"You don't remember who I am, so do you still remember who you are?" Lu Shijin saw at a glance that Fang Xiran was acting, and decided to stand still and see what tricks the dog man could play.

Fang Xiran sat up from the bed and looked at Lu Shijin, "Of course, I can't even remember myself? I'm Fang Xiran, the son of Fang Chen, chairman of the Fang Group."

Lu Shijin raised his eyebrows, heh, he changed his moves. This time, he wasn't playing with amnesia, he was pretending to remember the past?

"I remember I was driving when a big truck hit me, and I lost consciousness after that," Fang Xiran looked around, "This is the hospital, did you send me to the hospital?"

Lu Shijin sneered, his acting was good, and he pretended to be like that.

"It's been several months since you had a car accident." Lu Shijin said lightly, "After that, you woke up and lost your memory. Today, you fell into a coma because of some accident, so you fell into a coma, but it seems that this fall made You regained your memory."

Fang Xiran pretended to open his eyes slightly, "I lost my memory? How is that possible? I'm not invisible at all."

Lu Shijin: "If you don't believe me, take your phone to check the time and see what day it is today."

Fang Xiran found the phone under the pillow, unlocked it, and pretended to be surprised: "It's already July?!" He raised his head and looked at Lu Shijin suspiciously, "So I really lost my memory?"

Lu Shijin nodded.

"Then who are you? I've never met you before, but I think you're very kind." Fang Xiran asked hesitantly.

"Me?" Lu Shijin smiled, "I'm your fiance."

Lu Shijin didn't hide it, and told Fang Xiran the truth directly, wanting to see what kind of monster he could do.

"Fiancé?" Fang Xiran coughed in surprise, as if he was really frightened by the fact that he just slept for a while, and when he woke up, he suddenly had a fiancé.

Fang Xiran looked at Lu Shijin again and added exploration, as if judging whether what Lu Shijin said was true or not.

"But don't worry, this engagement will be terminated soon." Lu Shijin said lightly.

Fang Xiran asked subconsciously, "Why?"

Lu Shijin lifted his eyelids lazily, "Because you don't like me, and twisted melons are not sweet, that's all."

Fang Xiran: "...Can I ask, why are we engaged? If I don't like you, why should I be engaged to you?"

"Because you have been in a coma since the car accident, the doctor said that you might become a vegetative person. Mr. Fang listened to the words of a master and said that finding someone to marry you for a happy marriage might wake you up." Lu Shijin crossed his legs. He said casually, "And I am the one who gave you the joy. You think I married you for your family's money, so you are not willing to accept this marriage."

Fang Xiran was silent for a long time, until Lu Shijin thought he had passed out again, and then suddenly spoke.

"I am sorry."

Lu Shijin thought that he had heard the wrong thing, so he could not help sitting up straight and looked straight at Xiran Fang, "What did you say? Did I hear it right?"

Fang Xiran repeated in a deep voice, "I'm sorry."

Lu Shijin sneered softly: "I am really surprised to hear these three words from your mouth, Young Master Fang."

Fang Xiran didn't mind Lu Shijin's sarcasm, his hand on the quilt was clenched into a fist, and he lowered his eyes and said, "I, who amnesia, must have been too much to you? I apologize. At that time, I may have a bad temper because of my memory loss, so my thoughts were a bit extreme. You must have been under pressure to marry a vegetative person. I should not think of you as utilitarian. "

When Lu Shijin heard Fang Xiran's apology, he was in a trance for a moment.

He clearly knew in his heart that Fang Xiran had not lost his memory, so Fang Xiran was really apologizing to him now?

Is this arrogant, indomitable man bowing his head and admitting his mistake?

Just when Lu Shijin had a thought of forgiving Fang Xiran, 711's voice suddenly came out: "Host, don't be deceived by him."

Lu Shijin: "How do you say this?"

711: "To make a point, Fang Xiran was talking about apologizing for the 'me with amnesia', but he didn't have amnesia at all, so this 'me with amnesia' doesn't exist at all. I don't really regret it!"

Lu Shijin: "!!! Damn! Fortunately, the convenience store you read clearly and reminded me in time, or I was almost deceived by this son of a bitch! Ah Fang Xiran, worthy of being a profiteer, too cunning!"

