Lu Shijin understood Xiang Ting's eyes, and it was obvious that this guy wanted to make an appointment with him again.

Although Lu Shijin does not reject Xiang Ting, nor does he reject sex, and he and Xiang Ting have slept twice, Xiang Ting has never expressed any thoughts about Lu Shijin.

Do you have **** with him just to become stronger to protect others? This reason is unacceptable to Lu Shijin. He doesn't like the feeling of being used as a tool.

"Xiang Ting, in your opinion, is **** such a casual thing?" Lu Shijin looked ahead and asked with a light expression, "Or am I such a casual person? I'm willing to have **** with anyone?"

Xiang Ting frowned, just thinking about Lu Shijin sleeping with someone else, his heart couldn't contain his anger, and he would never allow such a thing to happen.

Xiang Ting said in a deep voice, "No, of course I don't think so."

"The first time was to save people, the second time you said that you wanted to help me improve my physique that I would fall down when someone touched me, this time you said that you would become stronger to protect others." Lu Shijin glanced at Xiang Ting slightly. There was disappointment in it, "Every time there is a good reason, but every time the reason is unreasonable, and it is not what I want to hear the most. Xiang Ting, I can't accept **** without emotion, it will make me feel I'm no different from animals."

After hearing what he said, Xiang Ting's heart felt like a needle had been pricked, and his face turned pale.

Because of shame, because of feeling embarrassed.

Yeah, they're not lovers, not even gun buddies.

Xiang Ting had never been in a relationship, but the former college roommates all had girlfriends, and they would often go out with their girlfriends to open a room. In their words, they applauded their love deeply.

Sex with feelings is called love, and **** without feelings is no different from animals in nature that have to obey their instinctive desires in order to reproduce.

Xiang Ting, people are not related to you, so why do you ask them to sacrifice yourself again and again to satisfy your selfish desires?

You are so mean!

"I'm sorry, it was me who was abrupt," Xiang Ting lowered his head, clenched his fists tightly, his fingernails deeply embedded in his palms, and punished himself with pain, "I'm really sorry that I didn't say what I just said."

Hearing Xiang Ting's apology, Lu Shijin not only didn't feel better, but a nameless fire burst out.

Does he want to hear an apology? When will this fool be able to see into his own heart? ! **** him off!

Xiang Ting was immersed in his disdain for himself, and Lu Shijin was too lazy to talk to him who was not enlightened. On the way back, neither of them spoke to each other again.

Back on the mountain, it was past noon. Tang Qin, Su Ling, and Lin Dong had already collected herbs in the mountain and waited for them in the cave.

"Brother Xiang, Brother Lu, you are back! Come and eat, I have gained a lot today. Tang Qin also caught a wild rabbit. It must be genetically mutated. It is about the size of a fox. Let's eat roast rabbit at noon!" Su Ling happily waved to the two people standing in front of the entrance of the cave, but after the two approached, Su Ling found that their expressions were very solemn, and she couldn't help asking with concern, "What's wrong with you? Why are you looking like this? What happened? Yet?"

Tang Qin and Lin Dong were on fire, chatting and laughing while roasting rabbit meat. Hearing that, they stopped talking. Tang Qin looked at Lu Shijin and Xiang Ting, but only saw them coming in. He didn't see Du Jiang, and he saw this again. The expressions of the two were not right, and suddenly there was a bad premonition in their hearts, and the smile slowly solidified on their faces.

"Brother Xiang," Tang Qin stood up and walked towards the two of them, "Where's Lao Du? Why didn't he come back with you?"

Su Ling also noticed that there was a missing person, and asked eagerly, "Yes, where's Du Jiang?"

"I have unfortunate news to tell everyone," Xiang Ting felt that the pressure of being a team leader was so great for the first time. Self-blame and guilt overwhelmed him, but he still had to cheer up, because once he collapsed, he would The hearts of those who were easy to unite were scattered, and Xiang Ting announced in a hoarse voice, "Du Jiang is dead."

