Nephew Lee? died?

who did it? !

Lu Shijin and Rongzhi hurried to nephew Li's room. Nephew Li lived on the first floor. When the two of them got there, a cordon had been set up outside nephew Li's room, and the sailors on the boat were wearing protective clothing spraying potions on the ground. Carcasses of spiders the size of a pinky fingernail can be seen everywhere.

The others came early and saw the corpse of nephew Li. Nephew Li was lying on his back on his bed, his eyes were wide open, his mouth protruding out, and his mouth was very large, as if he had seen a terrifying picture, and he was covered with spiders. Some spiders even crawled into his nose, ears, and mouth, and the picture was terrifying!

The three women, Mrs. Feng, Miss Gao and the nanny, were so frightened that they turned pale, turned to look for the trash can and vomited.

Mrs. Li also came down from the upstairs, but she didn't come over, she just stood far outside the corridor and glanced in, with a sarcastic expression on her face, her mouth moved silently, judging from the shape of her mouth, she was saying " Deserve it" two words.

"Where did so many spiders come from?" Lu Shijin asked Lu Zhongze, who was next to him.

Lu Zhongze frowned and shook his head, "I don't know, the captain is already investigating, but there is no result yet."

Lu Shijin asked again, "How do people die?"

Lu Zhongze shrugged and spread his hands, "Who knows, whether there is a forensic doctor on board, and can't examine the body, but the sailor who found the body said that no murder weapon was found at the scene, and there was no wound on the body caused by a sharp weapon. As for whether it was bitten by a spider or not, then no understood."

"It's not a spider," said Rongzhi suddenly, "these spiders are non-venomous."

Lu Zhongze glanced at Rongzhi, "Since it's not poisonous, why did the murderer make so many spiders?"

Rong Zhi put it succinctly: "Create panic."

"Yes, the father and son of the Li family plan to use poisonous spiders to kill Mr. Lu," Lu Shijin said, "the murderer used his own way to fight him, and deliberately designed it to be a spider to kill people, making it seem like Mr. Lu was trying to kill Li's nephew. Sudden death can not only hide one's identity, but also make people panic."

Lu Zhongze had a lingering fear, "In such a short time, he made a murder plan, and he didn't realize it. This person is too scary."

Another person died. Although ten people have ruled out the possibility that two people are the murderers, the suspicion of the case has increased.

Who would kill Li's nephew?

Will it be the same person who killed Mr. Lu?

If the murderer is the same person, then why did he kill Mr. Lu and then kill his nephew?

If it is not the same person, it is even more terrifying. Among them, there are at least two murderers hidden, and the lives of others will be threatened at any time.

Everyone's face is very solemn, their hearts are full of doubts, and the eyes of others are full of alertness.

If there were people who believed in the so-called "alliance" before, then after the matter of the Li family and his son, they all understand that this kind of alliance without foundation is actually vulnerable.

The only person you can trust is yourself.

Lu Shijin involuntarily glanced at Rongzhi, clenched his fists slightly, and asked himself once in his heart—

Can I really trust him?

"Good news everyone," the captain suddenly appeared, bringing everyone's attention together, "there is a forensic doctor on a nearby cruise ship who can support us. We can arrive on the ship tomorrow morning, and tomorrow afternoon at the latest, we will know Mr. Lu's death. Cause of death."

It is indeed good news. It was also because the cause of Mr. Lu's death was not known before, so the person who made the move would not be sure whether he was the murderer or not, and nephew Li would rush to bite Mr. Li to clear the suspicion.

If the cause of death is known, players who know that they are not the murderer can unite to find the murderer.

However, the result will not be known until tomorrow afternoon at the earliest, and there is still a round of voting in the morning, which means that one of the eight people has to be voted out.

This is still the case where the murderer will not attack anyone else.

The captain clapped his hands, "Everyone has been busy for a day, and although the real culprit has not been found in the end, I believe that the truth is not far away. The ship has prepared a sumptuous dinner for everyone, please go to the banquet hall for dinner. , and then have a good rest."

With so many things happening on this day, who is in the mood to have dinner, but doesn't want to let themselves be separated from the big army, it looks too special.

