Lu Shijin didn't look at the faces of those people, and went straight out of the banquet hall. After going out, he happened to receive an instruction from the APP on his mobile phone, informing everyone that the first floor meeting room is open again, or up to three players can go to the meeting room to participate in the discussion. .

This time, Lu Shijin, who had seen the hypocritical faces of these people, didn't intend to get involved, but instead sent him a message, saying that he would go and find out.

Lu Shijin has no objection, but he doesn't think that Zi Chou Yin Mao can be discussed through discussion.

It is already the second round of the game. If Lu Shijin still can't see the purpose of this final challenge mission, then his previous mission will be done in vain.

It looked like a game for a group of players to catch the murderer, but they were not allowed to go to the third floor to search for evidence, and they didn't even tell them the cause of Mr. Lu's death. Even if Holmes was there, he couldn't tell who the murderer was.

The designer of this final challenge obviously did it on purpose. It understands that if the evidence is opened, it will be a piece of cake for these elite players to work together to catch a murderer.

The reason why they didn't give clues was to see how they intrigued and killed each other in a situation where all of them might be the murderer, but there was no conclusive evidence to identify the real murderer.

The clues are disclosed step by step. If players are united enough, they should wait until the third round to summarize the clues and vote.

But ten people don't know each other, people are separated from each other, no one is sure that if they don't vote for others, but others will vote for themselves, so there will be a tragedy of biting each other in the first round.

Even in the second round when no one dared to vote easily, some people tried to divert their attention and exclude dissidents.

The designers of the game, for whatever purpose, obviously didn't want to make it easy for everyone.

Really good at manipulating people.

Lu Shijin went to the deck on the second floor. Today is a cloudy day. The air pressure on the sea surface is very low. The sky is low and dark clouds cover the sun. Like the calm before the storm, there is a dull feeling that is overwhelming.

Lu Shijin circled around the deck, and there was no shore in sight. This huge cruise ship was surrounded by the vast sea, like an island on the sea, trapping everyone on the ship at sea, with no way to go to the sky. No door.

He now somewhat understands why 711 would say that the ultimate challenge is difficult, and let him reconsider.

The difficulty is not the task itself, but the sinister human heart.

There is only one last step to win, and at this time, in order to win, these people can do anything.

But compared to winning or losing this game, Lu Shijin is more concerned about why Rong loses his memory?

This puzzled him.

While thinking about it, Lu Shijin walked around the boat carelessly, and inadvertently saw a pot of flowering plants placed next to the railing. The roots were thick and there were several white flowers blooming on one branch. is the horn.

Lu Shijin thought it was just a simple morning glory, and was about to pick one for research when he suddenly heard a cold male voice behind him.

"If you're not afraid of rotting your hands, just pick them up."

Lu Shijin turned his head and saw that it was the forensic doctor surnamed Xu.

When Lu Shijin heard that his hands would be rotten, he instantly dispelled his curiosity and took his hands back. He smirked and said, "It turns out to be Dr. Xu. What a coincidence, have you finished examining the body?"

As soon as this forensic NPC appeared, it seemed that he didn't deal well with him. He made a mockery of everyone in the banquet hall just now, and it seemed that he was not a good character to get along with.

Lu Shijin was prepared that Xu Chen would not pay attention to him, and just said hello politely.

Xu Chen walked over with a blank face, glanced down at the pot of strangely shaped flowers, and said coldly: "This flower is a mandala, the whole plant is poisonous, especially the seeds are the most poisonous. It can easily poison several adults in a short period of time."

Lu Shijin said in surprise: "It's so powerful? I almost got it, thank you Dr. Xu for reminding me. But since it's poisonous, why did it appear on the boat? What if someone like me doesn't know it's poisonous, what should I do? "

"I found Datura pollen in Mr. Lu's body. Datura flower is dried and ground into powder, which can be used as a sweat medicine and make people dizzy." Xu Chen said.

Lu Shijin: "..." Did you encounter an NPC to give yourself a problem? He is so lucky!

"Then what is the cause of Mr. Lu's death?" Lu Shijin asked tentatively, observing Xu Chen's face.

Xu Chen's eyes slanted over, and Liangliang glanced at Lu Shijin, "Why, are you asking me again now?"

Lu Shijin: "..." Do you want to ask him? Where does this start? And why did he say "again"?

Seeing Lu Shijin's silence, Xu Chen decided that he was guilty. He lowered his glasses and said with a sneer, "Didn't you say that the system cheated you just now? You can find the cause of Mr. Lu's death yourself."

Can you speak well!

Lu Shijin was confused by Xu Chen, saying that Xu Chen was targeting him, and he could not feel hostility from the other party. He just kindly reminded him that the mandala flower is poisonous; Smelly face? It's like I owe him eight million.

No, it's more serious than owed 8 million. Xu Chen's expression once made Lu Shijin feel like a heartless man who abandoned his wife and children.

"That... Doctor Xu, let me confirm first, we didn't know each other before, didn't we?" Lu Shijin is very aware that he can't provoke key NPCs, and hopes to find out more clues about the cause of the old man's death from Xu Chen's mouth, so he He put on a smile and said with a smile, "Don't get me wrong, just now those people thought the system was cheating, I just followed them along, but I didn't think they were right at all. I am a very grateful person, I can get to where I am today, but thanks to the cute system that was bound to me in the past, it can be said that without it, there would be no me now, how could I be ungrateful and feel that it is useless!"

Xu Chen's face softened a little, he snorted and asked in disbelief, "Really?"

Lu Shijin gritted his teeth and nodded sincerely: "Really!"

Why does this NPC feel a little arrogant? Besides, what they complained about was the system, not him. He was a living person. As for grievances against the system?

Wait a moment!

