Under the shocked gazes of the three Fang family members, Lu Shijin fed Fang Xiran spoonful after spoonful.

It looks a lot like a show of affection between lovers, if one of their faces is not expressionless, and the other is slightly disgusted.

"Why do you just watch me eat and not eat it yourself?" Fang Xiran slowly swallowed the food in his mouth, wiped the corner of his mouth with a napkin gracefully, and his eyes slowly swept across the faces of the other three.

Fang Chen was the first to react, but his son was just feeding him a meal. The fuss made everyone embarrassed, so it was better that he didn't see it.

"Eat and eat." Fang Chen waved the chopsticks in his hand, motioning Xu Meiru and Fang Zhuoer to stop looking at them, lowered their heads and calmly took the rice into their mouths, but there was nothing on the chopsticks stuck in their mouths.

Fang Zhuoer ate two mouthfuls of food without knowing the taste, and could not help but glance at Lu Shijin, but Lu Shijin was afraid that Fang Xiran would make another mess. .

Fang Xiran saw that Lu Shijin didn't give Fang Zhuoer another look, and the sourness in his heart subsided a little.

He raised his chin and glanced at Lu Shijin from the corner of his eye, with a contemptuous smile in his heart, like this kind of spontaneous man, he couldn't be cured.

After finally feeding Master Fang, Lu Shijin put down his rice bowl, picked up a tissue and wiped his hands. Fang Xiran was full, but he was still hungry.

When he picked up his chopsticks and was about to start eating, Lu Shijin glanced at Fang Xiran's head inadvertently, only to find that two yellow words suddenly appeared on top of his head out of thin air.


Just like in a cartoon.

Lu Shijin thought he was dazzled, so he couldn't help rubbing his eyes, but those two words just flashed by, and when Lu Shijin fixed his eyes, they didn't come out again.

Is it really his eyesight? Heck.

Lu Shijin retracted his gaze, still thinking about the words that appeared on Fang Xiran's head, and casually stretched out his chopsticks to pick up vegetables.

Coincidentally, just when he stretched out his chopsticks, Fang Zhuoer also stretched out his chopsticks at the same time and caught the same dish with him.

The two pairs of chopsticks accidentally touched each other, and the two looked up at each other at the same time, and smiled at each other out of politeness.

Lu Shijin didn't take this to heart, and moved his chopsticks to change the dish. Before the dish was placed in the bowl, he heard a cold snort from Fang Xiran.

Who else made this young master unhappy?

Lu Shijin glanced sideways in Fang Xiran's direction, and couldn't help but open his eyes slightly, Fang Xiran wrote words on his head again.

However, it is different from just now. The "-5" was displayed just now, but now it is displayed as "5".

Lu Shijin looked at the others, and they were all eating casually. Occasionally, their eyes met Fang Xiran's, but they didn't look surprised. Obviously, they couldn't see the words on Fang Xiran's head.

Is he the only one who can see it? But what does this plus 5 minus 5 mean?

"Convenience store, what do the numbers on Fang Xiran's head mean?" Lu Shijin didn't say anything, and asked 711 secretly while eating.

711: "Fang Xiran is bound to the lemon essence system. The number you just saw is his lemon value. When the lemon value rises, it means that Fang Xiran is in a state of jealousy. When the lemon value drops, it means that Fang Xiran thinks he has won the competition. When the lemon value is 0, his mission is done."

Lu Shijin seemed to understand the rules explained by 711, but asked blankly, "But what did I just do? Let him be jealous for a while and relieved?"

711: "Then you have to ask him what he is sour."

Lu Shijin: "...Men's heart, the sea needle."

But knowing what the numbers represent, Lu Shijin has a countermeasure.

He planned to test Fang Xiran again to see why Fang Xiran would cause the lemon value to change.

I was tired after eating a meal, but fortunately, Fang Xiran didn't say anything that was not surprising, and the reunion dinner was finished.

Fang Chen had to go back to the company in the afternoon and left home after dinner, but he said that he would go home for dinner in the evening.

Fang Zhuoer has just returned from an exchange abroad, and the vacation has not been used up, so he will stay at home these days.

All of a sudden, the two sons went back to live at home, and there was another Lu Shijin, which made the originally deserted Fang family suddenly lively.

After lunch, Fang Xiran was resting, but as an amnesiac, he naturally couldn't remember where his bedroom was.

Xu Meiru asked Fang Zhuoer to bring Fang Xiran back to the room to rest.

