A large number of zombies poured out of Mr. Gu's residence and scattered around the base.

There are about 200 ability users in the base, but most of them are only first- and second-order low-level ability users. Their abilities play a very small role, and they are not enough to resist the zombie army ten times more than them. .

In the base, it was instantly reduced to purgatory on earth, and countless screams and calls for help sounded one after another over the base.

Lu Shijin stood at a high place and had good eyesight. He could see the tragedy in the base clearly, and even saw Mr. Gu, who was injured in his eyes, get into the car under the cover of his loyal men and prepare to escape.

It's a pity that their movements were too slow. The zombies had already rushed over and surrounded their cars. Before the poor driver could close the door, he was dragged out of the car by the zombies and bitten to death.

No one was driving, Mr. Gu couldn't see, and he was shivering alone in the back seat, with a desperate moan in his throat.

Some of the zombies got into the car from the cab, some climbed to the roof, and the car was submerged by the black zombie group. Presumably Mr. Gu will soon become one of them.

Lu Shijin watched coldly, thinking to himself, he didn't know whether Gu, before his death, would regret what he did.

He created zombies to kill so many innocent people to satisfy his own selfish desires, but would he think that one day, he would also die at the hands of zombies?

This is called "good and evil will be rewarded, and the way of heaven is good for reincarnation"!

Lu Shijin, Xiang Ting and the others stood on the top floor, and there were no stairs leading to the top floor. Although the zombies could smell the smell of living people upstairs, they couldn't get up. Instead, they became the safest place in the entire base.

And downstairs, Tang Qin's side was the same. He stood there alone, but no zombie dared to approach him and attack him.

Although zombies do not have five senses, they also have a sense of crisis hidden in their instincts. They can perceive that Tang Qin is a dangerous person, so they do not dare to offend.

"Why don't these zombies dare to attack Tang Qin?" The sparrow that Lin Dong turned into was jumping on Lu Shijin's shoulders and anxious, wishing he could personally direct those zombies to bite Tang Qin, "There is something wrong with Tang Qin!"

Xiang Ting said briefly: "There is a problem."

"That's right," Lu Shijin laughed. "When he came out of the basement, he was a third-order ability user. After getting the crystal core that Mr. Gu promised him, it is possible for his ability to break through to the fourth-order."

"Fourth-level?" Lin Dong fluttered his wings, "That would be difficult to deal with! The few of us here together are not his opponents!"

Lu Shijin, Xiang Ting, and Lin Dong are Tier 3 and the girls are Tier 4, but Lu Shijin, Lin Dong, and girls all have defensive abilities, so only Xiang Ting is the only one with real fighting power. .

There is a huge gap in strength between the third and fourth ranks. If Tang Qin is really a fourth-order ability user now, Xiang Ting will definitely have no chance of winning against him.

"Do you have any other tricks?" Tang Qin shouted loudly, "If not, then it's my turn to do it!"

As soon as the words fell, countless fireballs smashed towards the location where they were at the time of the landing. The three quickly ducked into the room to avoid the fireball attack, but those fires seemed to be alive, and the flames spread, and they were all over in a short while. Buildings are surrounded.

The temperature in the building rose rapidly, and it suddenly became an oven. It was not that flames spread to the door.

Xiang Ting protected Lu Shijin and retreated into the room, and said calmly, "You can't stay there, you have to find a way to get down, or the fire will burn in sooner or later, and it will be difficult to get out again."

"But..." the girl said in fear, "There are zombies below, and you will be attacked by zombies when you go down."

Lu Shijin said decisively: "Then we have to go down! There is still a chance of life if we go down, and we can only wait to die on it!"

"Go down, go down," Lin Dong flapped his wings in a panic, avoiding the sparks, "Ah ah ah, don't burn my hair, I don't want to become a roast chicken!"

Lu Shijin: "Brother Dong, don't go down with us, you have to find someone to save us."

Lin Dong widened his eyes the size of sesame seeds: "Who to look for? Who else can come to save us?"

Lu Shijin: "Go find Su Ling!"

Although we can't fully expect Su Ling to help them, as long as Su Ling comes, it can give Tang Qin a little bit of heart and give them a chance to fight back.

