Before Lu Shijin stepped into the car door, the person Fang Chen sent to look for him arrived.

"Master Lu, please stay!"

Lu Shijin looked back slowly, and it was Secretary Zhou who was chasing after him. In order to stop Lu Shijin, he ran a 100-meter sprint in a tight suit, which was really hard for him.

"Secretary Zhou, does Mr. Fang have anything else for you to bring to me?"

Secretary Zhou supported his waist and panted, "No, no, Mr. Fang, please go back quickly."

"Go back?" Lu Shijin raised the corner of his mouth and chuckled, "It's fine that the young master Fang of your family doesn't look down on me, and he said that I'm a liar, why should I go back? Bring shame on myself?"

"Master Lu, calm down," Secretary Zhou said, "it's like this, not long after you left, the eldest young master passed out again..."

Lu Shijin interrupted him: "Why don't you find a doctor if you faint? Why are you looking for me?"

"Of course the doctor also looked for it," said Secretary Zhou embarrassedly, "but Mr. Fang asked me to ask you to come up again. I don't know the specific reason, so let Mr. Fang tell you personally. "

Lu Shijin closed the car door and clapped his hands: "Okay, since Mr. Fang asked me to stay, for his sake, I'll temporarily forgive Fang Xiran, the defiant guy."

Secretary Zhou smiled politely: "This is the best, thank you."

Lu Shijin followed Secretary Zhou upstairs in the elevator again. In the elevator, Lu Shijin and Secretary Zhou chatted.

"Did Fang Xiran look like this **** before?"

Secretary Zhou: "No, the eldest young master used to be gentle and courteous to everyone, maybe because he was in a car accident this time, he lost his memory after waking up, and only hurt people when he couldn't accept it for a while. Weird."

Lu Shijin nodded in agreement, "Of course I won't blame him, who would care about someone with a brain."

Secretary Zhou: "..."

A dizziness card is valid for five minutes, and the time is almost just right from when it is used on Fang Xiran to when Lu Shijin returned to the ward unhurriedly.

After Fang Xiran fainted, the doctor came over for an examination. All the indicators were fine, but he didn't understand why he fainted.

He had just experienced the surprise of his son waking up, and now he was frightened again. Fang Chen's mood today was like riding a roller coaster. His eyes were full of tiredness and worry, and he seemed to be several years old all of a sudden.

"You're back now! Come and come!" As soon as Fang Chen saw Lu Shijin, it was like seeing a life-saving Bodhisattva. He took his hand and walked to Fang Xiran's bed. Lu Shijin pretended not to know, and asked in surprise, "He What's wrong? Didn't you all wake up just now? Why did you faint again?"

After speaking, he silently counted three times in his heart.

Three, two, one.

Fang Xiran on the hospital bed frowned, her eyelashes fluttered and she woke up.

When Fang Chen saw his son woke up, he first patted his thigh excitedly, then looked at Lu Shijin, his sharp and complex eyes were mixed with various emotional elements.

Doubt, surprise, joy, and some fear.

Out of the fear that the worldview that has been established for half a lifetime is refreshed by witnessing an unscientific phenomenon.

Now there is no doubt that Lu Shijin is the noble person that Fang Xiran had said by the master.

But this is also amazing. As soon as Lu Shijin left, Fang Xiran fainted. When Lu Shijin came back, Fang Xiran woke up?

Better than taking a panacea?

Fang Chen secretly made up his mind, for the safety and health of his son, no matter what Fang Xiran said after he woke up, he would never let Lu Shijin go, even if he was tied, he would tie the two together!

Fang Xiran woke up, sat up and saw Lu Shijin leaving and returning, his brows furrowed again.

He asked in disgust, "Why are you back?"

Lu Shijin raised his eyebrows, but before he could speak, Fang Chen had already stood in front of him and said for him, "I asked him to come back."

Fang Xiran frowned, "Father, why is this?"

Fang Chen said loudly: "Fang Xiran, let me tell you, I can do whatever you want with other things, but I'm already married to you, this is a fact, if you don't want to admit it, you want to drive him away unless you don't want to admit me. Daddy!"

Fang Xiran turned and glared at Lu Shijin, Lu Shijin pretended not to see it, gloated in his heart, but pretended to be generous, and said, "Mr. Fang, his illness is not healed, you don't need to do it for me..."

