On Monday, Fang Zhuoer and Lu Shijin went to Fang Xiran's company for an internship.

Although Lu Shijin is named Fang Xiran's secretary, he is actually an idler in the company. Now that Fang Zhuoer is here, he finally has something to do.

Even though Fang Zhuoer was usually playful, he was still very serious about his work. The tasks that Lu Shijin assigned him were always completed quickly and well.

When he returned to Fang's house, whenever Lu Shijin mentioned Fang Zhuoer's internship performance in front of Fang Chen and Xu Meiru, he was always full of praise.

As a result, the "0" on Fang Xiran's head never stopped, and the cold war with Lu Shijin has intensified, to the point of sleeping on the same bed as if the other party doesn't exist.

Of course Fang Xiran would not be so willing to watch Lu Shijin cuckold himself, he was secretly planning revenge.

Fang Xiran's company has newly developed an environmentally friendly decoration coating, which is a key product sold in the second half of the year. Therefore, all employees of the company are working overtime for the next month's product promotion.

Fang Xiran asked the marketing department to come up with a set of marketing plans, but the marketing department provided several alternative plans that could not satisfy Fang Xiran.

Fang Xiran announced in the company that all employees can make proposals for the marketing model. Whoever thinks the best idea will double the bonus at the end of the year after it is adopted.

After the instructions were issued, Fang Xiran specially explained Fang Zhuoer and asked him to come up with a marketing plan, which was a test of his ability.

Fang Zhuoer did not doubt Fang Xiran's intentions. He consulted Lu Shi in the future, and completed the task assigned by Fang Xiran under Lu Shijin's suggestion. He was personally very satisfied with the marketing plan he thought of, and the other party Xiran was confident that he would adopt his plan. Full.

But Fang Zhuoer didn't expect that the meeting on the discussion of the marketing plan would be held on Saturday, which meant that he couldn't use it to sleep in and play games on the good weekend, but had to work overtime.

He's just an intern, and he still has to work overtime? Is there any reason?

Fang Zhuoer refused a hundred times in his heart, but he was afraid that he would not go, so Fang Xiran asked Fang Chen to complain.

Early on Saturday morning, Fang Zhuoer was notified to go to the company for a meeting.

In the conference room, the company's middle and senior leaders sat on both sides of the conference table, and only Fang Zhuoer, a hard-working intern, sat by the corner, holding a notebook and yawning.

How can anyone in the world like to have a meeting? Why waste good time in boring meetings?

Fang Zhuoer secretly made up his mind that when he becomes the boss, the first thing to do is to reduce unnecessary and meaningless meetings in the company. Meetings are the most annoying!

It's a pity that before Fang Zhuoer was lustful, he suddenly heard Fang Xiran call his name.

Fang Xiran asked Fang Zhuoer to take the stage and demonstrate his plan in front of everyone. The rest of the people knew what Fang Zhuoer was and knew that Xiaofang always wanted to give his younger brother a chance to exercise, so they all looked at him with a friendly and encouraging smile. With Fang Zhuoer.

Fang Zhuoer was not frightened. After all, when he was in school, he was not nervous when he gave a speech in front of thousands of teachers and students in the school.

However, anyone who was called to the company to work overtime early in the morning would not be in a good mood. Fang Zhuoer was full of anger and disgust for meetings. He explained in a mechanical tone, and there was no smile on his face.

After Fang Zhuoer finished his presentation, the others applauded and agreed, only Fang Xiran was expressionless and knocked on the table to signal everyone to be quiet.

Fang Xiran asked: "What do you think is the most important thing in selling your products to customers?"

Fang Zhuoer lowered his eyes and pondered for a while, and the corner of his mouth twitched confidently, he would know this question! He read it in the book!

"First of all, we have to understand the needs of customers, and then sell suitable products to them according to their needs." Fang Zhuoer said confidently, "The second is attitude, we must let customers see our sincerity and trust our products, So they'll buy our stuff."

"Then what do you think of your own attitude?" Fang Xiran threw away the pen in his hand, with a stern face, "You came up to introduce your plan to everyone, it means that we are your customers, you have to convince us to let us accept your proposal. plan, but what about your performance just now?"

