Eyes met, glued together in the air, "crackling" sparking ambiguous sparks.

Lu Shijin stared at Fang Xiran without blinking, slowly got up and stepped on the bottom of the hot spring pool, walking towards Fang Xiran from the water step by step.

The water level was still below his waist, and his slender thighs appeared from time to time as he stepped out. His black swimming trunks were already wet.

Further up is a strong lower abdomen, well-defined chest muscles, perfect body proportions, and no trace of fat.

The black hair dripped with water droplets wetly, sliding across Lu Shijin's handsome face, along the chin and down the Adam's apple, and further down, the whole person is a capital "desire".

Fang Xiran was originally soaking in the hot spring, but when he saw Lu Shi coming over by himself, he suddenly couldn't wait.

The hot spring water is so hot that it seems to be able to cook a person.

Lu Shijin finally stood in front of Fang Xiran and looked at him condescendingly.

The voices in the lounge continued, rattling the eardrums of the two, disturbing their tense nerves.

Fang Xiran's mouth became dry, and he wanted to stand up with his hands on the edge of the pool, but was caught off guard by Lu Shijin's shoulders.

"...You..." Fang Xiran licked his dry lips, not knowing what to say, but there was a faint expectation in his heart.

"Would you like to do an oil massage?" Lu Shijin asked in a low voice.

Fang Xiran was stunned: "Massage?"

After he was stunned, he realized that the "massage" he said should represent some kind of hint, right?

After all, in the kind of small movies he has seen, he usually presses and presses to the end, and then he really does it...

So, is that what it means?

Essential oils, massages, lubricating liquids, and intimate physical contact, Fang Xiran associates these into a picture, and the evil fire under the lower abdomen suddenly burns uncontrollably.

"Do it or not? I'll help you." Lu Shijin's eyes were dark, his tongue licked the corner of his mouth, and the teasing was obvious.

Fang Xiran suddenly fell into a battle between heaven and man, but after hesitating for a while, he made a choice.

Anyway, it was he who invited him, and it wasn't me who took the initiative. They were all men. It was normal to have needs. If you want to blame it, you should blame the damned Zhao Ze.

Fang Xiran's Adam's apple moved, and hoarsely choked out a word: "Okay."

Lu Shijin pointed to a beach chair on the shore, "Go lie there."

Fang Xiran rarely quarreled with Lu Shijin, went ashore obediently, went to the beach chair, and turned his head to one side, not wanting Lu Shijin to see the expectation in his eyes, but he couldn't help but keep glancing at Lu Shijin.

Just thinking about it made him excited. Fang Xiran casually picked up a towel and put it over his waist to block his own reaction.

Lu Shijin came over with the essential oil, saw the towel on Fang Xiran's waist, and sneered silently, a dog man, obviously he can't think of it, but he wants to hide it.

Fang Xiran didn't wait for Lu Shijin's next move, and couldn't help urging him to ask, "How do I press it?"

If you don't hurry, the couple in the lounge is almost over, you can't let me finish it in ten minutes, right?

"Turn around and lie down." Lu Shijin said expressionlessly.

A question mark slowly appeared on Fang Xiran's forehead, why do you want me to lie down? Shouldn't it be you sitting up?

But maybe people wanted to play new tricks, Fang Xiran didn't say much, and turned over obediently and lay on the beach chair.

Lu Shijin opened the lid of the essential oil, sat on Fang Xiran's lap, poured the whole bottle of essential oil on Fang Xiran's back, and then threw the bottle away.

"It might hurt a bit, you bear with it." Lu Shijin said without emotion.

Why does it hurt? Before Fang Xiran could ask, Lu Shijin grabbed both of his arms, pinned his backhand behind him, and stretched one arm across the front of Fang Xiran's neck, pulling his entire upper body back.

Fang Xiran was instantly stunned: ? ? ? ! ! !

While suppressing Fang Xiran's two thighs that were trying to resist, Lu Shijin said breathlessly, "Doing stretching for your body is good for your muscles and joints."

Fang Xiran was so angry that she wanted to scold her mother.

But soon he became so painful that he wanted to scold his mother.

How painful a muscle stretch is, only the person being pulled knows,

Lu Shijin pressed Fang Xiran hard, breaking his arms and thighs for a while, Fang Xiran was in unbearable pain, yelling and scolding.

