Chapter 112: Long Aotian and Leng Xianjun

Zhou Xueyuan's eyelids moved again, and Lu Shijin knew he was listening, so he continued: "And Junior Brother Lin, you should have seen it in the mirror, he was on me last night..." Lu Shijin raised his head slightly, and approached Zhou Xueyuan's ear He said in an air voice, "I want to die."

After speaking, Lu Shijin stuck out the tip of his tongue and swiped playfully on Zhou Xueyuan's earlobe, causing the person below him to tremble slightly.

Lu Shijin smiled smugly, "Uncle, think about it, if you're not happy, why do Mu Cang and Junior Brother Lin like doing this kind of thing with me so much? Can you become an immortal by sticking to those rules? Everyone says, It is also romantic to die as a ghost under a peony flower. If I say it, it is better to live happily for dozens of years instead of living for thousands of years. The three of Junchen are one body, and if I do it with them, it is no different from what you do. They are very happy, but you live like a walking dead without feelings, are you willing?"

Zhou Xueyuan's eyes rolled more diligently, obviously he was bewitched by what Lu Shijin said, but he still refused to admit it, and was still insisting: "Everyone has their own pursuits, and this seat disdains to indulge in the love of these children."

"Oh," Lu Shijin blew into his ear, "you haven't tried it, how do you know you don't like it? Shishu, it's not too late to come to a conclusion after you've tried it."

"This seat..." Zhou Xueyuan didn't finish his words, giving Lu Shijin a chance to enter.

Lu Shijin tilted his head to kiss him, his dexterous tongue stuck into Zhou Xueyuan's mouth and stirred with his tongue. Zhou Xueyuan stiffened in place as if struck by lightning.

The breath is filled with the sweet fragrance emanating from Lu Shijin's body, the faint smell, like the smell of pears.

Zhou Xueyuan started fasting when he was 20 years old. He didn't eat human fireworks for many years, and he had long forgotten the taste of food.

But Lu Shijin's kiss reminded him of the taste of the pear he ate for the last time.

It was a round and plump pear. When you took a bite, the mouth was sweet and juicy. After eating it, there was still an aftertaste in the mouth, and the aftertaste was endless.

Noticing that Zhou Xueyuan did not resist strongly, Lu Shijin put his arms around his neck and deepened the kiss.

At the same time, the waist exerted force, rubbing back and forth on Zhou Xueyuan's thigh.

As soon as Zhou Xueyuan lost his mind, the concentration that he had maintained collapsed naturally. Lu Shijin felt the strangeness below, and parted his lips with Zhou Xueyuan.

"Uncle, you lost." Lu Shijin looked down, raised his eyebrows, and smiled smugly at Zhou Xueyuan.

Zhou Xueyuan's cheeks were flushed, and he was filled with embarrassment. He opened his eyes suddenly and stared at Lu Shijin with red eyes. Finally, his eyes were no longer his usual ancient well without waves. The huge waves inside seemed to swallow Lu Shijin alive.

"Why do you look at me like that?" Lu Shijin said with a smile, "I'm willing to admit defeat, now I'm the winner, shouldn't my uncle be rude?"

Zhou Xueyuan gritted his teeth for a while, then leaned back on the chair like a deflated ball, turning his face away as if lifeless, "What do you want?"

"I think..." Lu Shijin nimbly stretched his hand through Zhou Xueyuan's well-dressed clothes and held the changed place, "I want this, will Shishu give it to me?"

Zhou Xueyuan's body shook for a while, and he slightly arched his back and wanted to shrink back, but Lu Shijin didn't give him this chance, and pressed him on top of the situation, making it easier for him to do whatever he wanted.

"Uncle, are you afraid? What are you hiding?" Lu Shijin smiled slyly like a fox, oh no, he is a fox.

Zhou Xueyuan didn't dare to look directly into Lu Shijin's eyes, he looked to one side, his neck to the base of his ears were red, but he still insisted: "I'm not afraid."

Lu Shijin smiled secretly, and said that he was not afraid, and even forgot to call himself "this seat".

Lu Shijin was afraid that he had done too much, and Zhou Xueyuan was so embarrassed that he no longer forced him. He increased his strength and speed, and Zhou Xueyuan's breathing suddenly sank a lot.

Lu Shijin pressed against him, his head resting on Zhou Xueyuan's chest, and he could clearly hear the beating heartbeat and heavy breathing in the man's chest, as if there was a giant beast that was about to burst out of its cage. .

"No, don't..." Zhou Xueyuan suddenly felt a panic in his heart. He had a hunch that what was about to happen would be an experience he had never experienced before. Once it happened, he would fall into a terrible situation, and he would become obsessed and addicted. , will sink into it... This is not allowed by Zhou Xueyuan, who has always been self-disciplined.

"No? Why don't you?" Lu Shijin smiled and said in a low voice, "You obviously like it very much, if you don't like it, why don't you push me away?"

Zhou Xueyuan grabbed Lu Shijin's shoulders with both hands, and told him rationally that he should push the person away without hesitation, but his body was out of control. On the shoulder, like a silent urging.

