Chapter 117: Long Aotian and Leng Xianjun (over)

Lu Shijin expected that once Chongyao sent someone to Tianqingzong to deliver a letter, with Mu Cang's scheming, he found out that he was gone, and he would definitely be able to quickly guess what was going on.

So he stayed in Chongyao's palace with peace of mind, and was served by Chongyao's servants with delicious food and drink, just waiting for his husband to kill him to save him.

The conscience of heaven and earth, these times here at Demon Venerable are the most leisurely days he has lived since he passed through.

You don't need to mediate among the three personalities, you don't have to worry about overturning the car all the time, you don't have to fight each other for them, and you don't have to worry about whether your kidneys will not be enough.

Just a magical day.

If it wasn't for the task of Lao Shizi, Lu Shijin would have wanted to stay with Chongyao and not leave.

The little fox turned over on the soft couch of the imperial concubine, bit a grape in a fruit bowl with its sharp mouth, and ate it gracefully, not forgetting to spit out the peel and pit.

The servant who was in charge of serving him and fanning him on the side, served Lu Shijin for a few days, and he was no stranger to Lu Shijin's behavior as a fox who was more particular than ordinary people.

The servant saw that Lu Shijin was pressing the paper with one paw, and the other paw was smeared with ink on the paper, as if he was writing something. "

The little fox said softly, "Not bad."

Servant: "What are you writing?"

The little fox put down his paws, looked at the crooked writing like ghosts on the paper, and answered proudly, "Time management book!"

The slave was puzzled: "What book?"

The little fox glanced at the servant with "you don't understand" eyes, and said leisurely: "In short, it is to make a plan for what you do every day. Life is limited, and there are only twelve hours in a day. If you can plan what you do every day and improve your efficiency, you will have more time to do other things than others, understand?"

The servant seemed to understand, "I don't quite understand, the villain's daily errand is to serve you, and there is nothing else."

"Apart from serving me, you don't have anything you want to do?" Lu Shijin asked.

The servant thought about it for a while, and scratched his head embarrassedly, "Let's not hide it from Lord Huxian, the villain still wants to learn to read and write, but he has no time to learn."

Lu Shijin: "Time is all squeezed out. It's not that you don't have time, but you don't know how to plan time. For example, let me ask you, how long does it take you to boil water for me to make tea every day?"

Servant: "Before making tea, you need to wash the tea cup, then boil the water, and then make the tea. It will take a quarter of an hour anyway."

Lu Shijin: "But if you boil the water first, and wash the teacup at the same time, think about it, if you do the two things together, will you save the time of washing the teacup separately? You can use the extra time to do Is it your own business?"

The servant thought about it carefully, and looked at Lu Shijin with an expression of admiration in his eyes, "It seems like this! Lord Fox Immortal, you know a lot!"

The little fox grinned and said triumphantly: "So, time management is a science. Only by learning it well can you be the master of time."

Servant: "Then were you making arrangements for your own time just now?"

Of course not, the time management that Lu Shijin did was done for Zhou Xueyuan, Mu Cang, and Lin Junchen.

Including the three personalities when they wake up, what they should do and what they are forbidden to do.

The three of them can't be allowed to compete forever, they have to live like normal people.

What is forbidden, of course, is cannibalism and mental torture and physical harm to him.

Lu Shijin even planned a time for them to take turns to cultivate with himself.

Otherwise, whoever wakes up will have to cultivate with him, then he will not think about doing anything all day long, just lie on the bed and spread his thighs, even saving money for pants.

Is it possible? Of course not.

Even if the spirit can bear it, the body can't bear it.

So for the sake of my two waists, I must set a rule for them.

Lu Shijin made up his mind, this time, they had to be forced to recognize their mistakes.

Otherwise, even if they kill here to save themselves, they will not go back with them!

He doesn't want to live that kind of inhuman life anymore, whoever loved it!

However, fate made people miserable. Lu Shijin hadn't made a good time management plan. The door of the palace where he lived suddenly opened, and then a tall figure appeared at the door. Because of the back light, he couldn't see the face of that person.