Fang Chen waved his hand to interrupt him, "You don't need to say it, I already have a decision in my heart. You saved Xi Ran, and our Fang family will never do ungrateful things."

Lu Shijin glanced at Fang Xiran, who had a dark face, and smiled helplessly: "But Mr. Fang, you have also seen Young Master Fang's attitude towards me, why should I stay to be suspicious? Or should I leave and let Young Master Fang recuperate in peace? Bar."

"No! You must not go!" Fang Chen grabbed Lu Shijin's arm tightly, pulled him to the corner of the ward, and said mysteriously, "Good boy, I won't hide it from you, the master said it, Xi Ran Er At the age of sixteen, there will be a big catastrophe in your life, and you have to be helped by a noble person to be safe and sound, and you are his noble person."

Lu Shijin pointed to himself and pretended to be surprised, "Me?"

"Yes, it's you." Fang Chen nodded decisively, then told him what happened after Lu Shijin left, grabbed Lu Shijin's hand and clapped, "Son, I know I must have wronged you for letting you stay. , but please see that since I'm too old, I really can't stand any more accidents with Xi Ran, I hope you can stay, okay?"

Lu Shijin lowered his eyelids, pretended to think deeply for a while, raised his head in Fang Chen's expectant eyes, and nodded solemnly.

"I understand. Mr. Fang, I originally thought that Young Master Fang was fine, and my departure would have no effect on him, but since he needs me now, I am willing to stay and take care of him until he recovers."

Fang Chen nodded again and again, "Good boy, thank you very much."

Lu Shijin smiled politely and slandered: Don't just say thank you, but show some practical expressions, such as a sea view room or something.

Fang Chen added: "You saw it too, Xi Ran just woke up, and his temper is a little impatient. If he offends you with his words, don't take it to heart, okay? Uncle apologizes for him and you."

"Don't say that, Mr. Fang, you have given me enough, and I actually didn't do anything. I feel very sorry for taking these. You really don't need to be polite to me." Lu Shijin said kindly, "And I wouldn't bother with a patient."

"What is this," Fang Chen said boldly, "As long as you can resolve Xi Ran's disaster, I will give you another five percent of Fang's equity as a thank you gift!"

Just waiting for your words! Lu Shijin immediately patted his chest and assured: "Mr. Fang, don't worry, no matter how much grievances Young Master Fang gives me, I will never leave him!"

The two discussed together and reached a consensus.

Returning to Fang Xiran's suspicious and inquiring eyes, Fang Chen said sternly, "Did you hear what I said just now? If you dare to leave in a hurry, don't recognize me as a dad!"

"Why?" Fang Xiran glared at Lu Shijin angrily and asked Fang Chen, "Father, what kind of ecstasy did he give you? Am I your son or is he your son? I lost my memory, but I'm not stupid. Now, he is obviously a liar, can't you see that?!"

"Enough!" Fang Chen patted the railing of the hospital bed, his face ashen, and said in a tone of indifference, "Who is he, I can tell in my heart, you just woke up, your mind is unclear, first take a good rest, Stop thinking about it. I have other things to deal with and can't stay with you in the hospital all the time, so I will stay here to take care of you now. Be polite to others, do you hear?"

Fang Xiran was so angry that she lay down on the bed, turned her back to Fang Chen and Lu Shijin, and refused to answer.

Lu Shijin rolled his eyes, could Ning be more childish?

Fang Chen left. After the doctors and nurses gave Fang Xiran an injection and gave him medicine, they all withdrew from the ward, leaving only him and Lu Shijin in the ward.

Before I knew it, it was already night, and the master said that Lu Shijin had to spend it with Fang Xiran tonight, so Lu Shijin had to stay in the ward to accompany the night.

Fang Xiran didn't say a word to Lu Shijin in the afternoon, and Lu Shijin didn't tell him so rarely, that someone brought a bunch of magazines over and sat on the sofa with Erlang's legs crossed and flipped through the magazines leisurely.

After reading a magazine for one night, Lu Shijin picked up his phone and glanced at it. It was already 9:30 p.m. when he raised his head and glanced at the hospital bed. Fang Xiran was lying with his back to him, and he couldn't tell whether he was asleep or not.

Lu Shijin's eyebrows moved, and he deliberately turned the magazine in his hand a little louder.

Then, as expected, Fang Xiran's breathing became heavier, as if trying to restrain something.

