Chapter 118: Long Aotian and Leng Xianjun (Extra)

In a small town at the foot of Tianqingzong Mountain, many cultivators of various sects have come to visit in the past few days.

The co-registration book only invites the heads of various sects and sect masters, but those gossip cultivators will not miss this opportunity to see the youngest and most promising sect master and the number one beauty in the cultivation world. Opportunity, anyway, the head of Qingzong said that day, all visitors are guests, and they can go up the mountain to watch the ceremony. This kind of excitement is not for nothing.

Therefore, in a small town with only one inn, it was already full, and even the firewood room of the inn was bought with a lot of money.

It's just a grand ceremony, why does it attract so many loose cultivators to watch?

It had to start from five years ago, when Lin Junchen was still an unknown disciple of the Tianqing Sect.

At that time, Demon Dao and Zheng Dao went to war. Demon Zun Chongyao personally led his masters to besiege Tianqingzong. Hundreds of Xianmen families were tired of saving themselves and could not help Tianqingzong at all.

At this moment, Lin Junchen stood up.

With the cultivation base he had just stepped into the Golden Core Stage, he plucked down the three masters of the Demon Dao with one sword and retreated, and cut off the arm of the Demon Zun Chongyao, forcing Chongyao to return to the Demon Dao lair.

Tianqingzong won a beautiful battle without casualties of a single disciple.

From then on, Lin Junchen became famous in battle, and Tianqingzong also established his position as the leader of the righteous path among the hundred schools of Xianmen.

Also two years ago, at the Ten Years Fairy Sword Conference held by Xianmen Baijia, Lin Junchen reappeared in everyone's sight.

The monks were surprised to find that Lin Junchen, who was only at the Jindan stage two years ago, has broken through the Nascent Soul stage three years later!

You must know how many monks start from the golden pill, and they may not be able to break through the golden pill stage and step into the Nascent Soul Realm in their entire life.

And Lin Junchen only took such a short time to complete the breakthrough, what kind of terrifying cultivation wizard is this? !

The Immortal Sword Conference was a contest between the disciples of the Hundred Sects of the Immortal Sect. Lin Junchen won the first prize at the Immortal Sword Conference that year and became the first disciple of the generation.

There may have been people who didn't believe that Lin Junchen could defeat several masters of the Demon Dao by himself, thinking that it was Tianqingzong's exaggeration. After this battle, everyone in the cultivation world was unconvinced.

At the same time, there are more and more speculations about Lin Junchen's life experience. After the former head of Tianqingzong decided to retire and pass the position of head to Lin Junchen, all kinds of speculations emerged one after another. all have.

On the day of the joining ceremony, the monks from all walks of life went to the Tianqing Sect early and gathered under the viewing platform, waiting for the two protagonists to appear.

As for the guests seated, most of the famous people in the world were present to celebrate in person. Except for the Fairy Sword Conference, how could they see such a grand event with their own eyes at other times, and everyone was very excited.

There was still some time before the newcomers came out, and the roaring voices under the viewing platform did not stop.

"Senior Brother Lin is really a role model among the disciples in my life. My cultivation is improving so fast, I'm afraid it won't be long before I can step into the realm of evolution. It would be great if I could have half of Senior Brother Lin's talent!"

"Friend Daoist is too greedy? I only need one-tenth of it, hahaha!"

"You fools, do you really believe that Lin Junchen is gifted? Have you never heard that rumor?"

"What rumors? Daoist friends, please tell me!"

"I heard that the current Lin Junchen is not Lin Junchen himself at all, but—" The man kept his voice contrived, and finally lowered his voice, "He was taken away by Zhou Xueyuan! He is actually Zhou Xueyuan!"

"What? Zhou Xueyuan? Which Zhou Xueyuan are you talking about?"

"Which Zhou Xueyuan, who used to be the first person in the Tianqing Sect, that Zhou Xueyuan! Otherwise, why do you think he can improve his cultivation so much in a short period of time? Even if the Taoist ancestor is alive, I am afraid that he will not cultivate as fast as him. "

"But didn't the people from the Tianqing Sect claim that Zhou Xueyuan had been killed by the seventh-rank Venerable Mu Cang?"