"Okay! I'll go now, you must hold on and wait for me to come back!"

Lin Dong fluttered his wings and flew out, while the girl used her powers to switch positions on the second floor and the first floor.

But the fire was getting bigger and bigger, and fireballs kept coming. The fire had blocked the only door they could go out. Outside was raging fire and billowing smoke.

"Cough, cough... No, the fire is too big to get out!" The girl covered her mouth and nose and shouted anxiously, "My ability can only move the inner space, and now the whole building is burning... I no solution anymore!"

There was nothing the girl could do, so it was Xiang Ting's turn to take action.

There was a rumbling sound of thunder in the sky, and suddenly a blue light flashed, and it slashed straight from mid-air to the second-story building. It happened to strike on a wall of the room where Lu Shi and the others were. The bricks were loose, and the wall went out. The dumping suppressed the fire outside the wall and gave Lu Shijin a chance to escape!

The room was already filled with thick smoke, blocking his sight. Fortunately, Lu Shijin's five senses were excellent. Following the direction of the air, he grabbed Xiang Ting with one hand and the girl with the other, and strode towards the outside of the small building.

"Come on! Come with me!"

Without any danger, the three successfully escaped from the small building that had turned into a huge fireball. They walked to the safe open space and looked back. The small building that was struck by lightning was crumbling, and it was about to collapse. , I am afraid they will all perish in the sea of ​​​​fire.

"It's not easy, you actually escaped," Tang Qin smiled grimly, "Alright, if you all die like this, I'd feel boring and resist, and the fun of the game will increase. But regardless of you No matter how you resist, it will be futile, and you will surely die today."

With a wave of Tang Qin's hand, a huge fiery snake whistled in the air. When they landed, they swam over. The fiery red snake letter swallowed, and the mouth of the snake opened wide. Inside was a scorching flame, like a **** mouth!

Xiang Ting knocked down a rockery next to him with thunder, and took advantage of the rockery falling to block the fire snake's temporary attack in front of them. Xiang Ting looked at Lu Shijin, squeezed Lu Shijin's hand tightly, and then let go, "You guys go. Find a safe place to hide, I'll drag him!"

Lu Shijin understood what he meant. Xiang Ting was not Tang Qin's opponent now. He said this because he wanted to give himself a chance to escape.

Lu Shijin shook his head decisively, and held his hand instead, "No, I'm not leaving, I'll stay with you, we agreed, no matter what happens in the future, we'll stay by each other's side, it's absolutely impossible for me to leave alone at this time. !" He turned his head and said to the girl, "Tang Qin is dealing with us, it has nothing to do with you, run away!"

"Thank you... Come on!" The girl nodded gratefully and thanked them with tears. Her powers could no longer help Lu Shijin and the others, so she could only be a drag when she stayed. She gritted her teeth and stood up and ran outside.

Lu Shijin, Xiang Ting, and Tang Qin were the only ones left in the blazing yard.

"Xiang Ting, give it up, you can't beat me, don't make useless struggles, if you kneel down and beg for mercy with me now, I might consider letting you go." Tang Qin held a mass of flames in his palm, He leisurely watched Huo Miao dance in his palm, "My ability is already level 4. If I want to kill you, it's as simple as squeezing an ant."

Xiang Ting looked at Tang Qin expressionlessly, his eyes were cold, as if he was watching a clown jumping on a beam, and said coldly: "It's me that you have to deal with, it has nothing to do with him, let him go, I'll let you deal with it. ."

"When did you think you still have the capital to bargain with me?" Tang Qin laughed loudly, "Don't worry, neither of you can escape today, let's be a companion on Huangquan Road!"

"Tang Qin, are you still a person?" Lu Shijin spat in Tang Qin's direction and spat, "You've actually been jealous of Xiang Ting, right? He's better than you, better than you, smarter than you, Are you jealous that his eyes are so red that his eyes are dripping blood? And you, you are an ungrateful and despicable villain, if we hadn't rescued you, you would have been locked down like a dead dog! People like you will never be able to compare to Xiang Ting, even if you win today, it will not change the fact that you are despicable and shameless!"

