Chapter 106: Long Aotian and Leng Xianjun

not dead!

Then there is help!

Everything is turning around!

Lu Shijin closed his eyes and took a deep breath several times, stabilizing the anxious state of mind just now.

When he opened his eyes again, he still had no idea what to do next.

He didn't know who Zhou Xueyuan's kindness was. There were so many people in the world, how to find it?

By the way, Zhou Xueyuan cut off Shan Nian fifteen years ago. If Shan Nian was reincarnated as a human being, he would be a fifteen or sixteen year old boy now.

But there are more than ten million young people of this age in the world, and finding such a person is undoubtedly a needle in a haystack.

Lu Shijin was thinking about his next plan when suddenly he heard several long and heavy bells from a distance.

Lu Shijin listened carefully and had a bad premonition about the strange sound of the bell. He raised his head and asked Lin Junchen, "This is?"

Lin Junchen's expression changed, "This is an early warning bell that only rings if there is a major event in the sect! There must be something wrong in the sect, and the head is calling all the disciples back to the mountain. Senior brother, do we want to go back?"

"Wait a minute, let's see what's going on first." Lu Shijin put Mu Cang's body on the ground, stood up slowly, and walked out of the thatched hut.

What's the urgency to get everyone together at night?

The more Lu Shijin thought about it, the more he felt that something was wrong. Looking from a distance, the barrier set up by Zhou Xueyuan didn't know when, it was gone!

Zhou Xueyuan was dead, and the enchantment he set up naturally disappeared.

Therefore, there is indeed a major event happening in the Tianqing Sect right now, and that is the death of the first person in the Tianqing Sect, Zhou Xueyuan!

The head must have found that the lamp of life belonging to Zhou Xueyuan was extinguished, so he rang the warning bell and called on his disciples to return to the mountain.

Maybe, the people of Tianqingzong will be killed on the Lotus Peak soon!

Lu Shijin hurriedly walked back to the thatched hut and glanced at the chilling sword still stuck in Mu Cang's chest.

The Frightening Cold Sword is an extremely cold weapon, and the wound caused by it will condense a layer of cold air, which is easy to identify.

If the people from the Tianqing Sect arrived and found that Zhou Xueyuan was killed by the Frightening Sword, even if Lin Junchen had a hundred mouths, he would not be able to explain it!

Tianqing sect rules, those who deceive their teachers and destroy their ancestors will be killed without mercy!

Lin Junchen is the male protagonist, and Lu Shijin is not worried that he will die, but he is worried that Lin Junchen will follow the old path of the original plot again.

After being wronged by the master, he held a grudge, and after becoming a demon, he returned to the master.

Although Lin Junchen killed Mu Cang just now, in the end, Lin Junchen also misunderstood Mu Cang for bullying him and wanted to vent his anger for him. The fault was not entirely due to Lin Junchen alone.

Lu Shijin really couldn't bear to see Lin Junchen go to the point where everyone betrayed his relatives.

Lin Junchen was confused by the look in Lu Shijin's eyes when he looked at him. Just now, he looked like he wanted to kill him. Why did it suddenly change to sympathy?

"Eldest brother, why are you... why are you looking at me like that?"

How could Lin Junchen guess? In this short period of time, Lu Shijin thought about it a lot, but he didn't realize that he had caused a catastrophe and his life was at stake.

"Senior brother, Mu Cang hides evil intentions and uses cunning methods to deceive you. It's not a pity for this kind of devil to die, you should be awake." Lin Junchen said in a self-righteous manner, "Zongli still doesn't know when the early warning bell rings in the middle of the night. What happened, why don't we go down the mountain to see?"

Lu Shijin silently looked at this innocent young man who didn't know what was going on, so stupid that he wanted to throw himself into the net.

Forget it, a good person will do it to the end and send the Buddha to the west, so he will show Lin Junchen a clear path.

Lu Shijin reached out and pulled out the chilling sword on Mu Cang's body and threw it to Lin Junchen, "I won't go back to the sect, leave here with me now, immediately!"

Lin Junchen put his sword back in its sheath, and asked strangely, "Where are you going?"

Lu Shijin looked up at the sky: "Desperate!"


Leaving from Tianqingzong, Lu Shijin and Lin Junchen disguised as ordinary people and went to the mortal world.

The mortal world is mixed, and it is best to hide their identities. Even if the people of Tianqingzong want to find them, it is not so easy to find them for a while.

On the side of Tianqingzong, Zhou Xueyuan was found dead, and Zhou Xueyuan died under the sword of Frightening Cold, and Lin Junchen and Lu Shijin both disappeared. Zhou Xueyuan's death, the two of them are the most suspicious.

