Chapter 107: Long Aotian and Leng Xianjun

Lu Shijin is now a little dizzy in addition to stomach pain.

What the **** is going on here?

Before Zhou Xueyuan, he actually waited for Mu Cang?

"Mu you know who you are now?" Lu Shijin slowly sat up from the bed and looked at the face that belonged to Lin Junchen without words.

Mu Cang raised his hand and touched his face, then put it down quickly, and said softly, "It must be that stinky boy who covets you, right?"

Lu Shijin was puzzled: "But how did you wake up? Aren't you... dead?"

Mu Cang picked up his clothes and sat down on the bed, "I really thought I was going to die at that time, but I didn't expect—"

"I didn't expect anything?" Lu Shijin was aroused by curiosity, and even forgot the pain in his abdomen for a while.

Mu Cang glanced at him, and an unfathomable smile appeared on his lips, "I originally thought that Zhou Xueyuan's evil thoughts and good thoughts were just lies he made up, but I didn't expect that he didn't disappoint me this time. , Shan Nian was really beheaded by him. Little fox, guess who this Shan Nian will be?"

I rely on? Mu Cang has said it so clearly, if he still can't guess, he is a fool.

"Is it Junior Brother Lin?" Lu Shijin swallowed.

Mu Cang nodded slightly.

Lu Shi was stunned.

He was all ready to find a needle in the haystack, but he told him that he was far away from the horizon?

Lin Junchen turned out to be transformed by Zhou Xueyuan's kindness!

How is this possible? This was never mentioned in the original story!

Lu Shijin felt that his brain was running out of use, so he held his forehead and re-arranged all the clues.

In the original plot, it was only mentioned that Zhou Xueyuan was the first person in the Tianqing Sect, and his role was only to teach Lin Junchen to practice in the early stage.

In the later stage, whether it was Lin Junchen being expelled from the division for being wronged, or returning to the division after becoming a demon, Zhou Xueyuan never appeared again.

I originally thought that Zhou Xueyuan was just a background board character, a tool person, is it possible that there is still a hidden secret here?

Lu Shijin suddenly felt shivering, if Lin Junchen was Zhou Xueyuan's kindness, then Zhou Xueyuan's deity could not be unaware.

So he deliberately instigated Lin Junchen to kill "himself", and then his consciousness could be reborn in Lin Junchen's body.

But why did he go to great lengths to do this?

Is it just to get rid of Mu Cang?

No, it's not just that simple.

Lu Shijin stared at the face of "Lin Junchen" and fell into a terrible idea.

Lin Junchen is the male protagonist of this drama and will be number one in the world in the future.

As long as Lin Junchen was there, Zhou Xueyuan would not be number one in the world.

Therefore, Zhou Xueyuan has only two ways to complete the system task, either kill Lin Junchen and replace him, or - turn himself into Lin Junchen!

As long as the consciousnesses of the two merge into one, Lin Junchen is Zhou Xueyuan, and Zhou Xueyuan is Lin Junchen, wouldn't all problems be solved?

Lu Shijin didn't have time to applaud Zhou Xueyuan's plan to steal the sky and change the sun, and suddenly thought of something.

What is the final ending of Zhou Xueyuan in the original plot?

Why did he let Lin Junchen go into the devil's way, but he didn't listen to it?

Thinking of this, a more terrifying thought popped up in Lu Shijin's mind.

Could it be that Zhou Xueyuan did this on purpose?

Zhou Xueyuan cultivated the Dao of Forgetfulness. He was an orphan since he was a child. He had no father, no mother, no wife and no children. In terms of seven emotions and six desires, he could be said to be alone.

When there is only one thing, it is Zhou Xueyuan's inseparable relationship.

That is his teacher's door.

And after Lin Junchen became a Demon Lord, he came back to wash the division and wiped out the Tianqing Sect, which happened to help Zhou Xueyuan cut off his last connection in this world and facilitated his avenue.

Lin Junchen came back to slaughter the division, where was Zhou Xueyuan at that time?

Thinking about it, I was extremely frightened, or was it that Lin Junchen at that time was actually Zhou Xueyuan? ! Or Twilight? !