However, Mrs. Feng and Miss Gao should have been frightened by those spiders. Their faces were not very good from the beginning, so they refused to eat, and went back to the room to rest under the pretext of being unwell.

The rest of the people walked into the banquet hall full of worries. Tonight was Chinese food. The delicious dishes looked delicious, but everyone seemed to have no appetite. The men rarely used chopsticks and were all drinking.

Among these people, the most calm is Mrs. Li. It stands to reason that she has died of two "allies", and she is the least calm, but she ignores the others as if nothing happened. , looks at ease and dine with vegetables.

"Ah! There are spiders!" The nanny who was sitting next to Rongzhi suddenly screamed, throwing away his chopsticks and kicking the seat behind him, standing up, pointing to the dish in front of him and shouting in horror, "Spider!"

"Where are the spiders?!" The voice of Mr. Feng on the opposite side was shaking, his back was firmly against the back of the chair, his expression looked more frightened than the nanny, and he was nauseous.

Rongzhi looked at the dish pointed to by the nanny. It was a stir-fried dish with peppercorns and some chopped green onion fried. It looked like a bug, which made the nanny misunderstand it as a spider.

"It's not a spider, it's just peppercorns." Rongzhi took a plate to hold the dish, and said lightly, "It's alright."

Mr. Feng's pale face eased, and he muttered to himself, "It's good if it's not a spider, it's good if it's not."

After slowing down, he seemed to feel that his reaction just now was a little embarrassing. He put down his chopsticks and said, "I'm full." He got up and left the banquet hall first.

The nanny looked like a spider in everything now, so she was not in the mood to stay any longer, and left behind Mr. Feng.

In the huge banquet hall, only Lu Shijin, Rong Zhi, Lu Zhongze and Mrs. Li were left.

Lu Zhongze suddenly became angry, threw his chopsticks on the table, and scolded in a low voice: "This **** game is really **** good at playing people, I don't want us to complete the task and say it straight, do we need to treat people like this? Do you think it's fun to watch us kill each other? Fuck!"

"What are you losing your temper now? It's already in the game. Apart from doing what the game says, what else can you do?" Lu Shijin said coolly.

Lu Zhongze sneered: "I can't help it, but I'm making me anxious, no one should think about it better!"

In addition to Mr. Li, who was voted out at noon, don't forget that Lu Zhongze still has two votes. There will be another round of voting tomorrow before the cause of Mr. Lu's death is announced. It is natural for Lu Zhongze to be impatient now.

Lu Shijin and Rongzhi raised their eyes to meet each other, and tacitly didn't say a word.

Lu Zhongze won't have two votes for no reason. The story on him must not be as simple as wanting to rob the inheritance as he said.

There are five people who can vote in the next round of voting, and Lu Shijin and Rongzhi have two votes, which can be said to have a huge impact. If they vote for the same person, then that person will most likely die.

The more anxious a person is, the easier it is to show his feet. Lu Shijin is waiting to see if Lu Zhongze will be in a mess next time.

Mrs. Li, who was sitting at the very edge, said coldly, "If you are really innocent, why should you bite others in such a hurry? It's a thousand-year-old fox, and you don't need to act in front of anyone."

"Oh, I knew it was you who voted for me!" Lu Zhongze slapped the table and pointed at Mrs. Li, "I accidentally discovered last night that it was not Mr. Li who was standing on the deck. You are afraid that I will shake his plot. You voted for me when you came out, didn't you? You'd pour dirty water on others!"

"Yes," Mrs. Li admitted generously, looking at Lu Zhongze with a half-smile, "but where are you going to be innocent? You discovered their conspiracy, but who did you tell? Don't you just care about yourself winning? Besides, only you know what you have done, and you are not wronged if you were cast. It is still uncertain who the real culprit is."

"What do you mean by that? What? Are you trying to incite others to vote for me?" Lu Zhongze's expression changed greatly, and he nervously looked at Lu Shijin and Rongzhi who were eating melons silently, "Don't believe her words. , she is sowing discord, how could I be a murderer!"