Fang Zhuoer blinked and asked in disbelief, "What's wrong with my performance?"

There were several inaudible gasps in the conference room. As expected of the young master of the Fang family, he was the only one who dared to contradict Mr. Fang without fear of death!

Except for Lu Shijin, everyone else lowered their heads tacitly, looking at their eyes, nose, nose and heart as if they didn't see or hear anything.

Fang Xiran gave a low sneer and said, "Who did you show a stinky face when you demonstrated just now? Everyone here owes you eight million, right? As a salesman, you don't even have a smile in front of your customers. Who will buy your stuff? Listen to you?"

Fang Zhuoer listened to Fang Xiran's ridicule, but he couldn't see that Fang Xiran was deliberately trying to find fault. The eldest young master couldn't help but get angry, and retorted with his neck: "It's just a PPT, as for the outline? You want me to talk while you talk. You have to keep smiling while PPT, why didn't you say it earlier?"

Fang Xiran: "Tell me about a PPT? If it's just a PPT, I'm going to bother you, Second Young Master Fang? Can't the security guard downstairs speak? Maybe he speaks better than you, at least every time I see the security guard, he knows it's right. I smile politely."

Fang Zhuoer snorted coldly: "Then why don't you ask a security guard to make a plan for you?"

As soon as these words came out, there was silence in the office. Everyone had a premonition that the volcano was about to erupt, and they wanted to hide themselves to avoid being affected by Fang Xiran's anger.

However, Fang Xiran didn't have a seizure. Instead of being angry, he laughed: "Yes, I can't ask the security guard to help me make a plan, but I can ask you to learn from the security guard what are the basic etiquette for getting along with people."

Fang Zhuoer: "What do you mean?"

Fang Xiran put her hands around her chest and leaned back: "From next Monday, you won't be going to work on the 23rd floor, don't you think you are more capable than security guards? Then you can experience the work of security guards and do the work of security guards first. Well, let's learn something else."

Fang Zhuoer was so angry that he broke the fountain pen in his hand. He really wanted to throw the notebook in his hand on the table, pat his **** and leave.

What, he didn't give him any face in front of so many people, is there Fang Xiran who treats him like a big brother?

"I said," Lu Shijin coughed lightly, interrupting the rivalry between the two brothers, "It's just that the expression management is not in place during the speech, it's not a big deal, and it's not such a heavy punishment, right?"

"Are you going to speak for him at this time?" Fang Xiran sneered, "It's been almost two weeks since he was an intern under you, and you haven't taught him what business etiquette is?"

Lu Shijin raised his eyebrows, very good, it seemed that the fire was still aimed at him.

Lu Shijin smiled slightly, "Yes, I didn't teach him well, how does President Fang want to punish me?"

Fang Zhuoer was afraid of Fang Xiran's anger at Lu Shijin, so he winked at Lu Shijin and said in a low voice, "It's none of your business."

As everyone knows, he did this to add more firewood to the jealous fire in Fang Xiran's heart.

Fang Xiran glanced at the two of them and said coldly, "It's fine if you admit your fault. If that's the case, then you can join him as a security guard for a week to experience grassroots life."

Lu Shijin rolled his eyelids and asked provocatively, "That's it?"

Fang Xiran's face became even colder, "Listening to your tone, do you think the punishment is too light?"

"Not too light, not too light! Enough is enough!" Fang Zhuoer didn't want to cause a conflict between Fang Xiran and Lu Shijin's husband because of himself, so he waved his hand to interrupt, "Isn't that just being a security guard? I'll admit the punishment, right?"

Fang Xiran snorted coldly and looked down at the laptop on the table, "Go ahead, who's next?"

A department manager stood up tremblingly and took over Fang Zhuoer's position, which brought the turmoil to an end temporarily.

A weekend has passed quickly, and a new Monday is in the blink of an eye.

Fang Zhuoer and Lu Shi went to the company early in the morning, went to the front desk to get the security uniforms and put them on, and stood at the entrance of the hall to start the day's security work.