"What are you thinking?" Mu Cang raised his hand and waved in front of Lu Shijin, calling him back to his senses.

Lu Shijin woke up, stared into Mu Cang's eyes, and asked, "You're awake, what about Zhou Xueyuan?"

"You actually still care about him!" Mu Cang sank his face, his eyes turned cold, "You really do have affection for him."

Lu Shijin was tired of Mu Cang's naive behavior of "being jealous of himself", and explained feebly: "...No, now Junior Brother Lin and I are suspected of killing Master Uncle and wanted by the Master, I always have to ask him about it. What's the situation? If he survives, I'm still waiting for him to clear our suspicions."

Mu Cang turned his face to the side, awkward for a while, and then reluctantly said, "He shouldn't have died, and he was also reborn in your junior brother's body, but I woke up before him."

Lu Shijin breathed a sigh of relief, but his face became worse and worse because of the pain of the spell.

Mu Cang noticed that Lu Shijin's face was getting more and more ugly, and couldn't help but ask, "Did the spell attack make you uncomfortable?"

If Mu Cang didn't mention it, Lu Shijin almost forgot.

"Ouch!" Lu Shijin rolled over on the bed covering his stomach, still scolding, "Bastard, you actually cursed me! Do you want me to bury you when you die?"

"When I cast the curse on you, I never thought that I would die one day. This incident also taught me a lesson. The world is impermanent, and no one knows whether they can live or not." Mu Cang said leisurely.

The eyebrows are on fire, and there is still time to hurt the spring and autumn!

Lu Shijin raised his foot and kicked him, and said angrily: "Why are you talking so much nonsense, quickly release the curse for me, you!"

The Demon World Venerable Mu Cang, who had never been kicked before, frowned slightly. He wanted to have a seizure, but when he thought that they had just gone through life and death, the little fox looked really sad when he died. Decided to tolerate Lu Shijin's beating and scolding him for the time being.

"This mantra is not difficult to solve, as long as it is done with this seat once."

Lu Shijin: "…"

Seeing that Lu Shijin was silent, Mu Cang narrowed his eyes dangerously: "What? You still don't want to? Would rather die than cultivate with me?"

Lu Shijin coughed: "...that's not what it meant."

Mu Cang: "Then why are you hesitating?"

Lu Shijin was hesitant to say anything: " remind you, what you are occupying is Junior Brother Lin's body...Is this okay?"

Mu Cang raised his eyebrows and hooked his lips, pressed Lu Shijin's thigh, and said, "It turns out that you are worried about this. Don't worry, this seat will help you to lift the curse using the exercises, and anyone's body can be used."

Lu Shijin bared his teeth in pain, and shook his head vigorously: "...But, I can't!"

Mu Cang was puzzled: "Why?"

Lu Shijin raised his head and glanced at Mu Cang, then fell down again, closed his eyes and said, "No, no, you're holding Junior Brother Lin's face, it's so weird! It's so similar to that, what! I'm a man of integrity, Lin Jun Chen is my junior brother, how can I take advantage of him when he is unconscious..."

Mu Cang didn't let Lu Shijin finish his words, he just leaned over to block Lu Shijin's mouth, lifted his fingers off Lu Shijin's clothes, got in and put his palm on Lu Shijin's stomach and rubbed it, the pain in Lu Shijin's abdomen really subsided a lot.

"Do you still think it can't be done? Huh? Do you want your life, or what you call integrity?" Mu Cang bit Lu Shijin's lips lightly and said in a low voice.

The two were face to face, and as far as Lu Shijin could see, he could only see Mu Cang's eyes.

It was the same look in Lin Junchen's eyes when he looked at him, unabashedly full of desires and thoughts.

The person in front of him was Mu Cang, and there was no trace of anyone else on his body.

Lu Shijin sounded like a gnat: "I think it's OK again."

There was a low laugh in Mu Cang's throat, rubbing the soft back of the little fox's neck, and happily raised his brows, "It seems that you are still dying."

"No," Lu Shijin denied, hugging Mu Cang's back actively, looking up and panting, "I actually do, I want you..."

