Chapter 110: Long Aotian and Leng Xianjun

Lu Shijin was worried about the integration of his personalities when he suddenly heard several footsteps outside the temple. Hearing the clutter of the steps, he knew that the people who came were well-trained practitioners.

Then a voice shouted: "Senior Brother Lu, Junior Brother Lin, I know you are inside, please come out and see."

The people of Tianqingzong finally found them.

Lu Shijin and Mu Cang looked at each other, Lu Shijin lowered his voice and told Mu Cang: "The people from Tianqingzong are here, and you are Lin Junchen at this moment. If you don't want to be caught as a monster, remember not to reveal your secrets."

Mu Cang frowned, but still didn't say anything, stood up with Lu Shijin, tidied up his clothes, and walked out of the ruined temple.

A total of seven disciples of the Tianqing Sect came outside, the leader of whom had a square face, and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, as if they were all friendly to everyone.

After seeing the person, Lu Shijin recognized from the original owner's memory that this person was the direct disciple of the head, named Xi Siyuan, and the second senior brother who was the "Saint of Love" in the words of Lin Junchen.

Xi Siyuan bowed politely to Lu Shijin and said with a smile: "Senior Brother Lu, the sect master sent me to wait down the mountain to find you. After searching for several days, I finally found you and Junior Brother Lin here. The sect master ordered the two of you to return to the mountain quickly. , he has something to ask you, senior brother Lu, please don't embarrass the junior brothers and go back with me to see the sect master?"

Lu Shijin straightened his clothes and walked forward with his sword in hand. The disciples of Tianqing Sect thought he was trying to do something, so they all took a step back vigilantly, and put one hand on the hilt of the sword, in a fighting posture.

As a result, Lu Shijin just held Xi Siyuan's hand and said with a moving face: "I finally see my relatives! Second Junior Brother, do you know how much I have suffered to escape from the clutches of Mu Cang's devil?!"

Tianqing Sect disciples: "..."

Standing behind Lu Shijin, Mu Cang was suddenly named: "..."

Xi Siyuan was stunned for a while before asking Lu Shijin in confusion, "Mu Cang? What Mu Cang?"

"It's a long story, Second Junior Brother, it's not advisable to stay here for a long time. I will report this matter to the Sect Master. Now let's hurry back to the Master Sect," Lu Shijin said solemnly, "Otherwise, if the devil catches up, we will These people are not his opponents!"

"Ah? Really?" Although Xi Siyuan still had doubts in his heart, Lu Shijin's realistic acting made him believe it and nodded again and again, "Okay, then let's go."

Everyone was holding their swords, Lu Shijin was worried that the Jinghan Sword would not be driven by Mu Cang at first, and was worried about revealing its contents. Unexpectedly, Mu Cang easily urged the Jinghan Sword, and the group calmly stepped on the enlarged sword body and rose into the air. .

However, after half a day's work, he arrived at the Tianqing Zong Mountain Gate.

Everyone took their swords and walked up the mountain, Xi Siyuan walked in the front, Lu Shijin and Mu Cang walked in the middle, and the rest of the disciples followed behind to prevent them from escaping.

On the way back, Xi Siyuan had already told Lu Shijin that he was very curious about what he had escaped from Mu Cang's hands, and he couldn't hold back his gossip and started chatting with Lu Shijin.

"Senior Brother Lu, the Mu Cang you're talking about isn't that Mu Cang of the seventh-order sage of the devil world, right?"

Lu Shijin glanced at Mu Cang beside him, and nodded: "Besides him, there is another person in the magic way with this name??"

Xi Siyuan's eyes widened, obviously very interested, "Then Senior Brother Lu, you and Junior Brother Lin, were both captured by him? Why did he arrest you?"

Lu Shijin clenched his fists and made a look of bitterness and hatred, "He is a beast!"

Mu Cang's face was a little ugly: "..."

