"Broken? What's broken?" Lu Shijin was stunned for a moment, and then he thought... No way, is he so accurate?

...isn't that a eunuch?

Wouldn't be so bad, would it?

"You get up first, can you still go? Go to bed and lie down." Lu Shijin saw his expression was so painful, and his heart softened again.

Fang Xiran shook his head, "I can't walk, I can't stand up."

Lu Shijin had to bend over to help him up, Fang Xiran leaned most of his body weight on Lu Shijin, and took small steps with difficulty, as if he was afraid of pulling his crotch, and limped towards the bed.

Lu Shijin finally helped the man to the bed, Fang Xiran lay down on his side, hunched over and curled up his legs, as if he was still in pain.

"It really hurts?" Lu Shijin wiped his sweat, and since Fang Xiran's credibility on his side was already negative, he asked dubiously.

"Of course it hurts," Fang Xiran breathed in. "You don't know how hard you tried just now?"

Lu Shijin: "..." That's really great, almost the strength to suckle.

"I'll call 120 for an ambulance, maybe I can rescue it." Lu Shijin took out his mobile phone and was about to dial when Fang Xiran interrupted him, "Don't..."

Lu Shijin looked at him suspiciously: "What's wrong? Don't you hurt?"

Fang Xiran buried most of his face in the pillow, and said in a sullen voice, "I'm ashamed, I don't want to be known."

"What are you afraid of losing face if it's broken?" Lu Shijin said, "Don't worry, if something goes wrong with you, I will take responsibility."

"Wait a minute," Fang Xiran raised his hand and grabbed Lu Shijin's arm, "or...you help me to see if it's broken or not, if it's not serious, there's no need to alarm the ambulance, after all...I'm also half of it. If a public figure goes to the hospital and is reported out..."

Fang Xiran didn't say the rest, and Lu Shijin knew what he meant.

"The son of the richest man was rushed to the hospital late at night, but it turned out that the egg was broken because the bed was too intense!"

Lu Shijian can imagine what the headlines of the social news will be tomorrow. If it is really going to spread, Fang Xiran will stop being a human being.

"Okay, let me see for you first." Lu Shijin frowned, "Can you take off your pants yourself?"

Fang Xiran shook his head again, "No, I can't move my legs."

Lu Shijin hesitated for a moment, and resignedly went to help him untie the belt. When he finished unbuttoning the belt, he stopped for a while, and looked up at Fang Xiran, "Fang Xiran, are you lying to me again this time? If I knew about it. You are deliberately selling miserably, and you will die!"

Fang Xiran closed his eyes and said in a dull voice, "You can see for yourself if I'm selling badly."

Lu Shijin snorted coldly, took off Fang Xiran's trousers, followed by the man's black boxer briefs, lowered his head and studied it carefully.

It seems... It's really different in size, it won't be broken, it's really swollen.

Men are the most empathetic in this regard. Seeing Fang Xiran's tragic state, Lu Shijin couldn't help but tighten his crotch.

Although Fang Xiran deserved what he deserved, it was a bit unhumane to let him suffer the unbearable pain of his life. After all, it wasn't under him who did the bad things, and Eggy was innocent.

"How is it? Is it broken?" Fang Xiran asked worriedly.

"Probably not." Lu Shijin helped him pull up his trousers and said with a blank face, "You can't tell just by looking at it. If the pain is still unbearable after a while, go to the hospital."

Fang Xiran: "Look, I can't tell, why don't you touch it?"

Lu Shijin gave him a cool look, and he reasonably suspected that the dog man was playing a hooligan.

"Are you sure you want me to touch?" Lu Shijin snapped his fingers and said with a grin, "But I'm not serious, you have to endure."

Fang Xiran had a strong desire to survive, and quickly waved his hand to refuse: "That's fine!"

Lu Shijin rolled his eyelids: "you better not play tricks with me, or I will throw you out."

Fang Xiran wisely closed his mouth and kept silent.

It was already early morning, and for the sake of Fang Xiran's "heavy injuries" and lessons learned, Lu Shijin mercifully decided to give him half of the bed tonight.

