Chapter 153: Doomsday Survival (Extra)

"Come on, put the 'stove' in the car and leave! This is the place of 'Thunder', if they find out, we will all be doomed!"

It was a poaching team of six power users. The "stove" mentioned by the leader was not a real furnace. They were all power users with special physiques.

There is a kind of special physique among the power users, and the news that they have a relationship with them can help the evolution of powers, and the news has spread like wildfire. Furnace" can be sold for 3,000 nuclei.

Soon, some greedy power users came up with the idea of ​​​​doing the "human furnace" business. They arrested the "human furnace" and sold it on the black market, and it was not a one-time sale, but a lease, waiting for the previous buyer. If they don't want to use it anymore, they will recycle the "human furnace" and sell it to the next one. As long as the "human furnace" is in hand, money resources will be delivered to the door continuously.

Such a lucrative business has become one of the most popular sales chains in the black market. In their eyes, power users with special physiques are no longer the same kind, but a commodity. In the face of huge interests, what is human nature?

However, the transaction of "Human Furnace" is disgraceful after all, so it only exists in the black market, and is condemned and cast aside by the righteous organization of power users. Some power users also spontaneously set up organizations to combat human trafficking and advocate the human rights of power users equality.

But as long as it is profitable, someone will dare to commit crimes, and this is the case with this six-person poaching team.

A few days ago, they tracked the location of a "Human Furnace" and tried to catch the "Human Furnace", but they also unknowingly walked into the territory of a power user organization called "Thunder".

The organization "Thunder" is very famous among the superpowers. It was established three years ago. It was the first to sign the "Ability, Equality, Boao and Democracy" with human beings. A power user with the same idea joins.

Most of the power users are tired of avoiding the pursuit of human beings. In the days of hiding in Tibet, there is such a utopia. Of course, the influx of fresh blood has strengthened the power of Thunder. In just three years, Thunder has become a superpower in the world. A force to be reckoned with.

Leiting pays special attention to combating the "human furnace" trade, so poachers are afraid to go to Leiting's territory to be presumptuous.

The poaching team patronized and caught the "Human Furnace", but they didn't notice that they broke into Lei Ting's territory.

The "Human Furnace" they caught this time is a top-quality product at first glance. Although it is a man, he is white and beautiful, especially the pair of watery peach blossom eyes. At first glance, his soul will be hooked away. Selling for a good price on the black market, for such a superb product, even taking a little risk is worth it!

The car started, and the "human stove" sitting in the middle of the burly men didn't panic at all, and even had the mood to chat with them.

"Ren Lu" asked with a smile: "Brother, where are we going?"

Those people saw that he was white and clean, just like those young masters from rich families. They knew that they had never been beaten in life. I'm afraid they didn't know what they were, so they weren't afraid of them. Calm down.

"Ren Lu" smiled innocently and spoke softly, and he actually made these rough men who do all evils feel a little bit unbearable, and coaxed him and said: "Take you to a good place, as long as you are obedient, we will I won't treat you badly."

"Okay, okay," Renlu nodded and smiled, "I've wanted to go out for a long time. They were afraid that I would be in danger when going out, so they kept me in the base every day. It's boring! Brother, take me there. Let's play in the north, I heard that it's snowing there, I want to go skiing!"

"Wait a minute, you said 'base'? What base?" The leader was a small inch head. Hearing what "Human Furnace" said, he turned around and asked cautiously.

"Human Furnace": "A base is a place surrounded by walls."

Xiao Cuntou already felt something wrong, and roared at the "Human Furnace": "Of course I know there are walls! I'm asking you which base did you come from?!"

"Ren Lu" wrinkled his nose innocently, and said lightly, "Just... the 'Thunder' you mentioned just now."

As soon as the driver heard the word "Thunder", he couldn't hold the steering wheel accurately, the body trembled, and it clearly made an "S" bend.

"What? Are you from Lei Ting?!" Xiao Cun Tou was so shocked that he forgot that he was sitting in the car, jumped up, hit his head on the roof of the car, and grinned in pain, pointing at the "Human Stove" and yelling, "You are Lei Ting. Why didn't the people say it earlier!"

"Why did you tell me earlier?" Renlu was puzzled, "Why do you seem to be afraid of Lei Ting? It's okay, I'm very familiar with Lei Ting's boss, you don't have to be afraid of him, as long as you take me out and have fun, I won't betray you, don't worry!"

Xiao Cuntou collapsed, "You still know Boss Lei Ting? Are you familiar with it? Who the **** are you?!"

"Huanlu" said with a smile, "I'm just an ordinary person."

Xiao Cuntou was speechless. He suspected that this "human furnace" was beautiful, but it seemed that his brain was not very good, but he thought about it, maybe this "human furnace" knew what they were doing and deliberately thought about it. Carry Thunder out to scare them? In fact, he doesn't know Lei Ting's boss at all?

He said that he knew Lei Ting's boss very well, and whether it was true or not, he still had to test it first.

Xiao Cuntou asked: "You said you are familiar with Lei Ting's boss, then tell me, what is the name of Lei Ting's boss?"

"Human Furnace": "Xiang Ting, Lei Ting is named after him."

Xiao Cuntou sneered: "This question is too simple, who doesn't know, I'll ask you again, how old is Xiang Ting, what he likes to eat and what he likes to do, if you can answer it, I'll believe you are familiar with him!"

"Let me think about it," Renlu held his chin in thought, "Xiang Ting is 25 this year, what do you like to eat... He doesn't seem to be very picky, he eats everything, oh, he doesn't like carrots, as for what he likes What are you doing..." He paused, pointed to himself, and smiled mysteriously, "I like to do... me."

