There are two small suites in room 201, one belongs to Mr. Li and the other belongs to Mrs. Li. Although the two are husband and wife, they sleep in separate rooms.

As soon as Mr. Li died, his room became a public area where evidence could be searched, and everyone rushed into room 201 to find clues.

"That room is his room, you can only search there, not mine." Mrs. Li stood in front of her room, staring at the others with a very displeased expression.

Li's nephew stayed by her side and did not enter Mr. Li's room.

In Mr. Li's room, there are not many decorations, just a bed, a wardrobe and a desk, there is no place to hide things, so it is easy to find evidence.

There were so many people suddenly squeezed into the small space. Lu Shijin was squeezed into the crowd, and it was difficult to turn around.

Anyway, there are so many people looking for him, and Lu Shijin simply left the room, waiting for others to find out the clues.

Rongzhi followed him out, and the two moved to the door. Seeing the people inside rummaging through boxes and cabinets like bandits robbed, Lu Shijin suddenly felt a little chilled.

The death of a person is a living life, not cold data, but no one cares. They are only interested in the evidence left by Mr. Li.

In other words, they are only interested in things that relate to their own interests.

That's the cruelty of this game, letting you see the indifference and selfishness of human nature.

"A bunch of lunatics."

Mrs. Li stood behind them, sarcastically.

"Wait, there will be retribution."

Mrs. Li's reaction did not seem like someone who would vote for Mr. Li.

So who are the three people who voted for Mr. Li? For what purpose must Mr. Li die?

Everyone doesn't know each other, it can't be for vendetta, so there is only one possibility, for self-protection.

Lu Shijin turned his head and glanced at his nephew Li. Although he didn't follow the others to search for evidence, his expression was too calm, as if he was not interested in Mr. Li's affairs at all, which was really suspicious.

"Found it! His diary!"

The voice belonged to Mr. Feng. He pulled out a notebook from the pillow on the bed in the bedroom and held it up in his hand to show everyone.

Because he was too excited, the muscles of his face were shaking, as if he had discovered a new continent.

Mrs. Feng stepped on her high heels and walked to Mr. Feng's side, and asked eagerly, "Look at it, what's written in it?"

Mr. Feng flipped through the diary, and everyone formed a circle next to Mr. Feng, waiting for his answer.

"It says above," Mr. Feng quickly browsed through Mr. Li's diary, and said, "Because Mr. Li was married to the Lu family, he often felt despised by Mr. Lu, and he wanted to prove that he let Lu Mr. Lu was impressed. He believed his friend's words and invested in loss-making projects. He lost all his savings and misappropriated public funds. After being discovered by Mr. Lu, Mr. Lu ordered him to fill the hole in the near future, otherwise he would have to resign from all positions in the company. , Mr. Li started to kill Mr. Lu. His plan was to put a poisonous spider bought at a high price into Mr. Lu's room, so that Mr. Lu could die unexpectedly, and he could get the inheritance as soon as possible. deficit."

After hearing this, everyone sighed, and it turned out that this was the truth.

"But when and how did he put the poisonous spider in Mr. Lu's room?" Lu Zhongze asked, "According to his and Mrs. Li's timeline last night, except for the hour when Mrs. Li was doing beauty treatments, Mr. Li went to the deck outside, and the two spent the rest of the time together, and in that hour, I saw that Mr. Li never left on the deck, and he didn't have the opportunity to do something," Lu Zhongze went outside the door to Li The wife glanced at her body and said with a corner of her mouth, "Could it be that someone did perjury for him? Does he have other accomplices?"

Mr. Feng paused for a while, raised his head and looked out the door across the crowd, and said with a sneer, "Yes, he does have an accomplice, but it's not Mrs. Li."

Everyone's eyes fell on Mr. Feng's nephew Li, and nephew Li turned his head to one side stiffly. It was self-evident who the accomplice was.

Mr. Feng pulled the corners of his mouth contemptuously and said, "Mr. Li wrote in his diary that his son was ignorant and ignorant. Although the matter was settled by Mr. Lu in the end, Mr. Lu planned to cancel his nephew's right of inheritance and make his nephew hold grudges. The father and son decided to attack Mr. Lu together and discussed a good drama of Li Dai Tao Zang." Mr. Feng looked at Lu Zhongze, " The Mr. Li you see on the deck is actually not Mr. Li, but his son who claims to have never left the room. The father and son are similar in body shape and face contours. If they are disguised, you will not be able to tell them apart at night. Who are these two people? Seeing that he was wearing Mr. Li's clothes, he took it for granted that he was Mr. Li, right? At that time, the real Mr. Li had already climbed up the third floor and secretly put the poisonous spider inside. Lu's room."

"Father and son cooperated in a joint case?" Miss Gao covered her mouth and chuckled after hearing this, "It's true that the family does not enter the same house, but since it is a joint case, if Mr. Lu died in the end of Mr. Li's poisonous spider, how should this be calculated? Is it a murderer or both father and son are murderers?"

"Of course it's one," Rong Zhi said suddenly, coldly. "From a legal point of view, the person who plays a secondary or auxiliary role in a joint crime is the accomplice, and the punishment is lighter compared to the principal, not the murderer. Therefore, Li Once Mr. dies, no matter whether he is the real murderer or not, the suspicion of another accomplice can be cleared."

As soon as Rongzhi finished speaking, Lu Shijin noticed a subtle change in the expressions of several people.