Lu Shijin turned off the light and lay down on the other side of the bed, and said coolly, "I'll borrow you to stay for one night tonight, and get out of here as soon as the sun rises, do you hear me?"

Fang Xiran groaned in the dark, and agreed.

Lu Shijin ignored him and closed his eyes to sleep.

However, from time to time, there was a sound of gasping from Fang Xiran's side, making him unable to fall asleep.

"Can you make your breathing sound smaller? It's disturbing my sleep." Lu Shijin couldn't bear it any longer, and thumped out of bed.

Fang Xiran: "I'm sorry, but I can't help it..."

Lu Shijin was silent for a moment, "It still hurts?"

Fang Xiran: "Well."

Lu Shijin turned on the bedside lamp and gestured to get up, "Go to the hospital then."

"Don't," Fang Xiran grabbed the corner of Lu Shijin's clothes, "I've been thinking about what's going on, so I can't ignore the pain. If I don't do something to distract my attention, maybe I'll be fine in a while."

Lu Shijin turned to look at him, "What diverts attention?"

Fang Xiran looked at him deeply, and said in a low voice, "Talk to me?"

"Okay, what do you want to say?" Lu Shijin lay back again, folded his arms around his chest, and was very far away from Fang Xiran, his estranged attitude was obvious.

The air was quiet for more than ten seconds before Fang Xiran spoke slowly: "Actually, I didn't lose my memory in the first place. I lied to everyone."

Lu Shijin was not surprised, "I already knew."

Fang Xiran: "Why don't you ask me why I pretended to have amnesia?"

Lu Shijin: "So what?"

Fang Xiran: "Because the car accident I had was not an accident, but someone wanted to harm me."

This is about to tell him the truth. Lu Shijin pretended not to know, and deliberately said, "This time you are making up a story to win my sympathy and get my forgiveness?"

"I didn't make up a story, everything I said to you just now and in the future is true," Fang Xiran raised her hand to her ear, "I swear in the name of my dead mother."

Lu Shijin: "Who wants to harm you?"

"Can't you guess?" Fang Xiran laughed at himself, "My existence has the greatest impact on whose interests are the ones who want to harm me."

"Your brother Fang Zhuo'er?" Lu Shijin was still pretending to be confused, "I think it's him after all this, to fight for the family property?"

"No, after I woke up, I once wondered if it might be him, but after investigation, he was not involved in this matter." Fang Xiran said coldly, "After all, Xu Meiru would not be willing to let her precious son be handed to her. Stained with the blood of sin."

Lu Shijin: "Your stepmother? How do you know? Is there any evidence?"

"Yes," Fang Xiran turned his head to look at him, "do you remember the day I went to City C to look for Zhao Ze? The place where the car accident happened was in City C. I entrusted him to help me investigate secretly, and it turned out that the driver and Xu Meiru were involved in the accident. My brother is related, so the car accident was definitely arranged by Xu Meiru."

Lu Shijin's heart skipped a beat. It turned out that Fang Xiran went to Zhao Ze that night because of this... So, he didn't go to Gay Lie Yan, he blamed him wrongly?

"Why did you tell me this?" When he spoke again, Lu Shijin's tone was not as cold as before, but softened a little, "Didn't you always think that I was greedy for your family's money so I wanted to marry you? Are you not afraid that I will tell your stepmother what you and I said to exchange money?"

"I believe you won't," Fang Xiran said hoarsely, "I was wrong before, I shouldn't look at you with tinted glasses."

Fang Xiran knew that "Lu Shijin" in the original plot would betray him, so he always distrusted Lu Shijin. This is the so-called "colored glasses".

"Zall is right, you should look at people with your heart, not your eyes." Fang Xiran looked at him deeply, "You like me, right?"

Lu Shijin glanced aside and said dryly, "No, I don't like it."

Fang Xiran's hand moved towards Lu Shijin little by little. Seeing that Lu Shijin didn't resist, he boldly held Lu Shijin's hand, holding it tightly in his palm for fear that he would pull it back.

"I don't believe it. If you don't like it, with your daring love and hate character, you will never agree to marry me."