"Dead?!" Tang Qin and Lin Dong said in unison, "How can you die?"

Su Ling also covered her mouth, her big eyes were full of disbelief. In the morning, everyone was still talking and laughing. Du Jiang also said that she would bring shampoo and shower gel back for her. A big living person, How could it be so dead?

Xiang Ting: "On the way out to find gasoline, we encountered a lot of danger. I didn't protect Du Jiang well."

Lu Shijin glanced at Xiang Ting. At that time, he couldn't protect himself. How could he control others? Besides, he didn't want to save Du Jiang, but before he could save Du Jiang, Du Jiang died. The pig teammates didn't know how to protect themselves. Can't blame them?

Xiang Ting has a strong sense of responsibility and likes to put everything on himself, but he puts too much pressure on himself. Once he exceeds his ability, he will not be far from collapse.

Forget it, let him help explain it.

"Comrades," Lu Shijin made a serious and painful expression, "this matter is a long story and sounds incredible, but it really happened. You can never imagine what we encountered outside. Dangerous, I almost won't be able to come back with Brother Xiang."

Lin Dong was frightened by Lu Shijin's expression and swallowed, "Is it really that scary? What the **** did you encounter?"

Lu Shijin lowered his voice: "Zombie."

Lin Dong almost called out: "Zombie, zombie?! Is it the kind of zombie I think? Don't scare me!"

Lin Dong usually stays at home and plays a lot of games. Of course, he is no stranger to doomsday escape games with zombies as the theme. When the apocalypse comes, he is also glad that the end of the world is not caused by the zombie virus. Even if the enemy he faces is a normal human being, It's better than the kind of disgusting zombie that bites people when they see it.

Now Lu Shijin told him that there were zombies outside, how could this not make him terrified.

"You were besieged by zombies? Was Du Jiang bitten to death by zombies? Has he also become a zombie? Haven't you been bitten by zombies?!" Lin Dong's expression looked like he was about to cry. The barrage of questions somewhat diverted Tang Qin and Su Ling's attention from Du Jiang's death to the zombies.

"If we were bitten, would we still be here?" Lu Shijin resisted the urge to roll his eyes.

Lin Dong said with a bitter face: "That's maybe... the zombie virus also has an incubation period... Ah, ah, Mom, I want to go home, I shouldn't come out, even if I starve to death at home, I don't want to be bitten by zombies. Become a zombie!"

Lu Shijin: "Okay, shut up first, the zombies haven't chased here yet, and you are not at risk of being bitten by the zombies yet."

Lin Dong stopped talking. He and Du Jiang didn't know each other for a long time, so he didn't feel too sad about Du Jiang's death. He squatted in the corner and silently studied how to deal with zombies.

Lin Dong was quiet over there, giving Tang Qin room to think. His doubts were not completely dispelled, and he asked, "What kind of zombies did you really encounter? How did you escape?"

It was normal for Tang Qin to be suspicious. Three people went out and one person died, but the other two were safe and sound. It was really strange.

Lu Shijin walked into the cave and found a stone to sit down, "Let me tell you, it's like this..."

Lu Shijin told the other three how they encountered zombies, how they escaped, and later they found piles of corpses in another small town. The reasoning that the virus came to hunt humans and powers told them.

After everyone heard it, their faces were as white as paper, and cold sweat poured down their foreheads.

"It's so terrifying!" Lin Dong was terrified just listening to Lu Shijin's description, "Xiao Lu, you and Brother Xiang are so good, you dare to fight against zombies, if it were me, I would have committed suicide! In this world, people are not allowed to live, even if humans want to kill us, now the same kind can’t be trusted? Oh god!”

Xiang Ting: "So we have to leave here as soon as possible. According to the route of that power user's murder, the next target should be near our coordinates. I'm afraid we will meet him."

Lin Dong stood up immediately, "Then what are you waiting for! Let's go! Go far! I don't want to encounter that kind of pervert!"

