"Listen to your tone, do you want to fight with us?" The leader looked at Xiang Ting with a half-smile.

Xiang Ting said neither humbly nor arrogantly: "I don't want to do anything, but people reason with me, and I also reason with him, but if I encounter unreasonable people, I won't let my friends bully them."

"Boy, you're crazy! Do you want to be a hero? Don't even look at where this is!" The power user who wanted to search for Lu Shijin felt that Xiang Ting had lost face, and was a little angry, pointing at Xiang Ting's nose and cursing Said, "I have to search him today, let me see what you can do!"

Xiang Ting clenched his fists tightly, and had already summoned thunder and lightning, ready to hit him with thunder and lightning if anyone dared to touch Lu Shijin.

Just when the ability user reached out to Lu Shijin, their leader suddenly said, "Okay, stop."

"Boss, what if they hide their weapons?"

"I know in my mind, if you want to step down, step back. Where is so much nonsense, are you the boss or am I the boss?"

The man didn't dare to say anything, and glared at Xiang Ting resentfully before backing away embarrassedly.

The leader said: "Look at the appearance of you guys, you don't look like wicked people, let's not embarrass you first, go see our boss with me, and see what he says to deal with you."

Xiang Ting and Lu Shijin were escorted into the building that looked like a concentration camp.

Along the way, Lu Shijin observed it carefully. It looked like a base where power users gathered, and the infrastructure inside was very complete. The sky was already dark, and lights were lit in several buildings, and the engine could be faintly heard. The sound of turning, in the case of almost all the power and water all over the world, there is still electricity here!

The others were surprised just like Lu Shijin's reaction.

Who are the people living here? It is not afraid of human encirclement and suppression at night, and he can still live so nourishing, it is like a paradise.

It's already dinner time. There is a bungalow-like building that should be the cafeteria here. From time to time, the aroma of food emanates from it, and people come out one after another after eating.

These people included men and women, as well as the elderly and children. When they passed by Lu Shijin, they all looked at them with curious and inquiring eyes, and of course, there were also some hostile eyes.

Lu Shijin didn't understand the source of these hostility, but he understood that the five of them should not be welcome here.

"Where the **** is this place?" Su Ling hugged Tang Qin's arm in fear, "Where are they taking us? Will they kill us? I'm so scared..."

Tang Qin's face was not good-looking, but he still patted his girlfriend's hand to comfort her: "It's okay, don't be afraid, I will definitely protect you."

"It smells so good, I'm hungry," Lin Dong stared at the cafeteria, "I seem to smell the smell of roast potatoes, even if I'm dying, can I have a full meal before I die? I don't want to be hungry. **** woohoo..."

Su Ling screamed: "I don't want to die!"

Lu Shijin turned his head and glared at Lin Dong, "Don't be disheartened, what are you dead and alive?"

Lin Dong pouted, "Well, it's my fault, I pray that the leader we'll see later is a good man with a benevolent face and a heart."

Although Lu Shijin pretended to be calm on the face, he was actually very nervous in his heart. As he walked, he flipped through the cards in the system mall. In case these people really wanted to harm them, he had to prepare early.

After walking for almost 20 minutes, I finally came to the front of a small two-story building. It was very quiet around here. No one was hanging out outside.

Lu Shijin and the others were taken into a small building and locked into an empty room with walls on all sides, where they could only stand, without even a place to sit.

All sides were blank, giving people an invisible sense of oppression. The five looked at each other, not knowing what they were about to face.

Fortunately, after a while, the door opened, and a group of people came in surrounded by a tall man. The man was in his thirties. He was very handsome, and his skin was abnormally white. He could faintly see the blood vessels under his skin. The color of the eyes is also very strange, the pupils are very black, occupying most of the eye sockets, and the circles of the eye sockets are red, and there is a strange morbid feeling.

Just like a vampire.

As soon as the man walked in, Lu Shijin noticed that he was also wearing a pair of snow-white gloves. If it wasn't for pretending, then there must be something wrong with his hands.

