After Fang Xiran woke up, he continued to stay in the hospital for a few days for observation. After all the physical indicators reached normal standards, the doctor announced that he could be discharged home for recuperation.

Fang Chen had already ordered people to prepare everything at home and waited for Fang Xiran to be discharged from the hospital.

During this time, Lu Shi will also go to the hospital today to take care of Fang Xiran. Although the two still talk a lot, but at least Fang Xiran didn't let Lu Shijin go out of a disagreement like at the beginning.

Because he knew that even if Lu Shijin was let go, he wouldn't.

Lu Shijin worked tirelessly to take care of Fang Xiran. These Fang ministers saw it in their eyes, and became more and more satisfied with Lu Shijin. After reading his hard work, Fang Chen successively paid a lot of money to Lu Shijin's card, and also sent a set of sea view rooms.

Did you ask him to feel wronged? how come.

Taking people's money to eliminate disasters for others, he Lu Shijin is a person with professional ethics.

Fang Xiran has understood these days that Lu Shijin is profitable on him, and it is impossible to drive him away like a dog skin plaster.

He also saw it, since money was spent, it was not used for nothing, and money could not be spent in vain.

As a result, Lu Shijin's redemption business expanded from serving tea and water, feeding three meals a day to dressing and undressing. In short, Fang Xiran asked Lu Shijin to help him do everything that Fang Xiran could not do by himself.

On the day he was discharged from the hospital, Fang Xiran gave instructions last night to ask Lu Shi to come to the hospital in person to pick him up this morning.

Lu Shi left early this morning, and the eldest young master was still lying in bed.

"Master, get up." Lu Shijin stood by the bed and reminded lukewarmly.

He could see that this guy's eyelashes were shaking and he was pretending to be asleep, so childish.

Fang Xiran opened her eyes and yawned, pretending to just wake up, sat up slowly, picked up her phone and glanced, "It's already nine o'clock, didn't you come here at half past eight? Did you tell me what I said? listen?"

Lu Shijin said blankly, "I'm sorry, it's the morning rush hour for work, and the road is stuck in traffic, so I can't help it."

Fang Xiran sneered and expressed disbelief, "You are just lazy, you know that you are stuck in traffic, so you can't leave an hour earlier? Take the money from my family but don't do things well, and make excuses for yourself, a servant like you, I can drive ten a day. ."

Lu Shijin pinched the knuckles of his knuckles, gritted his teeth, kept a polite smile on his face, and said to himself silently in his heart that it is not good for him to be hit by a car, so don't care about him, just treat him as farting.

"Master, are you still up?" Lu Shijin raised the plastic bag in his hand, "If you don't get up, the breakfast you asked me to buy will be cold."

"Bring my clothes and help me put them on." Fang Xiran sat up, raised his chin and gestured towards the sofa proudly.

Lu Shijin put down his breakfast and brought him clothes. Fang Xiran was still wearing the hospital gown. Before putting on the clothes, Lu Shijin had to help him take off the hospital gown.

Fang Xiran just opened his arms and stood like an emperor in ancient times, letting Lu Shijin wait for him to get dressed.

The patient number with the blue and white stripes was taken off from the man's body, revealing the man's thin physique.

Lying in bed for several months, Fang Xiran relied on nutrient infusions to maintain his life, and the muscles that he had exercised had degenerated.

During this period of time, under the care of Lu Shijin, he raised some flesh on his body and looked better.

After taking off Fang Xiran's shirt, Lu Shijin took off his pants. When bending over, he noticed a bulge under his boxer pants.

Men, most of them have this problem when they wake up in the morning.

Lu Shijin didn't change his face, straightened up and put on a shirt for Fang Xiran. When buttoning the buttons, he deliberately pretended to be clumsy and couldn't button it in. He approached Fang Xiran casually, lowered his head under Fang Xiran's chin, and looked intently at Fang Xiran's neckline.

The distance between the two was so close, Fang Xiran could see the swirl of Lu Shijin's head as soon as he lowered his eyes.

Lu Shijin's hair color is pure black, the hair is very thin, it looks very soft, and it should feel good to the touch.

At the same time, he smelled the faint scent of shower gel coming from Lu Shijin's body. It was fresh and elegant, like the smell of verbena. Fang Xiran couldn't help guessing that Lu Shijin should have just taken a shower in the morning.

