Chapter 111: Long Aotian and Leng Xianjun

Lin Junchen pressed Lu Shijin to grind in front of the bronze mirror all night. Several times Lu Shijin wanted to ask Lin Junchen if he was not surprised why he had no memory of the day, but every time he opened his mouth, he was caught by Lin Junchen. interrupt.

The young man tossed so hard that in the end, Lu Shijin was hoarse, and he didn't even have the strength to speak.

He forgot how it ended, and how Lin Junchen helped him clean up and carried him back to the bed.

When I opened my eyes again, it was the next morning, and the sky was bright.

Lin Junchen was no longer on the couch, Lu Shijin got up and looked outside habitually, but found that Lin Junchen was standing in front of the bronze mirror, staring straight at the bronze mirror in a daze.

"What are you looking at?" Lu Shijin said, and his voice was hoarse, which was too indulgent last night, and didn't fade away. It sounded a different kind of taste in the morning.

Lin Junchen turned his face to look at him. For some reason, Lin Junchen's face glowed a strange red, and his eyes were a little scarlet, as if he had been stimulated by some kind of huge stimulus.

Lu Shijin felt that something was wrong. He put on his coat and walked to Lin Junchen's side to look at the bronze mirror. There was nothing on the yellow mirror except his two figures were projected.

Then why is Lin Junchen doing this?

Lu Shijin looked at Lin Junchen inexplicably and asked, "What's wrong with you?"

Lin Junchen's brows rose with anger, and he stared at Lu Shijin silently. After a long time, he choked out four words from his teeth: "Huang, lewd, shameless!"

Lu Shijin: "???"

Taking a closer look at the expression of the person in front of him, the expression of the little daughter-in-law of a good family who was as angry as if she had been taken lightly by a bully would not appear on the faces of Lin Junchen or Mu Cang.

Oh, it turned out to be Zhou Xueyuan.

"Uncle, it turns out to be you, early." Lu Shijin stretched lazily, walked to the washstand, and washed his face, "Are you talking about me? This hat is too big, please forgive my disciple. accept."

Zhou Xueyuan should have just woken up, wearing only his underwear, and his hair has not yet been combed. People who always pay attention to neatness and tidiness are rarely as sloppy as they are now.

"You nine-tailed fox clan are wild by nature and like to collect men's yang energy to nourish themselves. Don't think this seat doesn't know about it." Zhou Xueyuan said coldly, "You are entangled in Junchen, just to satisfy your personal desires, Junchen will want to For those of you who build avenues, this seat will never watch you bring down Junchen."

"I brought him down? Uncle Shi, you look down on me too much." Lu Shijin shook off the water droplets on his hands, took the handkerchief on the clip and wiped his face, sneered, "How can you be sure, Lin Junchen is not Is this how you were born? The disciple you value is actually a little Sebo, and he has been jealous of his senior brother for a long time, and you don't know how happy the little junior brother is when he is with me."

"Who said this seat doesn't know!" Zhou Xueyuan glanced at the bronze mirror again, his face turned even redder, and he didn't know if it was because of anger or something else, so he roared, "Shameless!"

Seeing this, Lu Shijin felt more and more strange. Why did Zhou Xueyuan blush when he saw the mirror? Is there anything special about this bronze mirror?

But he looked and there was nothing in the mirror.

Lu Shijin walked to the bronze mirror again, looked at the picture in the mirror carefully, and asked Zhou Xueyuan, "What did you see in the mirror?"

Zhou Xueyuan tossed his sleeves, turned around, and said sternly, "Wow, I didn't see anything."

Believe in you!

It's not that Lu Shijin is seriously ill, but that Lin Junchen insisted on tossing him in front of this bronze mirror last night. No matter how much he begged for mercy, Lin Junchen would not move his seat.

Looking at the bronze mirror now, Lu Shijin remembered the game "Mirror follows your heart" that Lin Junchen played with him last night.

The picture that appeared in the mirror was what Lin Junchen thought in his heart. What was Zhou Xueyuan looking at just now? Why would you accuse him of being "shameless" for no reason?

The more Lu Shijin looked at the bronze mirror, the more he felt that the bronze mirror was a display screen, and it still had a video recording function.

If that's the case... Lu Shijin swallowed and licked the goose bumps on his arms.

But this is just his imagination. The bronze mirror is there, and Lu Shijin doesn't see anything strange when he looks left and right.

Hey, maybe he is suspicious, Zhou Xueyuan's temperament is always moody and unpredictable, can he still be serious with him?