It's gold that always shines, even if the two put on ordinary security uniforms, they can't hide the prosperous beauty of these two long-legged handsome guys.

No matter how ordinary the uniform is, it is still a uniform, with two rows of buttons and one button on the chest, you can see that the chest and abdomen are flat and firm; the belt with metal buckles is tight, and the waist is narrow and abstinent; The legs are straight and slender.

If this is going to participate in the talent show, there is no suspense. Both of them can make their debut in C position only by virtue of their handsome appearance!

When the employees of the company came to work, no one expected that they would be greeted by Lu Shijin and Fang Zhuoer as soon as they entered the company building. From the moment they entered, their eyes full of surprise and inquiry were always on them.

From time to time, there were exclamations of people bumping into others or being stepped on because they didn't look at the road from time to time.

Lu Shijin and Fang Zhuoer were not affected by the outside world at all. Like two door gods, they stood on both sides of the door with their hands behind their backs. No matter how many people passed in front of them, how many eyes were on their bodies, they always kept a polite smile on their faces. Like an emotionless robot, say good morning to incoming employees.

When Fang Xiran arrived at the company, what he saw was such a strange picture.

When entering the door, Lu Shijin and Fang Zhuoer looked at Fang Xiran and said in unison, "Mr. Fang, good morning!"

The loud voice almost didn't startle Fang Xiran.

"It seems that you have already begun to adapt to your new jobs." Fang Xiran calmed down and sneered.

Lu Shijin: "Reporter Fang, yes! Do one line of work and love one line of work, please rest assured that I will perform my duties as a security officer well!"

Fang Zhuoer: "Me too! Thank you Mr. Fang for giving me this opportunity to exercise!"

The two of them sang together, and it was obvious that they had negotiated. Fang Xiran's face stiffened, but he recovered quickly.

This is just the beginning. The two of them can pretend that nothing has happened. When they really experience the hardships of being a security guard, he doesn't believe that the two of them can endure it forever.

Fang Xiran is very confident, he believes that Lu Shijin will soon be unable to bear to beg him.

Because after getting along for this period of time, he has long seen that Lu Shijin is a hedonistic person. I believe that no later than tomorrow, Lu Shijin will come to his office and beg him to take it back.

Thinking of this, Fang Xiran's mood became a little happier, and he swaggered back to the office, waiting for Lu Shijin to bow his head and admit his mistake.

However, one day passed, Fang Xiran waited in the office for a day, and did not see Lu Shijin at all.

Fang Xiran waited patiently for another day, but not only did he not wait for Lu Shijin to come to his office the next day, but Lu Shijin also excused himself to stay on duty at the company at night and didn't even go home.

Fang Xiran gritted his teeth, okay, let's be stubborn with him, then let's see who can afford who in the end!

On the third day, Fang Xiran's assistant came to him and said that the managers of all departments responded to him, and that the employees under them always made excuses to go to the first floor during working hours.

I hope Fang Xiran can transfer Lu Shijin and Fang Zhuoer back, otherwise the employees will not stay at work properly, which will seriously affect the work efficiency during working hours.

Of course, Fang Xiran didn't compromise so easily, and asked the assistant to secretly give Auntie Cleaning a vacation, and then asked the security team to do the cleaning of the office building.

He had imagined how Lu Shijin would come to him aggressively when he heard the news, and then he would understand it with reason and emotion, let Lu Shijin realize his mistake, and let him understand that he is a husband now My husband, I should keep a distance from Fang Zhuoer in the future.

In the end, Lu Shijin came, but he came with a broom in one hand, a dustpan in the other, and a rag on his shoulder.

"Mr. Fang, I'm here to clean your office." Lu Shijin put down the broom and asked casually, "Do you think you want to go out and wait, or just sit inside and wait?"

It seemed that he was still not ready to bow his head.

Fang Xiran glanced at him and quickly retracted his gaze, and said coldly, "Be quiet, don't affect my work."

Lu Shijin: "OK."

Lu Shijin picked up the broom and started to clean the office quickly. Although Fang Xiran was staring at the computer screen, he didn't read a word of what was written on the screen.