Lu Shijin guessed that Tianqingzong would hunt them down, but he didn't expect the pursuit order to come so quickly.

They had already fled to a small town on earth five hundred kilometers away from Tianqingzong, and they had only stayed for a day, and the pictures of him and Lin Junchen had already been posted on the notice board on the street.

Maybe it's because he thinks this is a family scandal and shouldn't be publicized.

The notice of Tianqingzong only said that two inner disciples had committed an accident and were on the run, and asked all the immortals to cooperate in arresting them. It did not mention that Lin Junchen killed Zhou Xueyuan.

After all, no one saw it with their own eyes, and they had no conclusive evidence that it was Lin Junchen who killed Zhou Xueyuan with the Frightening Sword.

And Lin Junchen didn't realize what happened, and it felt strange to see the portraits of him and Lu Shijin all over the street.

"Senior brother, Zongli issued a search warrant for us, saying that we had done something wrong. Did we leave Lianhua Peak privately, making Uncle Zhou and the head angry? Otherwise, let's go back and apologize to them?"

Lu Shijin silently glanced at the silly little junior brother through the hood.

The street was not the place to talk. The two returned to the inn where they stayed and closed the door before Lu Shijin decided to tell Lin Junchen the truth.

"Master, we can't go back for the time being." Lu Shijin took off his hat, put it on the table, sat down, poured himself a glass of water, took a sip, and said calmly, "Because we made a mistake. It's not just as simple as leaving Lotus Peak privately."

Lin Junchen was puzzled: "What else?"

Lu Shijin put down the cup, looked at the chilling sword in Lin Junchen's hand, and said, "You killed Master Zhou."

Lin Junchen was shocked: "What?!"

Lu Shijin: "What I'm going to say next may sound bizarre, but it's true. Tianqing Sect Zhou Xueyuan and Mo Dao Venerable Mu Cang are the same person..."

Next, Lu Shijin told Lin Junchen the whole story, but saved the emotional entanglement between himself and the two.

Lin Junchen sat down on the table, and after sitting down, he swayed twice.

This is not his fault. It is difficult for anyone to digest such a huge secret in a short period of time.

"But..." Lin Junchen looked at Lu Shijin with a pale face, "Since Master Zhou and Mu Cang are the same person, why did he want me to kill Mu Cang?"

Now it was Lu Shijin's turn to be surprised, "What? Did Zhou Xueyuan make you kill Mu Cang?"

Lin Junchen nodded and said with a sad face: "Yes, Master Zhou said, Mu Cang disguised himself as him to seduce you, let me kill him, and he will help me. Why did he want to trap me in injustice? "

Lu Shijin: "..."

He thought that Zhou Xueyuan had given up the idea of ​​killing Mu Cang after he knew the truth, but he never expected that he would kill himself with Lin Junchen's hand.

Damn, does this mean that he would rather commit suicide than cultivate with him? !

Lu Shijin originally thought that Lin Junchen had meddled in his own business and killed Mu Cang, but now hearing him say that, all his dissatisfaction disappeared, and instead he felt more and more sympathetic to him.

The poor baby is also being tricked.

Then, the sadness of life and death yesterday was also swept away.

Lu Shijin sneered secretly, stinky man, if you have the ability, don't let Lao Tzu find your kindness, otherwise...

"Senior Brother, what should we do now? I really didn't kill Master Zhou on purpose." Lin Junchen looked at Lu Shijin blankly, but fortunately he still has Senior Brother with him.

Lu Shijin nodded, "I know."

Lin Junchen held a glimmer of hope, "How about we go back to the sect now to explain the situation to the head? The head has always treated me very well, and he should believe me."

"What you are committing now is the crime of deceiving your master and destroying your ancestors. No matter how good the boss treats you, it will not protect you." Lu Shijin refused without hesitation.

Lin Junchen blushed anxiously, "But I really don't!"

Lu Shijin: "I know the inside story, so I naturally believe in you, but others may not. This sounds incredible, and besides, Zhou Xueyuan died under your sword, but we have no evidence to prove that Zhou Xueyuan's death was deliberately done by him. , what do you think the head will judge then?"

"Are we going to keep fleeing on the charge of bullying our teachers and destroying our ancestors?" Lin Junchen buried his face in his hands, "I'm really innocent, why don't you believe me?"

