Lu Shijin arrived outside Rongzhi's room, hesitated for a while, and didn't knock on the door immediately.

But the door suddenly opened by itself, and Rongzhi was standing inside. He must have just taken a shower, and his black hair was wet and slightly messy.

He was wearing a dark blue silk nightgown. The belt of the nightgown was loosely tied. The loose nightgown could not hide the man's sturdy figure. The shoulders were wide and narrow, and the proportions were perfect. The loose neckline could be seen faintly. Get a pectoral silhouette that's both lazy and sexy.

At the same time, it also gives people an indescribable sense of oppression.

Rongzhi's black eyes stared at Lu Shijin, there was like a mysterious black mist inside, and he couldn't see what was hidden inside, but he was involuntarily attracted.

"Why are you standing outside?" Rongzhi asked casually, while rubbing the black hair on the top of his head, tiny drops of water splashed from the hair and fell on the nightgown, leaving some dark marks, and Some water droplets slid down along the man's handsome face, and slid straight into the neckline, creating a water stain.

Lu Shijin didn't open his eyes, shrugged nonchalantly, "Just as you were about to knock, you opened the door and came out. After taking a shower?"

"Well," Rongzhi stepped aside, "come in."

Lu Shijin had no reason to refuse, and walked in calmly, closing the door behind him.

Rongzhi's room was very similar in layout to his room. It was neat and tidy. It was already night. However, the quilt on the bed had no creases.

There was a faint smell of ambergris in the room, which was the same as that of Rongzhi's cologne in the daytime, but Rongzhi had taken a shower now, and when he passed by Lu Shijin, Lu Shijin smelled a lemongrass smell, very refreshing.

Whether it's ambergris or lemongrass, it's an unpleasant smell.

"Sit casually," Rongzhi walked to the bar, picked up a glass and asked Lu Shijin, "Drink water? Or wine?"

"There is still wine in your room?" Lu Shijin asked with interest.

Rongzhi's hand that was going to get the kettle changed direction, he took out a bottle of wine from the wine cabinet below, opened the cork with a corkscrew, pointed at the mouth of the bottle and sniffed, "Riesling for more than fifteen years, Want a drink?"

"I see that you drank several glasses during dinner just now, but you haven't had enough?" Lu Shijin asked jokingly.

Rong Zhi said lightly, "You have to taste good wine carefully. In that case, even if it is a mellow wine, it will taste the same as boiled water when you drink it in your mouth."

Lu Shijin smiled and bent his lips, sat down on the sofa, "Okay, then I'll accompany you for a drink."

Rongzhi poured half a glass of wine into each of the two glasses, walked to Lu Shijin with a glass of wine in one hand, handed him a glass, then sat down, shook the clear white wine in the glass, and took a sip.

Lu Shijin held a wine glass in one hand but didn't drink it. He rested his elbow on the armrest of the sofa in the other hand. He supported his head and looked at him. He smiled and said, "Do you know what you look like in this outfit?"

Rongzhi put down the glass and asked lightly, "What?"

"The kind of domineering president written in the novel who wears silk pajamas and drinks foreign wine." Lu Shijin said it, and he felt amused, shook his hand and said, "Wrong, it's not like, you are the domineering president yourself."

Rongzhi seemed to find it interesting, and the corners of his mouth moved, "I didn't know there was such a saying, someone who wears silk pajamas and drinks foreign wine is a domineering president? Is that how a domineering president is defined?"

Lu Shijin took a sip of wine, tutted, and said, "The main thing is to look at your temperament. You are very similar. If you change someone, it is likely to be a rich man. This wine is good, better than dinner. The red wine is delicious, sweet, and delicious."

As he spoke, he raised his neck and poured the half glass of white wine down his stomach. He smacked his lips, handed the empty glass to Rongzhi, and asked with a smile, "Can you have another glass?"

Rongzhi raised his eyebrows, "Although this wine tastes sweet, it has a lot of stamina, so be careful to get drunk."

Lu Shijin shook the empty glass disapprovingly, "Then you underestimate me too much. It's only half a glass of wine, how could it be so easy to get drunk? Could it be that you are reluctant to let go of a good bar?"

"The wine isn't really mine, what's there to give up?" Rongzhi didn't take his empty wine glass, stood up, and directly took the wine bottle with more than half of it left and put it on the coffee table in front of Lu Shijin. "You can drink as much as you want, but say it first, don't make trouble when you're drunk."

