Lu Shijin's mood is complicated.

There is only one murderer in ten people, and there is a one in ten probability that it falls on his head?

The other people's mission is to find the real murderer, but his mission is to kill the other nine people, including Rongzhi? !

God, what kind of international joke are you playing with me!

I just met an acquaintance here, and I planned to run over with joy to "acknowledge my relatives".

Well now, I can't recognize my parents, and it has become either you die or I die.

Lu Shijin's heart collapsed.

As Lu Shijin hesitated, the phone began to vibrate continuously, and a red light flashed on the screen to remind Lu Shijin to follow the instructions to complete the task as soon as possible.

There is no other way, if you don't complete the task, you will die, if you fail the game, you will die.

As soon as Lu Shijin gritted his teeth, he made up his mind, walked to the dresser and opened the drawer. There was a brown glass bottle inside, and a striking skull was printed on the label of the bottle, for fear that others would not know it was poison.

Lu Shijin put the medicine bottle in his suit pocket, tightened his bow tie, opened the door and walked out casually.

The corridor is very quiet, there is no APP instructions, everyone can only stay in the room and can't come out.

Mr. Lu's room is on the third floor, and you have to take a special elevator on the first floor to get there, so Lu Shijin went down to the first floor to find the elevator first.

Along the way, Lu Shijin was thinking about his role, the adopted son, the motive for killing his adoptive father, Mr. Lu.

It stands to reason that the adopted son and the Lu family are not related by blood. Although they have the same inheritance rights in law, he actually has no position to compete for property with other people, and he can't compete. After all, such a large group company, the interests are intertwined, who will obey. What about his adopted son with no background?

Moreover, Mr. Lu raised him and nurtured him, and he was very kind to him. Now he is terminally ill, and he has not been able to live for two days. What is the reason why the adopted son can't wait to kill his adoptive father?

Lu Shijin was puzzled.

After finding the elevator, Lu Shijin pressed the button and waited for the elevator to come up. Unexpectedly, Mr. Lu's housekeeper also came over and waited for the elevator with him.

"Now, are you looking for Mr. Lu?" The housekeeper asked Lu Shijin gently.

The housekeeper has been by Mr. Lu's side for most of his life, and is one of Mr. Lu's most trusted confidants. He also watched the younger Lu family grow up with his own eyes, so no one dared to underestimate him, and usually respected him very much.

Lu Shijin smiled politely, "Yes, I have something to ask my father."

Seeing the elevator coming, Lu Shijin leaned to the side, asked the butler to enter the elevator, and then walked in by himself.

Lu Shijin stood next to the housekeeper, staring at the housekeeper from the corner of his eye, thinking that the housekeeper, as one of the important NPCs, should know a lot of inside information, and maybe he can find some useful information from his mouth.

So he thought for a while and asked tentatively, "Housekeeper, how is father feeling today?"

With a "ding", the elevator reached the third floor, the elevator door opened, the butler walked out first, turned around and looked at Lu Shijin with a smile, and said jokingly: "What? Look out from me, afraid that Mr. Lu will be angry with you? "

Lu Shijin was overjoyed, it seemed that the housekeeper was an insider, so he asked the right person.

"Yeah," Lu Shijin came out of the elevator, went to the room to find Mr. Lu in a hurry, and took the housekeeper to chat on the balcony, "You always take care of him, you know his temper best, tell me Say, is he still mad at me?"

The housekeeper patted Lu Shijin on the shoulder with a smile and said, "There is no overnight feud between father and son, don't worry, Mr. Lu is not angry with you. But you also have to understand him. The reason why Mr. wants you to recognize your biological father is also for the sake of Hello, how can there be a child in the world who does not recognize their parents? Do you think so?"

Want the adopted son to recognize his biological father?

Intuition tells Lu Shijin that the murderous intention of the adopted son must be related to this matter.

So he nodded and said sincerely; "Yes, you are."

Seeing his cheerful attitude, the butler was a little surprised and asked with wide eyes, "You agree?"