The candles by the bed were quietly extinguished, the soft red gauze tent swayed, the wooden bed creaking in the dark, and the sound continued until dawn...

After a night of indulgence with Mu Cang, Lu Shijin woke up the next day, still feeling sore.

He subconsciously turned over and stretched out his hand to look for the person beside the pillow, but he was empty, opened his eyes and saw that there was no one beside him.

"Hey—" Lu Shijin sat up with his sore waist, and wanted to get out of bed to look for someone. He just raised his head and suddenly saw a silent person sitting there hugging his knees at the end of the bed, and he was startled.

Rubbing his eyes to see the person clearly, Lu Shijin calmed down, it turned out to be Mu Cang—

No, it's not Mu Cang, looking at his eyes, it seems to be Lin Junchen...

"Lin, junior brother?" Lu Shijin called him tentatively, Lin Junchen slowly raised his drooping head, glanced at Lu Shijin, hung down busy and ashamed, and said in a low voice, "Eldest brother."

Lu Shijin was surprised by Lin Junchen's reaction and asked, "What's the matter with you? Why are you sitting there?"

"Senior brother, last, me..." Lin Junchen was a little incoherent.

Lu Shijin immediately understood that the silly boy must not remember what happened last night. When he woke up this morning and found himself lying on the same bed with his senior brother disheveled, it was inevitable that he would panic.

Lu Shijin cleared his throat, unhurriedly put on his shirt, and said slowly: "Last night you sleepwalked and climbed into my bed..."

Having already experienced the lessons of Zhou Xueyuan and Mu Cang killing each other, Lu Shijin decided not to tell Lin Junchen the truth for the time being, lest the foolish child would not be able to accept it for a while and take a detour.

"Sleepwalking? I never knew I could sleepwalk?" Lin Junchen didn't quite believe it.

Lu Shijin said solemnly: "When people sleepwalk, they don't even know they are sleepwalking. You must be upset and overthinking about the things in the past few days, so you are sick."

Lin Junchen looked at Lu Shijin suspiciously: "Really? Then what did I do after sleepwalking? Just...just climbed into the bed?"

"Of course it's more than that," Lu Shijin snorted coldly and spread his hands, "Don't you see what you did? As you can see. Junior brother, I didn't expect you to be such a junior brother."

Lin Junchen's face suddenly turned red like fire, and his eyes flickered on Lu Shijin's neck and a small piece of exposed collarbone.

"Did I also make these marks on my brother's body?"

Lu Shijin didn't answer and asked, "Apart from you, is there anyone else?"

Lin Junchen asked in a low voice, "Why didn't senior brother resist? Or wake me up?"

Lu Shijin said calmly, "Because I like you too, why should I resist?"

Lin Junchen couldn't believe what he heard, and was shocked by the sudden joy. He crawled towards Lu Shijin on both hands and feet, knelt beside him, and asked in surprise, "Brother, what did you just say?!"

When Lu Shijin saw Lin Junchen's happy expression, he didn't know what to do, so he couldn't help curling the corners of his mouth, rubbed Lin Junchen's head, and said, "I said, I like you too, we are two lovers. Xiangyue, so I don't mind you doing this to me."

Lin Junchen's breathing suddenly became heavier, his chest heaving up and down, as if he was trying his best to restrain his turbulent agitation, so as to avoid too much gaffe.

"Senior brother, are you serious?" Lin Junchen's voice was hoarse and incomprehensible, looking at Lu Jin's black eyes, which were burning with raging fire, almost burning out his sanity.

"Of course it's true," Lu Shijin smiled. "You don't even think about it. If I didn't like you, why would I be so nice to you? You can leave it alone, so why accompany you to the end of the world, right?"

"I believe in Senior Brother! I know that Senior Brother is the best person in the world for me!" Lin Junchen embraced Lu Shijin boldly, kissed Lu Shijin on the face carefully, and said nervously and shyly, "Senior Brother, I was sleepwalking last night. , I can't remember what happened in the dream, brother, it's still early, why don't you take me to relive the dream last night?"