Lu Shijin closed the script, put his mobile phone in his pocket, stood in front of the full-length mirror in the room, straightened his clothes, and then walked out of the room.

There is a long corridor outside, and there are rooms in a row. Lu Shijin looked back at his room number carefully, and it said 204, so he guessed that he should be on the second floor of the cruise now.

As for the other rooms, the doors were tightly closed, and it was impossible to see if anyone lived there. Anyway, we would meet later, so Lu Shijin didn't stay and waited for the people in the other rooms to come out, and went downstairs.

This is a very luxuriously decorated cruise ship. There are several restaurants, bars and dance halls. Through the sign, Lu Shijin found the location of the banquet hall. When he walked in, there was already a long dining table. There are five people.

As soon as they saw Lu Shijin come in, the five people turned their gazes to him in unison, and there was inquiry, indifference, and hostility in their gazes.

Lu Shijin looked at the ages of the five people, what they were wearing, and where they were sitting, and he had a general understanding of their identities.

The three people sitting on the left should be Mr. Lu's sister, her husband and son, and the family of three. Mr. Lu's brother-in-law is surnamed Li. Although they all have names, Lu Shijin finds them difficult to remember, so he calls them Mr. Li, Mrs. Li and Li. nephew.

Mrs. Li is over 500, but she is well maintained. She looks in her early 40s. She wears a hand-embroidered cheongsam and a silk shawl. Her shoulder-length perm has become a very popular hairstyle these days. People who enjoy; Mrs. Li wears an antique watch with gemstones on her wrist, and a diamond ring the size of a dove egg on her right ring finger, which is nothing, the most striking thing is the one she wears around her neck. A string of imperial green jade beads necklace, each jade bead is the same size, transparent color, round and full, and the water color is excellent.

Although Lu Shijin doesn't understand jewelry, he also knows that gold is valuable and jade is invaluable. This jade necklace must be very valuable.

Mrs. Li's husband, Mr. Li, was married to the Lu family. Currently, he is only a vice president of a company under the Lu family. With his income, of course, he can't afford Mrs. Li's extravagant living expenses. , Mr. Lu must have subsidized his sister a lot in private.

As for Mr. Li, he is not a few years older than Mrs. Li, but he looks much older. His hair is already gray, and the hair on the top of his head is even sparse. Usually, the pressure should not be small. She didn't have much success in her career, so Mrs. Li didn't think much of her husband.

Li's nephew was in his early twenties, and he looked like a dawdler, and he didn't have a good seat in the chair. Mrs. Li reminded him several times to let him sit down, but he didn't take it seriously. A child who has been spoiled by his parents.

The two people on the opposite side, a man and a woman, should be a couple from the perspective of interaction. Apart from Mr. Li and Mrs. Li, there is only one couple among the ten people. Don't even think about it, they should be Mr. Lu's daughter and son-in-law.

Mr. Lu's son-in-law is surnamed Feng, let's call them Mr. Feng and Mrs. Feng.

Mr. Feng and Mrs. Feng are both in their thirties. They are married in a family relationship. The two have no children yet. Once Mr. Lu dies, it is difficult to say whether this marriage can be maintained.

These five people have already formed their own camp. When they saw Lu Shijin come in, they just looked at him a few times, and then withdrew their eyes and continued to talk to the people around them as if nothing had happened.

Lu Shijin, an adopted son who has no blood relationship with the Lu family, obviously can't get in with them either.

So Lu Shijin weighed it, and consciously chose to sit in the last seat on the side of Mr. Feng and Mrs. Feng, waiting for the arrival of the other four.

After a while, people came in one after another. The first one came in was a young woman in her thirties who was beautifully dressed and graceful. She was wearing a deep V-neck dress. The tight fabric perfectly wrapped the woman's curves. There is an aura all over his body, which makes women jealous when he sees it, and a charming and **** man who sees straight eyes.

Sure enough, the two women, Mrs. Li and Mrs. Feng, snorted from their noses when they saw the young woman entering.

Of the four people who didn't come, there were only two women left, one was a mistress and the other was a nanny, so this woman must be Mr. Lu's mistress, Miss Gao.

