Chapter 108: Long Aotian and Leng Xianjun

Lu Shijin's face became dry, feeling that he was not a thing, deceiving an innocent boy.

"Then what... is prostitution in the daytime, what kind of formality is it?" Lu Shijin put on a serious face, "We'll talk about it at night."

Lin Junchen hugged Lu Shijin and refused to let go. He arched his big head around Lu Shijin's neck, sniffing his beloved senior brother greedily, and wanted to fight for himself: "But..."

Lu Shijin blushed a little by the enthusiasm of the young man, and tried his best to pretend to be serious: "But what, don't you even listen to me?"

Lin Junchen wasn't stupid either. He looked at Lu Shijin's face, and it didn't seem like he was really blaming him. He thought it was just the first day the two broke the relationship. Lu Shijin was a little shy.

He also thought of what was jokingly said between the brothers and sisters in the mountains. A former senior brother who was all over the Xianmen family said that as long as one party takes the initiative, it is a matter of a layer of window paper. If the two They are all reserved and unwilling to put down the shelf, which would be a bit of a grind.

The big brother is a person who is like the stars and the moon in the sky, how can he let go of his body and take the initiative? Of course Lin Junchen was reluctant to let Lu Shijin do this.

Lin Junchen has a scruple in his heart. Since he had done the Dunlon salute with his senior brother last night, he should take the initiative a little bit, and the children who take the initiative will have meat to eat!

"Senior brother, but I think..." Lin Junchen wrapped his arms around Lu Shijin's waist, making a gesture to push him onto the bed, and looked at him with a burning gaze, "Senior brother, don't reject me, okay? I really like you. , I like it very much, I want to be with you every day, and see you every day..."

Listening to Lin Junchen's straightforward love words, Lu Shijin couldn't help blushing, and said angrily, "You usually seem to be quite serious and polite. Who did you learn these sour love words from?"

Lin Junchen said with a smile: "Second Senior Brother has the most words, and usually likes to tell us stories. Those scholars in the book always said this when they had a tryst with the young lady."

"You don't learn well, you learn badly!" Lu Shijin raised his hand and hit him, "Don't listen to this mess again in the future."

"Okay, I won't listen if Senior Brother doesn't let me listen," Lin Junchen's warm breath sprayed on Lu Shijin's face, his eyes lit up like a little wolf cub who had only been hungry for three days, "These words, In the future, I will only tell the senior brother to listen to it alone, does the senior brother like it?"

Lu Shijin pouted disdainfully, "I don't like it!"

"But brother here told me that you like it," Lin Junchen put his hand on Lu Shijin's heart, feeling the heartbeat there, like a child who found candy, smiling slyly and contentedly, "Senior brother, your heart is beating so fast , Second Senior Brother said, when you meet someone you like, your heart beats faster, right?"

Lu Shijin couldn't help but wonder who the "Second Senior Brother" was in Lin Junchen's mouth. Among the rigid Taoist priests of Tianqingzong, there was still such a romantic love, so he had to make good friends.

"Brother, give it to me?" Lin Junchen lowered his head, put his ear on Lu Shijin's chest, listened to the heartbeat in his chest, and said quietly, "I don't remember everything that happened last night, I woke up today and heard my brother say My heart is happy, it still feels as unreal as a dream. Brother, tell me, this is not a dream, right?"

Lin Junchen is so good at flirting, no one can stand it.

Lu Shijin, who was used to seeing strong winds and waves, couldn't help but get up in a frenzy.

Unbuttoning the loose underwear, Lin Junchen saw the ambiguous marks all over Lu Shijin's body, and his eyes darkened. Although he could not remember where these marks came from, the thought of him giving them to his senior brother made his heart overflow. throbbing.

Lu Shijin lay there and waited for a while, but saw that Lin Junchen just undressed his clothes and did not take the next step, and asked inexplicably, "What are you looking at?"

Lin Junchen's face was flushed, and sweat was dripping from his forehead. He looked at Lu Shijin nervously: "Senior brother...I, I don't know...what should I do? I forgot all about it. …”

Lu Shijin: "..." Boy, you didn't forget, but you didn't do it at all, you will have a ghost.

"Senior brother, what did I do last night? Can you teach me again?" Lin Junchen's face was full of curiosity, and he said eagerly, "I will study hard this time."

Lu Shijin was silent again: "..."

What did you do last night? You didn't do it last night!

Lu Shijin couldn't help recalling in his mind the scene of him and Mu Cang being passionate on this bed last night.

But early this morning, the object was changed to a younger brother. Although the face has not changed, and the person is the same person, Lu Shijin couldn't help but feel a shameful feeling of cheating on someone else behind his back.

He thought of another question, wouldn't he have to cultivate with Mu Cang at night, and to satisfy his younger brother during the day?