Fang's villa has two floors underground and three floors above ground. There are dozens of rooms alone. When Lu Shijin first came here, he lost his way, which shows how big it is.

Fang Xiran and Fang Zhuoer's rooms are on the second floor, separated by a corridor, so they do not interfere with each other.

"Brother, this is your bedroom, this is the study, and the cloakroom is here."

Fang Zhuoer patiently introduced Fang Xiran one by one. After reading it, Fang Xiran opened his bedroom and went in to take a look. It was very clean and tidy, and because it was so clean, it didn't look like someone lived there.

"Where do you live?" Fang Xiran asked Lu Shijin coldly.

"Ah?" Lu Shijin didn't expect Fang Xiran to ask other questions. He raised his index finger and pointed to the ceiling above his head, "I live on the third floor."

Fang Xiran frowned, "Why do you live on the third floor?"

Lu Shijin felt amused, "Where do I live on the third floor? The third floor is a guest room for guests."

"Move down," Fang Xiran pointed to the room and said lightly, "You will also live with me in the future."

Lu Shijin raised his eyebrows slightly, hehe, the eldest young master has changed? He actually started not to dislike him, and even invited him—to live together?

Fang Zhuoer had been full of questions for a long time. It was difficult for him to ask too many questions when his parents were at the dinner table. Now he can't hold back.

"Brother, are you really married?" Fang Zhuoer leaned against the wall, looking back and forth curiously on Fang Xiran and Lu Shijin.

Judging from the interaction between the two, they don't look like lovers.

Why did he just go abroad, and so many things happened at home?

"Of course it's not marriage. If you don't get a certificate, the law won't recognize this kind of marriage." Fang Xiran laughed, "He just bought it for me by my father."

Fang Zhuoer was puzzled: "Chongxi? What is Chongxi?"

Fang Xiran glanced at Lu Shijin, his eyes full of disdain: "Chongxi means to exorcise evil spirits by holding a happy event, hoping that the patient will be safe. Generally, only an ignorant old antique will believe that such a thing can cure a disease."

Fang Zhuoer understood, having received an upper-class education, he couldn't understand why his respected father would come up with this feudal superstition.

"So Dad thinks that you can wake up because of the joy?" Fang Zhuoer looked at Lu Shijin with an incredible look and shook his head, "This is ridiculous! How could Dad believe this?"

Fang Xiran: "You have to ask him. As soon as I woke up, he announced to me that I was married. If I didn't accept it, he would cut off the father-son relationship with me. I doubt whether it was me or him. Evil."

Fang Zhuoer: "..."

After listening to the two brothers, you finished talking, Lu Shijin looked indifferent, as if they were not talking about him.

Lu Shijin asked indifferently, "Since you don't want to accept this marriage, why do you want me to move down and live with you?"

Fang Xiran sneered at the corner of his mouth: "What do you think I asked you to move out for? Since you spent money, of course you must make the best use of it. I asked you to be my personal servant. Don't think too much."

Fang Zhuoer could see Fang Xiran's contempt for Lu Shijin. Although Lu Shijin married Fang Xiran in such an embarrassing capacity, it wasn't entirely his fault. It was their Fang family who did this kind of thing. Also a victim.

It was already pitiful to marry someone who didn't love him, and he had to endure the cynicism of his husband from time to time and not be recognized. Fang Zhuoer couldn't help feeling sympathy for Lu Shijin in his heart.

Fang Zhuoer: "Brother, what you said is a little too much. Since he has come to our house, should you be more polite to others?"

"You feel bad for him?" Fang Xiran's eyes swept coolly on Fang Zhuoer.

Fang Zhuoer was inexplicable, "How can this be considered distressed? I'm just talking about things."

Fang Xiran snorted coldly, "He's mine now, how can I treat him, I don't need someone to teach me, you feel wronged for him, why don't you ask him, you took so many things from our family, he doesn't think Wronged."

"No grievances, no grievances," Lu Shijin took the words with a smile, looked at Fang Zhuoer and said, "Thank you second young master for your concern, I am used to the eldest young master talking like this, and will not feel wronged. After all, we normal people can't be with a People with broken brains care, right?"

Fang Xiran immediately turned his head and glared at him, and Lu Shijin rolled his eyes upwards, pretending not to see.

Fang Zhuoer originally thought that Lu Shijin would be resigned, but he didn't expect to be a sharp-toothed and sharp-mouthed person, and he was not at all forgiving when he spoke.