"You **** let me go do you hear me?!"

"Don't, don't, don't touch there! It hurts, it hurts! I'm grass!"

"You let me go, and if you don't let go, I want you to be good—it hurts! Hiss—"

The voice was so loud that it overwhelmed Zhao Ze's little lover's voice calling the bed in the lounge. No, it should be said that the pair of dog boys and men in the lounge were gone after hearing Fang Xiran's tragic barking. The sound, as if wondering what happened outside.

After about ten minutes, Lu Shijin finally let go of Fang Xiran mercifully. Fang Xiran, who had experienced some inhuman torture, slumped on the beach chair with his eyes absent-minded. Under Lu Shijin's "training", he was completely wilted. .

After a while, the door of the lounge opened, Zhao Ze and his Xiaoqinger walked out from inside wearing bath towels, looking at Fang Xiran on the beach chair with a complicated expression, hesitating to say anything.

"Enough hot springs, it's not too early, go back." Lu Shijin raised his foot and touched Fang Xiran's leg, motioning him not to play dead, and then regardless of what Zhao Ze thought of him, he turned and left the hot spring pool smartly. locker room.

Fang Xiran glanced at Zhao Ze's expression of wanting to laugh or not, and gave him a fierce look. He was too lazy to wait, twisted his neck and arms, struggled to get up and walked out.

Wherever Zhao Ze was willing to let him go, he quickly chased after him. The thief smiled and said, "Dude, I really can't see it."

Fang Xiran asked coldly, "Can't see what?"

Zhao Ze put on Fang Xiran's shoulder carelessly, "Of course I can't see that you are actually a 0, eh, it's strange, didn't you tell me that you don't like being the one below? I thought we were of the same sex. Rebuke, you said that you are 0, maybe I will chase you!"

Fang Xiran felt a chill: "Fuck off, what the hell."

"Why am I farting?" Zhao Ze retorted unconvincingly, "You screamed so loudly outside just now, do you think I'm deaf? I've heard it all! Tsk tsk tsk, can't tell, your secretary looks like Wen Wen is weak and weak, but he can't suppress you by hiding it, so you really like this?"

Fang Xiran's face was ashen, his joints creaked, he took a deep breath, and decided to turn a deaf ear to Zhao Ze's ridicule, otherwise, he wouldn't be able to guarantee that he would kill someone.

Seeing Fang Xiran's expression, Zhao Ze was afraid that he would really annoy his brother, so he didn't dare to joke with Fang Xiran anymore, so he called a car and took him back to the hotel.

Fang Xiran returned to the hotel with a gloomy face all the way, the whole person looked suffocating, like a walking volcano, on the verge of erupting at any time.

Lu Shijin put on his pajamas and lay down on the bed. Fang Xiran sat on the sofa alone watching TV, not knowing which program he wanted to watch. He kept pressing the remote control in his hand, and the channel changed dazzlingly on the screen.

Lu Shijin watched TV with him for a while, and then glanced at the time on his mobile phone. It was almost one o'clock in the morning, and Fang Xiran didn't seem to want to go back to bed, so he asked slowly, "Are you still angry?"

Fang Xiran didn't look back, her straight back was arrogant and arrogant, which meant refusing to communicate with Lu Shijin.

Lu Shijin: "I admit that I was ruthless with you just now, but can't you see it? Your friend is obviously trying to trick us. He deliberately asked his little lover to call us. What, he was just watching our joke, so I thought of such a way to fight back. Look, didn't they stop after hearing your cry?"

Hearing that Lu Shijin still dared to mention this, Fang Xiran straightened his back, and the surrounding air pressure plummeted to below zero.

Lu Shijin felt that if he said one more word, Fang Xiran would probably pounce on him and strangle him to death.

So he chose to shut up, lie down, hug the quilt and close his eyes to sleep.

Anyway, everything that should be explained has already been explained. He has not yet settled with Fang Xiran to be gay, and Fang Xiran is actually angry at him in turn?

It's really unreasonable, let him be angry, whoever loves to serve who will serve.

Lu Shijin squinted for a while, suddenly thought of an important question, and immediately opened his eyes.