Mrs. Li stood up, tidied up the hem of the cheongsam she was wearing, and walked out with her chin raised. When she reached the door, she suddenly turned around and looked at the others with a strange smile, and said faintly, "You believe in retribution. Isn't it? It's not that you don't report it, the time has not come. If you do something wrong, you will always be knocked on the door by ghosts."

"You crazy woman, you are talking nonsense!" Lu Zhongze was so angry that he slapped the table and scolded, "In fact, you are the murderer, right? Otherwise, you didn't participate in the plan of the father and son at all, why are you fanning the flames here? Did you type the wrong object?!"

Mrs. Li's red lips hooked, she stopped talking to Lu Zhongze, stepped on high heels, and left here gracefully.

Mrs. Li left, and Lu Zhongze had no object to quarrel. He sat down on the chair like a frustrated temper, and muttered to himself, "Mad woman, she wants to kill me..."

Lu Zhongze seemed to be in a very unstable state of mind, and it was a good time to speak from his mouth, but with Rongzhi present, Lu Zhongze might not necessarily talk to Lu Shijin, so Rongzhi gave Lu Shijin a wink and left the banquet hall first.

When Rongzhi was gone, Lu Zhongze really pulled the landing and started chattering.

"Dude, you have to believe me. We agreed from the beginning that we would form an alliance. You can't be led astray by that crazy woman? She wants me to die!"

Lu Shijin smiled, "I'm alone. Even if I believe you, it won't help. If you really aren't the murderer, when the autopsy results come out tomorrow, the truth will naturally come out."

"But I'm afraid I won't be able to wait until then!" Lu Zhongze lowered his voice nervously, "I'm afraid someone will vote for me!"

Lu Shijin raised his eyebrows, "Who?"

Lu Zhongze pursed his lips, "I can't say that right now, but I know that you didn't vote in the last round, right? I voted for Li, so I can't vote in the next round, but I'm willing to help you. Find the real murderer and provide you with all the clues I know, and let's work together to find the murderer. So don't rush to vote tomorrow, and in the third round, let's vote for the real murderer together, what do you think?"

Lu Shijin smiled uncontrollably, "But, if I don't vote, others will vote too. What if others cast the murderer out? Also, what if the murderer commits another murder?"

Lu Zhongze was silent for a moment, then suddenly said, "Do you and Rongzhi know each other?"

Lu Shijin's brows moved, and the smile on his mouth froze, "What?"

"Don't lie to me, I've already seen it," Lu Zhongze said with a deep look at Lu Shijin, "so you have two votes in hand, as long as you don't vote for me, I will naturally have a solution for the remaining three. "

Now that it has been discovered, there is no point in denying it.

Lu Shijin rubbed his brows and said nonchalantly, "I still can't trust you, what if you are the murderer?"

"I'm not, I can tell you for sure, I'm not," Lu Zhongze whispered, "because I'm just an accomplice like my nephew, so the murderer can't be me, but I can't tell you who the main culprit is now, because I I'm not sure if the real culprit is him or not. I'm afraid that he will be exposed, and my end will be the same as that of my nephew. But I also know that my words alone cannot convince you, so I will use practical actions to prove my innocence. "

Lu Shijin smiled and nodded, "Okay, I'll wait and see." He twisted his neck and stood up, "It's getting late, I'm going back too."

"Going to find that illegitimate child? Do you really believe him?" Lu Zhongze stopped him, with a sullen smile on the corner of his mouth, and said in a deep voice, "The most unbelievable thing in this game is the so-called 'my own person'. "

In response to Lu Zhongze's warning, Lu Shijin just raised his brows, turned around and left the banquet hall without saying anything.

Maybe it was because he had experienced too many things today, and Lu Shijin felt a little depressed. He left the banquet hall and went to the deck to get a hair dryer.

Before standing on the deck for three minutes, the mobile phone in Lu Shijin's pocket suddenly vibrated. Lu Shijin picked it up and took a look. It was a message sent to him by Rongzhi.

Rongzhi: [Did you come out? come to my room? 】

Lu Shijin inexplicably remembered what Lu Zhongze had just said, and he couldn't help but ask himself again.

Can I really trust him?