This "sister-in-law" seems to have some meaning.

For a while, the two of them were "eyebrows and eyes", and Fang Xiran had a panoramic view again, and their faces suddenly turned gloomy.

So, Lu Shijin found that Fang Xiran's head kept beating row after row of numbers, but this time it was "0, 0, 0..."

Lu Shijin asked 711 strangely: "What does 0 mean?"

711: "Because the full value is 100, the lemon value will not increase when the upper limit is reached."

Lu Shijin: "So what is he sour now?"

711: "Maybe it's because Fang Zhuoer spoke for you?"

Lu Shijin: "...This is **** sour? Fang Zhuoer and I met for the first time today, and we didn't say more than three sentences! What can I have with him?!"

711: "Lemon essence, everything you see can be sour."

Lu Shijin sneered: "He's not lemon essence at all, he's just a piece of lemon peel soaked in aged vinegar!"

Fortunately, the lemon value has an upper limit. Otherwise, due to Fang Xiran's problem of being sour in every little thing, the lemon value will never be reduced to 0 in this life.

But wait, Fang Xiran's sour object is his younger brother Fang Zhuoer, right?

Then he can use Fang Zhuoer to brush Fang Xiran's lemon value?

Lu Shijin figured this out, and he couldn't help looking at Fang Zhuoer with deep meaning. At that moment, Fang Zhuoer was not just a person in his eyes, but a tool that could be used.


According to Fang Xiran's request, Lu Shijin moved from his original third-floor guest room to Fang Xiran's bedroom on the second floor.

He didn't bring a salute at first, and everything he used here was prepared for him by the Fang family, so it was easy to pack up. He only packed two pieces of clothes and went to Fang Xiran's room.

Fang Xiran had put on his pajamas and lay on the bed, ready to take a nap.

Lu Shijin checked in his room. There was only a double bed in the huge room, and Fang Xiran was lying on one side. As a matter of course, he walked to the other side and sat down on the edge of the bed to lie down.

"What are you doing?" Fang Xiran asked suddenly.

"Sleep." Lu Shijin thought Fang Xiran had a habit of cleanliness, and said, "I changed into my pajamas. I just washed them yesterday. You can rest assured that they are clean."

Fang Xiran asked, "Who asked you to lie on my bed?"

Lu Shijin: "...you only have this bed in this room. You asked me to move it here. Where else can I sleep if I don't sleep in the bed?"

Fang Xiran pointed at the sofa with a blank expression, "Sofa."

Lu Shijin: "???"

Fang Xiran: "Don't want to sleep on the sofa? Then you can also sleep on the floor, there is a carpet anyway."

Lu Shijin clenched his fists: "..." If I punch down, you may die. Believe it or not?

Fang Xiran squinted at him and sneered: "Don't you think I'll allow you to crawl on my bed? Since you've got the money, do what you need to do. For the rest, don't be delusional."

"What am I delusional about?" Lu Shijin asked back holding his chest.

Fang Xiran: "You know it yourself."

Lu Shijin: "I don't know, you can explain it to me."

Fang Xiran glanced at him hesitantly, turned his head and said dryly: "In short, it is impossible for me to admit this marriage, now my father is forcing me, I can't help it, but he can't control me forever. So you have to position yourself."

Lu Shijin understood, "Do you want to dump me in the future?"

Fang Xiran: "You're not too stupid."

Lu Shijin reached out to him and said happily, "Okay, then give me the money."

"What kind of money?" Fang Xiran raised his eyebrows.

Lu Shijin: "Break up fee, as long as you give money, I will leave immediately and never pester you."

Fang Xiran waved his hand and looked at him with contempt, "You and I are really together for money, you mercenary man!"

"It's not for money, what else could it be for?" Lu Shijin smiled instead of anger, "I said I stayed by your side because I loved you, do you believe it?"

Fang Xiran's face suddenly became ugly, and the hand on the quilt clenched his fist. Of course, anyone with a little brain would not believe it.

"Poisonous, moody, childish, impolite..." Lu Shijin counted Fang Xiran's shortcomings one by one with his fingers crossed, and then raised his head with a smile, "What do you think is worthy of being liked by others? If it weren't for your family The old man is grateful and begged me to stay, I don't want to spend more than half a second with people like you."