Tang Qin sneered: "Do you think I care? I don't care at all! As long as you are dead, no one in the world will know what kind of person I am! Don't blame me for being cruel, whoever teaches this era is cannibalism, compared to Whoever is more ruthless in the era, whoever is ruthless will have the last laugh, if you feel wronged, then go to **** and file a complaint with Lord Yama!"

Another huge ball of flames attacked Lu Shijin and Xiang Ting. Xiang Ting quickly pushed Lu Shijin away, then rolled to the side, avoiding the fireball attack. This kind of ignorant defense was not the way to go. Xiang Ting quickly got up. , Summoning Lightning also slashed towards Tang Qin.

But before those lightnings could reach Tang Qin's body, they were knocked out by the fireball summoned by Tang Qin, and their power was instantly canceled, and they couldn't help him at all!

Only when I really saw the strength of the fourth-order ability user, did I know that the more the ability evolves, the more terrifying it will be.

The fourth-order is already so powerful, and further up, it is also possible to destroy the sky and destroy the earth!

No wonder there are supernatural powers who kill innocent people indiscriminately in order to evolve their superpowers. After all, who doesn't want to become a strong man in the end times, stand at the top of the food chain, and be a master who decides the future of others?

Such as Du Jiang, such as Mr. Gu, such as Tang Qin, they are just a microcosm of many people in this apocalypse.

Natural selection, survival of the fittest, this is the test of nature for human beings.

It first evolved a part of human beings into superpowers, allowing humans and superpowers to kill each other, and then the superpowers would fight for resources. In the end, whoever survives to the end will be the master of the new era.

Nature clearly knows the inferiority of human beings, they are selfish, suspicious and fickle... This is a game that tests human nature.

However, human nature is the most untested. In front of interests, most people will always think of themselves only.

Therefore, even if he once had good intentions, he would eventually be honed by the cruel reality to form a heart as hard as iron.

It seemed that Tang Qin was determined to kill them.

Lu Shijin took a deep look at Xiang Ting on the opposite side. If they were doomed to die here, he also hoped to remember Xiang Ting's last appearance.

He was very afraid of death and didn't want to die, but when death was about to come, Xiang Ting accompanied him, and suddenly felt that death was not as scary as he imagined.

Seeing that the two were separated, Tang Qin decided to shoot at Lu Shijin who had no ability to resist, and smashed a fireball mercilessly at Lu Shijin in his hand.

Lu Shijin watched the ball of fire hit him, and there was no way to avoid it!

The flames were raging and the flames were dazzling. Lu Shijin closed his eyes subconsciously, but he didn't wait for the end of the heat wave to devour himself, but instead felt the slightest coolness in front of him!

what happened? Lu Shijin hurriedly opened his eyes, it turned out that a stream of water helped him block the fireball's attack!

Lu Shijin followed the flow of water to see that it was Su Ling who came over at some point!

"Tang Qin! What are you doing!" Su Ling asked in disbelief after witnessing Tang Qin's murder of Lu Shijin, "You want to kill Brother Lu and Brother Xiang? Why?!"

When Tang Qin saw Su Ling coming, a trace of guilt flashed on his face, "Why are you here? Didn't I tell you to find a place to hide?"

"If I didn't come, how would I know what you were doing?" Su Ling's eyes were red, and her voice trembled with excitement, "Just now, Brother Dong came to me and said you were going to kill Brother Lu and Brother Xiang. I still don't believe it, Tang Qin, What happened to you, how did you become so terrible? Even your own people?"

"My own?" Tang Qin's face was ashen, since Su Ling had seen it, he simply stopped hiding his true nature in front of her, and said coldly, "Su Ling, you are too naive, you treat them as your own, but they Do you think of you as one of your own? Xiang Ting told you how he evolved his abilities? He kept saying that Du Jiang was dead, but Du Jiang was alive and well. Who knows what he did behind our back? You still If you foolishly believe him, you won't know if he will be sold sooner or later!"

Su Ling: "That's not the reason for your murder!"