"Hello, welcome to Base H, I'm the owner of this base," the man said politely, with a slight smile on the corner of his mouth, but that smile, without a trace of warmth, made people shudder, and he continued. Introduce yourself, "My surname is Gu, you can call me 'Mr. Gu'. I heard that you broke into our base by mistake, but recently our base has offended a group of evil power user organizations, and they have been planning to retaliate against us, so We are concerned that you may be their spies."

Xiang Ting took a step forward, stood in front of everyone, and said calmly, "Mr. Gu, we are not spies, we are being hunted by zombies, and we will rush into your territory because we are desperate."

Mr. Gu smiled lightly and said, "Oh, so that's the case. You encountered zombies? That's really a tough group of guys."

Xiang Ting: "It seems that Mr. Gu has also encountered them?"

"Of course, not only have I encountered them, but I also know who made them," Mr. Gu read Xiang Ting's curiosity, and continued without waiting for him to ask, "It was made by our enemies, Some of them have the ability to create viruses, kill people in this way to capture the crystal core, and this group of people has no bottom line, if they encounter other ability people who are unwilling to join them, they will kill them all."

"Then it's even more impossible for us to be their comrades, Mr. Gu, look at us," Lin Dong pointed to his chubby face, "We are all honest people who can do it well. That kind of maddening thing?"

Mr. Gu just smiled, noncommittal, obviously not completely dispelling their doubts.

He said in a low voice: "In this day and age, no one can believe except himself. Because people's hearts are unpredictable, you can't just look at the surface."

Xiang Ting: "Then I don't know how we have to prove it so that Mr. Gu can believe our innocence?"

Mr. Gu stretched his fingers and took off one glove gracefully, "I don't need your proof, I'll see for myself."

Lu Shijin stared at his hand and took a step back vigilantly, "What do you think?"

Mr. Gu glanced at Lu Shijin with interest, and he noticed it after he came in. Among these people, only Lu Shijin kept staring at his hand and was a smart man.

"My ability is to read minds, I can read your thoughts." Mr. Gu stretched out a hand towards Lu Shijin, "Just put my hand on your heads."

Mind reading, one of the most advanced of all powers.

The first-order mind-reading technique can only read what other people are thinking at the moment.

The second-order mind-reading technique can read the past of others.

The third-order mind reading technique can predict the short-term future of others.

The fourth-order mind-reading technique can control people's spirits and let others do things according to his instructions.

Going up one step further, the more people you can control, the longer the control time will be.

At the ninth level, you can even easily control an army to do anything for him.

The ability of mind reading is very scary, and the probability of appearing in the ability user is less than 1 in 100,000, but the first three levels of mind reading are actually not very effective. manifest.

However, the conditions for advanced abilities are very difficult and require a large number of crystal nuclei to support them. With each advance, the number of crystal nuclei required doubles. As far as Lu Shijin knows, it takes 100 crystal nuclei to upgrade from the second to the third. And these crystal nuclei are not just cold numbers, behind them are all living beings.

The generation of a ninth-order power user means that tens of thousands of human beings are killed, so how can humans not hate power users.

As for this Mr. Gu, Lu Shijin doesn't know how far his mind-reading skills have evolved, but seeing that he can create such a large base, and the people here are very obedient to him, Lu Shijin guessed that his mind-reading skills, at least It has evolved to the fourth level and can control the mind.

The fourth-order ability needs to absorb the energy of more than a thousand crystal cores to achieve it. If this is the case, this Mr. Gu has killed more than a thousand people at least. Can such a person be a good person?

This is not what Lu Shijin is most worried about. What he is worried about now, if this Mr. Gu put his hand on his head and read his thoughts, wouldn't all his secrets be exposed?

The truth that he is a transmigrator must never be known to anyone!

Lu Shijin's face was instantly pale, and he took a step back.

Seeing Lu Shijin's reaction, Mr. Gu became more and more interested in him. If a person is afraid of his mind-reading skills, it means that this person has hidden secrets.

And he likes to read this kind of unspeakable secret the most.