"You, you, you give me—" Fang Xiran's face turned black, and pointed to the direction of the door, the word "go" was robbed by Lu Shijin before he could say it, "I know, as long as you give me Money, I can get out of here right away, the question is, now that you have amnesia, can you still remember the password of your bank account?"

Amnesia has to continue to be installed, the password is naturally impossible to remember.

Fang Xiran's chest hurt from anger, and he began to regret why he had let Lu Shijin move into his room.

Originally, he wanted to keep people under his nose and watch, so that he would not have the chance to fawn with Fang Zhuoer.

Who would have thought that before he had time to catch him and Fang Zhuoer, he would be **** off first.

This man is simply a devil!

"No money?" Lu Shijin lay down carelessly, snatched half of Fang Xiran's quilt, rolled it over him and turned over, "If you don't have money, there's nothing you can do, then you can only aggrieve you, Young Master Fang, and I stay for a while longer. It's a day."

Fang Xiran squeezed the knuckles of his fingers, and Lu Shijin heard the sound and said lightly: "If you are angry, there is nowhere to scatter, there is a gym on the third floor, you can go there to play sandbags, I'm going to take a nap now, Don't bother me, thank you."

Fang Xiran originally wanted to leave, but when Lu Shijin said this, if he left now, it would be as if he had confessed.

Fang Xiran lay down straight, turned his head and stared at Lu Shijin's back, his eyes cold.

Very good man, you managed to get my attention.

Come to Japan for a long time and see who can beat who.

Although Fang Xiran was suffocating in his heart, the illness just happened to be exhausted, and it didn't take long for the bedroom to quiet down. Both of them fell asleep and slept until five o'clock in the afternoon.

When Lu Shijin woke up, he saw that it was already five o'clock on his mobile phone, and quickly got up from the bed, while Fang Xiran was still soundly asleep, and there was no sign of waking up.

They slept for an afternoon. The rest of the Fang family were probably waiting for them downstairs. Lu Shijin quickly changed into his pajamas and packed up to go downstairs.

Before leaving, of course, he didn't forget to wake Fang Xiran, but when Fang Xiran opened his eyes and saw him, he got angry, picked up the quilt and covered his head, ignoring Lu Shijin.

"It's five o'clock, it's almost time for dinner, are you still up?" Lu Shijin patted the quilt and asked.

Fang Xiran growled impatiently from the quilt: "I'm sorry, go away and don't bother me."

Lu Shijin slept full, and his anger subsided, and he was willing to ask Fang Xiran in a good-humored manner: "Are you not having dinner?"

"Don't eat." Fang Xiran said.

Lu Shijin: "Then let the servant bring it to you."

Fang Xiran put down the quilt and glared at him angrily: "I said I don't eat, don't you understand?"

Lu Shijin couldn't help him and said solemnly, "Don't eat, you will be hungry at night, and your family will be worried."

Fang Xiran said indifferently, "Then wait until I'm hungry. Tell them I have no appetite and can't eat. Don't wait for me for dinner."

Fang Xiran stubbornly refused to get up, and Lu Shijin didn't bother to coax him anymore, so he opened the door and went downstairs by himself.

Fang Chen couldn't come back in time because the company had a temporary meeting, so only Lu Shijin, Xu Meiru, and Fang Zhuoer had dinner.

Xu Meiru heard that Fang Xiran had no appetite for dinner, and wanted to go upstairs to see for herself, but was stopped by Lu Shijin on the grounds that Fang Xiran was in a bad mood and didn't want to be disturbed.

Xu Meiru had learned Fang Xiran's eccentric temper today. If she hadn't had to pretend to be a good wife and mother, she wouldn't want to make fun of herself. When Lu Shijin said this, she immediately stopped insisting.

Fang Chen and Fang Xiran's father and son were not there, and the atmosphere at the dinner table was a little more relaxed.

After dinner, Xu Meiru went out. She made an appointment for a spa in the beauty salon at night, and it was midnight when she came back.

Lu Shijin thought that Fang Xiran hadn't eaten yet, so he planned to go to the kitchen to see if there were any ingredients that were good for digestion, and served it to Fang Xiran.

Although Fang Xiran said that he had no appetite, not eating was not conducive to his recovery, so he still had to eat some.

Lu Shijin went into the kitchen and found a bowl of lean meat stuffing left over from the chef's cooking at night in the refrigerator, thinking that it should be enough to make a bowl of dumplings.

Dumplings are the staple food and meat, and they are good for digestion, so they are a good choice.