He only has one body and two kidneys. Is he going to kill everyone? !

"Senior brother? What are you thinking?" Seeing Lu Shijin's eyes wide open, Lin Junchen shook Lu Shijin's arm.

Lu Shijin woke up like a dream, his body trembled, he looked at Lin Junchen in horror, pushed him away, put on his clothes, and muttered, "No more! Not a drop!"

Lin Junchen was stunned: "..."

Lu Shijin realized that he was making a fuss, for fear of causing Lin Junchen's suspicion, he coughed unnaturally, and said, "Junior Brother Lin, I still think this kind of thing can't be done well during the day, it's too insulting, you and I are both A cultivator, you should be clear about your desires and not be too hasty. Get up first, I have something important to discuss with you."

Lin Junchen was very aggrieved when the flesh flew out of his mouth, and secretly hated himself for being useless. He didn't even know how to do such a thing, and he was stupid enough to ask his senior brother to teach him!

It must be the senior brother who thinks he is stupid, so he is unwilling to continue with him.

Lin Junchen remembered that the second senior brother said that there are such things as **** palace pictures and Longyang booklets in the mortal world, which are specially used for teaching techniques in the classroom. After a while, I will go out and buy two books and come back to study. I must not let the senior brother underestimate him. !

Where did Lu Shijin think of what Lin Junchen was thinking about? He put on his clothes, tidied up his instrument, and sat down at the round table to wait for Lin Junchen to finish cleaning up.

After Lin Junchen sat down, he was still immersed in self-loathing, and asked absently, "What do you want to say to me?"

"I thought of a way to help us clear the suspicion of murder." Lu Shijin said.

Lin Junchen wondered: "Aren't we looking for Master Zhou's kindness?"

Silly boy, you are.

Lu Shijin looked at Lin Junchen and shook his head, "I don't look for it anymore. I don't know what year and month I found it if I keep looking. I'm afraid that we haven't found it yet, and our whereabouts have already been discovered."

When Lin Junchen heard that it was serious business, he also became serious, "What is the solution for senior brother?"

"We put the blame on Mu Cang." Lu Shijin said decisively.

Lin Junchen blinked, "But isn't Mu Cang the Uncle Zhou?"

Lu Shijin smiled mysteriously, "Yes, but at the time, only you and I knew about this matter. If we don't say it, how can other people know this secret?"

Lin Junchen lowered his eyes and thought for a while, then raised his head and opened his eyes slightly, "Senior brother, what do you mean—"

Lu Shijin: "That's right, Mu Cang is dead, and there is no evidence of his death, so we put the charge of killing Uncle Zhou on his head, and then we said that we were kidnapped by Mu Cang and left Lianhua Peak, and we tried our best to escape from him. It's out. Anyway, they can't find Mu Cang to confront him, we can also clean ourselves."

After listening to Lin Junchen, he thought about it seriously, and hesitantly said: "But this is just our one-sided word. If there is any real evidence, I'm afraid they won't believe it."

"There will be evidence," Lu Shijin smiled and said to himself, "Also, I will let Mu Cang tell the world in person that it was him who killed Zhou Xueyuan."

Although Lin Junchen didn't know what Lu Shijin's next plan was, he didn't ask. He completely trusted Lu Shijin and believed that Lu Shijin would definitely lead them out of the predicament.

As long as he is by the elder brother's side, he is not afraid of anything.


In order to solve the curse last night, Lu Shijin didn't have time to discuss with Mu Cang about making him take the blame.

However, he felt that Mu Cang would definitely show up at night, so he was not in a hurry.

Now the streets are full of people looking for them, and sooner or later the inn is not a safe place.

After thinking about it, Lu Shijin decided to leave the inn and go to an inaccessible field to avoid it, lest he would be caught before he could wait for Mu Cang.

The two left the room, put on their hats and left the inn.

They didn't dare to fly with their swords, it was too dazzling, others knew they were monks at first glance, so they decided to walk out of the city.

Walking into the street, Lin Junchen subconsciously glanced at the book stall after passing by a book stall selling phone books.

The book stall hawker is a businessman. Seeing Lin Junchen's little actions, he knows that Lin Junchen must be interested in the books he sells, so he diligently stopped Lin Junchen and shouted: "This young hero, Jianghu Road Far away, do you need to buy some text books to take on the road to pass the time? The ones I sell here are all the most popular text books in the capital, and they are the stories that the ladies and wives of the capital family like to read the most, and they are not stored in other book stalls! Do you want two copies?"

Lin Junchen was a little moved, and his pace slowed down a bit. Lu Shijin didn't notice it, but he felt that Lin Junchen was walking a little slow, and urged him to go faster.