This stunned effort, Zhou Xueyuan has already groomed and dressed completely.

He wore white on the Lotus Peak, which made him look like the moon, cold and noble.

Although he was now wearing a Tianqing Sect disciple's uniform, the simple and unpretentious disciple's uniform was worn on Zhou Xueyuan's body, and he was wearing an extraordinary taste.

The appearance is born from the heart, and has nothing to do with external things.

"You will not be allowed to get close to Junchen in the future, it will delay his cultivation." Zhou Xueyuan shook his collar, sat down on the chair, and said in a non-negotiable tone.

Lu Shijin blinked, here he comes, and this expressionless dead man again, makes people really want to tear off his face that seems to be stuck to his face and will not change, to see if Zhou Xueyuan is out of control. when.

"Uncle, why don't you allow it?" Lu Shijin said with a smile, "little junior brother is infatuated with me, he loves me to the core, you let me leave him, have you considered his thoughts?"

Zhou Xueyuan: "This seat is for his own good."

"You're not him, why do you help him make decisions, why do you think it's for his own good?" Lu Shijin swayed his sleeves and walked slowly to Zhou Xueyuan, "Uncle, you are too oblivious, but Junior Brother Lin No, it is human nature to have desires, it is human nature, not someone who can control it by saying 'no', understand?"

"Whoever said that everyone has desires, this seat does not." Zhou Xueyuan said coldly.

"Really?" Lu Shijin bent over, the loose underwear could not cover it, revealing a white and flat chest inside, covered with red hickeys, it is enough to imagine that the person who caused these marks, to this one How obsessed the body is.

Zhou Xueyuan didn't look sideways, and said coldly, "Naturally."

Lu Shijin hooked his lips with interest: "Oh? Isn't it a desire for the uncle to cultivate and become an immortal? Is it a desire to be the best in the world?"

"Cultivation is to cut off the seven emotions and six desires, don't confuse right and wrong." Zhou Xueyuan said.

"Then..." Lu Shijin raised his hand, stretched out a finger and pointed at Zhou Xueyuan's heart, "Is Shishu really cut off from love here?"

Zhou Xueyuan said solemnly, "Naturally."

"I don't believe it." Lu Shijin raised his eyes and licked his lips, "Uncle, do you want us to make a bet?"

Zhou Xueyuan noticed Lu Shijin's licking of his lips. His open eyes flickered for a moment, but he quickly regained his composure. He thought he was impeccable, but was completely captured by Lu Shijin.

"It's ridiculous, why should I bet with a junior like you?" Zhou Xueyuan said disdainfully.

"You don't dare." Lu Shijin raised his eyebrows in a proud tone.

Zhou Xueyuan frowned, as if aroused by his desire to win, "Why don't you dare to bet? What do you want to bet on? Let's talk about it first. If this seat wins, you are not allowed to approach Junchen again."

"Okay." Lu Shijin happily agreed, "What if I win?"

Zhou Xueyuan said contemptuously, "You won't win."

Lu Shijin: "???"

Zhou Xueyuan glanced at him sideways, "Because of this seat, I have never lost."

Lu Shijin straightened up, clapped his hands and laughed three times: "Okay! Very good! I accept your challenge!"

"You haven't said anything about gambling yet?" Zhou Xueyuan said with a calm expression.

Lu Shijin smiled mysteriously, his red lips lightly parted, and he said faintly: "Just betting on your determination, Uncle Master, doesn't Master Uncle claim to have no love, no desires, no desires?"

Zhou Xueyuan looked at him: "So what?"

Lu Shijin suddenly stretched out his hand and hooked Zhou Xueyuan's neck, sat down on Zhou Xueyuan's lap, and exhaled, "Just to test whether the uncle can withstand the temptation, uncle, do you think the disciple is good-looking?"

Zhou Xueyuan: "..."

Feeling the stiffness of Zhou Xueyuan's body for a moment, Lu Shijin knew that the seriousness of what the man said was actually false.

Warm fragrant nephrite in his arms, coupled with the charm of the nine-tailed fox, he didn't believe that a stinky man could hold back his indifference!

Zhou Xueyuan's face was as cold as snow in the middle of winter, he gritted his teeth and held it back before pushing away Lu Shijin, who was sticking to him.

"Uncle Master, your face is so ugly," Lu Shijin asked deliberately, "Do you not like me like this? But don't forget, we are betting that if you push me away, it means that you are not strong enough, and I will let you down. If it affects you, then you lose."

Two sentences blocked Zhou Xueyuan's way, and now it was too late even if he wanted to push Lu Shijin away.