"Who are you? Who let you in?" The servant stood up and walked towards the man, trying to blast him away.

However, before he could get close to him, he saw the man wave his sleeve, and the servant's body fell limply without warning.

Lu Shijin hurriedly stood up from the imperial concubine's couch, arched his back and straightened his tail, grinned at the person who came, and made a low-pitched threatening sound in his throat.

The man said coldly, "Why, you don't even know me?"

Lu Shijin was stunned for a moment, recognized who the voice was, and his nervous nerves suddenly relaxed.

"How did you get in?!" The little fox jumped off the imperial concubine's couch, walked towards the man, stopped a few steps away, and looked at the man.

The man did not wear the uniform of a disciple of the Tianqing Sect, but changed into a white robe with three thousand blue silk **** with a girdle, and a simple white jade hairpin on the bun.

His eyebrows were the same as before, but there was no expression on his face, which made Lu Shijin dare not confirm whether he was Zhou Xueyuan or Mu Cang now.

However, in short, it can't be a junior brother.

Because Lin Junchen looked at him with eyes that were always so gentle and full of love.

"It's just a Demon Lord's nest, can it stop me?" The man snorted coldly.

After confirming the tone, the one who is so indomitable should be Mu Cang.

Mu Cang was Chongyao's subordinate, and he should have been in and out of here often, so it was not difficult to find him alone.

It's not that Lu Shijin didn't imagine who would come to save him in the end. Whether it's Lin Junchen or Zhou Xueyuan, he can still accept it, because talking to these two people, they may still be able to hear it.

As for Mu Cang, the most arrogant and the most difficult person to communicate with, Lu Shijin was not sure he could convince him.

Lu Shijin couldn't help but sigh, why did he come!

"It's all your fault!" Lu Shijin walked quickly to Mu Cang's leg, ah woo bit on his leg, and the wicked complained first, "If you hadn't turned me into a fox, I wouldn't be in danger and couldn't resist. Zun's subordinates grabbed it and took it to this hellish place."

Mu Cang lowered his head and sneered, "I haven't even bothered with you about your escape, so you blame me first?"

"If you hadn't turned me into a fox, I wouldn't have run away in anger with you! So it's all your fault!" Lu Shijin said confidently, "Hurry up, turn me back!"

Mu Cang glanced around the palace, and saw the imperial concubine's couch on which the little fox lay just now, as well as the snack fruit on a table beside the imperial concubine's couch, "I see that you are enjoying a good life here, it doesn't look like it at all. If you are in prison, if you knew this, this seat should not rush to rescue you, and should let you stay here for two more days."

"That's not what I said, the reason why the Demon Venerable is willing to treat me with delicious food is because he asked me for something," Lu Shijin shook his head and said, "If he finds out and I lied to him, then I will be fine. The fruit is eaten. So before he finds you, change me back quickly and let's escape quietly."

"No hurry." Mu Cang leisurely strolled around the palace and found a large soft bed in the dormitory, then picked up the little fox beside his feet and threw it onto the bed.

Lu Shijin was thrown into the quilt by surprise, rolled and just wanted to get up and ask him what he wanted to do, but Mu Cang followed him and pushed him down on the bed again, and then blew a breath on his face.

Lu Shijin suddenly felt the qi pouring into his body along his nose and into his limbs.

The fox's body that was originally light suddenly sank, and when he came back to his senses, he had recovered to a human body.

Lu Shijin stared blankly at Mu Cang who was close at hand: "???" Xiongtai, what do you want?

Mu Cang didn't respond, his ink eyes stared at Lu Shijin's full and moist red lips, and the emotion in his eyes seemed to be longing for a long time.

Lu Shijin's mouth was dry because of his fiery eyes. He didn't understand what Mu Cang was trying to do, so he couldn't help sticking out the tip of his tongue and licking his lower lip.