Miss Gao came in and looked at the people sitting at the table with her beautiful eyes, and then her eyes fell on Mrs. Feng and Mr. Feng. Mrs. Feng obviously disliked this woman who was about her age and who seduced her father. Rolled his eyes in disdain.

Miss Gao raised her red lips provocatively, holding a small sachet, twisting the waist of the water snake, stepping on her high heels and sitting directly next to Mr. Feng, Mr. Feng couldn't help but go to Miss Gao's side. After taking a second look, Mrs. Feng was so angry that she pinched Mr. Feng's thigh secretly to remind him not to roll his eyes around.

When Miss Gao passed behind Lu Shijin, Lu Shijin smelled a strong perfume. It was a good-smelling wood perfume, which matched Miss Gao's temperament.

Following behind Miss Gao, was a tall and handsome man, wearing a dark brown casual suit without a tie, with two unbuttoned shirt collars, one hand in his trouser pocket and walking in casually, look. He looks like a romantic and unruly son, and he is the kind of handsome yuppie who can easily capture the hearts of women.

And Mr. Lu's illegitimate son and nephew didn't arrive, so Lu Shijin couldn't tell who the man was among the two.

But the man is very smart. After he came in, he glanced at the position of everyone in the room and understood the relationship between the characters on the field. He called Mrs. Li "Auntie" generously, and then called Mrs. Feng "Tang". Sister", then it is obvious that he is Mr. Lu's nephew, Lu Zhongze.

Lu Zhongze chose to sit down between Lu Shijin and Miss Gao, said hello to Miss Gao first, then turned his head and extended his hand to Lu Shijin: "Hello, Lu Zhongze, nice to meet you."

It seems that he is a fool, but he will have both sides.

Lu Shijin understood that Lu Zhongze was actually asking him about his identity, so he smiled and held out his hand, "Lu Shijin, it's nice to meet you."

After Lu Shijin reported to his home, the others cast their gazes at him again. Lu Shijin smiled at them calmly and expressed his friendliness, but obviously, most people didn't appreciate it, and they still had an indifferent expression.

Lu Zhongze turned slightly to Lu Shijin's side, and said in a voice that only the two of them could hear: "Don't pay attention to them, they are too nervous, this is a game, relax."

Lu Shijin smiled and didn't say anything. It happened that the last two people also arrived together, and everyone's eyes focused on the door of the banquet hall.

There was a man and a woman who came in. The woman was not tall and dressed plainly. She was about forty years old and must be Mr. Lu's nanny.

And the last man who came in was undoubtedly Mr. Lu's illegitimate son Rongzhi.

Lu Shijin had no interest in what a man looked like at first, but the moment he looked up and saw the man, his shock couldn't be further increased!

The man was dressed in black formal clothes, tall and straight, with a very handsome face, sharp sword eyebrows, long and narrow phoenix eyes, deep facial features and a little mixed-race, very recognizable.

Why? Why does this Rong look like that person? !

Lu Shijin sat up straight, his eyes fixed on Rongzhi's face without blinking, and his hand under the table involuntarily grasped the tablecloth tightly, so as not to let him cry out because he was too shocked.

There were only two seats left on the dining table. Rongzhi gently helped the nanny to open the chair and let her sit on the seat next to Li's nephew, while she sat down in the last seat, opposite Lu Shijin.

After sitting down, instead of looking around, he crossed his hands on his stomach, leaned back on the chair, and began to close his eyes, as if he didn't care about anything.

Although there was a dining table distance, Lu Shijin could still clearly see the face with his eyes closed. There was a small mole on his left eyelid. The shape and location of the mole were the same as the one in Lu Shijin's memory. Just like people, Lu Shijin can be almost 100% sure that Rongzhi is the person he knows!

Lu Zhongze noticed Lu Shijin's abnormality, pressed his fist to his lips, pretended to inadvertently turned to him and asked him in a caring tone, "what's the matter with you?"

Lu Shijin came back to his senses and realized that he had lost his way. His straight back loosened and he leaned back on the back of the chair, "It's nothing, thank you for your concern."