"That's not possible, I'll drink your bottle of wine."

Lu Shijin Dalala picked up the bottle and poured it for himself, but he didn't dare to let go and only poured half a glass. Rongzhi was right, this wine does have a lot of stamina. My head was starting to get a little dizzy.

He is not a drinker, nor does he want to drink too much, but because some words are easier to ask with the strength of wine.

There are some questions that Lu Shi has been holding in his heart for a long time this morning, and he plans to ask Rongzhi once and for all tonight.

Rongzhi could also see that Lu Shijin was deliberately irritating himself, but he didn't break it. He elegantly raised his glass and sipped the wine, and asked casually, "After I left, did Lu Zhongze say anything to you?"

"Speaking," Lu Shijin said bluntly with a hiccups, "he said he had seen it long ago, we two knew each other, oh, it's fortunate that the two of us acted like strangers in front of us. "

Rongzhi was not surprised, "Is there anything else?"

Lu Shijin squinted his drunken eyes and leaned lazily on the armrest of the sofa, "He wants to win us over so that we don't vote in the second round, and after confirming who the real murderer is, we will vote together in the third round. He also said that he is just an accomplice, not a murderer, let us not vote for him. Anyway, these are the words, and he can't produce evidence to prove his innocence, and he doesn't know which sentence is true or false, just listen to it. That's it."

Rongzhi: "If he is an accomplice, who is the main culprit?"

"I asked too, but he said he couldn't tell me," Lu Shijin smiled and looked at Rongzhi with a drunken eye, "What do you think, who would it be?"

With a serious tone, Rongzhi shook his head and said, "It's hard to say, among the remaining people, anyone is possible."

"Does it include you and me?" Lu Shijin asked half-truth jokingly.

Rongzhi's black eyes swept towards Lu Shijin, his eyebrows wrinkled, and his tone was firm: "I know you can't be."

"Thank you for your trust," Lu Shijin raised his glass and saluted him in a serious manner. "Then I also believe that you are not. In fact, I think it is most likely Lu Zhongze's group. It should be that Miss Gao."

Rongzhi: "Why?"

Lu Shijin pointed to his forehead, "Intuition. You forgot? When the three of them were discussing in the morning, Lu Zhongze spoke to Miss Gao."

"Maybe he just borrowed Miss Gao to divert our attention and set off smoke bombs?" Rong Zhi buckled the wine glass with his fingers, and there was a crisp sound from the glass, "The players who can enter the ultimate challenge are not easy people, I think It is impossible for Lu Zhongze to be so stupid to do something like 'there is no silver in this place'."

Lu Shijin rubbed his temples and tried to condense his scattered thoughts for a while, "What you said makes sense, so do you have any doubts?"

"Don't you think Mrs. Li's reaction is a little abnormal?" Rong Zhi said, "The two of them arguing in the banquet hall just now seemed to be acting for us on purpose, telling us why Lu Zhongze voted for Mr. Li, and also Tell us that there is a rift between them."

"But why did they do this?" Lu Shijin was puzzled.

Rongzhi: "Confused. Suppose if they were accomplices, they should all voted for Mr. Li, so they had a bye in the second round of voting, no matter whether one of them was the real murderer or not, they could not win the second round, so they had to Pretend to be discordant, distract others, reduce their suspicions, and at the same time prevent others from voting for the real murderer, so that they can have a chance to go to the third round of voting. If the real murderer has not been found out in the second round, I'm sure the third round will be quite exciting."

"Then in the second round, do we want to vote?" Lu Shijin stretched out his palm and gestured, "We can cast five votes in the second round, and the two of us account for two-fifths. If there is no accident, basically who will die. "

Rongzhi: "Unless you confirm who the murderer is, you still can't vote. Otherwise, you vote wrong. Even if there is no third round, the two of us will be out."

Lu Shijin tilted his head: "I keep holding the votes in my hands and don't vote, so I'm not afraid that others will vote us out first?"

"Unless it's the murderer, no one will act rashly in the next round." Rong Zhi analyzed it rationally.

"Then Mr. Pei, are you the murderer?" Lu Shijin asked coldly.

Rongzhi was stunned for a moment, "I thought we should have reached mutual trust."