711: "Don't be fooled by the enemy's bitter tactics!"

That is natural.

"Young Master Fang, you are serious," Lu Shijin said with a smile, "Since you have recovered your memory, it's all a matter of the past between us. However, although you have recovered your memory, we are still If you don't have a relationship foundation, you may not be happy if you get married, so it's better to cancel this marriage, I don't like to force others."

"Don't force it!" Fang Xiran hurriedly retorted, Lu Shijin just raised his eyebrows when he heard the words, squinted at him, and waited for Fang Xiran's next sentence without saying a word, Fang Xiran pursed his lower lip and looked into Lu Shijin's eyes, "Although I think I can't remember what happened during the time when I lost my memory, but my heart told me that at that time, the 'me who lost my memory', he should also like you, and he didn't want to break the engagement with you, so he didn't force it."

"Oh," Lu Shijin made a clear look, nodded and clapped his hands, "I understand."

Fang Xiran thought that Lu Shijin believed his words and was about to forgive him, and his eyes couldn't help showing a hint of joy, but what Lu Shijin said next was like a basin of cold water that quenched his hope.

Lu Shijin pointed to his head and then to his heart, and said with a smile, "It seems that the fall just now not only hit your head, but also caused you to suffer from a heart attack, so I still call the doctor. Let me show you."

Fang Xiran: "..."

Lu Shijin didn't care about Fang Xiran's expression, he got up with his hands in his pockets and went to find the doctor, leaving Fang Xiran alone in the ward to leave or stay.

Why does the development of things seem to be different from what he imagined? He has apologized, why is Lu Shi still unwilling to forgive him?

Could it be that Lu Shijin really doesn't like him at all anymore?

Fang Xiran's heart was half cold, this man was too difficult to deal with.

But he will not give up, and there is no word "give up" in his Fang Xiran's life creed.

Lu Shijin soon brought the doctor with him. The doctor gave Fang Xiran a check and announced, "As long as you wake up, it will be fine. After you go back, pay attention to observation. If you find symptoms of headache and dizziness, go to the hospital for medical treatment in time."

Lu Shijin said coolly from the side: "Doctor, it seems that he not only hurt his head, he said that he also has a heart problem."

Doctor: "Really? I'll check it out." Then he put on a stethoscope and wanted to help Fang Xiran check his heartbeat.

Fang Xiran quickly waved his hand to refuse, "I don't have a doctor, and my heart is fine."

The doctor retracted his hand suspiciously, "Since it's all right, then pack up and get out of the hospital."

Lu Shijin: "It's already 11 o'clock in the evening, do you have to be discharged from the hospital?"

The doctor said as a matter of course: "Why are you still living when you're not sick? The patients in the back are still waiting to be hospitalized. If there's nothing wrong, don't take up resources."

The two packed up, settled the fees, and left the hospital. They walked to the door of the hospital. Lu Shijin stopped a taxi, and then the other party said, "Okay, I'm going back. You also go back to your hotel. Bar."

After he finished speaking, he was about to get into the car, but the hem of his clothes was caught by someone on his back. Lu Shijin turned his head and followed Fang Xiran's arm to look at his face, and asked bluntly, "Why?"

"I don't remember which hotel I stayed in." Fang Xiran's tone was inexplicably aggrieved.

Lu Shijin was indifferent and took back his clothes from his hand, "Then find another one."

Fang Xiran held his arm again, "But I don't have a certificate, so I can't stay in a hotel."

"But what does this have to do with me?" Lu Shijin smiled politely, "Don't you still have a phone? Just call your friends in H city."

Fang Xiran clenched Lu Shijin's arm a bit, as if afraid that Lu Shijin would leave him behind, "I don't know anyone else, so I know you."

"You're still cheating on me?" Lu Shijin shook his hand, "I'm sorry, we don't know each other that well. If you have no other way, then you'd better live on the street."

Lu Shijin got into the car and wanted to close the car door, but Fang Xiran blocked him from closing it, and squeezed into the car like a rogue.

Lu Shijin glared at him, "What are you doing? It's like a dog skin plaster that can't be thrown off, right?"