Lu Zhongze glanced at Rongzhi who was sitting across from him, and asked tentatively, "Do you know each other?"

Lu Shijin regained his composure, turned to look at Lu Zhongze, and pretended to be inexplicable, "It's the first time I saw him, of course I don't know him."

"Okay, I misunderstood." Lu Shijin didn't want to say more, and Lu Zhongze didn't ask any more questions. He sat upright and went back.

All ten people have already arrived, waiting for Mr. Lu, the host of the banquet, to arrive.

There are ten people sitting on a long dining table. These people are inextricably related on the surface, but in fact they don't know each other. A game trapped them on this island-like cruise ship. What it is, no one knows, everyone's faces are tense and not very relaxed.

Suddenly, a few dull bells came from outside the banquet hall, breaking the silence in the banquet hall. After the bell rang six times, it was already six o'clock in the evening.

At the entrance of the banquet hall, the figure that everyone was looking forward to finally appeared.

An old man with crutches, inconvenient to move, and needing assistance to walk entered the banquet hall. He is the owner of this cruise ship, Mr. Lu.

Everyone stood up and greeted the old man with respect. Mr. Lu waved his hand to signal them to be polite. They all sat down and took the master seat with the support of the housekeeper.

In fact, Mr. Lu was only in his early sixties, but the sudden illness broke his body, and the pain caused his body to lose weight quickly, turning into the scrawny appearance he is now.

Looking at Mr. Lu's trembling walk, if it weren't for the announcement of his heir this time, he would have been killed if he violated the interests of some people. In fact, Mr. Lu would not have a few days to live.

Human greed is really scary.

Everyone was seated, and soon after, the stewards on the ship brought food and put it in front of everyone, and poured white wine into everyone's glass.

"Everyone, you should know the purpose of calling you here," Mr. Lu said in an old and slow voice, "Three days later, under the witness of a lawyer, I will announce the right to distribute all the property in my name after my death. But not all of you are eligible to inherit my inheritance. If I cannot meet my requirements or satisfy me, I will ask a lawyer to amend the will and cancel the inheritance rights of some people. These three days , is the last time left for you."

Mr. Lu's words are telling everyone that someone who has done something unsatisfactory to him is likely to lose the right of inheritance, and these people are the ones most likely to kill Mr. Lu to protect their own interests.

Everyone couldn't help looking at each other, and they were all secretly wondering, who are these people?

Mr. Lu turned a blind eye to the thoughtful expressions on everyone's faces, raised his glass, and said with high spirits: "Okay, let's not say these disappointing words, apart from the staff on this cruise, we are the only people who eat. There is everything to play, everyone is on vacation, accompany me, the old man, come, let's toast together, and enjoy the happy time on this ship."

"Sir, the doctor explained that you can't drink." The housekeeper next to Mr. Lu stopped him from raising his glass. "Alcohol will make your condition worse."

"Just drink a little, it's alright." Mr. Lu waved his hand indifferently, "This family has not been together like this for many years. I'm happy today, you can let me drink a little."

"No," the butler dutifully grabbed the wine glass in his hand and gave him a glass of water. "For the sake of your health, I can't let you drink."

Mr. Lu sighed, "Tell you, you've been with me for so many years, how come you still have this rigid temperament, how many days can I live without a drink. It's okay, all of you don't mind me. Now, you drink yours, and my old man will eat some dishes."

Seeing that Mr. Lu was willing to listen to him, the butler smiled with satisfaction, suddenly remembered something, and took out two small vials from his pocket, "Sir, it's time for you to take your medicine."

Mr. Lu slapped the knife and fork in his hand on the table, and said in a feigned anger, "You're not spoiling the fun, you're eating, what kind of medicine do you bring out?"

"But..." The housekeeper was embarrassed, "You take medicine at this point every day."

Mr. Lu sneered: "Anyway, the illness can't be cured, so what's the difference between taking it early and taking it later? Well, put down the medicine, you can leave first, I'll take it back to the room to eat by myself, I'm not old and confused, I can take my own medicine."