Mr. Gu stared at Lu Shijin and walked towards him step by step. Just when Mr. Gu was about to meet Lu Shijin, Xiang Ting stood in front of him.

"I am the leader of our team. Since Mr. Gu can read minds and wants to know if we are spies, then read mine."

Mr. Gu looked at Lu Shijin and then at Xiang Ting. The former was afraid of him, while the latter took the initiative to protect the former. The relationship between the two was obviously unusual.

Mr. Gu's smile deepened, but he had no objection, "Okay, it's the same for reading yours."

He stretched out his hand to Xiang Ting, put it on Xiang Ting's forehead, and closed his eyes slightly. Just looked at Ting.

After a while, Mr. Gu withdrew his hand and saw that everyone's eyes became a lot more friendly, "I saw that you were indeed attacked by zombies, so you came here. It's okay, it's all a misunderstanding."

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Lin Dong patted his chest and said confidently: "I said it just now, you still don't believe it, how are we like spies from head to toe? A good person is wronged."

Su Ling was worried that Lin Dong's nonsense would annoy Mr. Gu, and secretly pulled Lin Dong's clothes to signal him to stop talking.

However, instead of being angry, Mr. Gu apologized to them very sincerely: "I'm sorry, it was my people who misunderstood you, to express my apology, you might as well stay for one night tonight, and let me treat you well. How about apologizing?"

Both Lin Dong and Tang Qin's eyes lit up, how could there be such a good thing? They were worried that they would not find a hiding spot tonight, and they were afraid that they would be hunted down by humans if they left here. Now that they are willing to take them in for one night, of course it would be better!

"Promise, Brother Xiang," Tang Qin leaned behind Xiang Ting and said in a low voice, "Otherwise it would not be safe to leave here."

Lin Dong also helped: "Yes, yes, I think this Mr. Gu is quite decent. He was kind enough to take us in for one night, so let's agree."

Tang Qin and Lin Dong both thought it was a blessing in disguise, but Lu Shijin knew that Mr. Gu was not as simple as it seemed on the surface. He wanted to urge Xiang Ting to leave, but Xiang Ting couldn't bear the persuasion of his teammates, so he agreed.

Mr. Gu seemed very happy when they said that he would stay. He turned around and explained to his men to prepare the dinner. Then he said to Xiang Ting and the others, "Everyone, wait for me in the banquet hall first. I'll go upstairs to change clothes and come down."

Lu Shijin and the others were taken to the banquet hall on the first floor. It was not a round table like a company dinner, but a way of sitting in a high position like the king in the ancient court and ministers sitting under the king's seat.

It seems that this Mr. Gu has become the king of the mountain in his own base.

Xiang Ting noticed that Lu Shijin's face had not been right since just now, and couldn't help but leaned over and asked with concern, "What's wrong with you? Your face is so ugly?"

"I always think it's abnormal here, and there's Mr. Gu, I think he's very dangerous." Lu Shijin whispered, "You shouldn't agree to stay, we should leave, haven't you heard of it, it's okay If you are courteous, you are either a traitor or a thief.”

Xiang Ting was silent for a while. In fact, he didn't want to stay at first, but at that time he didn't know what was going on. There was a voice in his heart that kept telling him to stay. Just like that, he agreed.

But it's all left, and it's useless to talk about it now.

Xiang Ting said, "If you leave here, it's not necessarily safe outside. Let's wait and see what happens. After tonight, we'll leave early tomorrow, okay?"

Although Xiang Ting was right, Lu Shijin still couldn't convince himself to calm down. He had never been so frightened of a person before. The more he recalled Mr. Gu's smile, the more horrified he felt.

After Mr. Gu finished changing his clothes, he entered the banquet hall and took the seat, and soon someone brought food and wine to each table.

Mr. Gu raised his glass: "It is an honor for Gu to meet you today. I only welcome you with this glass of Beaufort wine. You are welcome, please enjoy it to the fullest."

The dishes on the table were fragrant, and Lin Dong and Tang Qin couldn't hold back their chopsticks and devoured them.