He couldn't help but move his eyes from the screen to the back, staring at Lu Shijin's busy back, thinking to himself, how could he be so patient this time? It's nothing like his style.

Fang Xiran thought of a certain possibility, his eyes darkened, yes, there is such a good opportunity to be alone with Fang Zhuoer, I am afraid that he is too happy and can't bear it anymore.

Fang Xiran began to regret bringing both of them downstairs to be security guards, and he was far away on the 23rd floor, out of reach, so he couldn't stare at them both!

He really only gave them a chance to "share weal and woe"!

Maybe in the past two days, Lu Shijin has already engaged with Fang Zhuoer! mad at him too!

"You are very handy at doing this kind of work." Fang Xiran couldn't help but utter a sour voice.

Lu Shijin straightened up, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and turned around, "If I can't do something as simple as sweeping the floor, wouldn't it mean that I can't even do a security guard job? That Fang will always give me a chance to stay in the company. ?"

Fang Xiran: "I have never seen you so passionate about work and company?"

Lu Shijin chuckled, "That's because I always sat in the office before and couldn't experience the fun of working. Now I go to the grassroots level and mingle with the masses, so I'm deeply in love with this company and this job."

Fang Xiran snorted coldly: "Are you mingling with the masses, or with someone?"

Lu Shijin unbuttoned the two buttons on the collar of his uniform and shook his head slyly, "Fang is always interested to know? Then you have to come down and walk around often to learn about the lives of our grassroots employees."

"I'm sorry, I'm not interested in knowing," Fang Xiran said stubbornly, "Have you finished cleaning? Go out when you're done."

Lu Shijin was too lazy to talk nonsense with him, packed his things and walked out of Fang Xiran's office without looking back.

As soon as Lu Shijin left, Fang Xiran called his assistant.

Fang Xiran said to the assistant with a cold face: "The work of the security team is too easy. From today, not only will the cleaning of the entire office building be entrusted to them, but the building will be inspected every hour."

Assistant: "Okay."

Fang Xiran was silent for a while, then added: "You can't take the elevator for inspections, you can only climb the stairs."

How dare the assistant ask Fang Xiran the reason for such an explanation, all of them nodded and agreed, silently sweating for Lu Shijin and Fang Zhuoer.

It's really not easy to be the man and brother of President Xiao Fang. It's too miserable to be "assigned to the frontier" by accident.

It is necessary to inspect a building with a total of 23 floors every hour, and it is not allowed to take the elevator, but to climb the stairs. Unless it is an iron man, who can stand it?

Fang Xiran was deliberately making things difficult. He didn't believe that Lu Shijin could endure it like this.

Not letting him down, after the assistant issued his instructions, he came back and brought a note written to him by Lu Shijin.

"Mr. Fang, this is the note that Mr. Lu asked me to bring to you." The assistant held the thin note in both hands and handed it to Fang Xiran. For some reason, the assistant's hands trembled slightly.

Fang Xiran didn't immediately take the note and open it, he guessed that it must be the words Lu Shijin wrote to him begging for mercy.

Fang Xiran slightly tilted the corner of his mouth, as if he was in a good mood, "Is he willing to admit his mistake?"

"Ah? What's wrong?" The assistant was puzzled.

Fang Xiran restrained his smile and frowned. Didn't Lu Shijin give him a letter of reconciliation?

Fang Xiran took the note and opened it to see that it was a leave request.

"Leave note: I, Lu Shijin, applied for leave for a few days because of a family member's illness. The return date is uncertain. It depends on when the family member's condition improves. I hope to approve it! Inscription: Lu Shijin."

Family sick? Fang Xiran's brows twitched, why didn't he know which family member Lu Shijin was sick?

"Who in his family is sick, did you tell you?" Fang Xiran asked the assistant.

The assistant swallowed, "Say, say."

Fang Xiran: "Who?"

The assistant stammered: "Assistant Lu said, it was you."

Fang Xiran was puzzled: "Me?"

