Chapter 109: Long Aotian and Leng Xianjun

Lu Shijin was very puzzled, where did Zhou Xueyuan say this?

But the top priority is not to care about this, but to pretend to be surprised by "how are you", so that Zhou Xueyuan will not be suspicious.

So Lu Shijin tried his best to widen his eyes, pointed at Zhou Xueyuan, and asked in horror, "You're not Junior Brother Lin, who are you!"

Zhou Xueyuan stood with his sleeves behind his back, sneering in his words: "I just asked for double cultivation of this seat not long ago, and I forgot my seat in a blink of an eye?"

"You are... Zhou, Uncle Zhou?!" In order to convince Zhou Xueyuan of his surprise, Lu Shijin took a step back on purpose, and couldn't help but feel complacent about his superb acting skills.

Zhou Xueyuan glanced at him lightly: "Naturally, it is this seat, it seems that you are not as stupid as this seat imagined."

Lu Shijin: "..."

If you can't speak, please don't speak!

Why is this guy so annoying!

If it wasn't for knowing that you were him, I would have beaten you all over with a stick!

Lu Shijin took a deep breath and decided not to care about him for the time being, "But aren't you dead, Shishu? Why did you become like Junior Brother Lin?"

"It's a long story, you don't need to know." Zhou Xueyuan looked at him and said lightly, "As long as you know that in the future, this seat and Junchen are the same person, and when you see Junchen as you see this seat, you must respect this seat. Just fine."

Respectfully...I [beep] Your uncle!

Lu Shijin was so angry that the internal injury, which had finally recovered, almost relapsed. He took a few deep breaths and kept a polite smile with the corners of his mouth raised, "Uncle, what does it mean that the disciple is not worthy to ask?"

Zhou Xueyuan didn't say a word, looking at Lu Shijin's eyes, like an immortal high above, looking at an ant-like mortal, the answer is self-evident.

This look is undoubtedly a little spark that burst Lu Shi's temper.

Okay, I'm not worthy, go and play by yourself!

Lu Shijin sneered silently and saluted Zhou Xueyuan, "Since Uncle Shi thinks that the disciple is not worthy, then the disciple does not dare to sway in front of Uncle Master and obstruct your old man's eyes, so the disciple retire."

After speaking, he was about to turn around to open the door and leave, but Zhou Xueyuan said, "Stop."

"I don't know if Uncle Shi has any more advice?" Lu Shijin didn't look back and asked neither yin nor yang.

Zhou Xueyuan coughed lightly: "This seat has not yet recovered, you have to stay to protect the law for this seat."

"Am I right?" Lu Shijin turned his head and looked at Zhou Xueyuan with a half-smile, "Uncle, what do you mean, you want me to stay - to protect you? The first person in Tianqingzong also needs someone to protect you?"

Zhou Xueyuan said solemnly: "It's not protection, it's a joke, why does this seat need someone to protect it? This seat just asks you to protect the law for this seat before the power is restored."

Lu Shijin waved his sleeves, "I'm sorry, Uncle, the disciple feels like a dust, and Uncle, you are noble and holy, the disciple is not worthy to be by Uncle's side, so Uncle, you should look for someone else."

"Stop!" Zhou Xueyuan saw that Lu Shijin was about to open the door, and his indifferent expression finally couldn't be maintained, and there was a trace of panic, "Don't go! This seat doesn't mean that."

"Uncle, you don't need to tell me what you mean," Lu Shijin said softly, "It's just that I'm not worthy. Disciple still has something to do, let's go first."

Zhou Xueyuan hurriedly shouted again: "Don't go!"

"You said it's not allowed? Why?" Lu Shijin said coolly, "I don't owe you, and I didn't sell it to you, why do you do such a thankless thing? You don't look down on me. , why am I still clinging to you? I'm cheap?"

"This is not what this seat means." Zhou Xueyuan paused and said, "This seat does not despise you, but the rebirth of this seat is a big matter, and it is not good for you to know."