"I just want a place to spend the night, and I won't disturb you." Fang Xiran held his forehead, "I'm still a little dizzy now, if I faint on the street and no one cares what happens to me, you don't want to. take responsibility?"

Lu Shijin sneered and didn't have time to drive people away. The driver's uncle patted the steering wheel and looked at Lu Shijin in the rearview mirror: "Hey, are you two going to go? Let's talk about the quarrel between lovers, boy, I think Your boyfriend also knows that he is wrong, so you can forgive him."

"Yeah, I know I'm wrong." Fang Xiran hurriedly followed the driver, and the driver said cheerfully, "You have a good attitude, handsome guy, it's normal to be in a relationship and make a little trouble, just change it when you know it's wrong, okay, Which hotel do you two stay at? It's so late, so go back and rest."

Lu Shijin: "..." This uncle driver was asked by Fang Xiran, right? What kind of passers-by are you pretending to be!

All right, let's take Fang Xiran back to the hotel first, and see what else he can do next.

Lu Shijin reported the name of the hotel, and the driver quickly sent them to their destination and got out of the car. Fang Xiran followed Lu Shijin step by step, for fear that Lu Shijin would leave him behind.

When he got to the hotel room, Lu Shijin swiped his room card to open the door. As soon as the door opened, Fang Xiran impatiently rushed in front of Lu Shijin and pushed the door in. When he actually entered the room, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Well, moving into a room smoothly is the first step to success.

Next, he has to rely on his charisma to make Lu Shijin forgive him and fall in love with him again.

"You can stay, you can sleep on the sofa and I will sleep on the bed." Lu Shijin took off his coat and pointed to the sofa beside the bed, as he said.

Fang Xiran nodded, but agreed without any objection: "Okay."

Lu Shijin was a little surprised, and squinted at Xiran below, "I will only take you in for one night, and you will leave for me tomorrow at dawn, do you understand?"

Fang Xiran nodded without complaint.

Yo, it's quite bearable.

Lu Shijin retracted his eyes and rolled his eyes, "Then go take a shower first."

"I'm not in a hurry, you can wash first." Fang Xiran was very gentle.

Lu Shijin waved his hand impatiently: "If you want to go, you can go, I still have things to do."

Fang Xiran didn't dare to ask any more questions, and obediently entered the bathroom, took a shower and quickly came out in a bathrobe.

Lu Shijin was lying on the bed playing with his mobile phone, Fang Xiran sat back on the sofa that belonged to him tonight, "I've washed it, you go."

Lu Shijin threw his phone away, yawned, got up from the bed and went to the bathroom.

As soon as Lu Shijin entered the bathroom and closed the door, Fang Xiran, who was sitting on the sofa honestly just now, immediately took action.

He looked around first, to find out if there were any traces of other men coming, and to determine whether Lu Shijin had messed around during his time in H City.

He was very satisfied with the result. Except for Lu Shijin's things in the room, nothing belonged to the second person.

Fang Xiran breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that Lu Shijin was just talking about it, but he was still loyal to him.

He drew a piece of paper on the coffee table and wiped the sweat from his forehead. He wanted to throw the ball of tissue paper into the trash can placed under the TV cabinet, but he made the gesture of throwing things. Suddenly stopped again.

Even Fang Xiran himself couldn't explain why he was interested in the trash can. When he came back to his senses, he had already walked to the trash can.

Looking down, there was a black garbage bag in the trash can, and two used condoms lay quietly at the bottom of the trash can...

Fang Xiran's brain exploded, anger and jealousy shot straight to the top of his head, so angry that his eyes shone with gold stars, and his temples throbbed.

If it weren't for the white liquid still remaining in the condom, Fang Xiran could still comfort himself by deceiving others, maybe Lu Shijin was just using this to amuse himself.

But the reality slapped him hard, and Lu Shijin really gave him a green hat, not a single one!

Fang Xiran has the heart to kill.

Lu Shijin, who was taking a shower in the bathroom, was unaware of Fang Xiran's anger at the moment. When he came out of the shower, he saw Fang Xiran sitting on the sofa like a statue, with a cold and expressionless face.

"What's wrong? Still not sleeping? Want a late night snack?" Lu Shijin rubbed his hair and walked to the bed as if nothing had happened, ready to go to bed.