When Xi Siyuan heard it, there must be a love-hate relationship, and he asked, "Senior Brother Lu, did Mu Cang do something worse than a beast?"

"It's not just a beast," Lu Shijin raised his hand to cover his face, "Forget it, Junior Brother, don't ask, I don't want to mention it again."

"I understand! I understand!" Xi Siyuan had already made up a **** drama of robbery, and his eyes suddenly became sympathetic when he saw Lu Shijin, comforting Lu Shijin and said, "Senior brother, you are suffering." He paused, looked at Mu Cang again, and said in a heavy tone, "Junior Brother Lin, you too. Fortunately, you have returned safely. Don't worry, the Sect Master will definitely decide for you, even if we are senior brothers, we will never let Mu Cang go. That beast!"

Mu Cang's eyebrows twitched heavily: "..."

When they reached the top of the mountain, Xi Siyuan took Lu Shijin and Mu Cang to see the head, and while Xi Siyuan went to report, Lu Shijin was busy explaining his plan to Mu Cang in a low voice.

He said succinctly: "In Zhou Xueyuan's death, someone must take the blame. Otherwise, Junior Brother Lin and I will not be able to get rid of the suspicion of bullying our teachers and destroying our ancestors, and we can only aggrieve you for this crime."

Mu Cang frowned, obviously unhappy, Lu Shijin added before he spoke: "Don't forget, you and Lin Junchen are sharing the same body now, if he is punished for this, you won't be able to get any benefits."

The corners of Mu Cang's mouth moved, realizing that this was not the time to act with anger, but after all, he didn't say a word and endured.

Xi Siyuan came back soon and led them to the main hall of Tianqingzong. The head of Tianqingzong and several elders stood in a row in front of the statue of Daode Tianzun.

Lu Shijin glanced at the luxurious lineup. All of them were old foxes. Today, this level is not easy to pass.

"Disciple attends the sect master, your uncles and uncles." Lu Shijin lifted his clothes and knelt in front of the hall. Out of the corner of his eyes, he noticed that Mu Cang was still standing, and secretly pulled the corner of his clothes, motioning him to kneel with him. .

Mu Cang is in the three realms of human beings, immortals and demons, and even the Demon Venerable has to yield three points when he sees him, and let him kneel to a bunch of ox-nosed veterans of the Tianqingzong. How can he swallow this breath? Naturally a hundred thousand reluctance.

When Lu Shijin saw this, he couldn't help but feel anxious and angry. What time is it, and he was still fighting for a moment. If these uncles and uncles discovered the clue, how could the two of them walk out of the Tianqingzong safe and sound.

Really **** him off! Not a single one is worrying!

"If you don't cooperate again, don't think about me promising you anything in the future." Lu Shijin lowered his voice and said through gritted teeth.

Mu Cang: "..."

Lu Shijin's threat finally reminded Mu Cang that there were two other strong competitors who were chasing him for the little fox.

If he really annoyed the little fox, and the little fox ignored him, wouldn't it be a waste of money for the two of them?

After weighing the pros and cons, Mu Cang decided that a man can bend and stretch, so what if he bends his knees once for such a good furnace!

Mu Cang knelt down slowly, and said with a blank face, "This disciple participates in the sect master, all the uncles and uncles."

Fortunately, the elders were all chatting and discussing the truth of Zhou Xueyuan's death, and they didn't notice the little episode between the two. After a while, the real master thought that it was interrogating Lu Shijin.

Sect Leader: "Nowadays, I heard from Siyuan that you and Junchen were taken away by Mu Cang. What the heck is going on?"

Lu Shijin: "If you go back to the master, the disciple went down the mountain a few days ago and met the devil Mu Cang. As soon as he saw the disciple, he couldn't help but say that he took the disciple away, so the disciple couldn't go back to the master."

An elder asked strangely, "Why did he kidnap you?"