"Did you see it with your own eyes?"

"That's not it."

"Isn't that right? It must have been Zhou Xueyuan who took Lin Junchen's house. Tianqingzong was afraid that such scandals would damage his reputation, so he said this to the outside world. That Mu Cang has disappeared for so many years and hasn't appeared. , who knows whether it is life or death, and it's still in vain."

"This is just your guess, fellow Daoist. I heard that there is another version."

"Oh? There are other versions?"

"Yeah, that version said that Lin Junchen was actually taken away by Mu Cang, otherwise, in the battle of the immortals and demons, he was only at the Jindan stage, how could it be possible to defeat the demons with one person A master? There must be someone who is familiar with the weaknesses of those magic masters, and this person is likely to be Mu Cang."

"Fellow Daoist, are you saying that the current head of the Tianqing Sect is the heinous big devil Mu Cang? Hahaha, you have to make it up a little bit, right? The head of my decent leader has become the big devil, say it Does anyone believe it?"

"Cut, I just heard about it, love it or not!"


The monks under the viewing platform chatted and chatted with each other, full of joyful atmosphere.

Behind the viewing platform, with the help of his little junior sister, Lu Shijin finally put on a complicated dress and an exquisite crown.

Today, he was wearing a crimson dress with a jade belt around his waist. His already narrow waist was even more unbearable to hold. He was wearing long black cloud boots under his feet, making his legs look slender and straight.

The crimson dress complemented Lu Shijin's pale complexion, thick eyebrows, dark eyes, and sweet lips. The little junior sister on the side could see that her eyes were straight.

"Senior brother, you are so beautiful, women will feel ashamed when they see you!" The little sister held her cheeks and fanned the heat on her face, "No, no, no, I'm about to be fascinated by you, big brother!"

"Little Junior Sister, don't make fun of me, isn't the auspicious time coming soon? Let's go out?" Lu Shijin smiled slightly, looking at himself in the bronze mirror, and was quite satisfied with his appearance today.

The little sister hurriedly helped Lu Shijin finish the dress, "Yes, yes, Junior Brother Lin is already waiting outside, let's go out now, don't delay the auspicious time of the ceremony."

Little Junior Sister helped Lu Shi to go out of the hall, and Lin Junchen was already waiting at the door.

The dress he was wearing was made of white snow satin with intricate patterns embroidered with silver threads, which reflected light in the sun, making it very dazzling.

He also dressed up carefully today. He is no longer the young boy who used to look young. Now Lin Junchen is tall and straight as a pine, with bright eyes, handsome and extraordinary, dressed in white, with a dusty temperament, and a clean and dignified appearance.

The moment Lin Junchen saw Lu Shijin, his eyes lit up, and he couldn't hold back his serious expression.

"Senior brother, you are so beautiful." Lin Junchen ignored the younger sister standing next to him, and bluntly praised Lu Shijin, which made the younger sister pursed her lips and laughed, "How about you, senior senior brother, I dressed the senior senior brother to look good. Bar?"

"Okay, thank you little junior sister." Lin Junchen said to the junior sister, but his eyes were straight and never looked away from Lu Shijin's face.

Although they have been together for many years, Lu Shijin still can't help blushing and heartbeat every time he is stared at by Lin Junchen's warm and straightforward eyes.

He cleared his throat, walked over to Lin Junchen, and reminded in a low voice, "Take the corners of your mouth and laugh like this, what it looks like to be seen by others, don't forget that you are now the leader of the faction."

"Well, listen to Senior Brother." Lin Junchen pulled the corners of his mouth obediently, but looking at Lu Shijin, he couldn't hide his smile. On a happy day, everyone is happy, and Lu Shijin will no longer treat him too much. Request, let him go.

"Senior brother, all the guests have already entered the table and are waiting for us. Shall we go out?" Lin Junchen took Lu Shijin's hand, clasped it tightly in his hand, and clasped his fingers together.