"Junior Brother Lin, don't worry, things aren't turning around." Lu Shijin patted Lin Junchen on the shoulder to comfort him, "Don't forget, Zhou Xueyuan still has a good idea alive in the world. I suspect that he asked you to kill Mu Cang, It's just Jin Chan's plan to get out of the shell, and with his cultivation, he might be able to bring back the dead with the help of the body of good thoughts. So as long as we can find his good thoughts, we may be able to prove our innocence."

Hearing this, Lin Junchen grabbed Lu Shijin's hand excitedly, like a dying person grabbing the last straw, and asked hopefully, "Really?"

Lu Shijin: "I won't lie to you, that's why I took you away from Lotus Peak. What we need to do now is to find Zhou Xueyuan's kindness."

Lin Junchen immediately stood up, took his sword, and said with high fighting spirit, "Okay! Let's go find it now!"

"Sit down and sit down!" Lu Shijin waved his hand, "There is a sea of ​​people, do you know where to look? And the streets outside are full of people looking for the two of us, so you are not afraid that we will be caught before we find them. already?"

Lin Junchen's energy dwindled again when he just mentioned it, "But you can't do nothing, just sit and wait, right?"

"Don't worry, your brother, I have a plan!" Lu Shijin said in a mysterious way.

At this point, Lin Junchen had no choice but to trust Lu Shijin.

In order to be able to act in unison, the two of them only had one room in the inn.

At night, Lin Junchen sat on a chair and meditated, while Lu Shijin was lying on the bed.

When there was no sound from Lin Junchen, Lu Shijin found out 711 and asked Shannian's whereabouts: "Has Zhou Xueyuan's consciousness recovered? How long will it take?"

711: "Come on, it will take some time to integrate consciousness. 211 has not found Zhou Xueyuan's consciousness binding yet."

Lu Shijin was silent for a while, then suddenly asked: "Then... what about Mu Cang's consciousness? Will it also transfer to Shan Nian?"

711: "...Host, I advise you not to have such dangerous thoughts. Before the two personalities shared the same body, they had already fought to the death and I died together..."

"Oh, of course I know, I just asked casually, but I didn't have any hope." Lu Shijin turned over on the bed with an empty heart, and blamed himself, "I should have kept it from them if I knew earlier, I shouldn't have. Tell them the truth so that Mu Cang doesn't have to die."

711 knew that Lu Shijin was reluctant to bear Mu Cang, but who made Zhou Xueyuan the character bound by 211, and he couldn't find words to comfort Lu Shijin, so he simply kept his mouth shut.

After a while, Lu Shijin still couldn't sleep, and his stomach suddenly became unbearable, as if there were insects crawling in his stomach and biting him, the pain was so painful that he was about to roll on the bed!

Lu Shijin suddenly remembered an important matter - tonight, is it the deadline that Mu Cang set for him? !

Lu Shijin's heart suddenly cooled for the most part, and Mu Cang was completely wiped out, so wouldn't he be sure to die? !

"Convenience store, what should I do?" Lu Shijin couldn't think of anyone who could help him, so he could only ask 711 for help, "The spell that Mu Cang planted on me broke out! I forgot that I would die if I didn't cultivate with him, what can I do? Has it been resolved?!"

711 is also anxious to become an ant on the hot pot, "This, this... I have never dealt with this kind of problem! Hold on, I will contact the Lord God now and ask it how to solve it!"

Lu Shijin was sweating profusely in pain, "Hurry up, I'm about to die from the pain!"

"Does it hurt?"

Lu Shijin was lying on his side with his head in the direction of the bed. Suddenly, a voice sounded familiar and his tone was familiar, but the combination of the voice and the tone sounded strangely behind him.

Lu Shijin turned around and opened his eyes, "Who!"

There was a dark figure standing outside the gauze tent, looking like Lin Junchen, but intuition told Lu Shijin that it was not as simple as it seemed.

Lin Junchen would never speak to him in such a tone.

"It's me." "Lin Junchen" let out a low laugh, and stretched out his hand to lift the gauze curtain, "How come I haven't seen each other for a day, even I can't recognize it?"

Lu Shijin gritted his teeth, endured the pain in his stomach, and looked intently.

That person is indeed Lin Junchen's appearance, but the sneering arc on his lips that he is very familiar with does not belong to Lin Junchen at all!

Lu Shijin didn't know whether to be surprised or happy, so he sat up quickly and asked tentatively, "Mu Cang?"

"When I died yesterday, I really didn't expect to see you so soon." Mu Cang smiled, looked straight at Lu Shijin, and said quietly, "I thought we would meet on Huangquan Road, but I didn't expect, In the end, I'll find you first."