Lu Shijin's unintentional little actions made Mu Cang's eyes darker, and the visual impact brought by that soft pink cute tongue completely detonated the turbulent emotions in his eyes.

Mu Cang grabbed Lu Shijin's hands, tore off Lu Shijin's belt, wrapped his hands around his wrists three or two times, and then raised his hands to the top of his head and controlled it with one hand, leaving him nowhere to hide.

Lu Shijin was bewildered by his actions, isn't it, what time is it, this person just saw a bed, and he went crazy? !

please! Consider the time and place when you do it!

"Hey! Umm..."

Lu Shijin just opened his mouth to remind him that Mu Cang didn't give him a chance to speak, so he bowed his head and pressed his cool lips, the breath between his lips and teeth had a faint and pleasant smell of rosin, which made people feel up.

The kiss was not intense, but it was very touching. Mu Cang seemed to be infatuated with Lu Shijin's lips. He kept sucking with his tongue again and again. A cherished throbbing rose in Lu Shijin's heart. The man has kissed countless times, but his heart beats as fast as the first kiss.

The man's flexible tongue easily disturbed Lu Shijin's breathing, making him forget that he planned to refuse.

"What's wrong with you? Why did you do this all of a sudden?" Mu Cang finally let go of his lips, Lu Shijin's face was already red, his lips were red and swollen and stained with transparent liquid, his eyes were gleaming, and his eyes were like silk. Like a seductive fairy.

Mu Cang lightly traced Lu Shijin's eyebrows with his fingertips, lingering on his face with his eyelids down, and asked in a hoarse voice, "Do you like it?"

Although he felt that this was not the place to talk about romance, Lu Shijin still followed his true thoughts and nodded lightly.

"Compared to before..." Mu Cang paused, his eyes stagnant, and then said, "How?"

"What was it before?" Lu Shijin asked in confusion as his eyelashes moved.

Mu Cang was silent for a moment, and said, "When this seat kisses you."

Lu Shijin rolled his eyes, compared his feelings before and now, and said softly, a little embarrassed, "I liked it before." Before he finished speaking, he noticed that Mu Cang's face seemed to sink, so he hurriedly added, "But I prefer to be like just now, you kiss me tenderly, it feels better."

The corner of Mu Cang's mouth twitched, and a faint smile appeared. The smile was like the warm sun melting the snow in the cold winter. The breeze blew across the calm lake, and it also blew across Lu Shijin's heart, causing ripples.

He had never seen a smile on Mu Cang's face with meaning other than sneer and sneer. It turned out that the man was so good-looking when he smiled, so good-looking that he was almost dazzled.

Mu Cang saw Lu Shijin staring at him in a daze, and satisfied the smile on the corner of his mouth wider, and then Lu Shijin became even more dizzy, he wondered if he had hallucinations.

"Fool." Mu Cang's fingertips moved to Lu Shijin's earlobe, and he seemed to like the delicate and small soft meat, and he couldn't put it down.

Lu Shijin was intoxicated by Mu Cang's sudden warmth, and murmured, "I'm not stupid."

Mu Cang didn't discuss the question of "stupidity or not" with him anymore, leaned over and kissed Lu Shijin's lips again, fumbling with his fingers, removing the clothes on Lu Shijin and himself.

"Wait wait..." Lu Shijin breathlessly released himself from the kiss, still worried, "Are you sure you want to do it here? What if someone finds out?"

"Don't be afraid, I have set up a barrier outside, and ordinary people can't get in." Mu Cang kissed his earlobe and comforted him.

Hearing that he had set up a barrier, Lu Shijin was relieved and relaxed to accept the man.

Lu Shijin was lying on the bed, his waist was firmly supported by a strong and powerful palm, his hands were bound from the top of his head to his back, and his shoulders shrugged back and forth with the man's movements from time to time.

He was brought into an inescapable **** by an extraordinarily gentle and meticulous man for some reason today...


A hearty dream ended, and the two recovered their strength by embracing each other on the bed.