Lu Shijin could feel Lin Junchen's fingers trembling slightly, so he must be nervous.

How could he not be nervous, even Lu Shijin's heart was shaking violently.

After traveling so many times, this is the first time the two of them have held a wedding, promising each other that they will hold their hands and grow old together.

After a formal ceremony, I suddenly feel that many places seem to be different, mood, feelings, responsibilities...

From now on, I will no longer be alone, and the rest of my life will be closely linked with another person, inseparable.

The two walked out of the hall and joined hands to step on the stage where the ceremony was held.

One worshipped the heaven and earth, two worshipped the ancestors of the Three Qing Dynasty, three worshipped the tablet of the ancestor of the Tianqing Sect, and then the husband and wife bowed to each other in the loud applause of the crowd.

Finally, he cut his fingers, signed his name on the combined book with blood, and made a promise that he would never leave and never give up, and the ceremony was completed.

The two announced to the world that Lin Junchen and Lu Shijin became Taoist companions and would not bear each other in this life.

Under the viewing platform, the monks were overwhelmed by the demeanor of the two on the platform, and they were full of admiration.

"What a pair of beautiful people made in heaven!"

"Today I can see the world's number one beauty, I have no regrets in this life!"

"Heroes with beautiful women, good stories and good stories! Congratulations to Sect Leader Lin! I wish you and Brother Lu your love, harmony and success!"

At the end of the joining ceremony, Lin Junchen had to entertain the sect masters from all over the world, while Lu Shijin went back to his and Lin Junchen's bedroom first.

It was almost night, and Lin Junchen returned after delivering the last batch of guests.

"Everyone sent away?" Lu Shijin had removed the complicated dress, put on his regular clothes, sat at the round table, and asked him with a smile.


There are two wine cups and a pot of wine on the table. Lu Shijin picked up the wine pot and filled the two wine cups with wine, handed him a glass, raised his eyebrows and smiled: "It's your turn, come to drink the wine?"

"It's your turn" meant that it was not Lin Junchen who came back now, but Mu Cang.

Today at the ceremony, the three of them have negotiated the division of labor. Lin Junchen is the one who salutes Lu Shijin, and Mu Cang is the one who drinks the wine. Today is the turn of Lu Shijin and Zhou Xueyuan, so the good thing about the bridal chamber falls to my dear. on the head of his uncle.

Mu Cang took the wine glass, but didn't drink it, "Wait."

Lu Shijin: "What are you waiting for?"

Mu Cang pulled out a piece of red hijab that he didn't know where he found from behind him, and asked Lu Shijin to say, "Cover this."

Lu Shijin: "..." Are you going to add drama to yourself?

Today's registration ceremony, it is true that Mu Cang suffers the most, and it's over after a drink, which seems to be a bit unfair to him.

Thinking of this, the balance in Lu Shijin's heart tilted towards Mu Cang, he consciously took the red hijab and put it on his head, and said with a sullen smile, "Then, do you want to take off my hijab?"

Feeling that the corner of the hijab was picked up by a steel scale, Lu Shijin raised his head, took the hijab away from his head, and looked directly at Shang Mucang's dark and deep eyes.

My heart was still beating uncontrollably.

The two remained relatively silent, raised their wine glasses and entwined their wrists, raised their necks and drank it down.

After drinking the wine, Mu Cang took out a short dagger from nowhere and cut off a lock of his hair. Lu Shijin understood what he meant, took the dagger, and cut a section of his hair for him.

Mu Cang's slender fingers turned around, skillfully weaving the two's hair together, and quickly tied a concentric knot.

Lu Shijin was amazed, "When did you learn to make this up?"

Mu Cang raised his eyes and hooked his lower lip, and handed the concentric knot to Lu Shijin, "I can't be unprepared for a big event that only happens once in my life, do you like it?"

"I like it." Lu Shijin took the concentric knot in his hand and read it several times, carefully put it away as if it was a treasure, and remembered that Mu Cang just came out, but it won't be long before he will be replaced, and he can't help but feel a little sorry for Mu Cang. He suggested, "It's still early, or... let's go to bed for a while?"