Lu Shijin silently said "Oh", obviously not accepting Zhou Xueyuan's explanation.

Zhou Xueyuan walked behind Lu Shijin, lowered his voice and said, "If you can stay, this seat can agree to your previous request for... double cultivation with this seat."

Lu Shijin turned his head suddenly, this time staring at Zhou Xueyuan in surprise: "???"

Zhou Xueyuan tilted his head and coughed unnaturally, and said, "You don't have to be surprised, this seat knows your intentions for this seat, and you are completely infatuated."

Lu Shijin frowned deeper and deeper: "???" At the same time, there were more question marks on his forehead.

"No, do you have any misunderstanding of me?" Lu Shijin didn't know what to do, so he couldn't laugh or cry, "When did I become so infatuated with you?"

"If not," Zhou Xueyuan said with a sullen face, "Why would you rather die than listen to Mu Cang's words and kill this seat? If not, why do you pester me to cultivate with me?"

Lu Shijin: "..." When Zhou Xueyuan said this, does it seem to make sense?

Zhou Xueyuan raised his chin and looked at Lu Shijin silently with his eyelids down. His expression seemed to say, "Admit it, this seat already knew it."

Lu Shijin shook his head twice, reminding himself not to let Zhou Xueyuan go in. If he admitted that he had feelings for him, wouldn't it make him more proud?

After that, in front of Zhou Xueyuan, can he still raise his head? !

"Uncle, you misunderstood." Lu Shijin chuckled and said slowly, "The reason why I didn't kill you is because I know that I killed you and carried the charge of bullying my teacher and destroying my ancestors, and I can't live. I'm looking for you to double-cultivation, but also to survive, the reason is as simple as that, don't misunderstand what kind of affection I have for you."

Zhou Xueyuan's snow-white face flushed with embarrassment as if being slapped.

He has been arrogant and conceited all his life, where has he been ridiculed like today.

It turned out that people had no intention of him at all, but he was just being affectionate.

"So do you want to live and do your best?!" In order to regain his face, Zhou Xueyuan pointed to the pile of books he brought back on the ground and questioned Lu Shijin, "You have only seduced me for two days. As soon as you die, you turn around and seduce your junior brother, and instruct him to buy these obscene things! It's extremely obscene!"

Obscene stuff? What obscene stuff?

Lu Shijin bent down and picked up a book on the floor, opened it and saw that it was a painting of naked little people hugging each other...

He suddenly realized, dare Lin Junchen lied to him just now that the heirlooms were lying in the inn. !

This silly boy, when did he learn badly? !

In Zhou Xueyuan's eyes, Lin Junchen has always been a good student who is dedicated to the way, diligent and hardworking. He is afraid that he will not believe it if he is killed, and Lin Junchen will buy the Longyang book by himself.

In Zhou Xueyuan's eyes, Lu Shijin, who has no morals in Meng Lang, naturally became a person who instigates good students to learn bad.

Lu Shijin was caught off guard by a **** pot that fell from the sky.

But even if he had something to do with Lin Junchen, what position did Zhou Xueyuan take to accuse him?

Even accusing others of doing their best? ! Tolerable or unbearable!

Lu Shijin rolled up the book in his hand, clapped his palm, and said indifferently: "I just bought some books, how can I become a good man? Besides, Junior Brother Lin and I are in love. Buying these things will add some joy to the room. You also have to report to Uncle Shi, can't you?"

Zhou Xueyuan was speechless because he underestimated the thickness of Lu Shijin's face.

Lu Shijin has said this, if he must go, can he stop himself?

When did Zhou Xueyuan beg someone in a low voice?

"Let's go." Zhou Xueyuan walked to the place that Lu Shijin had cleaned, and sat down on the blanket with his back to Lu Shijin.

Just looking at the back, you don't need to look at Zhou Xueyuan's expression, you can feel that there is a sense of anger emanating.