"I'm going to rest." Fang Xiran finally couldn't listen any longer, and said abruptly.

Lu Shijin said "oh" unsavoury, then politely said "good night", and continued flipping through the magazine.

Fang Xiran was silent for a while, and finally turned around unbearably, looked at Lu Shijin sullenly, and said, "I said I want to rest, are you deaf?"

"I heard it, didn't I tell you 'good night'?" Lu Shijin plausibly said.

Fang Xiran: "The sound of your flipping the book is too loud, and it affects me."

Lu Shijin touched his nose innocently, "Is there? Then I'll take it easy."

Fang Xiran: "It's not easy at all. The slightest movement will disturb me."

Lu Shijin threw the magazine away, "Okay, then I won't read it, are you satisfied now?"

"Dissatisfied," Fang Xiran tugged his lips sarcastically, "You are a disturbance to me by staying here."

Lu Shijin smiled: "Then what do you want?"

Fang Xiran raised his hand and pointed to the door of the ward, "Go out, you are here, I can't sleep."

"No," Lu Shijin put his arms around his chest, stretched out his long legs and folded them in a comfortable position, "Mr. Fang explained that we must be together tonight."

Fang Xiran rolled over and got out of bed, "Then I'll go."

Lu Shijin didn't move. He raised a long leg and put it on the hospital bed, stopped Fang Xiran, and said leisurely, "You are not allowed to leave. Your father and I can't explain it if you leave."

Fang Xiran said with a gloomy face, "What kind of thing are you, dare to stop me?"

Lu Shijin raised his eyelids lazily and looked at him casually, "With your sick body, believe it or not I can hold you down with one hand? Before I am willing to talk to you properly, I advise you Stop trying to challenge my patience."

Fang Xiran sneered, raised his chin and said disdainfully: "Who are you threatening? It's just a thing bought with money, I really take myself seriously."

"Master Fang, I don't quite understand. Is this the first time we've met?" Lu Shijin asked with a half-smile, "Have I offended you? Where did you come from to be so hostile to me?"

Fang Xiran: "Because you are a swindling liar, aren't you? You came to our house eagerly, didn't you just covet my family's money? You have already cheated a lot from my father, right? I advise you not to be too greedy, see Just accept it, otherwise, I will let you leave Fang's house with nothing."

"First of all, you got the cause wrong. It wasn't that I had to come to your house, it was your old man who forced me to come here." Lu Shijin put his arms around his chest and said, "Your Fang family is rich and powerful, where is our Lu family's small family? The opponent of your family, if I don't come, our family will go bankrupt, so I can only promise to marry you and give you happiness, understand? As for the things your father gave me, I saved your life, take it Reward, isn't it too much?"

"You saved my life?" Fang Xiran looked like he heard a joke of the century, "You're too embarrassed to say that? What did you save me? Feudal superstition? I've never seen such a brazen person!"

"Is this shameless?" Lu Shijin smiled frivolously, "that young master Fang has met too few people. If you don't believe it, you can't bear your old man's belief in me, so you'd better give it to me. Lie down obediently, otherwise, I will call Mr. Fang, and you don't want to bother him, an old man who has to run in the middle of the night, right?"

Fang Xiran looked ahead and continued walking until his knees touched Lu Shijin's thigh and was stopped by him.

Lu Shijin clicked his tongue and stretched his legs, "Master Fang, I really don't want to use violence against you, can you cooperate?"

"Get out of the way." Fang Xiran said coldly.

Lu Shijin shook his leg and bumped against his, "Don't let it, don't let it go."

Fang Xiran turned his head and gave him a fierce look, then growled, "Get out of the way! I'm going to the bathroom!"

Lu Shijin raised his eyebrows, put away his legs, and waved his hands mercifully, "So you're going to the bathroom? Why didn't you tell me earlier? Go ahead and go."

Fang Xiran rushed into the bathroom angrily, and slammed the door with a bang, venting his anger.

Lu Shijin shrugged at the door, and was hated by her husband at the beginning. It was the first time, and it was interesting.

He clearly knew where Fang Xiran's hostility to him came from, because now this Fang Xiran knew all the plots, and the original owner, in his eyes, was just a boy of two or five who betrayed him, so it's no wonder that he would only want to drive him away.

Lu Shijin is not in a hurry to explain, because he knows that even explaining is useless.