Seeing that Lin Junchen was leaving, the peddler pushed harder to sell: "Don't go, young man, come to see the country, how do you know you don't like it if you don't take a look? You don't need money! By the way," the boss lowered his voice mysteriously Xixi said, "Here I am, there are some banned books, which are guaranteed to be exciting!"

"Forbidden books? What banned books?" Lin Junchen stopped and asked.

The peddler said with a smile: "What other banned books can be, it's nothing more than books that men love to read!"

"He's just a book dealer in a remote town, don't be deceived by him if he has any good things." Lu Shijin disagreed, "Besides, who knows where he got these books from, or whether they were printed and distributed by the official bookstore. It's easy to say, you can buy the book and read it, but you must support the genuine version, you know?"

The peddler said dissatisfiedly: "Hey, you son of a **** speaks so authentically, these books of mine are the official sources of the eight classics, and all the books are stamped with the seal of Jinjiang Bookstore. If you fake one, you will pay ten! How can you contaminate the innocence out of thin air? "

Lu Shijin was too lazy to argue with the book seller. He raised his head and glanced at the sun through the hood, and dragged Lin Junchen forward, "Come on, it's getting late, and the city gate will be closed at night."

Lin Junchen had no choice but to follow Lu Shijin forward, and the hawker boss shouted behind them, "Young master, come back if you are interested! I have everything here!"

As he approached the gate of the city, Lin Junchen suddenly stopped and said that he had something left in the inn.

Lu Shijin frowned: "If it's not something important, if you lose it, you will lose it."

"It's very important," Lin Junchen said, "it's a jade pendant, my family's heirloom."

When the chain fell at a critical time, Lu Shijin suddenly became angry, "...If you don't take good care of the family heirloom, can you lose it?"

Lin Junchen did not defend himself, bowed his head to admit his mistake, and said sincerely, "I'm sorry, senior brother, why don't you go out of the city first, I'll come to meet you right away after I get something."

"I'll go with you, it's risky to act separately." Lu Shijin turned around.

"No, no!" Lin Junchen hurriedly stopped in front of Lu Shijin, "Brother, trust me, I will act carefully, you go out of the city first, and then find a safe place to send me a signal, I promise you, I will definitely be there Find you before sunset."

Time was running out, and Lu Shijin didn't want to argue about this kind of thing, so he repeatedly told Lin Junchen: "Okay, then you must be careful."

Lin Junchen walked back, and Lu Shijin watched his back disappear among the pedestrians on the street before leaving the city.

After walking out of the city to the barren land in the suburbs, after confirming that there was no one around, Lu Shijin got up with his sword and flew for less than half an hour. He found that there was a ruined temple on the top of a hill, which might be their destination tonight. point.

Lu Shijin first went to the broken temple to investigate the situation.

Lu Shijin first sent a signal to Lin Junchen, and then began to sort out the ruined temple. No matter what, there must be a place where people can sit and rest.

There were spider webs and dust everywhere in the ruined temple. Lu Shijin used several dust cleaning techniques before he managed to clean up a clean place and put a blanket on it.

Before I could sit down, there were two knocks on the door outside the broken temple.

Lu Shijin made a move and asked cautiously, "Who?"

"it's me."

Hearing the voice seemed to be Lin Junchen, Lu Shijin walked to the door lightly, and glanced out through the crack of the door, it was indeed Lin Junchen wearing a hat.

"Why did you come back?" Lu Shijin complained and opened the door. After Lin Junchen came in, he closed the door tightly and set up several restrictions before he stopped.

After Lin Junchen came in, he didn't take off his hat. After standing on the spot and looking around, he said with some disgust, "You live here?"

Lu Shijin hit him on the back, "What's wrong here? We're running for our lives, so you should be on an outing? If you have a tile to cover the roof, you'll be content!"

Lin Junchen nudged him, took a step forward to avoid Lu Shijin's hand, and turned his head to look at Lu Shijin.

Through the curtain cap, Lu Shijin sensed a coolness shot from behind the curtain cap.

Lu Shijin asked suspiciously, "Why didn't you take off your hat?"

As he wished, Lin Junchen took off the hood in a leisurely manner, turned around and met Lu Shijin's eyes expressionlessly.

"You're not Lin Junchen!" Lu Shiqian took a step back and blurted out, "It's not..." Mu Cang.

The remaining two words Lu Shijin did not dare to say, because he recognized who this person was - Zhou Xueyuan.

Zhou Xueyuan ignored Lu Shijin's surprise and threw a bag on the ground. Several blue-covered books fell out of the bag.

Zhou Xueyuan seemed to have dirty eyes with those books, he hurriedly swept his eyes away, and said coldly, "I didn't expect that you would be able to instigate Junchen to do such a thing in just two days, Junior Nephew Lu, you really do Can you be so hungry and thirsty that you can't live without a man for a day?"