Fang Xiran suddenly raised his head, his eyes dark as an abyss, and looked at Lu Shijin gloomily, "Who have you been having supper with these days?"

Lu Shijin raised his eyelids: "What?"

Fang Xiran said coldly: "No wonder you want to break up your engagement with me, and use the money from my Fang family to sing here every night, and be happy."

Come, come, this expression, this tone, as expected, is the Fang Xiran that he is familiar with.

Lu Shijin confronted Fang Xiran across the big bed, with his arms around his chest, his aura was not lost to Fang Xiran and gave him a sneer, "I don't understand what you're talking about, you've been insane in the middle of the night?"

"Don't understand?" Fang Xiran stood up and walked to the trash can aggressively, kicked over the trash can, and the contents fell out. Fang Xiran just swept it hurriedly, it was dirty at first glance, he pointed The two used condoms said sarcastically, "You don't explain what this is? Don't say you don't know, could someone deliberately put this stuff in the trash can of your room?!"

"I didn't say I didn't know." Lu Shijin twitched the corner of his mouth, "I really used it, what's wrong?"

"What's wrong?" Fang Xiran clenched his fists tightly, growling in his throat, "How dare you betray me!"

"Master Fang, wasn't it clear enough that I told you just now?" Lu Shijin said slowly, "I want to break up the engagement with you, and the two of us have nothing to do with each other. What position do you take to control who I am happy with? Don't forget, you begged me to take you in tonight, do you think I want to stay with you? If you don't like it, just leave, and you won't be far away."

Fang Xiran gritted his teeth: "Lu Shijin!"

Lu Shijin did not fall behind: "Fang Xiran!"

The two stared at each other face to face for a long time, the air in the room seemed to freeze, and all the sounds from the outside world were silent.

In the end, Fang Xiran moved first. He let go of his fist with blue veins and laughed at himself, "Yes, I can't control you, I have no position and no qualifications. I'm so stupid, for someone like you, to run away. Come to H City, I want to reconcile with you. Okay, we will go our separate ways in the future, and we will have nothing to do with each other!"

"Oh, the fox's tail is finally exposed, right?" Lu Shijin stretched out one foot on the bed, raised his hand and pointed at Fang Xiran domineeringly, "Didn't you say that you have regained your memory, can't you remember the memory loss? Now? Remember what you're here for?"

Fang Xiran realized that he was revealing, and for a moment felt guilty, and his eyes wandered to the side, but he quickly calmed down, jealousy prevailed, raised his chin and said mockingly: "What if I remember? I only hate myself for being blind. When I look at it, I feel sick just thinking about it!"

"What are you disgusting for?" Lu Shijin sneered, "Is there something wrong with you? Seeing two condoms makes you disgusting?"

Fang Xiran raised his foot and kicked the trash can again, and the poor trash can rolled to the door, Fang Xiran said bitterly: "I have seen the evidence that you are hanging out with wild men, don't you feel disgusted? !"

Lu Shijin casually glanced at the two transparent condoms lying on the ground, "What do you think is inside? Mi Qingye? Did you smell it?"

Fang Xiran frowned in disgust, and turned his head as if he didn't want to look at Lu Shijin again.

Lu Shijin pulled his slippers and swaggered to Fang Xiran's side, bent down to pick up a condom on the ground, and held it under Fang Xiran's nose with his **** between his fingers, "Smell, can you smell what's inside?"

Fang Xiran originally wanted to push Lu Shijin away and let him roll, but before he could push his hand out, he suddenly smelled a smell of yogurt.

Fang Xiran glanced down involuntarily, staring at the condom in front of him, could it be, could it be, maybe... is it filled with yogurt? !


"It's hard for you to find evidence to find it in the trash can, so you didn't believe me at first and suspected that I was having an affair with someone else, right?" Lu Shijin sneered again and again, loosened his fingers, dropped the condom on the ground, and made a slight sound The sound of "click" sounded like thunder in Fang Xiran's ears.

Fang Xiran's Adam's apple rolled, her face was pale, and she muttered in a low voice, "You...you...why put yogurt...in a condom?"