"I just wanted to ask you," Lu Shijin still tilted his head, looked at him with a bright smile in his eyes, and asked every word, "Are you, yes, murderer, hand?"

Rongzhi denied without hesitation: "No."

In fact, Rongzhi was stunned for a moment, which made Lu Shijin feel a little more at ease.

He was afraid that the denial would be too straightforward, and that would be even more suspicious.

"Do you think I look like me?" Lu Shijin pointed to himself and laughed cynically.

Knowing that he was joking, Rongzhi pretended to think for a while, and said cooperatively, "I can't tell."

Lu Shijin's smile deepened, he drank the wine in the glass in one gulp, and stood up staggeringly: "Then you have to be careful, be careful not to be sold by me. Well, I've had enough wine, it's time to go back. "

"I'll take you off." Rongzhi also put down the glass and stood up.

Lu Shijin waved his hand, "No, it's right next door to you. You're welcome."

But he obviously underestimated the stamina of the wine. When he stood up, his head became even more dizzy, his eyes were spinning, and the soles of his feet were like stepping on cotton, and he could not walk steadily.

"Be careful!" Seeing that Lu Shijin's footsteps were vain, Rongzhi stumbled over himself, and his eyes and hands quickly supported him before Lu Shijin's face came into close contact with the earth.

Lu Shijin only felt that his cheek, which had been burnt by alcohol, was pressed against something icy cold. He was so comfortable that he couldn't help rubbing it again and again. Rongzhi's waist didn't let him move.

"Don't move, give me the ice for a while, it's so comfortable." Lu Shijin closed his eyes and sighed, turned his head and put his face on the other side. From time to time you can hit a small raised spot.

Lu Shijin raised his head drowsily, and barely opened a gap in his eyes to see what the small dot was. When he could see the object in front of him clearly, Jiu woke up most of the time.

The ice-cold thing he just posted was nothing else, it was a silk pajama that was Rongzhi, and it happened to be on the chest.

Rongzhi's nightgown has been "smashed" into shape by him, the chest is wide open, the middle door is lost, it can be vaguely identified, what is the bump he rubbed just now.

Lu Shijin let go of his hand in embarrassment and lowered his head to admit his mistake: "...I'm sorry, I didn't mean to."

"It's okay." Rong Zhi calmly gathered up his clothes, as if nothing had happened, "Can you still go? I'll take you out."

"If I can go, I'll go by myself." Lu Shijin shook his head, sobered up, and couldn't help defending what had just happened, "I was too violent when I stood up just now, and I was a little dizzy."

Rongzhi made a light "um" sound, not knowing if he had listened to the explanation.

Lu Shijin was too embarrassed to say anything else, and prayed silently, I hope he doesn't take me as a frivolous person who makes a mistake in drinking, and will never drink again next time!

But he couldn't help recalling that when he was leaning against Rongzhi's chest just now, for a moment, he felt a reassuring familiarity on Rongzhi's body, as if he was holding that person.

how can that be possible? The convenience store said he had completed the ultimate challenge.

Lu Shijin quickly denied this ridiculous idea.

Must be drinking too much.

Oh, I must have missed him so much.

Lu Shijin walked to the door of the room while rubbing his temples, and opened the door to go out. Although he said that Rongzhi would leave it off, Rongzhi still walked out behind him.

"Goodbye, good night." Lu Shijin smiled and waved at Rongzhi, "Have a good dream, see you tomorrow."

Rongzhi nodded and said "good night" to him. When he was about to close the door, Lu Shijin suddenly went back and forth. The door was supported by one of his hands, and he didn't have time to close it.

"What's wrong? Is there something else?" Rongzhi asked in confusion.

Lu Shijin blinked his confused eyes, trying to focus his distracted eyes on Rongzhi's face: "I want to ask you a question."

Rongzhi said patiently, "You ask."

Lu Shijin: "After you crossed over, how many worlds have you experienced? What are the worlds? What system is bound?"

Although all players came to the final challenge, no one ever asked each other this question.

It's a very blatant question.

Rong Zhi frowned, and after a while, he said in a low voice, "I forgot." Lu Shijin raised his eyebrows, expressing doubt, Rong Zhi understood that he didn't believe it, and smiled bitterly, "I didn't lie to you, I really don't remember."