Lu Shijin lowered his head and didn't answer, but his shaking shoulders expressed his inner anger, and people could immediately guess that Mu Cang must have done something heinous to him that made him hard to tell. .

After a little thought, the elders probably guessed what was going on.

Although their nephew is a man, his appearance is more beautiful than that of a woman, and most of the people in the devil's way are lewd and shameless. It must be that Mu Cang saw Lu Shijin's beauty, so he was malicious and took Lu Shijin away and occupied him.

The elders all had angry expressions on their faces, how could it be! Bold madmen, even the disciples of their Tianqing Sect dared to kidnap, they simply didn't take them seriously!

As the head of the faction, his face was ashen, and Shen Sheng said to Lu Shijin, "Go on, what happened after Mu Cang kidnapped him?"

Lu Shijin took a deep breath, calmed down his emotions, and said slowly: "After Mu Cang kidnapped the disciple, the disciple learned from him that he came to Tianqingzong to assassinate Master Zhou. He said that Master Zhou was the number one person in the Immortal Sect. If you can get rid of Uncle Zhou, their magic way will be above the fairy gate. Then, three days ago, Mu Cang suddenly disappeared, and when he came back, he actually brought back Junior Brother Lin. I only learned from Junior Brother Lin. , Mu Cang really went to assassinate Uncle Zhou, and he wants to take us back to his mansion, say, say..."

"What?!" A hot-tempered elder asked with a beard and staring eyes.

Lu Shijin choked for a moment and said, "He said that he will capture all the disciples of the Tianqing Sect and make them into a cauldron! Let the Tianqing Sect become a joke of a hundred schools of Xianmen!"

Mu Cang couldn't help but glanced at Lu Shijin sideways: "..." You can make up this kind of nonsense, what kind of hatred does this seat have with you?

"How unreasonable!" The elder waved his hand and growled excitedly, "Twilight cang dog thief deceives me that there is no one in the Tianqing Sect?! This seat is going to take over his old nest!"

Although the head was angry, but still rational, he did not forget to ask another person: "Junchen, is this really the case?"

Mu Cang nodded reluctantly.

Sect Leader: "Then tell me specifically, how did Mu Cang kill your Uncle Zhou?"

Lu Shijin coughed intentionally or unintentionally, Mu Cang was too lazy to look at him, looked at his nose, nose and heart, and said lukewarmly: "Mu Cang disguised as me, sneaked into the Lotus Peak, confused Zhou Xue and Zhou Shishu, and took advantage of them. Unprepared to assassinate him, but unfortunately I arrived too late to save Master Zhou. I want to find Mu Cang to avenge Master Zhou, but my cultivation is low and I am not good at Taoism. Shame on the door."

Lu Shijin: "..." Didn't you really come to smear my junior brother?

An elder said distressedly: "Junchen, it's not your fault, you think it's good to avenge your uncle, but the thief is too cunning and arrogant! It's just that my Tianqingzong and his Mu Cang always don't make water in the well, why does he Do you want to kill Junior Brother Zhou?"

Lu Shijin secretly touched Mu Cang with his hand, motioning him to continue editing.

Mu Cang: "When Mu Cang and Zhou Shishu were fighting, I vaguely heard Mu Cang mention some evil thoughts incarnate, there can only be one Zhou Xueyuan in this world, I can't understand what Mu Cang said, but I think it may be because That's why."

After listening to the elders, they stared at each other.

"Could it be that Mu Cang is Junior Brother Zhou's evil thoughts?"

"No wonder! No wonder!"

"In this way, everything is explained!"

The Sect Master thought for a while, and then asked, "Then how did you escape from Mu Cang's hands?"

Lu Shijin hurriedly replied: "Qi reported to the head, Mu Cang is very cunning, and he is very strict with us at ordinary times. We had to pretend to be obedient to let him relax his vigilance, and take advantage of his unprepared practice one day before leaving his mansion. After we escaped, we fled all the way to Liyang Town, and the second junior brother found us."