Lu Shijin laughed lowly, as if mocking Zhou Xueyuan's duplicity. Zhou Xueyuan felt ashamed when he heard his smile, and wished he could turn his whole face away so that Lu Shijin would not see it.

"Uncle Shi, it's better to be honest. Why do you say 'no' when you clearly like it?"

Lu Shijin raised his head and kissed his chin. Zhou Xueyuan's self-control was overwhelmed, and it didn't take long for Lu Shijin to feel his hands wet and sticky.

Lu Shijin took his hand out of his shirt, held it up in front of Zhou Xueyuan to show him, and said to himself, "It's a little less, I probably used too much last night."

Zhou Xueyuan: "..." Is this what someone said?

Lu Shijin wiped his hands with the veil, and giggled: "Uncle, you don't have to look like the sky is falling, if you really can't get over this hurdle in your heart, you just treat it as a dream, forget it, anyway. This body isn't entirely yours either."

forget? Zhou Xueyuan had never experienced the feeling that even his soul was trembling just now, could he just forget it?

Some things, you have only tasted them once, you will know the taste of the marrow, and people can't help but reminisce over and over again, wanting to experience it again.

Lu Shijin won a big victory and couldn't help but feel proud.

And Zhou Xueyuan watched his eyes slowly become dark and dark, a voice echoed in his mind, and he was arrogant. He had to teach him a lesson and let him know what was the end of Zhou Xueyuan who annoyed him!

Lu Shijin had taken advantage enough, and was about to turn over and get off Zhou Xueyuan, when someone suddenly grabbed the back of his neck.

The back of the neck is the soft underbelly of all foxes. Being pinched here is like a dead spot, and Lu Shijin can't move.

"Have you laughed enough?" Zhou Xueyuan's mournful voice sounded from the back of Lu Shijin's head, "Is it a pleasure to see this embarrassment?"

"Hey, what are you doing? Do you still want to take revenge after the fact?" Lu Shijin stiffened his neck and swallowed, "Zhou Xueyuan, I didn't take you to play like this! You're still a master, is there such a stingy master as you? !?"

"This seat is not stingy," Zhou Xueyuan slid Lu Shijin onto the chair, put his arms on both sides of Lu Shijin and trapped him on the chair, his blood-stained black eyes grabbed Lu Shijin, "This seat wants to try, you say happiness , how happy is it?"

Lu Shijin: "...What about the promise of no desire and no desire?"

"It's romantic to die as a ghost with peony flowers," Zhou Xueyuan sneered, "I think what you said makes sense."

Zhou Xueyuan lowered his head and kissed Lu Shijin again, but at the same time there was a knock on the door.

"Senior Brother Lu, are you there?"

When Lu Shijin heard Xi Siyuan's voice, he hurriedly pushed Zhou Xueyuan who was pressing him away, took a steady breath, and responded, "I'm here."

"Is Junior Brother Lin also here with Senior Brother Lu?" Xi Siyuan asked again.

Lu Shijin glanced at Zhou Xueyuan, "He is also there, what is the second junior brother looking for us?"

Xi Siyuan said, "The Sect Master asks the two of you to come over and ask questions."

"Okay, I'll be here soon." Lu Shijin stood up and found that his clothes had not been changed. While changing his clothes, he lowered his voice and explained to Zhou Xueyuan, "Remember, you are Lin Junchen now, don't reveal your secrets."

Zhou Xueyuan pursed his lips coldly, noncommittal.

After changing clothes and opening the door, Xi Siyuan and Lu Shijin greeted each other, but Zhou Xueyuan didn't mean to return the gift from Xi Siyuan, and was still holding the air of uncle.

This stinky temper is exactly the same as Mu Cang.

Xi Siyuan was a little embarrassed, but didn't say anything. Lu Shijin smiled dryly and explained to Zhou Xueyuan: "Junior Brother Lin has been in a bad mood recently, and his temper is a little weird. Second Junior Brother, don't take it to heart."

Xi Siyuan shook his head again and again, expressing his understanding, "How could it happen? They are all from the same sect. I won't bother with Lin shidi. Let's go quickly, the sect master is already waiting for the two in the main hall."

Lu Shijin was a little uneasy, and the head called them over early in the morning, and he didn't know why.

The remarks made up yesterday, although some elders expressed their belief, were only one-sided remarks after all, and no one could prove their innocence with physical evidence.

Could it be that after careful deliberation, the head found a loophole in their words and came to them for cross-examination.

Lu Shijin glanced at Zhou Xueyuan with a guilty conscience. The matter was urgent, and he didn't have time to communicate with Zhou Xueyuan. He hoped that Zhou Xueyuan would be smarter and don't reveal his secrets to him.

At the main hall, only the head and two law enforcement elders were waiting there. Those two law enforcement elders were notoriously strict and hard to fool. When Lu Shijin saw the posture of these three tribunals, his heart was half cold.

"Participate in the head and the two elders." Lu Shijin bit the bullet and knelt down first.

Lu Shijin was doing the disciple salute, but Zhou Xueyuan stood up straight and refused to bend his knees.