Lu Shijin still remembers that this is the old nest of Demon Zun Chongyao after all, and it is not suitable to stay for a long time, so he urges Mu Cang to get up and leave.

Mu Cang's dark brows had a look of contentment, and lazily got up and put on his clothes, "No hurry, I have one more thing to do here."

Lu Shijin: "What's the matter?"

Mu Cang: "Mozun has an ancient secret book here, which records the method that can eliminate the extra personality that splits out of the body. I am going to get that secret book."

"What?" Lu Shijin quickly grabbed Mu Cang's sleeve, "You haven't given up the idea of ​​killing each other with the two of them?"

Mu Cang: "When did this seat say that it would be dismissed?"

"..." Lu Shijin's chest heaved violently with anger, and he let go of the hand that was holding Mu Cang's sleeve, "Go find the secret book, if you find it, don't come back to me, I won't go back with you."

Mu Cang said solemnly, "Why?"

Lu Shijin glared at him angrily: "because I don't want to see you fighting to the death! I've had enough of this kind of fearful life! Don't you like to fight back and forth? Then fight by yourself, I don't want to get involved with you anymore. It's up!"

"Didn't you say that if you had to choose one of the three, you would choose this seat?" Mu Cang lifted Lu Shijin's chin, stared into his eyes, and asked, "Could it be that when I was under my seat just now, Are you unhappy or uncomfortable?"

"That's another matter," Lu Shijin turned his face away, not wanting to look at him, "it doesn't mean you can kill them."

Mu Cang whispered, "You're too greedy, you want all three, but if you're too greedy, it's very likely that you won't get the last one."

"Yes, I'm greedy," Lu Shijin said bluntly, "Either I want all three together, or I don't want any of them, because I originally regarded you as one person and one body, I only have one heart, you You can't force me to divide my heart into three parts. Watching you fight back and forth will make my heart hurt and sad, do you understand this feeling?"

After listening to him, Mu Cang tickled the corner of his mouth again, and laughed like he did just now, as if he was in a very happy mood.

"Why are you laughing? What's so funny?" Lu Shijin rolled his eyes, he was about to die of worry, this man was still in the mood to laugh, and he had never seen him smile with this paralyzed face for so long. , Today it's like a half-step insane with a smile, laughing at every turn.

Wait, an absurd thought popped up in Lu Shijin's mind. The Mu Cang he saw today seems to be different from the one he's seen in the past who can't tell, isn't it?

"I remember that you usually like to wear black clothes," Lu Shijin looked at Mu Cang up and down, "Why are you wearing white when you came here today?"

Mu Cang straightened the hem of his clothes, put his hands behind him, and said leisurely, "You're not too stupid."

"..." Lu Shijin frowned, stood up from the bed, and pointed at the man, "You are not Mu Cang! You are—Zhou Xueyuan?! Why did you lie to me?"

Zhou Xueyuan no longer deliberately concealed his identity, and said calmly: "When did this seat lie to you? Has this seat ever admitted that he is Mu Cang?"

Lu Shijin is angry, damn, stinky man! He was still wondering just now, he and Mu Cang have cultivated so many times, and Mu Cang doesn't have to be in a hurry to have a fight with him here for a while, right?

No wonder he pulled him onto the bed as soon as he came, saying that he had no desires and no desires. On the surface, he was virtuous, but in fact he was lustful!

"Zhou Xueyuan, you are not naive, is it fun to lie to me like this?" Lu Shijin gritted his teeth, unwilling to be teased, picked up the pillow on the bed and threw it at Zhou Xueyuan.

Zhou Xueyuan easily blocked the non-attacking pillow, and said lightly: "If you don't do this, how will you know your true intentions? I thought you were just catering to this seat, but through the matter just now, this seat can be sure. Now, you really care about this seat."

"Ghosts care about you, get out of here!" Lu Shijin's anger went straight to his forehead, pointing at the door and scolding, "Get out of here now, I don't want you to save me!"