The head nodded and stroked his beard thoughtfully, while the other elders held their own opinions and argued endlessly.

"This seat believes that this matter is a big one, and we must be cautious. Based on the one-sided remarks of these two juniors, it is still too early to draw a conclusion."

"I don't agree with what you said. Junchen even said something like the incarnation of evil thoughts. If he hadn't heard it with his own ears, who could have made it up?!"

"That's right, I don't believe that a disciple who has only entered the school for a year dares to deceive his master and destroy his ancestors. It must be the work of the devil Mu Cang!"

Listening to the arguments of the elders, Lu Shijin felt a little more at ease. He tilted his head and winked at Mu Cang, who turned a blind eye.

Lu Shijin rolled his eyes silently, cut, still angry, I didn't kill people, he could have picked them all up, but if it wasn't for you, you thought I wanted to go into this muddy water.

If a dog bites Lu Dongbin, he doesn't know a good person.

None of the elders persuaded anyone. The sect master seemed to feel that it was inappropriate to be noisy in front of his disciples, so he coughed hard to signal everyone to be quiet.

Then he said to Lu Shijin and Mu Cang: "Whether this matter is what Mu Cang did, I will go to investigate carefully, until the truth is found out, both of you will be confined in your own room, not allowed to go down the mountain, listen to Is there yet?"

Lu Shijin said respectfully, "Yes."

Mu Cang's face was pale, nothing was impossible.

The Sect Master only thought that he had experienced too much in the past few days, and he was too young to stand up, so his reaction was a little slow, and he didn't take it seriously. He waved his hand and said, "You guys go down first."

Mu Cang stood up abruptly, he didn't even say his resignation, he turned around and left, Lu Shijin hurriedly stood up and helped him cover and explain; "Sect Master, Junior Brother Lin suffered a lot of torture in Mu Cang's place, so his temperament has changed. Master, don't be surprised."

The head nodded to show his understanding, "Go back and persuade him, don't go to the horns."

"Yes, the disciple retire." Lu Shijin withdrew from the main hall, hurriedly caught up with Mu Cang, and grabbed the others, "Where are you going?"

"Get out of here." Mu Cang said coldly.

Lu Shijin: "Didn't you hear what the chief just said? He told us to stay on the mountain and not go anywhere."

Mu Cang glanced at him and sneered: "That's for you, not for this seat. Where does this seat want to go, who can stop it?"

Lu Shijin walked in front of him to block his way, "I'm here, where do you want to go? Let me tell you, your current body is not yours alone, you must stay!"

"In the end, you just feel sorry for your little junior brother, right?" Mu Cang's eyes flashed a tinge of pain, but it was fleeting, "I just explained it to him, helped him clear his suspicions, and even knelt down. After listening to the bull noses of Tianqingzong, listening to you wantonly insulting this seat in the temple, how do you still want this seat?"

"I..." Lu Shijin was at a loss for words and couldn't find a reason to refute. The situation was urgent and he had no other way. He really ignored Mu Cang's feelings. Hearing him say this, he felt a little guilty and said in a low voice, "I'm not completely It's for Junior Brother Lin, and it's also for you, if he's good, why don't you follow along?"

Mu Cang pursed his lips coldly and laughed at himself: "For the sake of this seat? This seat is really flattered, but unfortunately this seat can't bear it. You should keep yours and treat your junior brother Lin."

The vinegar smell in these words is almost sour, how could Lu Shijin not smell it.

He was really tired. After coaxing one, he had to coax the other. Lu Shijin had a feeling that he was an emperor, and the concubines and concubines fought for favor and jealousy, making it difficult for him to do it.

The blessing of Qi people is not so easy to enjoy!

"This seat is gone, you can do it yourself." Mu Cang didn't wait for Lu Shijin to say something nice to coax him, and his jealousy grew even more, and he walked away with a cold face.

Lu Shijin reacted, and quickly pulled his sleeve from behind, hugging Mu Cang's waist, "Don't go! Don't go!"