Everyone was stunned: "???"

Xiao Cuntou reacted, and his back became cold. Could it be, could it be, that this boy who looks like a vase is Xiang Ting's "Human Furnace"? !

They actually stole Xiang Ting's "human furnace"? !

Isn't this breaking ground on Tai Sui's head and plucking hair on tiger's tail!

"Stop! Stop!" Xiao Cuntou clapped the driver's hand vigorously, and pointed at the "Human Stove" tremblingly, "Hurry up and throw him out of the car! Hurry up! Hurry up!"

"Human Furnace" held on to the car seat and didn't let go, "Eh? Didn't you take me to play? Why did you want me to get out of the car? I can't get off! I managed to escape, but I can't get off!"

After a few big men knew that he belonged to Xiang Ting, they didn't dare to pull him hard, for fear of hurting someone, so they begged grandpa to tell grandma and coaxed, "Get out of the car quickly, please, you are my ancestor. Can't you? You want to play and find someone else, we don't dare to provoke Xiang Ting!"

"Renlu" raised his eyebrows and smiled sarcastically: "You said that you guys are so timid, when you hear Xiang Ting's name, your soul is scared to death. How dare you do such a cruel thing?"

Xiao Cuntou put his hands together and begged for mercy again and again: "Yes, yes, you are right, you should get out of the car quickly, this time we are blind, and we accidentally offended you. Your lord has a lot of us to let go!"

"It's too late, didn't you hear the thunder?" The boy raised his lips and smiled contemptuously, "He's already here."

As soon as they finished speaking, the sky that was still clear and clear suddenly became gloomy, and dark clouds gathered over them. In the thick clouds, there was a thunderous sound from time to time, and every time it made these people tremble.

"It's thunder! It's him! It's him!" Xiao Cuntou hugged his head and wailed, "It's over, we're over!"

A thick and long purple lightning bolt in mid-air slashed straight to the front of the car. The driver sitting in the driver's seat stared blankly at the front cover of the car, a huge black hole was cut out, and the car was completely scrapped into a pile of scrap metal. No matter how hard he stepped on the accelerator, it was useless.

"You, you, look..." One person pointed not far ahead and called out in horror, "What is that!"

A storm vortex appeared in front of them, and the electric light flashed in the vortex, instantly reducing the surrounding air pressure. At the same time, Xiao Cuntou and the others felt a strong sense of oppression, as if an iron hand was strangling their throats, making them unable to breathe, and at the same time The adrenal glands soared rapidly, and there was a sense of despair in my heart.

Afterwards, a man appeared in the center of the whirlpool. He was tall and straight, and his steps were steady. He walked towards them step by step. His facial features were very deep, and his expression was as cold as a **** descending. Kneel down and surrender to him.

In fact, the moment Xiao Cuntou and the others heard the thunder, they all knelt down, not daring to look at Xiang Ting's face, and slapped themselves while begging for forgiveness: "I'm sorry Xiangye, we are blind, please raise your hand. , let us go, we promise not to do it again!"

"Let you go so that you can catch others again?" Lu Shijin, who had taken off his disguise, kicked Xiao Cun's head to the ground with a sneer, "People like you don't even have the most basic morality of being a human being, you die. It's not a pity, it is unfair to others to keep you alive! The moment you set foot on this land, you will die."

Xiao Cuntou raised his head and looked at Lu Shijin who had changed his face. He suddenly realized that he pointed to Lu Shijin and said unwillingly, "You did it on purpose!"

"Of course," Lu Shijin walked to Xiang Ting's side, put his hand on Xiang Ting's shoulder, and said casually, "Life is a bit boring. Occasionally out fishing and law enforcement will add some fun to life. Unfortunately, this time it's you who took the bait. ."

Xiao Cuntou finally understood what mistake he had made. As soon as he heard the news that there was a "human furnace" here, he rushed over with greed. He didn't even know that he fell into someone else's trap. He sat on the ground slumped and waited Final Judgment of Fate.

At the moment when the thunder struck him, I wonder if he ever had a trace of regret for not being a good person in this life.

"Let's go, don't play this kind of game again next time, what if you are really in danger." Xiang Ting grabbed Lu Shijin's waist and said with a sullen face, "Staying in the base makes you feel bored, doesn't it? Look It's because I usually don't care about you enough, so it makes you feel bored."

Lu Shijin raised his hand and begged for mercy: "No, no, enough, enough! If I come more, my waist must be abolished! Besides, I am also killing harm for the people and doing justice for the sky."

"Just leave it to me to do things for Tianxingdao," Xiang Ting said indifferently, "Also, He Yu and her boyfriend's abilities have both evolved to level 8, we are only level 7, we still have to work hard, we can't. get behind them."

He Yu is the girl who can reverse the space. After defeating Tang Qin, she stayed at the base with Lu Shijin and Xiang Ting, and formed "Thundering". She and her boyfriend are now the most important members of "Thundering". one.

"What are you better than this? They have known each other longer than us, so how could they catch up?" Lu Shijin sighed and held out three fingers, "It's been three years, and it's been seven years without falling a day for three years. When will I be able to reach the ninth level to complete my dream of saving the world!"

Xiang Ting raised his lips slightly, "That's why we have to work harder."

Lu Shijin fell on Xiang Ting's shoulder, rubbed his lower back and said, "I'm too hard."

It's too hard to save the world with papapa, sooner or later he will be drained.