Seeing Zhou Xueyuan shriveled, Lu Shijin felt a little happy, lifted the hem of his shirt, walked towards Zhou Xueyuan triumphantly, and sat down in front of Zhou Xueyuan, facing him face to face.

Zhou Xueyuan lowered his eyes and didn't look at him, and said coldly, "Aren't you going to leave? Why stay?"

Lu Shijin laughed and said, "Uncle, don't get me wrong, I didn't stay here for you. Because I remembered that Uncle's body still belongs to my younger brother. I stay here for the safety of my younger brother."

When Zhou Xueyuan heard this, his face darkened even more. He turned his body to face the wall and closed his eyes and meditated, completely ignoring Lu Shijin.

Lu Shijin made an indecent gesture to Zhou Xueyuan's back, and then lay down on the ground with his hands behind his head and his legs raised, humming a little song in his mouth to celebrate the victory.

Zhou Xueyuan meditated silently, and no one spoke to Lu Shijin. He was bored, and suddenly remembered those books that were abandoned on the ground. He had nothing to do and could just use it to pass the time.

So Gulu got up, picked up the book and put it back in place, took out a fist-sized night pearl from the storage bag to illuminate it, and it was not at all darker than the candlelight.

Lu Shijin sat down cross-legged and spread the words book on his lap, for fear that Zhou Xueyuan didn't know what he was doing, so he deliberately turned out the book to make a loud noise.

The younger brother has good taste. When he bought it, it was very fragrant, and the pictures and texts were rich. Lu Shijin watched it with relish.

Before I knew it, I saw it was late at night. After reading the last script, Lu Shijin covered his mouth and yawned. He turned over and was about to go to sleep. Zhou Xueyuan, who had not moved for a long time, suddenly opened his eyes.


Hearing this, Lu Shijin sat up quickly and was stunned when he saw the blank look on Lin Junchen's face.

what happened? Zhou Xueyuan became Lin Junchen again?

Shouldn't the night be when Mu Cang is haunted? Why did Lin Junchen wake up?

Could it be that the times when these three personalities appeared were random?

That would be bad! Lu Shijin secretly thought that something was wrong. He could lie to Lin Junchen about what happened last night, but how would he explain what happened during the day?

Can't sleepwalk during the day!

Sure enough, Lin Junchen held his forehead and began to ask: "Senior brother, what's wrong with me? I remember that I came to look for you when I saw your signal after I left the city, but halfway through, I suddenly lost consciousness, and again Open your eyes, and people appear here? Senior brother, how did I get back?"

"That..." Lu Shijin pondered the reason with a headache, "I found that you hadn't come for a long time, so I came out to find you, and found that you fainted on the side of the road. I brought you here."

"Fainted? Why did I faint?" Lin Junchen asked suspiciously.

Lu Shijin said without changing his face: "It must be because I have been too tired these few days, plus I am restless, it's no big deal to faint."

Lin Junchen raised his eyebrows: "Really?"

Lu Shijin nodded and said solemnly, "Of course it's true, how could I lie to you."

Lin Junchen scratched his head and seemed to temporarily believe Lu Shijin's statement. Lu Shijin breathed a sigh of relief, but he was also worried that the paper could not contain the fire, and that the matter of the three personalities sharing one body would be revealed sooner or later.

"Senior brother, those books..." Lin Junchen glanced at the situation in the broken temple, and when he saw the blue books at Lu Shijin's feet, he was immediately ashamed.

Damn it, why didn't he faint sooner rather than later, but when he finished buying these things, he fainted?

Now that he was discovered by his senior brother, his face was completely lost!

When Lin Junchen mentioned this, Lu Shijin remembered it. What was the reason that made Lin Junchen not even care about his safety, so he had to buy these books? It also caused him to be misunderstood by Zhou Xueyuan.

Lu Shijin picked up a book at random, shook it in his hand, and asked Lin Junchen without a smile, "Junior brother, shouldn't these be your family heirlooms?"