"Hey, Fang Xiran, at the hot spring club just now, don't you think I really want to do something with you? You seemed to be looking forward to it at that time?"

Fang Xiran didn't respond, Lu Shijin took it as his acquiescence, the corners of his mouth turned up unconsciously, and said proudly, "Didn't you say you wouldn't touch a finger of me? Why didn't you reject me then? Tsk tsk, A duplicitous man."

"Shut up," Fang Xiran's voice tightened, "I'll throw you out if you talk again."

Lu Shijin's drowsiness disappeared completely, the carp sat up straight, and said energetically: "If you don't shut up, I will say, Fang Xiran, are you greedy for me?"

Fang Xiran's shoulders trembled, and she tightly clenched the remote control in her hand, as if she was trying her best to endure it.

Seeing that he didn't move, Lu Shijin threw a pillow on his back without fear of death, "Say it, don't you? Hey, just admit it, I saw you Shi Geng."

"Yes! Are you satisfied?" Fang Xiran seemed unbearable, smashed the remote control in his hand, stood up and turned around, with a frosty expression, and walked towards Lu Shijin step by step with a sense of oppression, "Are you very proud today? Talking and laughing with men in the bar made me humiliated in front of my brother, how can you be so capable?"

"Don't sue the wicked first," Lu Shijin raised his chin in disbelief, "you're the one who hides it from me and goes **** first. If I don't go with you tonight, are you going to stay all night and come with some wild man? An affair?"

Fang Xiran: "Even so, it has something to do with you? Don't forget who you are. You were just bought by my family with money. You have nothing to do with me."

"Fang Xiran!" Lu Shijin got itchy hands, "Bastard!"

Fang Xiran laughed, knelt on the bed on one leg, reached out to grab Lu Shijin's chin, and glanced casually across Lu Shijin's face, "But it's true that I suddenly changed my mind."

Lu Shijin: "?"

The corner of Fang Xiran's mouth pulled out a vicious arc: "Since it was spent, it's not for nothing if you don't play."

Lu Shijin: "???"

Fang Xiran released the control of Lu Shijin's chin, pushed Lu Shijin's shoulders and pressed Lu Shijin onto the bed, and then his body's weight was on the bed. Today's lips kiss.

Lu Shijin is so angry that his lungs are about to explode. It's okay if a dog man can't speak, and he still wants to be the overlord to force his bow?

Don't play for nothing? I let you lose everything!

Lu Shijin raised his foot and bent his knees, hitting the man's lifeline exactly on top of him. Fang Xiran's face changed suddenly, he immediately let go of Lu Shijin, fell on the bed, and covered his crotch in pain.

Lu Shijin got up and wiped his mouth in disgust, threw a blank eye at the man, and scolded, "Stupid. Play slowly by yourself."

Then he got out of bed, entered the other small bedroom in the suite, and slammed the door shut.


After returning from City C, the relationship between Fang Xiran and Lu Shijin dropped to freezing point.

Even the employees of the company can clearly feel that the boss and the wife of the boss no longer come and go to get off work together. Even when they meet in the company, they keep a cold face and don't speak to each other.

It's hard for them, these humble wage earners. Originally they asked Fang Xiran to sign, and they could ask Lu Shijin to do it for them. Now, looking at their situation, who would dare to go to Lu Shijin?

He could only bite the bullet and meet Fang Xiran's anger. Not a single employee who came out of Fang Xiran's office every day was discouraged.

Lu Shijin held his breath, Fang Xiran ignored him, and he ignored Fang Xiran.

Excessive, dare to say that spending money to play with him, what do you think of him? Duck? asshole!

Let's compete with each other to see who can't hold back first.

Who would have thought that the news of the cold war between Lu Shijin and Fang Xiran was not only spread within the company, but also reported to Xu Meiru by a "concerned person".

That day, Lu Shijin had to go in a hurry. The elevator couldn't wait, so he planned to take the stairs. Who knew that when he entered the corridor, he heard someone calling.

The man respectfully addressed the person on the phone as "Mrs.", then reported the news of the cold war between him and Fang Xiran to "Mrs.", and finally promised to help "Mrs." keep an eye on the company. Fang Xiran's every move.