Zhou Xueyuan simply closed his eyes, and his heart was not disturbed.

"What's the matter with you closing your eyes? Don't you dare to look at me?" Lu Shijin pressed him even tighter, gloating when he saw Zhou Xueyuan's face getting worse and worse.

Zhou Xueyuan said coldly: "You didn't say that you can't close your eyes." After saying this, he remembered that he could also close his five senses, so as to isolate all external influences. A foul.

It's a pity that Lu Shijin thought of this one step before him, and said first: "Don't close the five senses!"

Zhou Xueyuan, whose scheming was discovered: "..."

Lu Shijin sneered and said aggressively: "It's a shame that you are still a master and uncle, and you still play such a mind. Why, you want me to work **** a wooden man, right?"

Zhou Xueyuan said solemnly, "I have never thought about it this way."

"It's best if you don't," Lu Shijin rolled his eyelids. "I didn't clarify the rules just now. If you close your eyes, you won't care about you. Next, no one is allowed to play tricks. Let's win according to our abilities."

Zhou Xueyuan: "Yes. But you are not allowed to do anything out of the ordinary. Please respect yourself."

"Don't worry, I don't even need to take off your clothes to deal with you." Lu Shijin chuckled and said.

Zhou Xueyuan stopped talking, closed his eyes, sat upright and did not respond, as if an old monk had entered meditation.

Lu Shijin was not in a hurry, observed Zhou Xueyuan's expression for a while, smiled confidently, and then stopped deliberately restraining the smell of the nine-tailed fox on his body, and released it all.

Nine-tailed foxes are different from ordinary foxes. Regardless of male or female, they are born with a different fragrance, which helps them practice seduction.

Although Lu Shijin worshipped Tianqingzong since he was a child, he studied orthodox Taoism and did not practice more in the art of seduction, but fox beauty is the nature of foxes.

Zhou Xueyuan naturally smelled the sweet fragrance all over the room, and after a while, he felt hot all over his body and uneasy.

However, Zhou Xueyuan had been practicing for so many years after all. Ordinary seduction techniques might have an effect on him, but it wasn't enough to cause him chaos.

Zhou Xueyuan bit the tip of his tongue, kissed his heart, and silently recited the Secret Art in his heart to get rid of distracting thoughts.

Lu Shijin knew that he was chanting when he saw his lips moving, as if he was chanting words.

Okay, you have Zhang Liangji, I have a wall ladder, let's see who has more and more clever methods.

Lu Shijin suddenly hugged Zhou Xueyuan, changed to a posture of sitting astride him, rested his head on Zhou Xueyuan's shoulder, his face was facing the man's slender neck, and his warm breath was sprayed on the exposed skin of the neck from time to time.

Lu Shijin admired Zhou Xueyuan's Adam's apple rolling up and down for a while, and moved his head closer to his neck.

As he spoke, his lips seemed to touch the skin on his neck.

"Uncle, why don't you dare to look at me? Am I scary?"

Of course Zhou Xueyuan wouldn't answer him, and Lu Shijin didn't expect him to speak. He just swung his waist and began to slowly move back and forth on Zhou Xueyuan's legs.

"Uncle Master, you have cultivated the ruthless Dao for so many years, and you haven't tasted the taste of cultivating with others, right?" Lu Shijin's voice was inaudible, but it kept drilling into Zhou Xueyuan's ears like a magic voice, "Tell me, you just What do you see in the mirror? Is it the same as I am now, sitting on your lap and falling into bliss with you?"

Lu Shijin deliberately mentioned the bronze mirror, originally just to deceive Zhou Xueyuan. Unexpectedly, after Zhou Xueyuan heard it, the eyeballs under the closed eyelids actually rolled twice, his lips stopped pursing, and he forgot to read the art of clearing his heart.

It seems that the word "bronze mirror" really has an influence on Zhou Xueyuan! It must have made him think of something!

However, Zhou Xueyuan was a master of the generation, and his concentration was naturally much higher than ordinary people, and he quickly regained his composure.

Lu Shijin lowered his head and thought for a while, and quickly raised his brows.

"Uncle Shi, the first time I saw you on Lotus Peak, I admired you. But later, I met Mu Cang again. You two look exactly the same, so I took him as you and thought it was Uncle Shi. You thought I was your cauldron, and at that time, I was secretly happy. It was a blessing for me to cultivate with my uncle in my previous life. Uncle, Mu Cang used your body to cultivate with me. Are you really not jealous? Why is he so happy, but you have to stick to the rules?"