Lu Shijin pushed Zhou Xueyuan out of the door, but heard a loud noise outside the door. It seemed that Chongyao's subordinates found that someone had set up a barrier here. They felt strange and were about to break in to check.

"No, I'm about to be discovered." The enemy is outside, and now is not the time for infighting, Lu Shijin decided not to care about Zhou Xueyuan for the time being, and first find a way to get out of here, he said solemnly, "They are many and powerful, so it is not advisable to fight recklessly. , why don't I turn into the original and go out to lure them away, and then you slip away first?"

Zhou Xueyuan stood in front of him and said disdainfully, "Slip away? I won't be timid when dealing with these bastards. You wait here, and I will go out and deal with them first."

Zhou Xueyuan opened the door and went out, leaving Lu Shijin in the hall. Lu Shijin knew that with his cultivation, going out would only be a disservice to Zhou Xueyuan, so he obediently waited in the hall and checked the battle situation outside through the small holes in the doors and windows.

There were only a few hooligans outside, and Zhou Xueyuan solved it in two or three times.

When the door of the hall opened, Lu Shijin hurried up to meet him, "Let's go, if we delay any longer, I'm afraid the large army will come and we won't be able to leave if we want to."

Zhou Xueyuan stood there and didn't move: "Hold on."

Lu Shijin patiently asked him, "What else do you have to do?"

"Just now, I said that Demon Venerable has a secret book that can destroy the sub-personality. It is not a lie to you, but it is true." Zhou Xueyuan said.

Lu Shijin frowned: "So what?"

Zhou Xueyuan looked at him secretly, "Mu Cang is from the devil's way, and is my mortal enemy. If I share a body with someone like him, wouldn't it ruin the great cause of this seat? Junchen I can stay, but Mu Cang , this seat is a must.”

Lu Shijin raised his eyebrows, "You dare!"

Zhou Xueyuan raised his head proudly, "Why don't you dare?"

"If you dare to harm him, I will never forgive you in my life." Lu Shijin clenched his fists and said generously, "What is good and evil, good and evil are always in one thought, heaven and hell, no one is born He is destined to be a bad person. Mu Cang was born in the devil way, and what he did in the past must have been involuntarily, but now as long as I am here, I will never let him continue to do evil!"

Zhou Xueyuan said coldly, "Do you believe he will get better?"

Lu Shijin said decisively: "Of course, don't forget, he is you, you are him, Zhou Xueyuan, you can guarantee that you have no evil thoughts in your heart now? If not, why do you have to put Mu Cang to death?"

Zhou Xueyuan silently looked at Lu Shijin's infuriated appearance, and when he finished speaking, he suddenly lowered his head and pursed his lips and smiled.

Laugh again! Is it funny that he is reasoning with him so seriously? !

Lu Shijin was about to die, and seeing Zhou Xueyuan's laughter, he didn't even bother.

"I like Zhou Xueyuan as a whole, not a separate personality. People have emotions and desires, good and evil, and joys and sorrows. Only then is a complete person, and they are indispensable!" Lu Shijin said, "If You are still obsessed with killing each other, and don't come to me in the future!"

After listening to him, Zhou Xueyuan suddenly said faintly: "Only you are willing to believe that this seat is not a bad person."

"What do you mean?" Lu Shijin blinked, how could he not understand what the man said? You won't be changing people in the middle, will you? Lu Shijin took a step back vigilantly, pointed at Zhou Xueyuan and asked, "So, who are you now?!"

"What you saw just now was indeed Zhou Xueyuan," Mu Cang smiled lightly, "The one in front of you now is this seat."

Lu Shijin frowned: "??? Did you agree? Did you come to play with me on purpose? He pretended to be you, you pretended to be him? What are you trying to do?!"

Mu Cang: "After you left, the three of us thought about it a lot. If you insist on choosing one of the three of us, it is indeed embarrassing for you, and you have not considered your feelings."

Lu Shijin: "So what?"