"Okay," the butler put two identical bottles on the table, but the difference was that one bottle had a blue label and the other had a red label. The butler pointed to the two bottles and warned. Said, "Mister, remember, take the medicine in the blue bottle first, and take the medicine in the red bottle after half an hour. You can't take it in the wrong order, otherwise the consequences will be serious."

Mr. Lu pushed the two medicine bottles aside and scolded with a smile, "I see, the blue bottle will be eaten first, and the red bottle will be eaten after half an hour. I remember it all. You old fellow, the older you get, the more verbose you are, so I should let you. Retire early, nagging in my ear every day is as annoying as monk Tang chanting sutras!"

Everyone at the table pretended to be busy with their heads bowing their heads to eat separately, but in fact they were all listening to the conversation between Mr. Lu and the housekeeper. It sounded like a chat between the two old people, but there was a lot of information to be revealed.

First, the doctor explained that Mr. Lu should not drink alcohol.

Second, the housekeeper has been by Mr. Lu's side to take care of his daily life. He is a person Mr. Lu trusts very much, and he must know a lot of inside information.

Third, the order in which Mr. Lu takes the medicines is very particular. If the order is wrong, it is likely to cause danger to his life.

Lu Shijin couldn't help but turn his head and sneak a glance at the two medicine bottles. The murderer was among the ten of them. He must have heard the conversation between Mr. Lu and the housekeeper. So, will he make a fuss about the medicine?

When he retracted his gaze, Lu Shijin subconsciously glanced at the opposite side. He might as well have coincidentally met his deep eyes. Lu Shijin was no longer surprised at first. He lowered his head as if nothing had happened, and cut the steak on the plate with a knife and fork. , but there are too many things in my heart, no matter how delicious the steak is, it becomes dull in the mouth.

Everyone is an actor, not a real family. During the meal, apart from occasionally answering Mr. Lu's words, the others have little communication with each other.

Such an embarrassing meal, Mr. Lu didn't take it seriously, and gave full play to the role of NPC.

When the meal was almost over, Mr. Lu put down the cutlery, wiped his mouth with the napkin, and said, "It's hard for you to have the patience and willingness to accompany my old man to eat this meal, if you can all be like when you had this meal today. Harmony, then I can rest assured even if I close my eyes. Okay, everyone is gone, I also went upstairs to rest."

Mr. Lu stood up with a cane, but when he was about to turn around, he pointed at the last Rongzhi and said, "You, come up with me, I have something to tell you."

Everyone's eyes are focused on Rongzhi. According to the development of the plot, Mr. Lu will die tonight, and when Mr. Lu sees Rongzhi alone at this time, what will he talk to him about? Could Rongzhi be the murderer?

As a shameless illegitimate child, it is not surprising to have resentment, and it is normal to have the idea of ​​killing people and robbing inheritance, so Rongzhi's reason for killing is very strong, and the suspicion is currently the biggest.

Lu Shijin couldn't help sweating for him, worried that Rongzhi would be cast out as a murderer in the first round.

After all, there is no penalty for making a wrong vote, and everyone wants to exclude dissidents.

In the sight of everyone suspicious and inquiring, Yun Danfeng smiled lightly, nodded and said, "Okay." Then they followed behind Mr. Lu, and the two left the banquet hall.

Mr. Lu has all left, and the remaining nine people have no meaning to stay any longer. They all stood up and planned to leave.

Lu Shijin was still worried about Rongzhi, he was absent-minded when walking, and didn't notice that Lu Zhongze was following him.

Lu Zhongze patted him on the shoulder from behind, "Hey, do you want to go back to your room?"

Lu Shijin turned his head, "Yes."

Lu Zhongze asked with a smile, "How much do you live in?"

Lu Shijin: "204."

"It's a coincidence that I also live on the second floor, and I live in 207." Lu Zhongze said, "Since we have such a fate, let's take care of each other."

Lu Shijin took a deep look at him and understood that Lu Zhongze came to form an alliance with him.

This time, the ten people didn't know each other, but because of their roles, some people acquiesced to form a group at the beginning.

For example, Mr. Li, Mrs. Li, and the family of Li's nephew, and the couple Mr. Feng and Mrs. Feng.