"No, no..." Lin Junchen lowered his head in embarrassment, wishing to find a crack on the ground to get in.

Lu Shijin: "Tell me, did you go back to the city just to buy these books?"

Lin Junchen replied in a low voice, "Yes, yes."

"Why do you want to buy it?" Lu Shijin moved over, lifted Lin Junchen's chin with the corner of the book, and asked him to look directly into his eyes.

Lin Junchen bit his lower lip and hesitantly said, "Because... I want to learn."

Lu Shijin was stunned for a moment: "..." Never thought that it would be such a reason.

Lin Junchen gritted his teeth, and simply said everything he wanted to say, "I'm useless, I can't do this kind of thing, I wanted to ask the senior brother to teach me before, the senior brother must think I'm stupid, so he refused me this morning, So I just wanted to buy these and watch and learn by myself.”

Lu Shijin couldn't help laughing and "puchi", but finally he couldn't hold back and laughed.

"Hahaha... It turns out that you are because of this... Hahaha!" Lu Shijin rolled up the book and patted it on Lin Junchen's forehead, "You fool, how can you be so stupid!"

Lin Junchen covered Lu Shijin's hand and looked at Lu Shijin aggrievedly, "Yes, I'm stupid, brother, if you want to laugh, just laugh."

Lu Shijin laughed enough, cleared his throat with a few coughs, and said, not knowing whether to laugh or cry: "I really didn't dislike you in the morning, don't think about it, it's because I think it's not good to declare prostitution in the daytime, so I reject you."

"Then now, it's already night..." Lin Junchen looked at Lu Shijin faintly.

"Ah?" Lu Shijin was stunned, but he didn't expect Lin Junchen's thinking to turn so fast.

Lin Junchen: "It's evening, will senior brother still reject me?"

Lu Shijin's face was warmed by his fiery eyes, and he raised his head slightly to distance himself, "Then you have learned it now?"

Lin Junchen frowned in confusion, "No, I passed out before I had time to look at it."

Lu Shijin would put the book on his chest without smiling, "Then it's not too late for you to learn now, take it and study hard."

Lin Junchen took the book, turned two pages, suddenly remembered something, and asked Lu Shijin with bright eyes, "These books... have you read them, brother?"

Lu Shijin: "Oh, when I was waiting for you to wake up just now, I was bored and flipped through it. You have good eyesight. If you buy it back, the quality is good."

Lin Junchen asked again, "Which story do you like the most?"

Lu Shijin took five or six books in his hands, picked them up, threw one to Lin Junchen, and said with a smile, "This one."

Lin Junchen sat upright and opened the booklet with a look of thirst for knowledge, "Okay, then I will follow this book."

Lu Shijin happily sat in front of him with his chest folded, wanting to see what Lin Junchen could learn.

It was also the first time that Lin Junchen came into contact with this kind of reading material. Usually, he read either scriptures or spiritual methods in the library of Tianqingzong. Where did he read these good things.

Young man, full of anger, just turned a few pages, Lin Junchen was caught in the fire by the bold sentences in the booklet, not to mention the vivid pictures, which made Lin Junchen feel hot. It would be nice if there was a piece of ice for him to lie down and cool down.

Lin Junchen raised his eyelids and glanced at Lu Shijin, the big brother Yugu Bing Mu, wondering if **** and hugging him would be as comfortable as ice cubes.

Thinking like this, Lin Junchen imagined the same picture as the picture, but the villain's face was replaced by him and Lu Shijin. There was a heat in his nose, as if something was about to flow out. Same.

"Eldest brother." Lin Junchen called to Lu Shijin in a low voice.

Lu Shijin knew that Lin Junchen was suffering at the moment, but he deliberately pretended not to understand and asked, "What's wrong?"

Lin Junchen closed the book and climbed to Lu Shijin's side, "I have read some of the book, but what is written in the book is always on paper, and it is not detailed enough. I am a little ignorant, thinking that I have to practice before I can really learn it, senior brother. What do you say?"