Lu Shijin calmly glanced down the stairs and recognized that the man was Fang Xiran's former secretary, the one who was demoted after Fang Xiran returned to work because he planned a welcome ceremony for Fang Xiran.

So who is "Mrs.", it is self-evident.

Unexpectedly, this secretary could bear the humiliation and bear the burden, and was so ridiculed by Fang Xiran in front of the whole company. He did not resign, and would rather be a grassroots employee.

He thought how much he loved this job, it turned out to be a loyal eyeliner for Xu Meiru.

Lu Shijin sneered secretly, it seems that Xu Meiru has not given up the idea of ​​harming Fang Xiran.

It is one thing to have a cold war with Fang Xiran, and it is another thing if someone wants to harm his husband.

Although Fang Xiran's mouth was a little off, and his brain was a bit problematic, Lu Shijin wouldn't just watch others harm him.

He had a plan in his mind. When it comes to finding an eyeliner who can monitor Fang Xiran all the time, no one is more suitable than him who gets along with Fang Xiran day and night.

And that secretary has been down to the grassroots level, and seeing Fang Xiran very rarely, Xu Meiru must be dissatisfied.

Therefore, he had to find a way to make Xu Meiru take the initiative to find him, just like in the original plot.


In the blink of an eye, it was summer, and it was time for Fang Zhuo's summer vacation.

Fang Zhuoer originally planned to go to Europe for a summer vacation, but was ordered by Xu Meiru not to go out and stay at home to study business management.

It's no wonder that Xu Mei is as strict as Zall, and Fang Xiran has started to take over the group again. If Fang Zall still knows how to play all day, what can he compare to Fang Xiran?

Fang Zhuoer didn't understand his mother's intentions. He was about to be a junior, and he was going to intern at the beginning of his senior year. This was his last summer vacation. He wanted to take advantage of the last chance to have a good time. It's all soaked up.

Fortunately, Fang's villa is big enough, with not only a swimming pool but also a tennis court. If Xu Mei didn't let Fang Zhuoer go out to play, Fang Zhuoer brought his classmates and friends home to play, and the swimming pool was staged in Fang's villa for three days. , did not stop.

On this day, Xu Meiru was shopping outside when she received a call from the servant at home, telling her that the young master was secretly bringing a friend home for a party.

But who would have thought that just after getting off the elevator and before reaching the outdoor swimming pool, she discovered an interesting thing.

Xu Meiru found that Lu Shijin was secretly hiding behind the curtains of the floor-to-ceiling windows on the balcony, looking intently towards the swimming pool, and didn't even notice when the elevator got off.

Xu Meiru lightened her footsteps and stood quietly behind Lu Shijin. From the angle where Lu Shijin was standing, she could just see the whole picture of the swimming pool.

And the person Lu Shijin looked at was the person with the most outstanding appearance, the best figure, and the most eye-catching person among them—her son Fang Zhuoer.

Xu Meiru's heart beat faster, she seemed to have discovered a big secret by accident.

Xu Meiru coughed as if nothing happened, "Nowadays, what are you standing here looking at?"

Lu Shijin was startled, and quickly hid behind the curtains, with a guilty expression on his face of being caught, which made Xu Meiru's guess even more certain.

Interesting, this kid Lu Shijin seems to like her son? Otherwise, why are you sneaking around here and peeking at Fang Zhuoer?

Lu Shijin lowered his head and said hesitantly, "No, I didn't see anything. Madam, you're back. I still have something to do. I'll go down first."

Seeing Lu Shi hurried downstairs, Xu Meiru was suddenly less anxious to interrupt Fang Zhuoer's party, because she had more important things to do.

From that day on, Xu Meiru explained to the servants at home to help her keep an eye on Lu Shijin, and reported Lu Shijin's situation at home in detail to her.

The result did not disappoint her. The servant found that if Fang Zhuoer was at home, Lu Shijin would always find various reasons not to go to work and stay at home. The servant also said that she had caught Lu Shijin peeking at Fang Zhuoer several times. , always taking the opportunity to strike up a conversation with Fang Zhuoer.

However, Fang Zhuoer didn't think so much, and only regarded Lu Shijin as his sister-in-law, and his reaction was normal.

Xu Meiru despised Lu Shijin's behavior of daring to covet her precious son, but she didn't expose Lu Shijin to Fang Chen and Fang Xiran, because she planned to use Lu Shijin's partner Zhuoer's feelings to let Lu Shijin do things for her.