Lu Shijin: "..." Brother, do you want to demolish my platform so quickly? !

The sect master and the two elders naturally noticed something was wrong. The sect master felt that the disciple he had spent so much effort in teaching was so rude and had no light on his face, so he couldn't help but blame Zhou Xueyuan coldly: "What's wrong with you? Did the elders forget to salute?"

Zhou Xueyuan didn't change his face, and said leisurely: "Senior brother, I remember that you were the one who didn't care about these red tapes the most. How come you haven't seen each other for many years, and you have become more concerned about politeness?"

The head stunned for a moment, and said incredulously: "Junchen, are you stunned, what do you call this seat?"

Lu Shijin only hated that he didn't know the invisibility technique at the moment, and sighed inwardly, holding his forehead, brother, even if you are Zhou Xueyuan himself, can you be so direct?

When you come up and admit your identity, you are not afraid of being caught by these Taoist priests as ghosts who have taken their homes and throw them into the alchemy furnace to make alchemy?

Zhou Xueyuan didn't answer the head's question and looked at a tall and thin law enforcement elder, "This is Senior Brother Qiu, right? I didn't expect Senior Brother Qiu, who was the most unruly and was punished by his master the most, now he will become a law enforcement elder. ."

Elder Qiu was also confused: "..."

Zhou Xueyuan looked at the last law enforcement elder again, and smiled slightly: "Senior Brother Qi has not seen you for a long time. I think it was the mountain you brought me to at the beginning. Without Senior Brother Qi, I am afraid that I would be a villager in the field in this life."

The three elders stared at Zhou Xueyuan in shock and suspicion. Although the person in front of him looked like Lin Junchen, his words and deeds were completely different from Lin Junchen. Not only that, but he could also tell their personalities when they were young. characteristics, as if they had known them a long time ago.

The three elders were all in their seventies or eighties, and what "Lin Junchen" said was all about their past when they were in their twenties. Except for the few brothers and sisters who were still alive, it was impossible for others. knowledge.

Who is this person! ? Was it possessed by whose soul, or was it taken away?

The head turned to ask Lu Shijin: "Nowadays, what's going on with Junchen?"

"Master," Lu Shijin said helplessly, "he, he's not Junior Brother Lin."

When the head heard the words, he flicked his whisk, pointed at Zhou Xueyuan, and said solemnly: "Who are you, how dare you take the house of my Tianqing Sect disciple!"

Lu Shijin hurriedly said, "He's not taking the house either!"

The Sect Master frowned, with a really incomprehensible expression.

Elder Qi suddenly thought of something, stepped forward abruptly, and pointed at Zhou Xueyuan excitedly: "You shouldn't be—!"

Zhou Xueyuan bowed to the three of them again, neither humble nor arrogant: "Junior brother Zhou Xueyuan, I have seen three senior brothers, I wish the three senior brothers immortal longevity and longevity."

As Lu Shijin expected, everyone's jaw dropped, "Who do you say you are?"

Lu Shijin was afraid that Zhou Xueyuan would be caught as a monster, so he quickly added: "Uncle Zhou, he is Uncle Zhou. Uncles and uncles don't know anything, Junior Brother Lin is the incarnation of Uncle Zhou's kindness. After Uncle Zhou was assassinated by Mu Cang, we all thought Uncle Zhou was dead. Well, actually not, his consciousness has been resurrected in Junior Brother Lin's body again!"

He was afraid that Zhou Xueyuan's words would reveal the truth, so he preemptively told the reasons he had made up, and winked at Zhou Xueyuan, motioning him not to say anything.

"You're really Junior Brother Zhou Xueyuan?" The head still had an inconceivable expression. He had heard about the resurrection of the dead, he had also heard about the rebirth of the body, and he had never heard of the example where the deity could be resurrected in another incarnation. Could it be Zhou Xueyuan? Has the cultivation level really reached such a state of ecstasy?

Zhou Xueyuan said indifferently: "If you don't believe me, Senior Sect Master, you can ask me some past events and see if I can answer them."

Head: "When did you wake up?"

Lu Shijin hurriedly replied: "Just now! The disciple just discovered it! Junior Brother Lin suddenly claimed to be Senior Uncle Zhou, and the disciple thought he was going crazy, but he didn't expect it to be, it was incredible!"

Zhou Xueyuan lowered his head and glanced at Lu Shijin with a half-smile, but did not expose his lies.

"Junior Brother Zhou, did Mu Cang really kill you?" Elder Qiu asked with concern.

Zhou Xueyuan nodded under Lu Shijin's nervous eyes, "Not bad."

Elder Qi said indignantly: "Mu Cang's dog thief is too deceiving! Fortunately, Junior Brother Zhou, you are all right, otherwise, this seat must go to pacify their demons and avenge your revenge for Junior Brother Zhou!"

"Many thanks, Senior Brother Qi." Zhou Xueyuan stood with his sleeves behind his back, and said loudly, "Although I haven't died, this person must be killed by Mu Cang."

Lu Shijin stared at Zhou Xueyuan: "???"

"I kill my own game", you haven't played enough, have you? !