"Don't worry, even if you want to go, you have to plan where to go." Lu Shijin pulled Lin Dong to sit down, picked up a branch to write and draw on the ground, "Du Jiang died, our supplies will be gone. No, so our next escape route can’t be too far from the area of ​​human activities, we have to go to the town to find resources.”

Hearing what Lu Shijin said, everyone's heart became even heavier. They thought their lives could be improved, but when Du Jiang died, he returned to before liberation.

The most heart-wrenching thing was Lin Dong, his expression was dull, and he muttered: "My rice, noodles, canned food... gone, all gone..."

"Brother Lu is right," Xiang Ting concluded, "the road ahead will be even more difficult, we must be more united and more cautious to avoid casualties like today. Du Jiang is dead. If you are still willing to believe me, I will do my best to bring you to a safe place."

At this point, it is useless to dwell on someone who is already dead.

Tang Qin reluctantly pulled the corner of his mouth and patted Xiang Ting's back, "Brother, don't say that, Du Jiang's death can't be entirely blamed on you, who would have thought that such a danger would be encountered? Fortunately, you and Brother Lu returned safely. It's already the best result."

After studying the route, everyone decided to detour east and then south to avoid long nights and dreams, and they were ready to set off immediately.

However, the rabbit meat was already roasted, and it was a pity not to eat it. They decided to finish the lunch first and then set off.

The roasted rabbit meat is tender on the outside and tender on the inside, tender and juicy, but because of the death of a companion, no one has any appetite to taste the delicious food carefully.

Su Ling was a girl, and she became a little emotional. After eating and eating, she thought of Du Jiang, and she couldn't help crying out, which made other people's already uncomfortable feelings even more heavy.

After a brief meal, the group packed up and hit the road, and before dark, they had to get to the next safe place to spend the coming night.

Lu Shijin and Xiang Ting stayed on the night watch last night. They had experienced so many things during the day, and it was inappropriate for them to drive. Tang Qin took the initiative to take over the job of the driver. Lin Dong still sat in the co-pilot, while Lu Shijin and Xiang Ting sat In the back row, without Du Jiang, Su Ling sat alone in the middle, looking out the window and wiping tears from time to time.

Du Jiang's death is a boulder pressing on everyone's heart.

Although the end of the world has been coming for several months, Xiang Ting and the others have not encountered such a life-and-death danger as they are today.

Tang Qin and Su Ling didn't think the end of the world was terrible at first, but now they finally realized that death was so close to them, and it turned into a purgatory on earth where they couldn't see it.

And what lingered in Xiang Ting's mind was not only the shadow of Du Jiang's death, but also what Lu Shijin said to him in the car.

Lu Shijin put his arms around his chest and leaned against the car window to rest his eyes and closed his eyes. This posture was obviously insecure, and Xiang Ting felt a little uncomfortable.

He couldn't explain his feelings for Lu Shijin. Today was the third day they knew each other, but too many things happened in the past three days, just fighting side by side twice, making him feel as if he had known Lu Shijin for a long time. .

Especially when facing the zombie horde today, Lu Shijin knew that his own abilities had no fighting power, and he used to die, but he still fought side by side with him firmly.

It would be a lie to say that he was not moved, but besides being moved, there seemed to be some other emotions in it.

On the next road, no matter life or death, he wants to go down with the person sitting next to him. He wants to be strong to protect this person and prevent him from encountering such dangers as today.

I still want to own this person, possess this person, I don't want others to touch his finger, I want to see this person fall into his arms because of his touch, and I can only rely on him alone.

Xiang Ting regained his senses and was taken aback by his own sense of possessiveness. What does this mean?

The car drove for two hours, and no one spoke in the car. Except for Tang Qin, everyone else fell asleep.

Suddenly Tang Qin stepped on the brakes, everyone rushed forward due to inertia and was restrained by the seat belts back to their seats, and woke up from their sleep in horror, only to hear Tang Qin shouting in horror: "Look!"

Everyone looked at them, and Lin Dong screamed: "My mother! What are these things? Zombies! There are really zombies! Damn it! It's alive, it's not, it's really zombies!"