Lin Dong burst into tears as he stuffed the meat into his mouth, "God, it's been a long time since I've eaten hot food, it's so delicious! What a fairy day!"

Lu Shijin and Xiang Ting didn't have much appetite, and the dishes in Table Mountain didn't move much. Lin Dong was surprised to see that Lu Shijin ate less, "Little Lu, why don't you eat it?"

Lu Shijin glanced at Lin Dong, who had been eating oily face, "I can't eat it."

"If you can't eat it, I'll help you eat it," Lin Dong said with a smile, "Don't waste it."

"If you want to eat, take it and eat it." Lu Shijin waved his hand absentmindedly, and Lin Dong ran over with a smile and brought the dishes on Lu Shijin's table back to his table.

Mr. Gu noticed the movement on Lu Shijin's side, and looked straight at Lu Shijin, "This friend, do you think the food is not tasty? It doesn't matter, you can say whatever you like, I can let the chef do it right away."

"No, it's my own lack of appetite, it's not about the food, thank you for your concern." Lu Shijin met Mr. Gu's gaze, a strange feeling of being seen through, he hurriedly lowered his head and staggered his gaze.

Mr. Gu noticed Lu Shijin's resistance to him, he just smiled, he didn't seem to take it seriously, and suddenly said to the crowd: "Everyone, I heard that when I was outside, one of my subordinates made unkind words to you. It's me who is incapable of discipline, I really feel sorry, and to express my apology, I have a gift to give to everyone, so I will treat it as an apology,"

"Wow, in addition to eating, are there any gifts to give?" Lin Dong was overjoyed, and whispered to Tang Qin, "Mr. Gu is also very nice, isn't it?"

Tang Qin was also very happy, "Yeah, it feels like a guest at a local tyrant's house. I don't know what gift he wants to give us."

Lin Dong said cheerfully: "Who knows, but seeing him so generous, it must be a good thing."

Mr. Gu clapped his hands twice, and some of his subordinates came in from the outside with plates one after another. Five plates were placed in front of the crowd one after another. Everyone looked closely. Faintly glowing blue light.

This is? Crystal nucleus? !

Everyone's faces turned white one after another!

When Su Ling thought that this crystal nucleus was dug out of the human brain, she couldn't help but feel sick to her stomach and almost spit out the food she just ate.

Lu Shijin and Xiang Ting looked at each other, they were still calm, they had expected this Mr. Gu to be unkind, and now he is finally going to show his fox's tail!

Xiang Ting stood up and asked, "I wonder what Mr. Gu meant by giving this to us?"

Mr. Gu said with a smile: "Crystal cores can help power users to evolve their powers. Compared with delicious food, I think these are what you need most right now. This is a world where the strong live. Only by becoming stronger can we become stronger. To deal with various dangers well, and the evolution of primary abilities requires only two crystal cores, these two crystal cores are insignificant to me, but they are precious to you, aren't they?"

"But...but you can only get the crystal core by killing people..." Lin Dong stammered, "Didn't you say that you are the enemy of the evil power user? Then, then, you, why do you still kill people? "

"Who said I got these crystal cores by killing people?" Mr. Gu picked up the glass and took a leisurely sip.

Lu Shijin asked back, "Then what do you rely on?"

Mr. Gu glanced at him with a deep meaning, "I do business with human beings, in exchange for things, understand? I help human beings deal with evil powers, provide them with protection, and they take the dead people's brains. The crystal nucleus is rewarded to me, although the energy of the crystal nucleus in the brain of the dead will be greatly affected, but the world does not lack the dead, and I use this method to maintain peaceful coexistence with human beings.”

No wonder this place was not attacked by humans, it turned out that the two had reached an agreement.

One of Mr. Gu's subordinates sneered: "Mr. Gu is benevolent and righteous, and he built this base to shelter us homeless supernatural beings. Everyone here is grateful for his kindness. You people are not grateful for the benefits. Forget it, still doubting Mr. Gu's character, it's really hateful! If I knew you were such ungrateful people, I should have thrown you out of the base and let humans kill you!"