When he realized what he was thinking, Fang Xiran couldn't help but sneer at his own thoughts. It's none of my business whether he takes a bath or not.

Fang Xiran wanted to look away, but out of the corner of his eyes, he inadvertently caught a glimpse of a small piece of collarbone exposed in Lu Shijin's neckline.

And Lu Shijin is still obsessed with helping Fang Xiran button the buttons, occasionally poking his fingers on Fang Xiran's chest carelessly, getting closer and closer.

Fang Xiran suddenly felt unbearable, pushed Lu Shijin away rudely, grabbed the placket of his shirt and started buttoning himself, glanced at Lu Shijin with disgust, and said dryly, "You're stupid, I can't even button a button, I'll do it myself. "

Lu Shijin twitched the corners of his mouth, noncommittal, picked up Fang Xiran's pants, and asked, "Are you wearing pants yourself?"

Fang Xiran snorted dissatisfiedly: "If you can't button up, you can't even wear pants? I have to do everything myself. Why should I pay you to come?"

"OK, I'll come." Lu Shijin shook his suit pants and showed a standard waiter-like smile, "Sir, please hold your feet high."

Fang Xiran slowly buttoned his shirt, shook his shoulders, sat on the bed, and lifted his legs straight up.

Lu Shijin helped him put on his trousers, "Please stand up again."

Fang Xiran stood up cooperatively, Lu Shijin helped him lift his trousers to his waist, tucked his shirt into his trousers, and then buttoned the front button. When he pulled the zipper on the crotch, the zipper seemed to be stuck. Lu Shijin tried several times, but what happened? Can't pull it up.

The zipper couldn't be closed, so Lu Shijin simply squatted down and faced Fang Xiran's crotch with a serious face, competing with the zipper.

During this process, Lu Shijin's hand will inevitably "accidentally" touch a place that shouldn't be touched, and the man in the morning is the most untouchable.

Fang Xiran's brow wrinkled deeper and deeper, finally when Lu Shijin met him for the nth time, he couldn't help but whisper: "What are you doing?"

Lu Shijin looked up at him, blinked, and said solemnly, "help you pull the zipper. It seems that the zipper is stuck by some thread. It's fine, it will be fine soon."

After finishing speaking, his hand stretched directly into Fang Xiran's trousers. He squeezed the entire zipper head and pulled it up with force. The zipper was finally pulled up by his strong force and was successfully pulled up.

Fang Xiran: "..."

The zipper was pulled up, but Lu Shijin just pushed too hard and rubbed against that position, the feeling was so clear that Fang Xiran couldn't ignore it even if he wanted to ignore it.

"Okay, the zipper is closed, it's time to tie the belt." Lu Shijin stood up, picked up a belt and pulled it on his hand, looking at Fang Xiran with a smile.

Fang Xiran felt that the little brother had a tendency to raise his head. How could he dare to let Lu Shijin help him tie the belt? If Lu Shijin discovered his change, then Lu Shijin should not be too proud to die? !

"I'll go to the toilet first." Fang Xiran turned to his side to prevent Lu Shijin from finding out that something was wrong, and hurriedly walked towards the bathroom, his back showing a hint of escape.

Lu Shijin looked at the closed bathroom door, and flicked the belt in his hand like a small leather whip, with a triumphant smile on the corner of his mouth.

Demo, fight with me, and cultivate for another five hundred years.

It took almost twenty minutes for Fang Xiran to come out of the bathroom. When he came out, his shirt and trousers had been neatly groomed, and his hair was neatly combed.

It looks normal, but the more normal it is, the more it looks like it is trying to hide.

"Why does it take you so long to go to the toilet?" Lu Shijin pretended to be ignorant, sat on the sofa in his spare time, and took a bite of the fried dough sticks in his hand, "Breakfast is cold, do you still want to eat it?"

Fang Xiran looked at this man who set fire on him but didn't know it, causing him to work hard inside to put out the fire. All the energy he finally recovered was donated to a ball of tissues, but he was still eating his breakfast with a good appetite. ?

Fang Xiran clenched his teeth in anger, and said in a firm tone, "If you don't eat it, leave now!"

"Will you be hungry if you don't eat?" Lu Shijin asked with concern.