Mu Cang said slowly: "So we made a bet, pretending to be the other party to test you, the result of the test, whoever has more weight in your heart in the end, then the other people will automatically withdraw, and will sleep forever in the body. Awake."

Lu Shijin: "..."

Mu Cang walked in front of Lu Shijin, took his hand and held it in his palm, the original coldness between his eyebrows was replaced by gentleness, "But the final result proves that our weight in your heart doesn't matter, so this gamble , there are no losers and no winners.”

Lu Shijin asked in a daze again, "So what?"

Mu Cang: "So... we decided, for you, to try to live in peace for a while to see..."


Before Mu Cang finished speaking, Lu Shijin had already slapped his face.

Lu Shijin stared at him with red eyes, his nose clenched because of anger, obviously he was extremely angry.

"For me? For me, you can play with me like this?" Lu Shijin sneered, "Do you still think I'm taking my feelings into consideration? Do I have to thank you? Thank you all! Playing, coexisting peacefully, or killing each other, I will not accompany you!"


Back at Tianqingzong, Lu Shijin locked himself in the room alone, and he would not be seen by anyone.

On the evening of the second day, Lin Junchen, who had regained consciousness, knocked on Lu Shijin's door.

"Elder brother, it's me, can you open the door? I'm worried about you, let me see you?"

Lu Shijin didn't intend to ignore him, but Lin Junchen kept knocking on the door outside, and finally even threatened to kneel at the door until Lu Shijin opened the door, and Lu Shijin finally agreed to speak up.

"Fuck me too, you and they are all in the same group, don't bother me."

Lin Junchen: "Senior brother, how can I be with them? I have never lied to you. Even if you resent them, it is because they are sorry for you, and I am innocent."

Lu Shijin was unmoved, "Then I don't want to see your face either, go away, I won't see you."

Lin Junchen said sadly: "Senior brother, I know that you have grievances in your heart. If you are angry, you can throw it at me. If it can relieve your anger, I will do whatever I want. Brother, I will kneel here and wait for you to come out to see me. ."

Lu Shijin sneered, "Threat me with this? If you want to kneel, then you can kneel."

As soon as the voice fell, there was a "thump" outside the door, and the sound of knees hitting the ground.

Lu Shijin sat silently in the room, wanting to cool his heart, no matter Lin Junchen, but as soon as he closed his eyes, Lin Junchen's face automatically appeared in his mind, and he couldn't go away.

Lin Junchen liked him so wholeheartedly, taking his joy as his joy, and his evil as evil, never willing to make him angry and make him sad.

Yes, those two stinky personalities clearly did the wrong thing, and the younger brother did nothing wrong. He was all implicated.

After three more drums, Lu Shijin finally couldn't help opening the door for Lin Junchen.

The boy knelt straight outside the door, and when he saw the door opened and Lu Shijin came out, a smile appeared on his listless face.

"Senior brother." Lin Junchen looked up at Lu Shijin and called out. He didn't dare to get up before Lu Shijin asked him to get up.

Lu Shijin stood far away, not approaching, and said with a cold face: "Is it enough to kneel? The man has gold under his knees, kneeling on the ground, kneeling on the ground, kneeling on the ground, kneeling on the ground, kneeling on the ground, kneeling on the ground, kneeling on the ground, kneeling here, what's the matter?"

Lin Junchen smiled disapprovingly, "As long as senior brother can come out to see me, senior brother can kneel."

Lu Shijin's heart is sour and sweet, no matter what, at least the younger brother won't lie to him and treat him wholeheartedly.

The bit of anger in Lu Shijin's heart was slightly diluted by the playful anger, and he looked at Lin Junchen and said angrily, "Fool, don't get up quickly."

"Thank you, Senior Brother." Lin Junchen smiled brightly, and stood halfway with his legs on his back, but suddenly "ouch", staggered, and wanted to kneel down again.

Lu Shijin quickly rushed over to support him, and asked with concern, "What's wrong? Is your leg numb?"