"Senior Brother Lu! Junior Brother Lin! You—" Xi Siyuan saw the figures of Lu Shijin and Mu Cang from a distance, and came over with great interest. Just after calling their names, he saw Lu Shijin hugging Mu Cang's waist. The next words were stuck in his throat, stunned.

When Lu Shijin heard someone coming, he quickly let go of Mu Cang, straightened his hair, turned around and asked Xi Siyuan seriously: "What's the matter, second junior brother, what are you looking for?"

Xi Siyuan swallowed, "That...I'm here to spread the word for the Sect Master. The Sect Master said that although you are on foot restraint, you should not waste your cultivation. You have to have morning and evening classes with normal disciples every day."

Lu Shijin nodded with a smile: "Okay, I understand, thank you second junior brother."

Xi Siyuan couldn't help but look with his back to him and refused to turn to Mu Cang. He always felt that Junior Brother Lin's back was a bit awkward, so he couldn't help asking, "Junior Brother Lin, what's wrong with him?"

Lu Shijin smiled and wrote lightly: "It's okay, the child is awkward, just coax it."

Coax... They're both senior brothers, how come I've never seen senior brother coax someone else?

According to Xi Siyuan's countless experiences in reading books over the years, a man is willing to coax another man, either his father or his husband!

When Xi Siyuan looked at Lu Shijin and Lin Junchen again, his eyes were filled with deep meaning, and he spontaneously made up an ethical drama in which the brothers and sisters were caught in the claws at the same time, and a taboo love was born in the midst of adversity!

Senior Brother Lu and Junior Brother Lin were really pitiful. They suffered from the poison of the big devil, Mu Cang. Fortunately, they supported each other and walked over.

Xi Siyuan was so excited that his little heart was thumping, eager to share the big gossip he just discovered with others right away.

"Okay, then I won't disturb Senior Brother Lu and Junior Brother Lin, you can talk, you can talk." Xi Siyuan smiled and waved his hand, and left the scene with interest, his back walking was inexplicably excited.

Lu Shijin waited for Xi Siyuan to walk away, took Mu Cang's hand and walked towards his bedroom: "Go, come with me!"

When he got to the bedroom, Lu Shijin dragged him in and closed the door with his backhand.

"Why did you bring me here?" Mu Cang stood on the ground and asked casually.

After not returning for a long time, the furnishings in the room were covered in layers of dust. Lu Shijin was so angry that he even forgot his spell skills, so he wiped the bench with his sleeves, sat down, slapped the table and said angrily, "Don't you think you are very Childish? Whose jealousy are you eating? Your own? I already said that, I did that just now for your own good, so if you don’t appreciate it, it’s okay to misunderstand me, am I wrong?”

"Are you wronged?" Mu Cang put his hand behind him, the hand in his sleeve clenched his fist, loosened it and clenched again, trying to restrain his anger, and said, "The good deeds you and your junior brother Lin did last night are also worthwhile. It's all for the sake of this seat? Is this seat also in favor of you?"

Lu Shijin: "..." You can't blame him, damn, who knows that you can change your personality if you want, there is no sign at all, if you knew earlier, he wouldn't be able to say those words!

But what's the use of talking about it now? It's too late to catch the **** in bed...

"That...Actually, you can't blame me for that." Lu Shijin said innocently.

Mu Cang laughed in anger, "I don't blame you? Who is to blame? Oh, I know, it's all my fault, I shouldn't show up at that time to disturb your good things, right?"

"You don't have to be so ugly." Lu Shijin was helpless, "Whether it's you or Junior Brother Lin, I see you as one person, I don't favor anyone, and I don't feel sorry for anyone. You can't split yourselves. Do you have to force me to choose between you?"

"He is him, I am me," Mu Cang stood in front of the large bronze mirror in Lu Shijin's room and stared at himself in the mirror, "If we are not in the same body and you have to choose one of us, you will choose Who?"