On the road ahead, there are several ragged zombies scattered, blocking their way.

These zombies should have just turned into zombies, and their skin is not so badly rotted. It may be that they smelled the smell of living people, and they all staggered towards the direction of the van.

As soon as Su Ling saw these ugly zombies with rolled eyes and ugly faces, the screaming didn't stop, "Come on! Husband! They're coming! Don't let them catch up!"

Tang Qin came back to his senses, and immediately put the reverse gear to reverse the car, but when he looked in the reflector, there were many zombies surrounding him one after another.

Tang Qin's heart swayed, he re-geared, and stepped on the brake to quickly hit the steering wheel to death, the body turned 360 degrees, and then stepped on the accelerator to the bottom, the van's motor made a huge roar, and collided with the surrounding zombies at high speed. past!

At once, several zombies were knocked off by Tang Qin, and the zombies did not bleed, but left a lot of yellow corpse fluid on the windshield, which was disgusting to smell.

But more and more zombies are gathered, and the van can knock one or two away, but not a group.

Lin Dong was sitting in the co-pilot and saw the clearest picture. His back was firmly against the back of the seat, his hands were clutching the seat belt, and he shouted louder than Su Ling: "It's over, there are so many zombies, how can we Do it! I don't want to be bitten by zombies!"

Xiang Ting unfastened his seat belt and chased to the front seat. While telling Lin Dong to shut up, he instructed Tang Qin to drive down the road and into the woods next to him, "The terrain here is open and wide, which is good for zombies, so drive the car into the woods. , the zombie movement will be blocked!"

Tang Qin listened to Xiang Ting's words and drove the car into the woods, but turned his head to look in the mirror, and the group of zombies were still chasing them closely, "Fuck! Why are these zombies running so fast all of a sudden! I drive like this all the time! You can't get rid of them soon!"

Lin Dong's voice trembled: "This, is this the legendary flying corpse?!"

"Don't talk nonsense," Lu Shijin also unbuckled his seat belt and came over, patted Lin Dong's head to calm him down, then pointed to an open space in the woods ahead and said, "Go over there."

"Which way?" Tang Qin questioned loudly, "There is no tree blocking it, are you afraid that the zombies will chase us too slowly?"

Xiang Ting glanced at Lu Shijin, Lu Shijin's expression was very calm and calm, it didn't seem like he was giving directions in a panic, and thinking that Lu Shijin's eyesight and hearing were excellent, maybe he thought of some countermeasures, so he said decisively to Tang Qin: " Listen to him and go over there."

Now that the sky has gradually darkened, and the light in the woods is already dark, Lu Shijin, with his extraordinary eyesight, noticed that there seemed to be lights flickering in front of him, guessing that there should be other abilities in front of him.

The five of them are weak, and if they have the help of other powers to deal with this group of fast-moving zombies, they may still have a chance.

But... I hope it's not the power user that they don't want to encounter. If it is, then there is no way, it means that they are destined to escape this disaster.

Tang Qin drove at full speed in the direction Lu Shijin pointed, and out of the woods, he did not expect a small **** in front of him. The van was too fast to stop, so it flew over, and then landed heavily on the ground. The person sitting on the seat almost Haven't been beaten out of the body.

Lu Shijin and Xiang Ting were standing, not wearing seat belts, so they couldn't stop the impact of inertia. The moment the van vacated, Xiang Ting anticipated what would happen, and swiftly hugged Lu Shijin and took him with him. He sat with him on the seat next to Su Ling.

But Xiang Ting was sitting on the chair, and Lu Shijin was sitting on his lap.

"They didn't follow!" Tang Qin glanced at the rear-view mirror and found that the zombies chasing them seemed to be stopped outside by the circle drawn by Sun Wukong, and did not dare to take a step down the slope.

Lin Dong turned his head to look and was also happy, "Hahaha, dare to love these things are afraid of heights? Hahaha laughed Dad to death, I thought how powerful zombies are!"