"Bah, pah! Tang Qin, you won't blush when you say this! I know everything. Du Jiang betrayed us first. He stole my things and cheated to death. He will die! What about you, Xiao Lu and Xiang? Brother, and me, we could have just walked away and left you alone, but after knowing that the surnamed Gu is not a good person, we still chose to come back to save you. As a result, you are so kind and revenge for your revenge, forget it if you don’t appreciate it, and kill us! You are so shameless!" Lin Dong turned into a sparrow jumping on Su Ling's shoulders, flapping his wings angrily and screaming to accuse Tang Qin of his crimes.

"So what! Now whoever I want will die, and whoever will be born will be born, and those who obey me will perish and those who go against me will die!" Tang Qin became furious because of his anger, "Su Ling, don't meddle in my affairs. , when I solve them, I will take you away, and now, you step aside for me."

Su Ling stood up in front of Tang Qin, looking at Tang Qin with disappointment in her eyes, "If I don't leave, are you going to kill me too?"

Tang Qin took a deep breath, "Lingzi, don't force me, of course I can't kill you. You are my girlfriend, shouldn't you be on my side? Why are you helping them?"

"I'm helping you, Tang Qin," Su Ling cried, "If you keep making such a mistake, you really won't be able to look back, you know? How can you become so bad, you weren't like this before! Stop it, Don't make another mistake!"

"It's too late, I can't look back," Tang Qin stared at Xiang Ting bitterly, "They must die today, or they will become my confidants sooner or later!"

"Okay, if you want to kill them, then kill me first! I won't just watch you go wrong!" Su Ling wiped away her tears and summoned a ball of water to hit Tang Qin. She was only a second-order power user. The smashed water polo didn't have much attack power, but it smashed Tang Qin back two steps.

Tang Qin looked in disbelief, "Lingzi, you actually want to fight with me for a few of them?" He transferred his hatred to Xiang Ting and the others, and attacked Xiang Ting with a fireball backhand, and said coldly, "The more you plead for them today, the more I want them to die! No one can stop me!"

Xiang Ting turned over to avoid the fireball, and joined Lu Shijin. Taking advantage of the opportunity that Tang Qin and Su Ling were pulling over there, the offensive could not be carried out. He pulled Lu Shijin and wanted to flee. Tang Qin saw that they were about to flee, and pushed hard. After opening Su Ling, a wall of fire was erected in front of them, blocking their way.

Tang Qin shouted: "Want to escape? No way!"

"Come on, this guy is a **** eating a scale, he's determined!" Lu Shijin was so angry that he was considering whether to make a bigger move and called 711 out to help, when he suddenly saw a large mass of white gas-like things not far away. When they came over here, he grabbed Xiang Ting and pointed to the front, "Wait a minute, what is that?"

"It seems to be fog." Xiang Ting also saw it. It seemed to be a cloud of water vapor, as white as fog. Obviously there was no wind, but it quickly spread towards them, and soon surrounded them. Suddenly lowered, only the surrounding situation within five meters can be seen.

what happened? Why is there such a large cloud of fog in the daytime?

Tang Qin was naturally wrapped in the fog, so he couldn't see the positions of Xiang Ting and Lu Shijin, so he could only blindly smash the fireball around, shouting angrily, "Who! Who is pretending to be a ghost!"

Everyone's sight was blocked due to the thick fog. Now, Lu Shijin's keen sense of hearing came in handy. By listening to the sound, Lu Shijin took Xiang Ting to avoid all the fireballs accurately, and the two hid in a place far away. Tang Qin hid in a safe position, listening to Tang Qin's exasperated roar coming from the thick fog.

Not only that, Lu Shijin also located Tang Qin's position through his voice, and let Xiang Ting throw lightning in Tang Qin's direction, which caught Tang Qin by surprise.

Tang Qin, who suffered a loss, finally realized that it was not a wise move to speak at this time, so he fell silent and stopped making a sound.

After all, the fog is also water. As long as he uses the fire to dry the fog, the fog will naturally dissipate. Look at Xiang Ting where they are hiding!

Tang Qin was busy setting fire to evaporate the fog, and after a while, the concentration of the fog dropped, and the visible range expanded a lot.

"Come out! If you don't come out, I will burn all of this place to see where you are hiding!"