Hearing Fang Xiran's compliment, Lu Shijin felt more at ease, and his anger slowly subsided, but he still didn't want to forgive Fang Xiran too quickly, who made the dog man go too far before.

Lu Shijin: "You always thought that I married you because of money. Don't think that with a couple of sweet words, this matter can be turned over. Think beautifully."

Fang Xiran: "That's because I have low self-esteem."

Lu Shijin raised his eyebrows slightly and looked at Fang Xiran in disbelief, "What did you say?"

It's really shocking to admit that you have low self-esteem from the mouth of this mighty stinky bastard.

Fang Xiran turned his head and stared at the ceiling above his head, with a faint voice: "Because I have low self-esteem, I don't believe that someone will marry me because they love me."

"Why do you have low self-esteem?" Lu Shijin was incomprehensible.

Fang Xiran: "I was a vegetable back then."

Lu Shijin: "But you woke up later."

Fang Xiran raised his hand and touched the scar on his cheek, "But my body is broken and my face is ruined, and we have never met before."

Lu Shijin: "I remember that I told you that I don't care about this."

"But I care," Fang Xiran shook his head with a wry smile, and said sourly, "Compared to Fang Zhuoer, I'm not as young and handsome as him. I'm afraid you will like him."

"Why do you have to compare with him?" Lu Shijin said dissatisfiedly, "Also, do I look so superficial? Fang Zhuoer is handsome, so I want to like him?"

"So I was wrong," Fang Xiran closed his eyes and said sadly, "It was me who misunderstood you because of my small stomach and small breath, and it was me who should be damned."

"Okay, stop talking," Lu Shijin sighed, "it's too late to talk about this now."

"Can you forgive me? I will definitely not doubt you in the future, nor will I deceive you again." Fang Xiran turned to his side and stared nervously at Lu Shijin.

Lu Shijin looked at him for a few seconds, then turned his face away, "Let me think about it before telling you the answer, it's getting late, go to bed earlier."

Fang Xiran was quiet for a while, then suddenly let go of Lu Shijin's hand, and said sourly, "It's also right that you don't want to forgive me. After all, I may not be able to give you happiness in the future."

Lu Shijin was confused by Fang Xiran's sudden self-pity, "What are you talking about?"

Fang Xiran turned his back to Lu Shijin, his back looked pitifully abandoned, "I may not be able to become a normal man in the future."

Lu Shijin: "???" What the hell?

Fang Xiran sighed softly, "You kicked really hard just now, but I don't blame you, I'm the one who's sorry for you first."

Lu Shijin: "... After chatting for so long, are you still in pain?"

"It hurts, not only from the bottom," Fang Xiran's shoulders shook. "There is nothing on the whole body that doesn't hurt, but the most painful thing is the heart."

Lu Shijin: "...you're enough, what about playing Qiong Yao?"

Fang Xiran was silent. After a while, Lu Shijin couldn't defy his conscience. He sat up and patted Fang Xiran's back, "Are you really still in pain? Do you want to go to the hospital?"

Fang Xiran refused: "I won't go."

Lu Shijin: "It's this time, don't be childish, is face more important, or lifeline?"

Fang Xiran: "Don't worry about me, it's all my fault, I deserve it, you let me fend for itself."

"No, no, don't give up the treatment, what if it can be saved?" Lu Shijin got a little anxious, stood up from the bed, straddled Fang Xiran's body, pulled his arm to pull him up, "Go, go Hospital, this kind of thing can't be delayed."

But Fang Xiran not only didn't cooperate, he also used his arm to drag Lu Shijin down. Lu Shijin was unprepared and fell on Fang Xiran's body. Fang Xiran immediately put his hands around Lu Shijin's back and circled the person.

"Actually, you don't need to go to the hospital. If you want to know if there is any help, just try it." Fang Xiran stared straight at Lu Shijin, with light and shadow flickering in his deep eyes.

"Try it?" Lu Shijin opened his eyes slightly, "how to try?"

Fang Xiran licked his dry lips, "Try to see if it can respond. If it does, it means it's fine."

Oh, sure enough, he can't be too soft-hearted. As soon as he let go, the dog man began to gain an inch.

