with a grim expression, "These are just your excuses, you can't understand this? You would rather sacrifice yourself than kill Zhou Xueyuan, you are not. What else is there to love for him?!"

Lu Shijin now only hates that he has not given birth to more mouths, and it is difficult to tell if there are mouths!

Mu Cang said again: "So, every time you see this seat, all you think about is him, right?"

Lu Shijin's chin was pinched in Mu Cang's hand, and he said inarticulately: "Woo, wood! Really wood! I'll send four!"

Just about to show his loyalty to the sky, Lu Shijin raised his other hand and raised his four fingers up, hoping to convince Mu Cang.

Mu Cang glanced at Lu Shijin's raised hand, let go of his chin, and said with a flick of his sleeve, "If you really don't have one, then make a swearing oath, and I will trust you once."

"Okay, I swear, I swear, when I saw you, I never thought of Zhou Xueyuan!" Lu Shijin rubbed his chin and said happily.

However, Mu Cang was not satisfied: "Who made you make such an oath, it's not sincere."

Lu Shijin laughed along: "Then how do you think it is sincere to swear?"

"Let me say one sentence, you follow it," Mu Cang said in a cold voice, "I, Lu Shijin swear to God, I will never betray Mu Cang in this life, and I will be single-minded towards Mu Cang. Hell, there will never be a supernatural life!"

The front was fine, but when it came to the end, Lu Shijin, who had a ghost in his heart, refused to continue following Mu Cang.

The cold sweat on his forehead poured down, and he stepped back with a guilty conscience, his eyes wandering, "No need, make such a heavy oath?"

Mu Cang was furious and stretched out his five fingers towards Lu Shijin, "So you are lying to me!"

Lu Shijin hurriedly backed away, avoiding Mu Cang's grab, and played the game of "King Qin around the pillar" with Mu Cang across a wooden table.

"No, no, I didn't lie to you, calm down and listen to my explanation!"

Just when the two of you were chasing me, the door was suddenly kicked open. Lu Shijin took a closer look outside the door. Cang's eyes were the same as when he saw his father's enemy.

Lu Shijin has a bad heart. If he wants to die, why did Lin Junchen come back? !

Still think it's not messy enough? !

Mu Cang turned around and saw that it was Lin Junchen. There was no trace of turbulence on his face, obviously he didn't take Lin Junchen seriously.

"Are you Mu Cang?" Lin Junchen asked word by word.

"It's this seat. You have knowledge and know who this seat is." Mu Cang raised his chin arrogantly, without even looking at Lin Junchen.

Lin Junchen almost gritted his silver teeth with hatred.

If it really is as Master Zhou said, the traitor Mu Cang has transformed into his appearance to entangle Senior Brother!

He heard the movement in the thatched hut just now. The dog thief not only forced the eldest brother to assassinate the uncle Zhou, but also forced the eldest brother to swear that kind of oath, which is really hateful!

If he hadn't arrived in time, I'm afraid Big Brother would fall into his clutches again!

Seeing that Lin Junchen was standing still, Mu Cang glanced at him displeasedly: "I didn't see that I have something to talk about with your senior brother? If you are sensible, let me go out, otherwise, don't blame me for being rude. "

Lu Shijin was busy and persuaded: "Junior Brother Lin, you go out first, I'm fine, don't worry."

"Senior Brother!" Lin Junchen held his sword tightly and said loudly, "Don't worry, as long as I am here, I will never let this devil bully you again!"

Mu Cang sneered coldly and mocked: "Oh? Listen to what you mean, do you want to fight with this seat?"

Lu Shijin hurried to the door and pushed Lin Junchen out, "Let's go, go, you've got your heart, but you can't beat him, don't be impulsive."

Lin Junchen didn't move at all, grabbed Lu Shijin's hand with his backhand, led the person behind him, and used his body to protect Lu Shijin.

"Senior brother, for you, I don't care about life and death. No matter what I say today, I must make the devil who bullied you pay the price!"

There is such a person who sincerely protects him, and it must be false to say that he is not touched at all.

Lu Shijin stood behind Lin Junchen, looking at the thin and straight back of the young man, his eyes were slightly warm.

Alas, little junior brother, I really have no way to repay your affection for me in this life!

"Shuzi is crazy! I have to see this seat, what price do you want this seat to pay!" Mu Cang sneered, and suddenly a long sword appeared in his hand, and then leaped into the sky, like a vigorous eagle rushing towards Lin Junchen Pounce!

Lin Junchen also reacted quickly, raising his sword quickly to meet Mu Cang's attack.

There was a shadow of swords and swords in the house. How could the primitive thatched hut withstand the tossing of these two people? Before a few moves, the poor thatched hut was on the verge of crumbling.

Lu Shijin looked terrified outside the battle, his heart was hanging in his throat, and the gods were fighting inside. He only used a knife to chop melons and vegetables in his life, but he didn't dare to intervene rashly, so he could only keep shouting to persuade them to stop and stop fighting.

But no one listened to him.