Although there was a fog coming from somewhere that could stop Tang Qin for a while, it was not the way to hide like this all the time. There were zombies outside, so they couldn't risk rushing out. If they wanted to survive, they had to deal with Tang Qin.

Xiang Ting suddenly stood up, pressed Lu Shijin's shoulder, and said solemnly, "I'll lead him away before the fog is completely cleared, and you can find a chance to escape."

Before Lu Shijin could say "no", Xiang Ting lowered his head and kissed him.

This was a decisive kiss. Xiang Ting kissed Lu Shijin extremely hard, as if he wanted Lu Shijin to remember this moment forever. The warmth and touch he left on his lips made him unforgettable forever.

After the short kiss, Xiang Ting held up Lu Shijin's face and pressed his forehead against him, with monstrous love and reluctance in his black eyes.

The lingering lingering at the juncture of life and death, the last tenderness revealed in the desperate situation, at this moment, silence is better than sound.

"Promise me and live well." After Xiang Ting finished speaking in a hoarse voice, he resolutely released Lu Shijin, left the bunker and stepped out.

Lu Shijin wanted to grab Xiang Ting, but unfortunately he took a step too slowly, his hand was empty, and his heart suddenly seemed to be cut by a knife, blood dripping, and the pain was unbearable.

Lu Shijin held back the wetness in the corners of his eyes, bit his lower lip and stood up, stubbornly following behind Xiang Ting.

Although Xiang Ting wants him to live, if Xiang Ting dies, what's the point of his life?

"Don't go!" A strange voice suddenly sounded in the fog, making Lu Shijin and Xiang Ting stop.

Lu Shijin looked around, "Who?"

"it's me."

Lu Shijin followed the sound to see that it was the girl who had escaped and returned.

"Why are you back again?"

Girl: "You saved me before, so this time it's me who saved you."

Lu Shijin: "This fog?"

Girl: "My boyfriend put it there."

Only then did Lu Shijin notice a tall boy standing next to the girl.

The girl continued: "After I went out, I met my boyfriend who came to find me. His power is fog, so I will let him let the fog fascinate everyone's sight. Before the fog clears, you can come with me."

"Escape is not the way, Tang Qin is already setting fire to disperse the fog, he will catch up with us sooner or later." Lu Shijin said worriedly.

"I know," the girl smiled coldly, "I won't let him go so easily. You two, come with me first, and I'll tell you my plan when I get outside."

Lu Shijin and Xiang Ting looked at each other. At this time, they had no choice but to do as the girl said, so they followed the girl and her boyfriend out of the yard.

Surprisingly, there was not a single zombie outside the yard. Lu Shijin was very surprised.

"What about those zombies?" Lu Shijin asked.

The girl's boyfriend pointed to a hole in the ground not far away, "It's all there."

Lu Shijin didn't understand what he meant, only saw nothing on the ground, "Where?"

"What he means is," Xiang Ting clicked his chin and motioned him to look down, "in the hole."

Lu Shijin was surprised: "How did you do it?"

The girl smiled and said, "It's very simple, I moved the position of the manhole cover, and the zombies will naturally fall when they step on it. Most of the zombies have been locked in the sewers by me, so the outside is temporarily safe."

There are many large and small manhole covers in the base. It seems that after the girl escaped, she used this time to clean up the zombies.

After finding two reliable teammates, Lu Shijin felt a lot less pressure. He felt that these two people should have come prepared. Lu Shijin asked them expectantly, "What's your plan next?"

The girl gritted her teeth and said, "Let Tang Qin come out. As long as he stands beside the manhole cover, I can let him fall, and he will die without a place to be buried!"

"Okay, I'll lead him out." Xiang Ting took the initiative to take over the task. Given the degree of Tang Qin's hatred for him, only Xiang Ting could lead Tang Qin to take the bait.

"Then be careful." Lu Shijin grabbed his arm worriedly, and warned, "Don't fight, just lead him out."

"Don't worry, it'll be fine," the girl's boyfriend said. "As soon as the beast comes out, I'll let the fog go. He can't see and can't hurt us."

Xiang Ting patted Lu Shijin's hand and reassured him with a smile: "wait for me here, I'll be back soon."