However, their alliance is not so stable. For example, Mr. Feng's eyes always revolve around Miss Gao, which makes Mrs. Feng very dissatisfied.

But in fact, everyone knows very well that the people who are most likely to shoot cold arrows at you are often the people around you.

No one can easily trust others, and the group is just to make it look like they are not isolated.

Facing Lu Zhongze's offer, Lu Shijin wouldn't take it seriously, but he wouldn't reject it outright, so he pretended to smile and said, "Okay."

Lu Zhongze was very happy, he put on Lu Shijin's shoulder and asked, "You said, that illegitimate child, could be the murderer?"

"I'm not sure," Lu Shijin touched his nose and pretended to think for a while, "but I don't think it's that simple."

Lu Zhongze nodded and agreed: "I think so too, but after all, tonight will be a sleepless night for everyone."

Lu Zhongze wanted to continue chatting with Lu Shijin, but a mobile phone beep sounded in their pockets at the same time.

Lu Shijin took out his mobile phone and unlocked it to see that it was an instruction issued by the APP to let everyone go back to their rooms to rest.

Lu Zhongze received the same instruction on his mobile phone.

Lu Zhongze spread his hands helplessly, "It seems that this broken app doesn't intend to let us roam outside. Okay, I have to go back to my room, I wish you good luck."

Lu Shijin nodded, "You too."

After separating from Lu Zhongze, Lu Shijin returned to his room.

He lay down on the bed, his eyes fixed on the ceiling above his head, and all he remembered in his mind was the face of Rongzhi.

He will never admit this face wrong, it is definitely him, so it turns out that he also entered a different world and became a tasker?

The person Lu Shijin knew who looked exactly like Rongzhi was not Rongzhi, he was Pei Wen.

Lu Shijin's identity in the real world is that of a reporter, responsible for economic news.

Pei Wen is the youngest outstanding entrepreneur he has interviewed, and is also the first interviewee Lu Shijin interviewed after taking up the job of a reporter.

At that time, the magazine where Lu Shijin was working was doing an exclusive interview with young entrepreneurs, and Lu Shijin was also assigned tasks. However, as a new reporter, it was not difficult to get in touch with executives of various enterprise groups.

Lu Shijin hit a wall everywhere, and finally reached Pei's family and wanted to try his luck, but he didn't expect that Pei Wen really met him.

During the interview, Pei Wen did not perfunctory because Lu Shijin was a rookie reporter. He was courteous to Lu Shijin, and patiently helped Lu Shijin finish the interview.

The two talked very happily, and Lu Shijin also had a deeper understanding of Pei Wen, and silently regarded him as a role model in his heart.

However, who would have thought that not long after the interview, Tianlu Shijin suddenly saw a news report on TV that Pei Wen committed suicide by jumping off a building, saying that Pei Wen was suspected of corruption and bribery, and he would only commit suicide when it happened.

From what I learned about Pei Wen through that interview, Lu Shijin didn't believe that Pei Wen would be such a person. Pei Wen has a bright future, and there is no reason to ruin his future for the petty profit in front of him.

For the grace of knowing, Lu Shijin decided to secretly investigate the truth about Pei Wen's suicide. Even if he was ordered to stop the investigation, he did not give up.

Just when he was about to find out something, he was suddenly fired by the company, and then on the way out of the company, he had a car accident and crossed into another world.

Lu Shijin never expected that he would meet Pei Wen again here. Can such a low probability thing be met with them?

Fate is so amazing!

Lu Shijin was a little excited, and now he is the same as he used to be. I don't know if Pei Wen recognized him.

If Rong Zhi is really Pei Wen, things will be much easier. He is no longer alone and has someone to discuss!

We have to find a way to recognize Rongzhi, complete this final mission together, and return to the real world together!

Lu Shijin was thinking about how to find Rongzhi talking about this, but at this moment, the phone beeped again.

"There is a bottle of poison in the drawer under the dresser, take it, and now go to Mr. Lu."

Lu Shijin: ? ? ? ! ! !

He got the killer card? ? ?