"You care about me? I'm happy, can't you?" Lu Shijin stretched out his finger and poked Fang Xiran's chest, "You are allowed to lie to me, or I am not allowed to lie to you? It's good to be a double-standard dog, isn't it?"

Fang Xiran staggered back and took a step back, with fine sweat on his forehead, "That... so you did this on purpose for me to see?"

"Yeah, otherwise how can you expose your lies?" Lu Shijin pressed his tongue against his cheek, "I am amnesia for a while, Fang Xiran, you really know how to play, do you think you are smart enough to trick everyone? Round and round?"

"I..." Fang Xiran was at a loss for words, and had a premonition of impending disaster. Lu Shijin didn't have the patience to listen to his sophistry. He pointed back at the door, and said succinctly, "Get out, get out now, get out now, don't force me to chase you."

Of course Fang Xiran didn't want to get out.

"Listen to my explanation..." Fang Xiran tried to struggle to the death.

"Didn't you just say that 'we will go our separate ways in the future and have nothing to do with each other'?" Lu Shijin sneered, "What else do you explain? What reason do you want to make up to deceive me? Fake memory loss again? To you without amnesia? Are you mentally ill?"

This time, he really shot himself in the foot, Fang Xiran was extremely remorseful, how could he be so careless and couldn't hold his breath when he saw two condoms?

But it's too late to regret it, old debts are not paid, and new debts are added. What should I do now?

Lu Shijin didn't give Fang Xiran a chance to think of a countermeasure, so he rolled up his sleeves and pushed the person to the door, opening the door to rush Fang Xiran out.

"Bum, don't get in the way in front of me, Fang Xiran, let me tell you, we will end our friendship in the future!"

Of course Fang Xiran refused to leave. He pulled the door to prevent Lu Shijin from closing it. He didn't care about his dignity or anything, and the words of apology poured out of his mouth: "I'm sorry, I was wrong, I shouldn't suspect that you shouldn't lie. You, never again next time."

"Next time? Who will give it to you next time?" Lu Shijin's expression was grim, and he went to pinch Fang Xiran's hand that he was holding on to the door. Fang Xiran let go.

Fang Xiran's expression was twisted in pain, and with a cruel heart, he let go and hugged Lu Shijin tightly, pushing the person against the wall and pressing him into his arms.

"I really know I'm wrong, and I'll never lie to you again. Do you believe me once, okay? Just once, the last time, look at my performance!"

Lu Shijin was really in a hurry this time, he couldn't listen to Fang Xiran's apology at all, the other side Xiran kicked and punched, "Go away! Whoever wants to see your performance, I must break up the engagement with you, this time whoever says so. Useless!"

"No! No!" Fang Xiran endured the pain and gritted his teeth, "I will not break the engagement with you, you are already mine, you can only be mine!"

Lu Shijin slapped him, "Go make your Spring and Autumn Dream!"

Fang Xiran was very flustered. Lu Shijin's attitude was so decisive. He really didn't know what to do to make Lu Shijin change his mind. Could it be that he wanted him to kneel down and admit his mistake?

Fang Xiran was hesitating whether to use the last big move. Lu Shijin couldn't break free from Fang Xiran's shackles, so he raised his leg and bent his knees and hit the man's crotch with force.

Fang Xiran didn't need to hesitate anymore. Fang Xiran was about to be attacked, and the pain caused him to kneel on the ground. That's it, he didn't forget to hold Lu Shijin's thigh tightly.

"Hey—" Fang Xiran bared his teeth in pain, and a few beads of sweat the size of soybeans rolled down his forehead.

Lu Shijin also felt that he seemed to have used too much force just now. They were all men. He knew what it felt like to be hit so hard in that place.

I am afraid that the pain will cause the soul to go out of the body.

Seeing Fang Xiran's face like golden paper now, Lu Shijin is worried that he has broken his little brother, so what will happen to his future sexual well-being?

"Are you... alright?" Lu Shijin hesitated for a while and couldn't help asking.

Fang Xiran heard that Lu Shijin was caring about him. Although the pain was like tearing down, he was secretly happy that the opportunity had come.

Fang Xiran closed his eyes tightly and squeezed out a weak voice from his throat in pain: "It seems... broken..."