The assistant didn't dare to tell Fang Xiran Lu Shijin's original words. The original words were, "Just tell Mr. Fang that my husband's brain is broken, and I have to go home to take care of him."

"By the way, Mr. Fang, Mr. Lu has something to tell you." The poor assistant was sweating profusely. He was only a part-time worker. Why should he be involved in the boss's family affairs!

"What?" Fang Xiran clenched the note and asked gloomily.

The assistant said, "Zongzhu Lu said that he...he wants to break up the engagement with you."

After he finished speaking, he found that Fang Xiran's face became covered with dark clouds, and the small note was instantly torn into pieces by him.

Woohoo, the boss is going to get angry, I'm afraid I won't be able to keep my job!

Fang Xiran asked word by word, "Did he say anything else?"

The assistant's head shook into a rattle, "No, no more!"

The truth is that after Lu Shijin said that he wanted to break up the engagement, he also added a "stupid".

Even killing the assistant did not dare to tell Fang Xiran the truth.

Lu Shijin left and walked cleanly, leaving nothing for Fang Xiran except a scribbled note.

He originally brought nothing to Fang's house by himself, so he didn't take anything with him when he left.

Fang Xiran originally thought that when Lu Shijin left, he would be relieved. After all, he used to be so against their marriage, so he wished Lu Shijin left quickly.

But when Lu Shijin left, he felt lost, and his heart was empty as if a piece was missing.

Fang Xiran didn't know where Lu Shijin went, so he asked his assistant to check the major flights but couldn't find Lu Shijin's boarding information. After hesitating for a few days, he couldn't bear the remorse that was madly growing in his heart, so he lowered his face and asked Fang Zhuoer.

Fang Zhuoer said he didn't know either, and Lu Shijin didn't tell anyone where he was when he left.

"Brother, you're really going too far this time." Fang Zhuoer couldn't help but complain for Lu Shijin, "What's your dissatisfaction with me, just come at me, why are you taking your anger on my sister-in-law?"

Fang Xiran had beaten Fang Zhuoer in his heart for a long time. If it weren't for you stinky boy who was obstructing his eyes, could I **** take my anger on him? Now let's talk nonsense.

"You also know that he is your sister-in-law, so you don't know how to keep your distance from him?" Fang Xiran asked coldly.

Fang Zhuoer's eyes widened in surprise, "Brother, what do you mean? Don't you think... Are you crazy?"

Fang Xiran sneered: "Am I crazy? Is it you who gave him the perfume?"

Fang Zhuoer hugged his head: "Just because I gave him perfume? Well, let me tell you the truth, that perfume is not what I want to give, but my mother had to let me give it to my sister-in-law, saying that I thank him for taking me for an internship. You I don't even think about it, I'm always a male, can I think of sending perfume to you gays?!"

Fang Xiran's heart froze, Xu Meiru asked Fang Zhuoer to send it?

Could it be to alienate him and Lu Shijin?

Fang Xiran forced herself to remain calm, and continued to ask in a cold tone: "Even if the perfume is not what you want to give, it's you who talks and laughs with him in his office all day long, right?"

"It's me, but so what?" Fang Zhuoer sighed deeply, "I can chat with my sister-in-law, that's because the topic between me and him always revolves around you. Brother, what the **** are you? What's the matter? You were not like this before. Is it really because of a car accident that your temper and personality changed so much? I heard from my mother that when my sister-in-law came to our house, he admitted to his father and said that he liked you a long time ago. That's why I willingly married you, who was still in a vegetative state at that time. Sister-in-law loves you so much, how can you treat him like this? Do you still doubt him?"

"You believe him when he says that?" Fang Xiran's face turned pale, but he was still struggling not to admit that he had made a big mistake, "but he told me that he married me only for money, and his stepmother That's what it said."

"I'll give you the same words, 'You believe him when he says so'? Do you really believe that sister-in-law is the kind of person who sees money?" Fang Zhuoer pointed to his chest and said mockingly, "I don't believe it, because I look at people with my heart, and you, Fang Xiran," Fang Zhuoer tapped Fang Xiran's heart and said coldly, "You have no heart."