Lin Junchen didn't answer, he hugged Lu Shijin tightly in his arms and rubbed his head against Lu Shijin's face, "Brother, don't be angry with me, okay? Don't lock yourself up, I'm very worried about you."

Lu Shijin patted him on the back, "I'm not angry with you, I'm angry with them."

"Senior brother, I want to confess something to you," Lin Junchen said in a low voice, "I actually participated in that bet."

Lu Shijin: "...Then why didn't you show up?"

Lin Junchen raised his head, with guilt in his eyes, "Because we know that in the end, you will definitely be angry, so we will discuss, if the senior is angry, I will coax you, I know, the senior will definitely be angry with you. I'm soft-hearted."

Lu Shijin didn't know whether to be angry or to laugh: "...Dare you three are now good enough to deal with me with negotiation, right?"

Lin Junchen glanced at the door, "Senior brother, it's not a place to talk outside, why don't we go in and talk?"

Lu Shijin let Lin Junchen enter the door, he sat down on the chair beside the table, but wanted to hear what Lin Junchen had to say.

Lin Junchen closed the door, then squatted on Lu Shijin's leg and leaned against him, "Senior brother, after you left, we all reflected on ourselves, it's true that we forced you too much, so you had the idea of ​​running away. ,Right?"

Lu Shijin snorted from his nose.

Lin Junchen continued: "That's why we made that bet, whoever loses will quit, so that it's good for you and us. But there was no winner or loser, so we decided that there would be a better solution. Before the solution, get along peacefully, so that you won't be embarrassed by Senior Brother."

Lu Shijin snorted again, unable to tell whether he was satisfied or dissatisfied.

"Senior brother, you can come to me if you are angry or angry, as long as you don't leave me in the future." Lin Junchen hugged Lu Shijin's calf and leaned his head on his thigh, looking attached.

"If you want me not to be angry, that's fine." Lu Shijin took out a stack of paper from somewhere and threw it on the table, "As long as you do what I say, I can consider forgiving you."

Lin Junchen raised his head, picked up the papers, and asked curiously, "What is this?"

Lu Shijin said blankly: "I have written clearly on the time management methods for your three personalities and how to do it."

Lin Junchen glanced through it roughly, his face changed instantly, and he pointed to a line of words on the paper and read: "'Double cultivation can only be performed at night, and the three personalities take turns alternately', what does this mean?"

Lu Shijin: "Literally, it means once every three days."

Lin Junchen categorically denied: "No."

Lu Shijin, who finally took the initiative, raised his eyebrows and said: "You have no room for bargaining, either agree or get out."

Hearing this, Lin Junchen didn't say much, suddenly reached out and hugged Lu Shijin and went to bed.

Lu Shijin shrunk into the bed and grabbed the clothes at the neckline, "What do you want?"

Lin Junchen looked at Lu Shijin aggrievedly, his black eyes were wet like a puppy abandoned by his owner.

"Senior brother, are you very resistant to double cultivation?"

Lu Shijin pondered: "It's not really, it's just the time and place to score. If not, it will not only delay the cultivation of immortals, but also the body will be overwhelmed, you know? I'm also doing it for everyone's good."

Lin Junchen climbed onto the bed, kissed Lu Shijin's face, and said to please: "Senior brother, I don't care what happens to the two of them, but as long as I see my brother, I look forward to being close to you from time to time. Killing me still makes me uncomfortable, so senior brother, I really can't do this."

The boy's confession was always so straightforward and enthusiastic. Lu Shijin couldn't resist Lin Junchen's straight-ball attack and hit his bullseye every minute.

Seeing that Lu Shijin didn't object, Lin Junchen boldly kissed Lu Shijin's lips, half pushing and half, Lu Shijin lost the city again and again, and he succeeded again.

After the double cultivation, Lu Shijin entered the time of the sage, and secretly complained that his concentration was so vulnerable.

Do you ask him if he is tired of double cultivation? tired.

But you ask him if Shuangxiu is cool? Of course it's cool too.

So let's go to **** time management, as long as you can't kill it, do it!