Although Lin Junchen has the aura of a male protagonist, his cultivation time is still short, and his cultivation is simply not enough to fight against Mu Cang.

Even Lu Shijin, who didn't know how to fight, could see that Lin Junchen was already at a disadvantage, but Mu Cang didn't make a killing move for him, playing with Lin Junchen like a cat catching a mouse.

Suddenly, Lin Junchen raised his sword and stabbed at Mu Cang. This move was unremarkable, but it was the most basic sword move of the Tianqing Sect. Mu Cang could have avoided it without much effort, but he suddenly felt his body The infuriating qi was blocked, unable to condense, and the movement of dodging stagnated for a while!

It was in this flash of lightning that gave Lin Junchen a chance. Lin Junchen stabbed Mu Cang's heart with a sword, but without a sword, he stabbed Mu Cang in the opposite direction!

Lu Shijin never thought that Mu Cang's cultivation would be stabbed by Lin Junchen. Seeing the tip of the sword emerging from Mu Cang's back, he didn't respond. After a few seconds, Lu Shijin finally realized what happened, like a dream. As soon as he woke up, he shouted and rushed towards Mu Cang.

"Mu Cang!" Lu Shijin supported Mu Cang and asked in horror, "How are you? Is there anything wrong?"

Mu Cang still maintained an expression of disbelief, looking at his chest, he really couldn't figure out that he would be stabbed by the lowly cultivated Lin Junchen.

Blood slowly overflowed from the corner of Mu Cang's mouth, and he slowly turned his head to look at Lu Shijin.

He asked, "You worry about me, have me in your heart, right?"

"Fool, of course I have you in my heart!" Lu Shijin rummaged through the storage bag with shaking hands, found a bottle of hemostatic medicine, poured one out and handed it to Mu Cang's mouth, "Stop talking, save your energy. , it's alright, it will be alright."

But Mu Cang shook his head and didn't take the medicine, "No, this medicine is useless to me, I know my own body," Mu Cang looked at Lin Junchen with a half-smile, "You are very good, you can kill The people in this seat will definitely make great achievements in the future.”

"I..." Lin Junchen didn't know what to say. He didn't expect things to go so smoothly. Seeing that Lu Shijin was so nervous and Mu Cang, he realized that he seemed to have made a big mistake, his hand trembled and he let go. holding sword.

After Mu Cang fell, Lu Shijin quickly crouched down and hugged him firmly.

"Hurry up and take the medicine, don't talk about these immortal nonsense!" Lu Shijin blushed, "You won't die, I will definitely save you!"

"I didn't want to hurt you..." Mu Cang fell into Lu Shijin's arms, his voice became very weak, he stared deeply into Lu Shijin's eyes, because it was the last look, he was reluctant to blink.

"I know, I know!" Lu Shijin nodded, tears dripping down Mu Cang's face.

"It's the first time someone is willing to cry for me," Mu Cang smiled miserably, raised his hand to touch Lu Shijin's cheek, and wanted to help him wipe away the tears, "So, it's not a waste of my life... …”

Before he could finish speaking, Mu Cang's hand dropped, his eyes closed immediately, and his face returned to no sorrow or joy.

Lu Shijin's brain was buzzing, he lost his ability to think, and a huge sadness surged up, pressing him to the point of being unable to breathe.

died? Twilight is dead? just die?

"Senior" Lin Junchen saw that Lu Shijin was so devastated by Mu Cang's death, he couldn't help but said, "Don't be bewitched by this devil, he deliberately turned into the appearance of Uncle Zhou to seduce you... …”

"Why did you want to kill him?" Lu Shijin raised his head to look at Lin Junchen with coldness in his eyes, and asked a louder and more angry question, "Why did you kill him? How could you kill him?!"

"I..." Lin Junchen wanted to say that Master Zhou ordered him to kill Mu Cang, but he promised Zhou Xueyuan that he would not disclose the matter, so he chose to remain silent.

Lu Shijin is shaking all over, Mu Cang is dead, can Zhou Xueyuan still live?

If even Zhou Xueyuan died, what would he do? !

He has worked so hard for such a long task just to be with his lover in the end. If Zhou Xueyuan's task fails, then what's the point of him completing the task? !

It's all Lin Junchen! Why did he show up! Why did he kill Mu Cang with one hand? !

Lu Shijin stared at Lin Junchen, unable to restrain the thought of dying with him to avenge his lover.

"Host host! Calm down first!" 711 felt Lu Shijin's mood swings, and quickly came out to persuade, "Zhou Xueyuan is not dead! Not dead!"

Lu Shijin was agitated: "Isn't he dead? Then why isn't he awake yet?"

711: "No, listen to me, the one you're holding, whether it's Mu Cang or Zhou Xueyuan, is indeed dead. But, do you still remember that Zhou Xueyuan has an incarnation of kindness?"

Lu Shijin's mind flashed, "Yes! Zhou Xueyuan also has a clone! So what?"

711: "211 just contacted me, and it said that Zhou Xueyuan's consciousness is looking for that clone to fuse, so he's not dead yet!"