Knowing that he was wrong, Lin Dong looked down at the crystal core on the plate and muttered, "You can't blame me, you didn't say that this thing was given to you by humans."

"So you can use it with confidence. This is definitely not a crystal nucleus obtained by means of inferior means." Mr. Gu didn't mind the questioning of him just now, and said generously and kindly.

Lu Shijin and Xiang Ting are already second-order power users, and these two crystal cores are dispensable to them.

But others are different. They have always been first-order ability users, because they dare not kill people and have not been able to evolve. Now someone sends the crystal nucleus to their hands. It seems like a pie in the sky. Self-sufficient, they picked up the crystal nucleus and held it in their hands to absorb the power inside, and felt the changes in their bodies brought by the crystal nucleus.

When the power in the crystal core was absorbed, Lin Dong, Tang Qin, and Su Ling looked at me, I looked at you, with big eyes and small eyes, because it was night and they couldn't use abilities, and they couldn't say whether they evolved or not.

"That's it, has it evolved?" Lin Dong asked.

Tang Qin: "Should I?"

Lin Dong doubted: "I don't feel it."

"You don't have to doubt. When the sun rises tomorrow, you will feel the change." Mr. Gu glanced at the crystals on the tables of Lu Shijin and Xiang Ting and asked with a smile, "Why don't you two use crystals? Nucleus to evolve abilities?" After a pause, he tapped his forehead with his hand, "Look at my memory, I almost forgot, the leader should already be a second-order ability user, right?"

"Yes," Xiang Ting said without shyness, "so I understand Mr. Gu's kindness."

Mr. Gu raised his eyebrows and asked curiously, "I don't know how the leader evolves his abilities? Does it also rely on crystal cores?"

Tang Qin looked at Xiang Ting, "Yes, Brother Xiang, you haven't told us how you evolved."

In fact, Tang Qin wanted to ask this question for a long time. If Xiang Ting really depended on the crystal nucleus to evolve, where did his crystal nucleus come from?

If it wasn't for the evolution of the crystal nucleus, there was such a good thing, why did Xiang Ting hide it from them and not tell them?

Of course it's impossible to tell how Xiang Ting evolved, but if they don't, Tang Qin and the others will inevitably have doubts about Xiang Ting.

"I actually got the help of a kind person to evolve," Xiang Ting casually made an excuse and said perfunctorily, "but I don't know the name of that kind person, so I don't know who he is."

Tang Qin certainly didn't believe this kind of plot that only appeared in martial arts novels, and even more convinced that Xiang Ting was deliberately concealing them.

At the beginning, it was agreed that there will be blessings and hardships, but Xiang Ting knew the method of evolutionary power but didn't tell them, and he didn't take them as his own at all!

Thinking of this, Tang Qin even had doubts about Du Jiang's death and felt a chill in his heart.

"So it turns out, it's really a coincidence," Mr. Gu said enthusiastically, "By the way, there are only five of you, and there are a lot of activities for evil powers in this area. Do you want to stay for a few more days and wait for us to find out. They are all wiped out, and then you go again?"

Xiang Ting's thoughts and Lu Shijin glanced at Lu Shijin, and also felt that the surnamed Gu was not at ease, so he simply rejected him without thinking: "Thank you for your kindness, Mr. Gu, but you've already helped us enough, I'm really sorry. Stay and continue to harass, and we are also eager to go south to find a self-rescue organization, thank you for your reminder, we will act carefully."

Seeing Xiang Ting's firm refusal, Mr. Gu smiled and did not hold back any longer.

Tang Qin's expression became more and more condensed. It was obvious that they were a team, but Xiang Ting didn't ask him what he thought before making a decision, so he made an assertion and rejected Mr. Gu's kindness. What kind of team is this?

Lu Shijin secretly thought in his heart that the surnamed Gu was indeed a ruthless character, and a few words caused mutual suspicion and intrigue among them.

But what he is most worried about right now is not the disintegration of the team, but when the surnamed Gu used the mind reading technique on Xiang Ting just now, will he read out the secret of his special physique? !