Xu Meiru's plan was perfect, and she never dreamed that she had stepped into the trap carefully designed by Lu Shijin step by step.

When the Fang family had gathered for dinner, Xu Meiru suddenly suggested to Fang Chen that Fang Zhuoer should go to Fang's company for an internship.

Of course, Fang Chen did not disagree with the younger son's desire to exercise.

Xu Meiru added: "Fang's other companies, I'm afraid that once Zhuoer enters, others will treat him as a young master and dare not use him. This kind of training is meaningless, or it will be put in the company that Xiran manages. , he's a big brother, and he won't be soft when he disciplines Zhuoer."

Fang Chen also made sense when he heard it, "Yes, then go directly to Xiran's company to be an intern. You can arrange the content of the internship, Xiran."

Fang Xiran nodded lightly.

Of course Lu Shijin heard that Xu Mei proposed this on purpose, so he pretended to glance at Fang Zhuoer unintentionally.

Sure enough, Xu Meiru spoke again: "Xi Ran is usually very busy at work, how can I trouble him to worry about an intern himself?" She looked at Lu Shijin, smiled and said, "If you want me to tell you, let Zhuo Er follow him. Now, now, you don't think Drow is annoying, do you?"

Lu Shijin pretended to be flattered and even a little excited, "Of course not! Don't worry, I will take him well."

Fang Chen and Xu Meiru both smiled with satisfaction, while Fang Zhuoer had an expression that didn't matter where he went.

Only Fang Xiran frowned when he saw Lu Shijin's reaction, and snorted softly in disdain.

After dinner, the family dispersed to do their own thing.

Fang Zhuoer wanted to go back to his room to play games, but Xu Meiru held him back and gave him a small pink-purple box that was beautifully packaged.

"What is this?" Fang Zhuoer weighed the box in his hand and asked inexplicably.

"Perfume." Xu Meiru said.

Fang Zhuoer was even more puzzled, "Perfume? Why did you give me perfume?"

Xu Meiru: "This is a men's perfume. You can give it to your sister-in-law. Thank you for taking you for an internship."

Fang Zhuoer scratched his head, "Isn't it necessary? It's all a family, need a gift?"

Xu Meiru photographed her son in dissatisfaction, "I'll let you go and see you off! Don't blame Li Duo for not understanding you? Hurry up!"

Fang Zhuoer was very aggrieved when he was beaten, and he thought that giving perfume as a gift seemed like a mother-in-law, but Xu Meiru couldn't bear it, so she reluctantly went up to the second floor and knocked on Fang Xiran and Lu Shijin's room.

However, it was Fang Xiran who opened the door, and Fang Zhuoer didn't feel anything. Anyway, it was the same for the elder brother to hand over to the elder sister-in-law.

"Brother, this is a gift I gave to my sister-in-law. I have to trouble him to take care of him when I go to the company for an internship in the future. Thank him first." Fang Zhuoer still remembered Xu Meiru's advice, asking him to say that he gave the gift himself.

Fang Xiran took it over with a blank face, and glanced suspiciously at the pink-purple, slightly annoyed gift box, "What is this?"

"Perfume," Fang Zhuoer grinned heartlessly, "Men's Eau de Toilette."

Lu Shijin, who just came out of the bathroom after taking a shower, heard Fang Zhuoer's voice through the door of the room, trotted over with a look of surprise, and snatched the perfume box from Fang Xiran's hand, "Perfume? Great, my cologne. It just ran out and I haven't had time to buy it yet!"

As he spoke, he opened the box, opened the perfume and sprayed it in the air twice, took a deep sniff, and smiled and said to Fang Zhuoer, "It tastes good, I like it very much, thank you."

Fang Zhuoer noticed that Fang Xiran's face was a little ugly, and he felt embarrassed. He smiled dryly and said, "It's fine if you like it. I won't disturb your rest. I'll go first."

Lu Shijin closed the door, turned around and saw Fang Xiran with a stinky face, "1, 1, 1..." constantly beating above his head.

Lu Shijin just glanced at him, then walked briskly into the room, and even hummed a song: "You smell his perfume, it's my nose..."