"How do you want to practice?" Lu Shijin raised his eyes and glanced at him.

Lin Junchen opened the book again, pointed to a page of pictures, and said in the tone of a good student, "I want to try the actions on this page, can you, brother?"

Lu Shijin glanced at it, good guy, stupid boy is really good at picking, and he played such a difficult movement as soon as he came up. He hadn't learned to walk yet, so he wanted to run.

There were two figures drawn on it, one of whom had his arms dangling in mid-air, the other standing behind him and lifting the two thighs of the previous one.

The artist who painted this painting is exquisite, and even the fluttering expressions on the faces of the two villains are well drawn. Lu Shijin can't help but sigh, this artist is really talented in painting Xiao Huangshu. He became famous in the art world.

"Senior brother, is this okay?" Seeing that Lu Shijin was silent, Lin Junchen asked repeatedly, "Do you not like it? Then change it to someone else?"

"Do you like it?" Lu Shijin looked at Lin Junchen and asked without answering.

Lin Junchen nodded shyly and excitedly, his fiery breath almost sprayed into Lu Shijin's neck.

Lu Shijin couldn't bear to disappoint the young man, raised his eyebrows, smiled, and smiled.

"Then this."

Lin Junchen was so happy that he didn't know what to do, so he boldly hugged Lu Shijin and kissed him on the face, "Then, please stand up, brother?"

Lu Shijin stood up as he wished, and let Lin Junchen wrap two pieces of white silk around his wrist, and the other end of the white silk was thrown on the beam of the ruined temple.

The night pearl exudes a dim light, blending with the moonlight shining in from the outside, coating the bodies of the two with a moisturizing light.

Occasionally I could hear Ye Xiao’s cooing outside, and Qiu Chong’s neighing, none of which could be compared to the occasional low-pitched panting from the ruined temple…

"Senior brother, I like you..." Lin Junchen kissed Lu Shijin's earlobe and muttered, proving his heart to Lu Shijin over and over again.

The boy's arms were strong and strong, and Lu Shijin was held in his arms by him. He was not worried at all that he would fall, and only felt the different experience that Lin Junchen brought him...

After a long time, the moon set, the east was twilight, the autumn insects outside stopped chirping, and the movement in the broken temple gradually calmed down.

Lin Junchen's thirst for knowledge was particularly strong, and Lu Shijin was forced to practice with him all night. When Lin Junchen finally gave up, he was already exhausted and fell asleep as soon as he closed his eyes.

Lin Junchen lay down next to him, not being honest in his sleep, he insisted on hugging Lu Shijin with his hands across his waist, full of possessiveness.

However, Lu Shijin felt that not long after he closed his eyes, Lin Junchen's hand was dishonest again, and he reached into his underwear and probed down.

The energy of the young man is really strong, but it is so unrestrained that even a vixen can't stand it!

Lu Shijin held on to not faint, slapped Lin Junchen's hand angrily, and scolded, "You've been doing it all night and you're still coming? Can you stop for a while? It's not just this time, you have to squeeze it dry. It's me?"

After finishing speaking, Lu Shijin felt that the hand that reached into his clothes really stopped, but he didn't pull it out, as if he froze.

He was really sleepy, as long as Lin Junchen didn't pester him, he could do whatever he wanted, and Lu Shijin didn't bother to care.

But who would have thought that in the next second, that hand would be wrapped around Lu Shijin's waist, turning him over.

"What are you doing!" Lu Shijin closed his eyes, pinched Lin Junchen's hand and scolded, "Can you let me sleep for a while? I'll be **** off if you keep making a fool of yourself!"

"Are you angry? Are you right to be angry?"

The voice in his ear was as cold as ice, with a strong suffocating aura, not like the tone that Lin Junchen would use when he spoke!