"Agree, what's the point of disagreement," Lu Shijin said, "It's only natural for a child to recognize his father."

"But it wasn't because of your biological father that he..." The housekeeper paused, as if he felt that it was inappropriate to say something directly, "So you didn't want to recognize him, and did you have a big quarrel with your husband because of this?"

What the housekeeper did not directly explain is definitely a blind spot!

Lu Shijin continued to follow the housekeeper's words, pretending to be embarrassed but profound, and said: "No matter what, he is my biological father after all, the dog is not too poor, let alone he gave birth to me. One, if I don't recognize him, isn't it in vain?"

Lu Shijin's words obviously made the housekeeper feel satisfied, and there was admiration in his eyes.

"It's good that you can think so," the housekeeper said with relief, "Son, don't misunderstand you, sir, he has always treated you as his own son, he didn't mean to embarrass you, in fact, your biological father is not a bad person, and he is imprisoned. It was also because of manslaughter, and now that he has been released after serving his sentence, your father and son are just reunited to enjoy family happiness, which is also one of his greatest wishes."

That's right.

Lu Shijin's brows moved imperceptibly. Perhaps, he already knew the motive of his adopted son's murder.

The adopted son's biological father was a murderer who had just been released from prison. Mr. Lu wanted the adopted son to recognize his biological father. The adopted son must be very opposed to this.

The dignified young master of the Lu family, who is pampered and pampered, will of course not want to be regarded as the son of a murderer. This will also be a great stain on his future development.

The adopted son might think that the adoptive father was afraid of him, worried that he would block the way of his own son, so he deliberately made him accept such a disgraceful life experience and attacked him, so he held a grudge and murdered him.

Thinking about it this way, the reason for the murder can be explained.

But there is still a problem here, that is, why did the adopted son have to choose this time today?

There are many people on the boat, and at the critical moment when the will is about to be announced, so many eyes are staring at it. Even if you want to kill people, this is not the best place to do it.

The adopted son can obviously choose a more favorable time to start, why can't he wait for today?

I'm afraid that Mr. Lu's forcing him to recognize the murderer's biological father is just one of the reasons why the adopted son wants to kill Mr. Lu, and there may be more unknown secrets that have not been discovered.

"I understand all of this, as well as my father's painstaking efforts," Lu Shijin smiled and said, "Thank you for enlightening me, I'll go find my father first."

The housekeeper nodded, waved Lu Shijin over, suddenly thought of something and stopped him again, "By the way, remind me to remind Mr. Lu to take his medicine, I'm afraid he will forget it again."

Lu Shijin: "Okay."

Lu Shijin walked to Mr. Lu's door, raised his hand to knock on the door, but the door opened by himself.

Rongzhi came out of it head-on and met Lu Shijin inadvertently. Lu Shijin's heart suddenly jumped twice, thinking that Rongzhi would greet him, but Rongzhi quickly averted his gaze and walked straight past Lu Shijin. , as if not knowing him at all.

Lu Shijin blinked, a little stunned.

He doesn't seem to know me? Is it real or fake?

But he looks exactly the same as Pei Wen. It's impossible for two people to have the same moles on their eyelids, in the same place, right?

Lu Shijin confirmed that he was Pei Wen, but why did Pei Wen turn a blind eye to him? There is no reason.

Forget it, Lu Shijin shook his head. Now he is holding a murderer card. Even if he recognizes Rongzhi, what can he do?

Their situation is already opposite, and it is very likely that only one of them will survive in the end.

Although Pei Wen had helped him before, and he sympathized with Pei Wen's experience, this time, he couldn't lose because there were still people waiting for him.

So what he can do is to complete the task as much as possible to hide his identity, and leave the rest to fate to decide.

Lu Shijin collected his emotions, took a deep breath, and knocked on the door twice.

Mr. Lu's old voice sounded inside: "Come in."

Lu Shijin walked in and paid attention to the situation in the room. This was a luxurious suite with a living room and bedroom, as well as a spacious cloakroom.