Fang Xiran put on the suit impatiently, and said angrily, "I'm not hungry. Are you a rice bucket? You know how to eat? Will you starve to death if you try not to eat?"

With a smile on his face, Lu Shijin squeezed the fried dough sticks in his hand, stared at Fang Xiran's face and took a big mouthful of fried dough sticks. He imagined the fried dough sticks in his mouth as flesh on a man's body, and chewed it hard.

Not angry, not angry, I am not angry, who wants to be angry if the body is bad.

After picking up Fang Xiran and leaving the hospital, the two returned to Fang's house together. In order to welcome the eldest son who returned home safely, Fang Chen deliberately took half a day out of his intense schedule, and ordered his youngest son, Fang Zhuoer, who was in school, to come back and have a meal with the whole family. reunion dinner.

Fang Xiran and Lu Shijin got out of the car, and as soon as they walked to the door of Fang's villa, they saw Fang Chen, Xu Meiru and Fang's servants all standing outside waiting for them, and there was a brazier at the door.

Xu Meiru waved to the two of them from a distance, walked forward with a smile on her face, and said enthusiastically, "Xiran, you are finally back, and I am so happy to see that you are all right. Quickly, step over this brazier and heal your illnesses and disasters. , except the villain to block the evil, bless you in the future, and the death will be auspicious!"

Fang Xiran glanced at the brazier and looked at Xu Meiru suspiciously, "Who are you?"

Xu Meiru was stunned for a moment, and looked at Fang Xiran with inquiring eyes. Fang Xiran didn't even know her. Could it be that he really lost his memory? Still wearing it?

"She is your stepmother," Fang Chen stepped forward, patted his son on the shoulder, and introduced him, "You used to call her Aunt Xu."

In order to allow Fang Xiran to recover in peace, Fang Chen did not let anyone visit him in the hospital. Xu Meiru was also the first time Fang Xiran saw him after he woke up.

"Oh, it turns out to be the stepmother." Fang Xiran retracted his eyes and said lightly, "No wonder she laughed so fake."

When Fang Xiran said that in front of so many people, Xu Meiru couldn't hold back her face, and the smile was stiff on her face.

Fang Chen raised his face in displeasure and accused Fang Xiran: "How can you talk to your Aunt Xu like this?"

"I'm telling the truth, and it's wrong to tell the truth? I'm tired, so I'm going to rest first." Fang Xiran didn't mean to reflect, he bypassed the brazier on the ground and walked straight to the villa.

Lu Shijin stayed to persuade Fang Chen: "Mr. Fang, don't be angry, I didn't take good care of him, so he might not be in a good mood."

"Good boy, how can I blame you for this? You have done a good job." Fang Chen looked at Fang Xiran's back, shook his head incomprehensibly, and sighed, "This child's temper was not like this before, but it was a misunderstanding. After a memory, how could it have changed so much?"

Xu Meiru also comforted her husband in a soft voice: "Okay, don't worry about the children, Xi Ran can't remember the past now, I won't take anything he says to my heart, as long as he is healthy, everything else will be fine. Yes, let's talk about it later."

Fang Chen took his wife's shoulders and walked to the villa together, "I have a lot of things to do, and I can't take care of my family. If Xi Ran is recuperating at home, I will trouble you to take care of it."

Xu Meiru said angrily: "What are you talking about, it's not troublesome for the family to talk about troubles, Xi Ran is also my child, can I not feel sorry for him?"

Lu Shijin followed the two into the villa, listening to Xu Meiru's disgusting words, the familiar nausea came up again.

It was noon when I returned to Fang's house, and the food was already on the table, as well as five sets of bowls and chopsticks.

The four of them took their seats first, and the extra pair of tableware, Lu Shijin guessed, should belong to the second son of the Fang family, Fang Zhuoer.

Sure enough, Fang Chen sat down and asked Xu Meiru, "How long will Zall be back?"

Xu Meiru smiled and said, "I called and asked just now. I've already reached the foot of the mountain, and I'll be there soon."

Although he had already introduced the family relationship to Fang Xiran, Fang Chen couldn't help but nag again: "Zall is your half-brother, six years younger than you, still in college, you two brothers have feelings for each other. Always good..."

"I'm in a good relationship. I've been in the hospital for so long, why haven't I seen him come to see me?" Fang Xiran interrupted Fang Chen's nagging with a blank expression.