Lu Shijin and the girls hid, and waited for Xiang Ting to lead Tang Qin out. From time to time, they heard the sound of thunder and fireballs exploding, which made Lu Shijin tremble with fear, for fear that Xiang Ting would lose and be injured.

Xiang Ting pretended to retreat while fighting, and Su Ling was there to help, but he didn't lose much. Tang Qin wanted to kill Xiang Ting. He never thought that there would be other helpers behind Xiang Ting, chasing and killing him Xiang Ting left the yard.

Just as Tang Qin chased him out of the yard, the girl's boyfriend once again summoned the fog, fascinating Tang Qin's sight.

"Who is pretending to be a ghost! Come out! Do you think this little trick will trap me?!" Tang Qin felt teased, and yelled angrily in the fog, shooting fireballs around to drive away the fog, "Xiang Ting , are you only capable of this? You will only be a tortoise? Come out! Come out and fight me!"

The location of Tang Qin Station is still some distance from the manhole cover.

The girl's ability to reverse the space is also limited by the distance. Only when Tang Qin can stand within the moving range of the manhole cover can the girl use the ability.

Lu Shijin was in a hurry, and took the initiative to mock Tang Qin: "Is it still fair to deal with a despicable villain like you? Tang Qin, if you do too much injustice, you will kill yourself. Your death is today!"

Tang Qin laughed: "Really? Then I want to see who dies first!"

After finishing speaking, he smashed a fireball in the direction of Lu Shijin. Lu Shijin was able to avoid it, but he pretended to be hit by the fireball and let out a scream.

Tang Qin thought he had hit Lu Shijin, and walked in the direction of Lu Shijin. When he reached the visibility range of the heavy fog, he saw Lu Shijin lying on the ground. He seemed to be dying. : "Xiang Ting, your man is dying, do you still want to hide? If you don't come out, I will kill him!"

Tang Qin had already reached the range, and Lu Shijin had achieved his goal. He opened his eyes and looked at Tang Qin mockingly. He sneered, "Oh, death is imminent, you don't know it, you are extremely stupid!"

"What did you say?" Tang Qin heard Lu Shijin say this, and there was a trace of uncertainty in his heart. He was about to ask him what he meant when suddenly his feet were empty, and he fell to the ground!

Tang Qin jumped off the wall in a hurry and dragged Lu Shijin to fall together. At the critical moment, Xiang Ting jumped out and grabbed Lu Shijin's hand and pulled him up from the well, while Tang Qin held Lu Shijin's other hand tightly. Will not let go.

Tang Qin heard the roars of the zombies in the well, and then realized that he had fallen into a trap.

He glanced down, and there were all black and throbbing zombie heads, climbing up like an Arhat, and the one on the top was grinning at him. Tang Qin recognized that it was Du Jiang and Mr. Gu!

Tang Qin couldn't help swallowing, raised his head and looked at Xiang Ting begging for mercy: "Brother Xiang! Brother Xiang, you pull me up! Help me! I'm sorry! I was wrong, I know I was wrong! Please save me I am despicable and shameless! I am a sinister villain! As long as you save me, I will do whatever you want!"

Su Ling also found it, saw Tang Qin fall, and rushed towards here with a scream, "Tang Qin! Brother Xiang! Please save him! Don't let go, please! Give him a chance! He This time I must know it was wrong!"

Lin Dong became a man to hold her and persuade her: "There is no need for Su Ling, Tang Qin is not worth it at all!"

In fact, the right to choose whether to save Tang Qin is in Lu Shijin's hands, but Lu Shijin wants to know whether Xiang Ting will be soft-hearted this time.

Lu Shijin turned his head to look into Xiang Ting's eyes and asked, "Would you like to give him this chance?"

Xiang Ting looked at Tang Qin's panic and helpless expression indifferently. After going through so much, if he didn't understand the truth of being soft-hearted towards the enemy, he was cruel to himself, then he would be hopelessly stupid.

Xiang Ting looked away and said indifferently, "Let go."

Lu Shijin smiled with satisfaction, and let go of his hand. Tang Qin fell straight down, and was dragged into the bottom of the well by Du Jiang and Mr. Gu who had turned into zombies. Before he could even let out a scream, he was torn apart. Fragments…