Mu Cang stared at him and shook his head, took him in his arms, kissed Lu Shijin's lips tenderly, licked and sucked patiently, as if he was tasting some unparalleled delicacy.

Lu Shijin fell into his rare tenderness, clinging to the man with both hands, giving him a warm kiss back.

No matter what the appearance or temperament of the person in front of him is, as long as he is sure of this person, he will like and love them all.

I don't know how long they kissed, until the red candle burning high on the case burst into flames, and their lips and tongues were separated.

Lu Shijin's cheeks were flushed, and the end of his eyes were moist. Looking back at the man's eyes, they were full of water. There was a cluster of beating candles in them, and a few strands of hair were stuck to the red lips.

Mu Cang touched his forehead and said in a hoarse voice, "Little fox, I don't care about one day and one night, what I want is eternal life, don't feel guilty. Today, I'll take advantage of him first."


Lu Shijin finally waited for Zhou Xueyuan.

The temperament of the man's body has changed visibly with the naked eye, and the indifferentness between his eyebrows and eyes has returned to the unattainable flower of the alpine forest.

But when those cold eyes looked at Lu Shijin, the love buried deep in their eyes would break through the ice.

"Uncle Shi, congratulations." Lu Shijin clasped his fists at Zhou Xueyuan and joked with a smile.

Zhou Xueyuan raised his eyebrows slightly: "Where does the joy come from?"

Lu Shijin: "There can be several wedding nights in your life, but you took a big advantage today, isn't it enough to congratulate you?"

Zhou Xueyuan said coolly: "It's not my seat who salutes you, it's not my seat who drinks a glass of wine, and it's not my seat who has the first double cultivation with you. Now everyone in the world knows that you are Lin Junchen's Taoist companion. What does it have to do with this seat? Oh, the bridal candle, it's just a nice thing to say."

"The big day, why are you drinking your own vinegar again?" Lu Shijin clicked his tongue in dissatisfaction, straddled Zhou Xueyuan, put his arms around the man's neck, and faced him face to face, "Good uncle, don't be unhappy. , how do you want to come today, how many times do you come, and I will accompany you, okay?"

Zhou Xueyuan was expressionless, but his brows moved, and he was obviously moved, "Really?"

Lu Shijin took the initiative to bring his lips to his mouth, "Everyone is yours, how can I lie to you?"

Zhou Xueyuan hugged his waist, looked at him deeply, and said, "This is what you said."

Before Lu Shijin could answer, the scene in front of him suddenly changed. When he came back to his senses, the two were no longer in the bridal chamber.

"This is..." Lu Shijin turned his head and looked around. It seemed that he was on the top of a mountain that was ten thousand feet high. The sky seemed to be within reach, and the scene was a little familiar. Lu Shijin blurted out, "Lotus Peak?"

Lianhua Peak is the place where Zhou Xueyuan worked hard for decades. Lu Shijin didn't understand why Zhou Xueyuan brought himself here on the wedding night.

Lu Shijin asked inexplicably, "What are you doing here?"

Zhou Xueyuan picked up Lu Shijin, who was sitting on his lap, and did not go back to the thatched hut. Instead, he walked to a cave to take shelter from the wind and snow. The cave was not as cold as the outside. up.

There was a bluestone slab in the cave, covered with animal fur, which could barely be used as a bed. Zhou Xueyuan hugged Lu Shijin up. Lu Shijin didn't know what Zhou Xueyuan wanted to do, but he had just made a promise, so he had to let him go.

"I have practiced here for decades, and I have never been moved by anyone or anything, except you," Zhou Xueyuan trapped Lu Shijin under him, raised his arms and looked down at him, "You are the demon and the goblin who ruined my practice. "

Lu Shijin put his hand on Zhou Xueyuan's chest, touched it frivolously, looked at him with a smile, and said, "I ruined your practice, is the Daoist going to slay demons and eliminate demons today?"

"This seat will punish you."