It's coming, it's coming, it's coming!

However, with Lu Shijin's wisdom, this question could never be answered wrongly!

Still thinking about it? Who is choosing who!

"You! I will choose you!" Lu Shijin looked at Mu Cang and said decisively.

Mu Cang looked at Shang Lu Shi Jin in the mirror and raised his eyebrows suspiciously, "Really?"

"It's real, more real than real gold, more real than pearls!" Lu Shijin patted his chest, "If you don't believe me, I will show you my heart!"

"That's not necessary," Mu Cang turned around and moved his eyes to Lu Shijin's heart, with a half-smile, "I naturally have a way to verify whether you are sincere to me."

Lu Shijin's right eyelid twitched, always feeling that Mu Cang smiled maliciously, "What can I do?"

Mu Cangshen pulled his lower lip mysteriously and didn't answer. He sat down and meditated on the futon in his room, "I want to meditate in this seat, so don't disturb me if I have nothing to do."

Lu Shijin: "..."

Mu Cang had been meditating in the room, Lu Shijin wasn't sure who he would be when he opened his eyes again, and he didn't dare to walk around, so he had to stay with him in the room.

In the evening, Mu Cang's body that had not moved for a long time finally opened his eyes, and Lu Shijin was lying on the bed and fell asleep.

Mu Cang got up from the futon and planned to walk to Lu Shijin's bed to wake him up, but when he passed the bronze mirror, he glanced at it unintentionally, and his footsteps stopped suddenly.

The bronze mirror did not reflect his shadow, but deduced another picture.

The person standing in front of the mirror is him but not him, his eyes are cold and unruly, and the corner of his mouth is mockingly. He asks Lu Shijin: If we are not in the same body and you have to choose one among us, who would you choose?

Lu Shijin sat next to him and said almost without hesitation: You! I will choose you!

Afterwards, a layer of water waves swayed in the picture, all the people in the mirror disappeared, and the bronze mirror returned to a bronze mirror.

Is this an illusion? Or is he dreaming?


Lu Shijin had something on his mind, so he slept lightly. In his sleep, he noticed a burning gaze falling on him, and immediately woke up.

As soon as he opened his eyes, there was a black shadow over his head. The man's hot breath fell on his cheeks. He eagerly kissed his lips and licked them. The tip of his tongue stuck into Lu Shijin's mouth, eager to take away every trace of air inside. .

"Hmm..." Lu Shijin felt breathless and pushed the man away to get up. With the dim candlelight, he could see the man's eyes clearly, and asked uncertainly, "Junior brother?"

Lin Junchen didn't respond, leaned over to kiss Lu Shijin again, and murmured, "Senior brother, I want you."

Lu Shijin: "..." This guy just woke up. He didn't ask what happened during the day or why he was here, but he just wanted to sleep with him when he appeared?

Are you too impatient, boy?

But Lin Junchen is so heartless. It's better than asking him this and that. In the past two days, Lu Shijin has made up reasons so that his brain cells have died a lot. Jun Chen explained his intermittent amnesia.

"Brother, let's play a game, shall we?" Lin Junchen picked up Lu Shijin and walked to the bronze mirror. Lu Shijin put his arms around his neck and asked inexplicably, "What game are we playing?"

Lin Junchen put Lu Shijin on the ground, waved his sleeves, and the two figures clearly appeared on the bronze mirror, but they didn't look like them, because Lin Junchen outside had not moved, and Lin Junchen in the mirror had not moved. Junchen had already taken off Lu Shijin's clothes.

"What's going on?" Lu Shijin was surprised.

"The name of this game is, 'Mirror Follows Your Heart'." Lin Junchen chuckled as he looked at the two intertwined figures in the bronze mirror, and said in Lu Shijin's ear, "The image projected in the mirror will be in people's hearts. All I think, like now, I imagine doing that to you in the mirror..."