A person like Lin Dong is a typical person who remembers eating but not fighting. He started to get carried away as soon as he was out of danger. When he looked back, he happened to see the strange sitting postures of Lu Shijin and Xiang Ting, and his mouth opened wide into an "O" shape.

"You two, what position is this playing? Isn't it appropriate at this time?"

Lu Shijin: "..." He thinks that if Lin Dong dies in the future, it must be because of too much talk.

However, he also realized that this posture was inappropriate. Xiang Ting's hands were wrapped around his waist, and his thighs slammed into his buttocks. How could he bear this, his body was so weak and weak that it was about to turn into a puddle of water.

Lu Shijin hurriedly struggled to get off Xiang Ting's leg, but as soon as his foot touched the ground, he seemed to have no bones, let alone leave, he couldn't stand up.

Xiang Ting noticed that something was wrong with Lu Shijin, so he quietly hugged Lu Shijin and stood up together, then hugged Lu Shijin's waist, let him lean on him and took him back to the back seat.

Tang Qin was concentrating on driving, while Su Ling was so frightened that she was still in a state of confusion, so Lin Dong was the only one who saw all this.

Lin Dong stared at the intimacy of the two, and was so surprised that he almost twisted his neck.

is it necessary? As for? Is the relationship that good? Walk like conjoined twins?

He and Xiao Lu knew Xiang Ting on the same day, but he never saw Xiang Ting treat him so well!

There is definitely a situation!

"Look, what's that in front of you?"

Tang Qin was taken aback and managed to divert Lin Dong's attention away from Lu Shijin and Xiang Ting. Lin Dong turned his head and looked forward. A building similar to a concentration camp appeared on the empty flat ground. In a circle of power grids, there are rows of bungalows. From time to time, people can be seen walking inside, and cars are coming and going.

The sun hasn't set yet, so these people who are active can only be supernatural beings.

"Where are these people coming from?" Lin Dong felt a little weird and said anxiously, "I don't know if it's an enemy or a friend. Let's go before they find us yet."

Tang Qin thought it made sense, but it was too late when he wanted to quietly drive the car away. There was a tall tower in front of the concentration camp, and the lookout post above had already spotted their van!

Immediately, several motorcycles chased out and surrounded Tang Qin and his van.

"Who is in the car, get down quickly! Otherwise, you're welcome!"

Tang Qin panicked and shouted at Ting, "Brother Xiang, what should I do!"

There are so many people on the other side that fleeing is not a wise choice. Maybe it will intensify the conflict. Since the other side is an ability user, there is still room for negotiation.

Xiang Ting thought about it for a while, and asked Tang Qin to stop the car, then opened the door and got out of the car first.

A power user headed by pointed at Xiang Ting with a peculiarly shaped weapon, "Who are you, why are you here!"

Xiang Ting raised his hands to indicate that he had no weapons: "Don't do it, we are also power users. We accidentally broke into your place by mistake. I am very sorry, we will leave now."

The man sneered: "Leave? How easy is it to leave? Who knows if you sent spies over there to investigate the situation. If you are sensible, let everyone in the car get down. If you have anything, go and explain to our boss!"

Immediately, someone with supernatural powers went to open the door and rudely shouted that they got out of the car when they landed.

Everyone had no choice but to get off the car one by one and stand in a row.

The headed power user winked, and his younger brother rolled up his sleeves and went over to search Xiang Ting and the others to prevent them from carrying weapons.

Lu Shijin happened to be in the first place, but before the little brother's hand touched the corner of Lu Shijin's clothes, he was blocked by Xiang Ting. Xiang Ting's eyes were sharp and angry, "Don't touch him."

Little brother: "Yo, how dare you resist?! I'm going to touch him today, what can you do with me?"

Xiang Ting's tall body stood in front of Lu Shijin, staring at the man, "You can try."

Lu Shijin looked at Xiang Ting's back, his heart was beating fast, and he felt that today's husband was a little overwhelmed.