Xu Meiru explained for her son: "Zall participated in exchange activities abroad some time ago, and didn't return to China until yesterday. Every time he called back, he would ask me about your situation. He is very concerned about your brother."

After Fang Xiran heard it, she just made a faint "Oh" sound, nothing is necessary.

Fang Xiran didn't show any affection when he spoke, and there was nothing to say at the dinner table. Lu Shijin, an outsider, couldn't help but feel embarrassed for Fang's family.

For a time, the four of them sat silently, no one spoke, and their thoughts were different.

What Fang Chen was worried about was that his eldest son, who had high hopes for him, had lost his memory and his temper had become so eccentric.

What Xu Meiru planned was that although Fang Xiran became very different from before, she still had to find a chance to test whether Fang Xiran was really amnesia or pretended to be amnesia.

Fang Xiran sneered secretly, I can't make you feel better if I don't feel good.

What Lu Shijin is distressed about is that her husband's emotional intelligence is too low, and he is arrogant and arrogant, what should he do? Most of them are used to it, just beat it.

Just as he was speechless, a young and cheerful voice came from the living room.

"Dad, Mom! I'm back! Is my brother back?"

When Xu Meiru heard this, she immediately stood up with a smile on her face, Fang Chen said, "Zall is back."

Fang Chen's face also showed the first smile after entering the door.

Lu Shijin couldn't help but curiously turned his head to look at the entrance of the restaurant, and soon walked in a tall and tall figure.

Fang Zhuoer's face and outline are somewhat similar to Fang Xiran, but his facial features are more inherited from his mother. He is handsome and handsome, with a sunny smile, revealing neat white teeth.

He was only wearing a simple T-shirt and shorts. He was not like other playboys who were covered in famous brands. He was afraid that others would not know that his family was rich. He is close.

As soon as Fang Zhuoer entered the restaurant, he first walked towards the table, gave Fang Chen and Xu Meiru a warm hug, and then looked at Fang Xiran with surprise in his eyes.

"Brother, that's great, you're all right! You don't know, how happy I was to hear that you woke up abroad! I wanted to fly back to see you immediately, but my father said that you need to rest, so I don't come back to disturb you. you."

Fang Zhuoer opened his arms as he spoke, and wanted to hug Fang Xiran, but Fang Xiran just sat there and looked at him calmly, not wanting to get up at all.

Fang Zhuoer didn't get a response, so he was a little embarrassed. He touched his nose and asked suspiciously, "Brother, what's wrong with you? Why do you look at me like this? Don't you know me?"

Xu Meiru said hurriedly: "Zall, Xiran lost his memory after waking up. It's normal that he doesn't know you. You have to give him time to get used to it. Alright, let's sit down and eat first, the dishes are going to be cold."

Fang Zhuoer sat in his seat, looked at Fang Xiran opposite him suspiciously, and asked incredulously, "Brother, do you really have amnesia? You really don't remember me?"

Fang Xiran looked at him and said indifferently, "I don't remember, but I feel familiar."

Fang Zhuoer clapped his hands happily, "I'll just say, you can't completely forget me, we are brothers!"

The eldest son woke up from the coma without any risk, and the younger son also returned from abroad. The family reunion made Fang Chen's heart tighten for several months, and finally became more relaxed.

In order to celebrate Fang Xiran's discharge from the hospital, Fang Chen specially let someone take out a piece of wine that he had treasured for a long time from the wine cellar today and drink it together as a family.

He raised his hand to signal to the servant to pour the wine, then raised the wine glass and said, "Today is a happy day. In order to celebrate our family reunion, you are also welcome to join our family today. Let's toast together."

After hearing what Fang Chen said, Fang Zhuoer noticed that there was one more person at their table today.

Sitting next to Fang Xiran was a young man he had never seen before. The young man looked good, but he didn't know his identity, and it was strange that Fang Chen said who was welcome to join their family.

"Mom, who is he?" Fang Zhuoer leaned over and asked Xu Meiru in a low voice.

Xu Meiru glanced at Lu Shijin, her voice was low enough for everyone to hear, "I forgot to introduce you, he is your brother's new husband, his name is Lu Shijin."