Mr. Lu was sitting on the sofa in the living room. There were two goblets and a bottle of red wine on the coffee table in front of the sofa. There was still red wine residue at the bottom of the goblet.

Rongzhi was the only one who went out just now, so the other wine glass should have been drunk by Rongzhi.

"Didn't the doctor say that you can't drink? Why do you still drink." Lu Shijin pretended to be concerned, put away the wine bottles and glasses on the coffee table, and was stopped by Mr. Lu with a wave of his hand, "Hey, leave me alone, just drink. A little red wine, don't get in the way, put the glass down, it's rare to be in the mood tonight, don't spoil me."

After hearing him say this, Lu Shijin didn't force it any more. He sat down on the sofa next to him and asked with a smile, "What makes you so excited tonight?"

Mr. Lu glanced at him and asked without answering, "What are you looking for? Didn't you have a tough temper before and didn't want to answer my phone?"

"Before, I was trying to figure it out myself, and I couldn't figure it out," Lu Shijin patted his face and pleaded for mercy, "Now that I understand, I'll make amends for you."

"If you don't pay, you will be spared. You have hard wings now. How can I control you?" Mr. Lu snorted coldly with his arms crossed, "But I warn you, if you don't agree to my conditions, I will cancel your right of inheritance. ! Measure yourself!"

"I promise, who said I didn't agree?" Lu Shijin said, "Don't you just want me to recognize that person, I do!"

Mr. Lu looked at him in disbelief, "Really?"

Lu Shijin: "Really, more real than pearls."

Lu Shijin's expression loosened a little, but he still didn't have a smile on his face, "I know you can't bear Laozi's inheritance."

Lu Shijin raised his palm, "I have to defend myself. I promise you and him that it is not for any inheritance."

"Why?" Mr. Lu asked.

Lu Shijin: "I'm happy for you. As long as it makes you happy, I can do anything."

Thousands of wears, no flattery.

Although Mr. Lu is only an NPC, Lu Shijin takes pity on the dying old man whose life is about to come to an end, so he is willing to say something nice to make him happy.

Sure enough, after listening to Mr. Lu, he was silent for a while, and there was a hint of movement on his cold and hard face.

"Smooth tongue." Mr. Lu said angrily, and stood up uncomfortably, "I'll go to the bathroom, you wait here."

Mr. Lu went to the bathroom in the bedroom. Lu Shijin looked around in the living room for clues, and saw two small medicine bottles with red and blue labels on the TV cabinet.

At the same time, the mobile phone in his pocket vibrated. Lu Shijin took it out to take a look and received the next instruction issued by the APP——

"Put the poison into Mr. Lu's red wine glass."

Now is indeed the best time to poison, but when Lu Shijin looked at the two bottles of medicine, he had other thoughts.

As one of the most important NPCs, the butler could be a clue in every word he said. He specially emphasized that the order of taking the two bottles of medicine could not be wrong. Here, apparently quite important props.

Lu Shijin suddenly had an idea in his heart, could it be that he was not the only one who wanted to kill Mr. Lu?

After all, it's about the distribution of inheritance and everyone's interests, so tonight, besides him, maybe someone else will do it.

Lu Shijin reached into his pocket and found the bottle of poison, and had another thought. If the poison and one of the two bottles of medicine were unpacked, wouldn't he be able to kill someone with a knife?

But before he could act, the phone vibrated strongly, reminding him to put the poison into Mr. Lu's wine glass as soon as possible, and a countdown appeared on the screen.

It seemed that the APP would not let him mess around, so Lu Shijin could only dispel the idea of ​​killing someone with a knife, obediently fulfilled the APP's instructions, poured the poison into the wine glass, and poured some wine into it to cover it up.

It was the first time to do this kind of poisonous act, Lu Shijin couldn't help feeling a little nervous and a little sorry, and kept suggesting that this was just a game and that Mr. Lu was not a real person, so don't feel too guilty.