Marrying someone you've never met, not because of anything else but because of love -- who's going to believe it?

So, let time tell.

The more Fang Xiran looked down on him, the more Lu Shijin wanted to conquer. Just wait, Zhenxiang will be late, but she will not be absent.

Fang Xiran released his hands and opened the door of the bathroom to come out. He suddenly saw Lu Shijin leaning against the door, which made his face change with fright.

"What are you doing here?!" Fang Xiran was very annoyed.

Lu Shijin blinked and pulled the corner of his mouth, "One minute, not bad, it seems that the car accident didn't hurt there."

One minute... Fang Xiran repeated it silently, and when he thought about what Lu Shijin said, a blush appeared on the fair-skinned Jun's face, and he stared at Lu Shijin and said sternly, "Do you still want shame? Eavesdropping on people going to the toilet. ?!"

Lu Shijin said innocently: "Why are you shameless? We are already married. I imagine my future sexual life, isn't it normal?"

Fang Xiran's chest rose and fell, and blue veins burst out on the fists hanging on both sides of the body, "You are dreaming! I will never touch you!"

Lu Shijin continued to carry forward his shameless spirit, and said with a teasing: "It's okay, it's the same when I touch you. I took money from your family. If I don't do anything, my conscience will be disturbed."

"You!" Fang Xiran was so angry that his face turned purple, and it looked like he was about to vomit blood, and for a long time he squeezed four words from his teeth, "Get out of here!"

"It's so boring. Besides telling me to get out of here, will you say anything else?" Lu Shijin patted his **** and sat back on the sofa, picked up his phone and played with it, "Are you going to sleep or not?"

Fang Xiran lifted the quilt and lay back on the bed, and said angrily, "Do you mind whether I sleep or not?"

"I'll order a late-night snack if I don't sleep, do you want to eat?" Lu Shijin clicked on the take-out software, found a barbecue restaurant with good reviews, and ordered some skewers and seafood, "This one seems to be good. , here are twenty skewers of mutton first."

Fang Xiran was so full of anger, when he heard that Lu Shijin was still in the mood to eat late-night snacks, his brain hurt even more, "Don't eat! You're not allowed to eat!"

"Why?" Lu Shijin stared at the phone and thought, "You can't even let me eat it if you don't eat it yourself. It's too unreasonable, isn't it?"

Fang Xiran: "Barbecue smells great, and it smells unpleasant."

When Lu Shijin heard Fang Xiran muttering, he didn't know what to say, but it wouldn't be good words.

For the sake of his broken mind, Lu Shijin decided not to care about him, and said generously: "That's why I invited you to eat together. If you eat together, won't it taste good?"

Fang Xiran was so angry that he beat the bed, "I don't **** eat it! If you want to eat it, get out and eat it yourself!"

Lu Shijin couldn't help but rolled his eyes again. He was not used to Fang Xiran's temper, and said slowly: "I said, we have to live together tonight, and I can't leave you half a step."

Unable to communicate, Fang Xiran angrily pulled up the quilt and put his head in the quilt, refusing to speak to Lu Shijin any more, and refused to breathe the air that Lu Shijin had breathed.

After Lu Shijin ordered takeout, about half an hour later, the takeaway brother's call arrived. Lu Shijin asked the bodyguards outside the ward to help him get it outside the hospital. The bodyguards quickly brought back a big bag full of barbecue.

Most of them were ordered by him for the bodyguard brother. He didn't have much appetite, so he just picked some favorites and took them back to the ward.

Closing the door of the ward gently, the quilt that was arched on the bed didn't move, and he didn't know whether Fang Xiran was asleep or not.

Lu Shijin didn't bother to care whether he was sleeping or not. He spread the takeaway boxes on the coffee table and opened them one by one. He picked up a bunch of mutton skewers and took a bite. People couldn't stop talking, and Lu Shijin opened his bow from left to right and solved the five strings at once.

While eating, I suddenly heard a series of "gurgling" sounds clearly sounded in the ward.

Lu Shijin stopped chewing and looked at the sound, the sound seemed to come from under the quilt.

"Pfft." Lu Shijin couldn't hold back, he burst out laughing, but he didn't dare to get too complacent, so he held back hard.

It turned out to be really pretending to be asleep, even if I was covered with a quilt, I couldn't stop the smell of barbecue hahahaha!