"New husband?" Fang Zhuoer looked at Lu Shijin and Fang Xiran in surprise, "Brother, aren't you just sick? Why did you get married? When did you get married? Why don't I know?"

Fang Chen put down the wine glass and coughed: "This is a long story. I'll explain it to you later. Let's eat first."

The head of the family said so, even if Fang Zhuoer had more questions in his heart, he could only suppress it.

The five people picked up the chopsticks one after another and started to eat. The rules at the Fang family's dinner table were to keep food and eat, so only the sounds of cups, dishes, and chopsticks were heard at the dinner table.

Fang Zhuoer was full of curiosity about Lu Shijin, the new sister-in-law, and quietly raised his eyes to look at Lu Shijin from time to time while eating.

Lu Shijin felt that Fang Zhuoer's eyes always fell on him intentionally or unintentionally, and suddenly raised his head and caught Fang Zhuoer's eyes that he had no time to retract.

Fang Zhuoer, who was caught, was a little embarrassed, pursed his lips and smiled friendly at Lu Shijin.

Lu Shijin had a good first impression of Zall, and in the final analysis, he had not participated in the murder of Fang Xiran, and Xu Meiru's crimes had nothing to do with him.

So he had no prejudice against Zall, and returned a polite smile, then withdrew his gaze and lowered his head to concentrate on eating.

As everyone knows, this small interaction between the two was taken into account by Fang Xiran.

Fang Xiran's hand holding the chopsticks clenched tightly.

He knows it! Sooner or later, Lu Shi will meet Fang Zhuoer, and in the near future, he will betray his husband because of Fang Zhuoer!

What's so good about Fang Zhuoer?

Isn't that just a little younger than him, a little better looking than his current scarred face, and a little stronger than him?

What is all this? Can you hook Lu Shijin's soul away? How superficial!

Fang Xiran's Lemon Essence physique had a seizure, and thought bitterly, now that the two of them dare to flirt with each other under his nose, how could the two of them mess around when he can't see it!

It really makes no sense!

He would never allow anyone to herd sheep over his head!

While the others were eating, Fang Xiran suddenly put down the chopsticks in his hand and made a sound, neither light nor heavy, on the table, which attracted the attention of others.

Fang Chen cared about his eldest son and abandoned the rules for the time being. He couldn't help but ask, "Do you just eat so much? Is the food unpalatable?"

Xu Meiru pretended to be virtuous and said, "I was negligent. I forgot to ask Xiran what you want to eat. Xiran, what do you want to eat? I'll let the kitchen do it now."

"It's not that the food is unpalatable," Fang Xiran glanced at Lu Shijin, "it's that my hands are a little tired and I can't hold the chopsticks."

Hearing what Fang Xiran meant, Lu Shijin couldn't help raising his eyebrows.

Isn't it, so many people are there, you are too embarrassed to let me feed you?

I'm embarrassed to eat, are you embarrassed to eat?

Fang Xiran waited for a while, but couldn't wait for Lu Shijin to make a move. He turned his head and said impatiently, "Why, do you want me to ask you to do it?"

Except for Lu Shijin, everyone else looked at the two of them inexplicably. Fang Chen asked, "Xiran, what do you want?"

Fang Xiran didn't answer, just stared at Lu Shijin without blinking.

Of course, Lu Shijin couldn't think of what Fang Xiran was sour. He just felt that he couldn't stand this naive ghost.

He didn't marry someone, he actually raised an ancestor, right?

"Okay, I'll feed you." Lu Shijin compromised, put down his chopsticks, took the rice bowl and spoon in front of Fang Xiran, scooped a spoonful of vegetables from the dish beside his hand, mixed with rice, and put it to Fang Xiran's mouth, " Come on, baby, open your mouth."

Fang Xiran didn't care about Lu Shijin's name for him, and he didn't care how the other three looked at them. He calmly opened his mouth and ate the spoonful of food that Lu Shijin fed him.

Fang Chen and Xu Meiru stared blankly at the scene in front of them, their mouths opened unconsciously, as if they had seen a ghost.

And Fang Zhuoer saw that his eldest brother, who used to be vigorous and resolute, was now like a three-year-old child, who even had to be fed when he was eating. He was so surprised that the chopsticks in his hand fell on the table without realizing it.

At that moment, the three members of the Fang family agreed that Fang Xiran did not lose his memory, but lost his mind.