Not long after the poison was administered, Mr. Lu came back from the bathroom. He didn't seem to notice Lu Shijin's stiff expression and sat back to the seat just now.

Seeing that there was more wine in the glass, Mr. Lu asked strangely, "This poured it for me?"

Lu Shijin was in a panic, always feeling that he had done something unfortunate and found out, so he made an unnatural excuse and said, "Yes, yes, I poured it, you can drink if you want, but after drinking this cup, you can't drink more. Drink." He said, he took the wine bottle and held it in his arms solemnly, hiding his guilty conscience.

Mr. Lu had no doubts, smiled and shook his head and pointed at him: "You, like when you were a child, like to let me drink."

He picked up the wine glass and shook it as if he was going to take a sip. Lu Shijin's eyes closely followed his movements. When Mr. Lu handed the wine glass to his mouth, his heart almost went up to his throat, but Mr. Lu glanced at him. Outside the window, for some reason, the wine glass was suddenly put down.

Lu Shijin's mood was like riding a roller coaster, with ups and downs, but Mr. Lu didn't drink the glass of wine immediately, so he was relieved.

Mr. Lu put down the wine glass and stood up, walked to the window, Lu Shijin took the opportunity to raise his hand to wipe the cold sweat on his forehead, put down the wine bottle, also stood up and walked beside him, looking out the window with his eyes.

This is the third floor of the cruise ship, you can see very high and far, outside the window is a vast night, in the distance is the vast sea, the searchlight on the top of the ship flashes from the sea from time to time, the sea is calm at this moment, and a full moon is in the sky Rising, the moonlight reflected on the sea, coating the sea in the dark with a layer of bright silver.

Lu Shijin noticed that Mr. Lu was staring out of the window fascinatedly with a special brilliance in his eyes, and couldn't help but ask curiously, "What are you looking at?"

"It's the same as the moonlight tonight..." Mr. Lu pursed his lips and murmured, "It's the same as when I first saw her..."

Lu Shijin immediately understood that it was "NPC" who was giving clues again, and quickly asked, "Who is TA?"

Mr. Lu didn't speak, but turned his face and stared at Lu Shijin with dark eyes, with an inexplicable smile on the corner of his mouth. Because of his thin body, Mr. Lu's cheeks were sunken deeply, causing that smile to be seen at night. It looks really weird.

And even though that gaze was on Lu Shijin's face, it didn't look like he was looking at Lu Shijin, but like he was looking at another person through Lu Shijin.

Lu Shijin was stared at by him until his back was hairy, "What are you... looking at?"

"It's nothing," Mr. Lu's expression returned to normal, and he put his hand on Lu Shijin's shoulder, "you must be filial to your father in the future, he has suffered too much and suffered too much in the first half of his life, you have to make amends for me. He, do you understand?"

Lu Shijin nodded in understanding, but Mr. Lu waved his hands wearily, "Okay, I'm a little tired, you can go."

Although I really wanted to know who the "she" Mr. Lu said just now, the NPC ordered the expulsion. Obviously, he didn't want to reveal any more clues to you, so Lu Shijin had to leave.

After the door was closed, Lu Shijin stood outside the door and realized something important. Would Mr. Lu drink the poisoned red wine?

However, this is not something he can manage, because the APP soon issued an order to let him go back to his room and stay.

When he walked to the elevator and waited for the elevator, Lu Shijin lowered his head and thought about it. As soon as the elevator door opened, he wanted to step in, but he didn't notice that there were still people inside, so he almost collided with the person who came out.

"Hey, watch out!"

Lu Shijin looked up and saw that it was Lu Zhongze.

Lu Zhongze asked jokingly, "What are you thinking, so ecstatic?"

Lu Zhongze had made good friends with him, but Lu Shijin didn't hide it deliberately, and said generously, "I'm thinking about clues."

"Oh?" Lu Zhongze showed interest in his eyes, "What clue?"