Lu Shijin's drowsiness disappeared, and he hurriedly opened his eyes, facing the deep eyes of Shangmu Cang's cold air, with monstrous anger brewing in it.

"You... how, why, just, come?" Lu Shijin didn't know what to say, so he jumped out word by word.

By the way, can you say that you can replace people? Don't even say hello?

Don't bring people like this? If it goes on like this, he will become schizophrenic!

"Do you think I'm here too early, or I think I'm late?" Mu Cang stared at Lu Shijin's face and asked coldly.

Lu Shijin: "...No, don't you usually show up at night? It's almost dawn, why are you..."

"Oh, yes, so I didn't show up last night, so you thought I wouldn't show up, so you dare to be so reckless, and you dare to wear a cuckold to me, right?" Mu Cang unknowingly gave a hand Squeezing on Lu Shijin's neck, his voice was cold, "Do you know what will happen to those who dare to betray this seat?"

Lu Shijin: "!!!" He is a scholar who meets a soldier, and it makes no sense!

Mu Cang's black eyes burst into anger: "Speak! Who did you spend the night with? Is it the beast in Zhou Xueyuan's clothes?!"

Lu Shijin: "...No."

Mu Cang was startled, "Lin Junchen?"

Lu Shijin pursed his lips and stopped talking, Mu Cang smiled instead of anger, "Very good, you said just now 'it's not just this time', you are planning to sleep with him a few times, because you think this seat is not green enough? ?"

Lu Shijin felt that the hands on his neck tended to tighten, and hurriedly shook his head to defend himself: "No, no, calm down and listen to me! I think that you are the same person, so I don't think I betray you. what!"

"The same person?" Mu Cang sneered, "This seat is disdain to share the body with other people. This seat tells you that this body will belong to this seat sooner or later!"

Lu Shijin has some headaches, but Mu Cang still has the idea of ​​monopolizing his body? Still think the world is not messy enough? Do you think he is not tired enough?

"Mu Cang, you, Zhou Xueyuan, and Lin Junchen are originally three personalities of one person. Only when you combine them can you be called a complete person. Why do you have to kill each other?" Lu Shijin persuaded bitterly.

"You said that because you were afraid that I would kill your good junior brother, right?" The flame of jealousy burned Mu Cang's reason, and he couldn't listen to any advice. When he thought of Lu Shijin and Lin Junchen while he was away last night After a happy night, he wished he could strangle Lu Shijin and stab himself twice!

Lu Shijin was breathing hard, grabbing Mu Cang's hand around his neck, trying to break free from Mu Cang's hands.

Fortunately, Mu Cang controlled his evil thoughts and didn't really do anything ruthless. As soon as Lu Shijin resisted, he let go of his hand.

Lu Shijin, who was free, struggled to sit up, touched his neck and coughed violently, looking at Mu Cang with lingering fears.

For a moment, he felt that Mu Cang really wanted to kill him, and there was a chill on his back.

He originally thought that the appearance of the three personalities was a rule to follow. If so, he also had a way to deal with it, so that they would not be aware of each other.

But now this kind of development of changing people without warning has exceeded Lu Shijin's control. It is impossible to hide it for a while, and sooner or later they will discover the existence of the other party.

At this moment, Lu Shijin only had one question in his mind, how to stop the cannibalism between these three personalities.

Good and evil are in one thought.

Although Mu Cang is evil, he is not a vicious person. He will help him heal and show mercy to his men.

And although Lin Junchen is kind, he can also have extreme thoughts. Lin Junchen in the original plot is an example.

Lu Shijin asked 711 for help in distress: "Is there any way to make Mu Cang and Lin Junchen get along well? It's better to combine the two? Otherwise, not only will my kidneys not be able to bear it, but I'm afraid that my life will not be saved. ."

711: "Wait, did you forget that there is another Zhou Xueyuan?"

"Oh, you're talking about the arrogant, narcissistic, arrogant, and stinky main character?" Lu Shijin couldn't stop sneering, "Let him die."