Lu Shijin raised his eyebrows, "Fang Xiran."

Fang Xiran blinked expectantly, "I'm here."

"You shouldn't be called Fang Xiran, you should change your name," Lu Shijin sneered, patting the man's face and mocking, "you should be called Fang Gouran, how can you be such a dog?"

Fang Xiran's face was not blushing and her heart was not beating, she looked at Lu Shijin seriously and said, "As long as you are willing to help me try, you can call me anything you want."

"Really?" Lu Shijin pushed Fang Xiran's hand to hold him, and slowly sat up on top of him, his mouth curled slightly, revealing his evil spirit, "Then don't regret it."

Fang Xiran looked at him deeply: "I will never regret it."

Lu Shijin sneered, staring at Fang Xiran's expression, and he started shaking like a horse.

The place where Lu Shijin's knee hit has not subsided yet. Every time Lu Shijin touches it, Fang Xiran will unconsciously frown because of the pain, so Lu Shijin will "take more care" there.

Along with the pain, there was also some kind of indescribable comfort, so Fang Xiran's brows wrinkled and relaxed, and his face changed like a wonderful thing.

"Hey, it doesn't seem to be broken?" Lu Shijin realized that something seemed to be awakened, and said with a smirk, "It seems to be a false alarm."

"It's just a reaction, but I don't know if it can be used or not. What if the time is short or it wilts as soon as I use it?" Fang Xiran put his hands on his chest and looked honest.

Lu Shijin nodded in agreement: "What you said also makes sense."

"So, you have to try it further to know if it's bad or not." Fang Xiran said solemnly.

"Then you say," Lu Shijin smiled, "how should I try?"

The corners of Fang Xiran's mouth couldn't help but go up because of the coursing, "Then maybe, you still have to have an in-depth communication to know if you are affected, it is because you were injured, so this disability appraisal should also be done by you, are you right? ?"

"Yes, yes! You are so right!" Lu Shijin clapped his hands and applauded, and stood up with his thighs kneeling on both sides of Fang Xiran's body supporting his upper body, and suddenly sat down heavily without saying hello...

Fang Xiran's face immediately became extremely wonderful, and it looked as if he was about to ascend to the sky.

Lu Shijin glared at Fang Xiran fiercely and said, "You **** want to lie to the gun and think I'm stupid?"

However, sometimes, the pain is also a kind of extreme cool.

The pain was mixed with a sense of refreshment, which stimulated Fang Xiran's scalp to tingle, suddenly his legs straightened, and his body visibly shook twice...

Lu Shijin, who felt Fang Xiran's body changing, remained motionless because of his astonishment.

The air that was still floating with an ambiguous atmosphere just now froze into a cold wave.

Fang Xiran came back to his senses, and his eyes that had lost focus were extremely empty, as if he couldn't believe what terrifying things had happened in the past minute.

The huge and heavy blow made him forget to breathe. If one could suffocate himself to death, Fang Xiran chose to die on the spot.

"It seems... Really broken?" Lu Shijin got off Fang Xiran, stared at it and muttered to himself.

Is it really that fragile? Damaged when touched? I forgot to check the time just now, is there three minutes?

Lu Shijin looked at Fang Xiran with complicated eyes, "Do you want to... try again? Maybe the result of the first time is not accurate?"

Fang Xiran couldn't bear this humiliation any longer. He rolled over and got out of bed and rushed into the bathroom. Lu Shijin shouted anxiously behind him, "Why don't we go to the hospital? Don't give up if there is still help!"

The answer to him was the loud sound of the door closing.


At dawn the next day, because of what happened last night, Lu Shijin felt guilty and embarrassed to rush Fang Xiran away again.

At nine o'clock in the morning, the two got up and washed one after another. Wherever Fang Xiran went, Lu Shijin followed him with a sympathetic look. He wanted to talk several times, but he was afraid of irritating his man's self-esteem, so he hesitated.

When Fang Xiran was dressed and ready to go out, Lu Shijin finally couldn't bear it anymore, and followed behind him and said, "Do you want to..."

"Don't." Fang Xiran anticipated what Lu Shijin was going to say, and he interrupted her as if she couldn't bear to hear it, "I'm not sick, so don't mention what happened last night."