Lu Shijin looked at him and didn't answer, but smiled politely. Of course Lu Zhongze understood what Lu Shijin meant, the friendship between the two was not enough to share clues, he just touched his nose a little, "I'm sorry, I asked too much. too much."

Lu Shijin was not at ease, "Are you here to find Mr. Lu?"

"Aren't you too?" Lu Zhongze asked back.

Lu Shijin chuckled, "Tonight is indeed a sleepless night."

Lu Zhongze laughed twice, walked out of the elevator, and waved at Lu Shijin, "Okay, it's my turn, see you tomorrow."

When Lu Shijin approached the elevator, the moment the elevator door closed, his heart was suddenly enlightened.

What he thought was right, there will be many people looking for Mr. Lu tonight, so although the APP asked him to poison Mr. Lu, he might not necessarily be the real culprit in the end.

If you want to know who the murderer is, you must first understand each person's motives and methods of killing.

So what Lu Shijin has to do now is to wait, and only wait, until the news of Mr. Lu's death comes out tomorrow, and when the APP's restrictions on everyone's movements are lifted.

Lu Shijin walked back to his room, paused when pushing the door, looked up, and estimated the location of Mr. Lu's room, which seemed to be directly above his room.

He didn't know if there was any particularity in the location of the room arranged by the game for everyone. It was known that Lu Zhongze lived in 207, which was separated by an aisle, while Lu Shijin's room was sandwiched between 203 and 205.

The doors of the two rooms 203 and 205 are closed, and there is no sound inside. Who will live there?

Lu Shijin entered the room and closed the door, locked the door, then sat down on the sofa in the room, took out his mobile phone and waited for a while, but did not receive the next instruction from the APP, so he guessed that his task tonight should be considered completed. .

Lu Shijin lay on the bed. Although he had nothing to do tonight, he still didn't dare to sleep.

With his hands behind his head, he looked at the snow-white ceiling above his head, separated by a layer of ceiling, wondering what would happen in Mr. Lu's room now.

This poor old man, in the last period of his life, thought that he was surrounded by close relatives and shared a family, but he was surrounded by wolves. Everyone was hiding from him for different reasons, either out of hatred or out of profit. Murderer wants him to die tonight.

Lu Shijin was sighing when he suddenly felt that the phone under the pillow vibrated twice again, which made him shudder and hurriedly took it out to take a look.

The result was not the APP issuing instructions, but a prompt to add friends——

Players are allowed to apply to add you as a friend, [Approve] or [Reject].

After Lu Shijin got the mobile phone, he didn't have time to study it carefully, thinking that the mobile phone was useless other than accepting commands, but I didn't expect that it even had the function of adding friends? !

Moreover, Rongzhi took the initiative to add him!

Lu Shijin hurriedly clicked [Pass], and the APP prompted: Player Rong has become your friend.

Rongzhi's message followed.

Rongzhi: [Hi? 】

Lu Shijin: [Hi! 】

Rongzhi: [It's me. 】

Lu Shijin: [I know...]

Rongzhi: [I didn't expect to meet you here. 】

Lu Shijin: [Me too...]

The chat between the two came back and forth, revealing a sense of strangeness. After Lu Shijin sent the last message, he didn't reply in time.

He actually had a lot of questions he wanted to ask Rongzhi, such as "Why did you pretend you didn't know me just now", "How did you come into this world", "What is your identity" and so on, but there were too many questions, but instead No question for a while.

A lot of things happened in the middle, and the acquaintance of the two seemed to be separated by the previous life, the previous life, the previous life, the previous life.

When they meet again, no one can tell what they are thinking about each other, whether it is malicious or kind.

So it will be unfamiliar, embarrassing, and speechless.

Lu Shijin was feeling melancholy when Rongzhi's message was sent again, and he hurriedly pointed the screen of his mobile phone to his eyes.

Rongzhi: [Can we trust each other? 】

Lu Shijin hesitated for a second, if Rongzhi was Pei Wen, or someone he knew...why not?

Lu Shijin: [Yes. 】