Lu Shijin looked through the cabinet to find a bag of flour, and began to knead the dough to make dumpling skins. When the dough was fermented, Lu Shijin chopped up the celery that had been cleaned and put it into the meat filling.

The sound of chopping vegetables came out of the kitchen, which caught the attention of Fang Zhuoer who was watching TV in the living room. Fang Zhuoer followed the sound to find the kitchen and found that Lu Shijin was busy in the kitchen, which was a bit strange.

Fang Zhuoer waved at Lu Shijin friendly, "Hey, what are you doing?"

Lu Shijin glanced at him and said softly, "I'm making dumplings."

"Aren't you full at night?" Fang Zhuoer was puzzled.

Lu Shijin: "made it for your brother. The meal at night is a little greasy and not good for digestion. I will make him some dumplings."

Lu Shijin began to cut the dough and rolled the dumpling skins with a rolling pin. He saw that he quickly turned the dough with his left hand and kneaded the rolling pin with his right hand skillfully. Pieces of thin and round dumpling skins changed from his hands, making Fang Zhuoer see Tsk amazed.

Fang Zhuoer was also pampered and raised. He has never been in the kitchen twice since he was a child, and he has never seen other people make dumplings. He just feels very fresh.

"You can still make dumplings, it's amazing!" Fang Zhuoer expressed his heartfelt praise, and Lu Shijin smiled, "What's so great about making dumplings, it's just a general life skill."

Fang Zhuoer watched Lu Shijin roll out the dumpling wrappers attentively, "It's already amazing for me. It turns out that dumpling wrappers do this."

The young master of a rich family is rare and strange. Lu Shijin didn't take his compliment seriously, and asked casually, "Why did you come here? Did my noise of chopping stuffing disturb you too much?"

"I didn't disturb me, I just heard something in the kitchen, come and have a look." Fang Zhuoer thought of something and said hesitantly, "That...my brother treated you so badly in the afternoon, you don't care. Do you? Make dumplings for him..."

"Marriage is two people's lives, bumps and stumblings are inevitable." Lu Shijin finished rolling out the dumpling wrappers and started making dumplings, "If you care about everything, how can you go on? , the trouble returns, the days still have to pass."

Fang Zhuoer raised the corners of his mouth, and his handsome eyebrows raised a smile: "Is this a philosophy of life?"

Lu Shijin put a chubby dumpling on the chopping board, and looked a little proud of his work, "This is called the philosophy of dumplings, wait, I will deliver a bowl of warm dumplings later, you Believe it or not, your brother immediately raised the white flag with me?"

"So amazing?" Fang Zhuoer looked at the dumplings and said, "I want to eat everything I said."

"Okay," Lu Shijin counted the dumpling wrappers, "there should be a lot. I'll give you another bowl then."

"Wow, yes, yes." Fang Zhuoer clapped his hands and joked half-truths, "Then I'll be blessed with my brother's light, thank you sister-in-law!"

Lu Shijin quickly wrapped more than 20 dumplings, boiled a pot of boiling water and poured it in, covered the lid and cooked for a while, and when the dumplings floated to the water, the dumplings were considered cooked.

Lu Shijin fished out the dumplings and placed them on two plates, one for Fang Xiran and one for Fang Zhuoer.

"Try it and see how it's salty?" Lu Shijin held the plate and handed Fang Zhuoer a pair of chopsticks. Fang Zhuoer took the chopsticks, took a dumpling and took a bite, giving him a thumbs up full of praise. "Delicious! The saltiness is just right, the dumplings are tender, and the celery meat stuffing is particularly fragrant!"

"Really? Are you exaggerating?" Lu Shijin hadn't tasted it yet, and Fang Zhuoer said that he wanted to eat it, "I'll try it too."

He originally wanted to use two chopsticks to hold the dumplings again, but Fang Zhuoer had already picked one up and handed it to his mouth. He has always been informal, so he didn't feel that it was inappropriate to do so, and said carelessly: " I'm not exaggerating, I don't believe you can taste it yourself."

Lu Shijin noticed that Fang Zhuoer bit the dumplings directly from the chopsticks just now. His mouth didn't touch the chopsticks, so he didn't feel anything, so he lowered his head to bite the dumplings that Fang Zhuoer fed him.

But some things happened just by coincidence. Lu Shijin just bit the dumpling on Zall's chopsticks above when Fang Xiran's voice sounded at the door of the kitchen.

"What are you two doing?!"