"What are you laughing at!" Fang Xiran was so embarrassed when he was found that his stomach was screaming, he simply lifted the quilt and stared at Lu Shijin angrily, his eyes wishing to strangle him, "Is it funny? Eat barbecue in my ward in the middle of the night. ? You're trying to keep me from sleeping, right? Okay, I'm here today without you, or with me—"

Fang Xiran didn't finish his words, because Lu Shijin handed a skewer of mutton under his nose, and the smell made him forget what he was going to say, and his stomach rang in disappointment.

Fang Xiran's face turned red again, this time it wasn't anger at Lu Shijin, but at himself.

"Eat?" Lu Shijin asked blankly.

Fang Xiran swallowed while looking at the roasted and fragrant mutton skewers, but the man's self-esteem made him unable to hold down this face and bite it down, turning his face away and rejecting it coldly.

He believed that Lu Shijin would beg him to eat again, and calculated in his heart that when Lu Shijin begged him for the third time, he would reluctantly put the mutton on skewers.

However, Lu Shijin withdrew his hand, put all the mutton into his mouth, and said vaguely while chewing: "The last string, forget it."

Fang Xiran: "..." He was so angry that he wanted to kill.

Before Fang Xiran could put his murderous thoughts into action, he heard Lu Shijin's annoying voice in his ear: "The mutton skewers are too greasy, it's not good to eat that when you just woke up. I also ordered a seafood porridge, you can eat it. don't eat?"

Don't people live just to open their mouths?

Fang Xiran finally gave in.

He felt that tonight, the long night, if he didn't put something in his mouth, he would really not be able to get through it.

Fang Xiran gave Lu Shijin a sidelong glance, but he couldn't let this kid be so proud.

"I'll eat," Fang Xiran leaned back and put up the eldest young master's money, "feed me."

Lu Shijin thought he had misheard, "What?"

Fang Xiran looked at Lu Shijin like an idiot: "I said, I want you to feed me, you bought it with money from my family, you can feed me, right?"

Oh, is this to humiliate him as a servant?

The corner of Lu Shijin's mouth twitched, nodded and said, "Okay, I'll feed you."

Lu Shijin stood beside Fang Xiran's bed, lifted the lid of the takeaway box containing the porridge, took a spoonful of porridge, put it to his mouth and blew, and then handed it to Fang Xiran's mouth.

Fang Xiran was also really hungry, so he didn't embarrass Lu Shijin any longer, he opened his mouth to hold the spoon and ate the porridge into his mouth.

Lu Shijin fed Fang Xiran spoonfuls by spoonfuls. After feeding him half a bowl, he asked him with a smile, "Is it delicious?"

Fang Xiran said lightly: "It's okay, but the way of feeding is not very good. You have to learn from other servants. When you return home in the future, you won't be compared by other servants."

Lu Shijin lowered his eyebrows and said, "Well, good."

Lu Shijin was suddenly too obedient, which made Fang Xiran a little surprised, and couldn't help but glance at Lu Shijin.

Lu Shijin didn't have any superfluous expressions on his face. He blew a spoonful of porridge and put it to Fang Xiran's mouth naturally, "Are you full? Are you still eating?"

Not seeing the reaction that he wanted to see on Lu Shijin's face, Fang Xiran suddenly felt that the seafood porridge in his mouth became tasteless, and pushed Lu Shijin's hand away, "Don't eat it." After a while, he suddenly said, "Although you have already Arrived at our house, but our family does not support idlers, so I will be fed by you in the future."

"Okay." Lu Shijin happily agreed, scooping a spoon of porridge and sticking it into his mouth, "You can do things with money."

When Fang Xiran saw Lu Shijin used the spoon he had eaten, his face suddenly became a little weird, "You..."

"What's wrong?" Lu Shijin pretended not to understand, and drank another spoonful of porridge. He put the spoon in his mouth and said casually, "There is so much more, what a waste."

Fang Xiran: "..." Forget it, don't want to talk.

A grain of rice accidentally stuck to the corner of Lu Shijin's mouth, Lu Shijin felt it, stretched out the tip of his bright red tongue, and hooked the white grain into his mouth.

Fang Xiran just caught a glimpse, and his heartbeat seemed to have missed a beat for some reason, and an inappropriate picture could not help but appear in his mind.

Lu Shijin looked at him with a smile: "I will feed you every day in the future, and I will definitely feed you full."