"I know you're not sick," Lu Shijin said worriedly, "you're doing this because of your injury. It's not a shameful thing. Don't be shy about your illness. Seek medical treatment early, and get better treatment sooner..."

"Don't say it, I'm fine, this time it was an accident," Fang Xiran looked at Lu Shijin with a dignified expression as if he was going to fight on the front line, "If you don't believe it, we can try again tonight."

"Try or not is one thing, cure or not is another." Lu Shijin persuaded bitterly, "Let's go to the hospital for an examination, if it's okay, it's best, if there's something..."

Fang Xiran gritted his teeth: "It's all right!" He took a deep breath to calm down and changed the subject, "I'm going back in the afternoon, will you go back with me?"

Lu Shijin thought about it for a while, but was still worried about whether Fang Xiran had any problems. This man was too stubborn to go to the hospital for a checkup, so he had to be persuaded.

"Okay, I'll go back with you."

"I'll pick you up at the hotel in the afternoon." Fang Xiran was afraid that Lu Shijin would not let him go to the hospital again.

Lu Shijin walked to the door and looked at Fang Xiran's back very sadly. If he had known, he would not have bumped into there last night. This bump would have wiped out his sexual blessings.

Fang Xiran never expected that in the end, in this way, he would successfully persuade Lu Shijin to go back with him.

Is this a blessing in disguise, or is it a blessing in disguise?


On the plane back home, Lu Shijin didn't forget to try his best to persuade Fang Xiran to go for an inspection.

Fang Xiran had a terrible headache, and changed the topic to interrupt his chatter: "After I go back, I plan to tell everyone that I have recovered my memory."

As soon as Lu Shijin heard it, he forgot to check his body for a while, "Why? Are you not afraid that your stepmother will hurt you after knowing that you have regained your memory?"

Fang Xiran: "The line has been run long enough, it's time to close the net. She knows that I will be panicked when I regain my memory, so she has a chance to show her offense."

Lu Shijin rolled his eyes, "Do you need me to cooperate with you?"

Fang Xiran looked at him and nodded solemnly, "Yes, yes, you are the most important part of my whole plan. I need you to convince Xu Meiru that our relationship is not in harmony, and make her think that she can use you to deal with me, understand?"

Lu Shijin smiled: "Aren't you afraid that I will collude with her, against you?"

Fang Xiran took his hand and crossed his fingers, "I have already entrusted my life to you, if you choose to betray me, then I have nothing to say, everything is my own choice, no matter what the outcome is, I will not complain. Others. But I'm sure you won't."

Love without waves is like boiled water, bland and tasteless. As long as there are people's hearts, there are suspicions and contradictions, so only trust is the most valuable.

"If you had this kind of consciousness earlier, you wouldn't have those bad things happening in the future." Lu Shijin sighed softly, and suddenly changed the conversation, "I can help you with this, but you have to promise me to go to the hospital for an examination, if you are sick There is no cure for disease, no disease prevention, you know?"

Here again, Fang Xiran covered his eyes in pain, and Lu Shijin pushed him in dissatisfaction, "Speak, do you know?"

Fortunately, the two of them were on a private plane, and they talked about private matters, and they didn't have to worry about being heard by others. Otherwise, Fang Xiran really wanted to parachute from the plane.

"I said I'm fine, why don't you believe it?!" Fang Xiran roared in dismay.

Lu Shijin is righteous: "I'm worried about you too. If you become a eunuch, will it be possible for me to be a widow for the rest of my life?!"

The word "eunuch" deeply stabbed Fang Xiran's self-esteem as a man in the sky, and he remembered the nightmare that lasted less than three minutes.

"Aren't you just worried about me?" Fang Xiran unfastened his seat belt, pressed the button on Lu Shijin's seat to put the backrest down, rolled over and pressed against Lu Shijin, pinched his chin, and said sternly, "It will take a while for the plane to land in City B. The airport is still an hour and a half, and now I'll let you know if I'm okay or not!"

Lu Shijin blinked twice, as if it was not impossible.

Private jets, high-altitude games, is his dream come true?