Interesting, it seems that among these ten people, it is not only the father and son of the Li family who have jointly cooperated.

"But," Mrs. Feng pursed her lips and asked, "Why did Mr. Li do the work instead of his son? It stands to reason that his son is younger and more agile."

Lu Shijin leaned against the door and said casually: "Because, he is a father, no matter how incompetent and despicable he is, he is also a father, and no father would like to see his son's hand smeared with human life. Unfortunately, this is not the case. It just gave another person an opportunity to take advantage."

As long as everyone thinks about it for a while, they will know who will benefit the most from Mr. Li's exit.

This person was referring, of course, to nephew Li.

And nephew Li's unnatural reaction also explained very well, what does it mean to not recruit yourself.

Nephew Li is just an accomplice. If Mr. Li is the real murderer, then you will win the game if you vote for him; if Mr. Li is not the real murderer, then vote for him, and you can also clear your suspicions and avoid being voted out by mistake.

So in the morning, in the living room, even without Lu Zhongze's inducement, Li's nephew must have made up his mind to vote for Mr. Li.

If Mr. Lu was really bitten by a poisonous spider, there must be poisonous wounds on his body, but the captain did not mention this, so Mr. Li's poisonous spider should not bite Mr. Lu. Obviously, Li's nephew voted for Mr. Li. It is more likely that the purpose of rushing to clear one's suspicion is more likely.

Poor Mr. Li, just betrayed.

"A dog bites a dog, it's a good show." Mrs. Li glanced at her nephew Li disdainfully, turned and entered her room, closing the door with force.

Nephew Li faced everyone's contemptuous eyes, and said angrily, "Don't look at me like that, people don't kill themselves for their own sake, and he and I are not real father and son, I just do this to win, if you want to blame, you can blame the game's settings. That's it! I'm afraid some of you are no better than me. He has three votes, and I wasn't the only one who voted for him. Anyway, my suspicions have been cleared. How to find the murderer!"

After he finished speaking, he walked out of room 201 angrily. The others stayed for a while, feeling bored, and left one after another.

Although nephew Li's behavior was despicable, it opened up an idea for others.

Especially if there may be multiple people working together, as long as the main culprit is cast out, no matter what, it will be beneficial to others.

For example, the "husband and wife" of Mr. Feng and Mrs. Feng, who were singing together just now, but when they went out, they obviously widened the distance from each other, and seemed to have become a lot estranged.

In the original plot, it is still an alliance, but when it threatens his own life and death, he can betray his teammates without hesitation.

Human nature really can't stand the test at all.

But there was one more thing that made Lu Shijin puzzled.

It is known that Li's nephew voted for Mr. Li, and the other vote is likely to be cast by Lu Zhongze. Who cast the third vote?

And the two votes on Lu Zhongze, what happened? Could it be his accomplice who also voted for him with the same idea as nephew Li?

Although Mr. Li's secret has been solved, the case is still full of doubts.

Next, the APP did not force everyone to go back to their room, because the first and second floor areas have been opened, so everyone can freely come and go in the area where activities are allowed.

Lu Shijin thought it was stuffy in the cabin, so he went to the deck to blow air.

The weather outside was good, the sky was clear, the sea breeze was gentle, the sun was shining on the sea, and seabirds swept past to prey at low altitudes from time to time. The scenery was pleasant, but Lu Shijin was not in the mood to appreciate it.

"bad mood?"

Rongzhi came from behind and didn't see Lu Shijin's face. Just based on Lu Shijin's back, he guessed that Lu Shijin should be in a bad mood at the moment.

"One?" Rongzhi handed Lu Shijin a cigarette, Lu Shijin hesitated for a moment, took the cigarette from the man's fingertips and held it to his mouth casually.

In fact, he doesn't have the habit of smoking, but now he is in a fidgety mood.

Rongzhi opened the lid of the lighter, and a cluster of faint blue flames jumped up. Lu Shijin lowered his head and directly lit the cigarette in his mouth with Rongzhi's hand.

Taking a deep breath, Lu Shijin exhaled a puff of smoke, his voice a little hoarse: "I think this game is not just as simple as finding the murderer."

Rongzhi also lit a cigarette for himself, slowly exhaled a smoke ring, Zhan's eyes looked into the distance, "Well, you and I think the same, this is more like a test of human nature."

Lu Shijin glanced at him sideways, this man, even his smoking posture was too elegant.

Lu Shijin took two puffs of cigarettes and felt boring, so he let the cigarette ignite spontaneously, watching the soot fall into the sea, and was instantly washed away by the sea and disappeared without a trace.

"I estimate that in the next round of voting, I received a revelation from Li's nephew, and it will be a good show for some people to bite each other. Obviously, it is not just the father and son of the Li family who are working together."

Rong Zhi looked at him, "No matter how they bite, our goal is only one, and that is to find the real murderer. In the second round, there are still five people who can vote. We have to hurry up to determine who the murderer is, and we can't keep voting. "

"You're right," Lu Shijin nodded in agreement, "Do you have anyone you want to vote in the next round?"

Rongzhi pondered for a while, and before he could speak, suddenly the mobile phones in their pockets vibrated at the same time.

The two looked at each other and their expressions became solemn.

They took out their mobile phones and opened it, and the app sent a shocking and goosebumps picture.

"Everyone, please note that Li's nephew was suddenly found dead in his room. When the captain went to find him, his body was covered with spiders. The murderer has already begun to act, please find the real murderer as soon as possible!"