Lu Shijin suddenly had a flash of light in his mind, he seemed to have misunderstood the point!

The point is not why Xu Chen speaks for the system, but Xu Chen, an NPC, how could he know about the system? !

In the eyes of NPCs, these players should be the characters in the plot!

Lu Shijin looked at Xu Chen in shock, what was the origin of this forensic doctor who suddenly boarded the ship?

"I just realized something is wrong, is it too late?" Xu Chen read his inner doubts from Lu Shijin's eyes, flipped his hair, and said with a cool expression, "I thought you were so powerful that it would be difficult to challenge in the end. I can't live without you, and it's not like I can't live without you."

Lu Shijin: "..." Can't live without him?

A bold and ridiculous idea emerged in Lu Shijin's mind. He shook his head and stared at Xu Chen's face blankly. Lu Shijin was sure that he had never seen this person before.

And he has traveled through so many times, and only his lover and 711 have been by his side from beginning to end. Could this Xu Chen be one of them? !

But how is this possible?

"Could you be—?" Lu Shijin frowned, his eyelashes fluttering in disbelief, revealing his inner excitement.

Xu Chen lengthened his voice to sell the trick: "Guess, guess boldly."

This stinky fart should not be him. Lu Shijin can almost 99% confirm who the person in front of him is.

"You shouldn't be," Lu Shijin didn't want Xu Chen to be too complacent, a hint of playfulness flashed in his eyes, teasing him, "Are you the rescuer sent by the monkey?"

The corners of Xu Chen's mouth did not have time to raise the arc, and his face was stiff, with a deflated expression, which made Lu Shijin can't help laughing.

"Okay," Xu Chen was annoyed, put his hands back in the white coat, and turned to leave, "It seems that you don't need me, so I'll leave."

"Don't, you've already come, why are you leaving?" Lu Shijin dragged him back a few steps and looked at Xu Chen with a smile, "I guessed wrong just now, give me a chance, and I'll guess again."

Xu Chen raised his chin, "If you guess wrong this time, don't blame me for turning my face."

"I can't, I can't," Lu Shijin touched his chin and pretended to look at Xu Chen's face carefully, "You shouldn't, it's the empathetic, omnipotent, invincible, and witty system that I bound. ?!"

Hearing Lu Shijin's praise, Xu Chen couldn't hold back his indifferent expression any longer. The corners of his mouth became wider and wider, and he squinted at Lu Shijin, "You still have vision."

Lu Shijin frowned in embarrassment: "But..."

Xu Chen raised his eyebrows: "But what?"

"I'm afraid you're fake," Lu Shijin pouted, "I'm still not sure, what if you're someone else pretending to be my system and trying to deceive me? Well, prove yourself and I'll trust you. !"

"Trouble," Xu Chen rolled his eyes and said reluctantly, "I'm 711."

"You can't just say the code name, and the system code name is not a secret. You have to tell some private things that only the two of us know." Lu Shijin leaned over to Xu Chen and lowered his voice, "For example, I'll give it to you. What's your nickname?"

"Pet name?" Xu Chen rolled his eyes again, "What kind of nickname is that? It sounds awful."

Lu Shijin clicked his tongue and urged: "You say it, you can prove that you are really 711 if you say it right."

Xu Chen glanced at him, took a deep breath helplessly, turned his face to the side and said dryly, "Bian, Li, shop."

"It's really you! Convenience store!" Lu Shijin hugged Xu Chen directly, so happy that he was incoherent, "Damn it, how did you come? Didn't you say that the final challenge system can't come in with the host? Damn it, too Surprise, I'm so happy hahaha! Your anthropomorphic shape is similar to what I imagined, arrogant and poisonous tongue glasses man hahaha!"

"Shut up!" Xu Chen was held by Lu Shijin without resisting, "Can you say something nice?"

Lu Shijin patted Xu Chen on the shoulder, stared at him and feigned anger, "Hey, that's ok, I dare to talk back to you brother Lu."

Xu Chen raised his chin, "I used to be tied to you, but I was forced to swallow it because of your 'prostitute'. Now that we are separated, what am I afraid of? Besides, I learned this from you."

Lu Shijin let go of his hand and said with a smile, "Okay, it's okay, seventh brother is tough. By the way, why did you come here? And you became a forensic doctor?"

"Isn't it for someone?" Xu Chen said.

"For me?" Lu Shijin was flattered and worried, "You didn't come here in violation of the regulations, did you? If you are discovered, will you be punished?"

Xu Chen raised his eyebrows and said lightly: "Don't worry about it, I can come, it must be in compliance with the regulations, our system is not that great, and our actions can't be concealed from the eyes of the Lord God. I made a huge sacrifice this time. Only exchanged with other systems for the opportunity to enter here.”

"Are you reluctant to give up your brother Lu, and want to take another look at me before leaving?" Lu Shijin blinked and said with a smirk, "It seems that my charm is still very big, so you can't forget me."

"Stop joking, talk about serious business." Xu Chen pulled Lu Shijin to a remote part of the deck to avoid the sailors patrolling outside, "I'm here this time mainly to make up for the wrong information I sent before. I thought you were a man. He didn't enter this ultimate challenge with you, but after pairing with 211, he realized that he and the Lord God applied to accompany you to come in with you! I'm afraid that both of you will be kept in the dark and will kill each other in the end, so I just switched shifts with other systems."

Lu Shijin felt dizzy when he heard this. Originally, he had an unruly smile on his face, but he quickly converged and asked solemnly, "Are you sure? He also came in? Is this true?"

"Of course," Xu Chen said, "211 told me personally. What? It's been two days, haven't you found him yet? What about the tacit understanding between the two of you before?"

Lu Shijin didn't know whether to laugh or cry, grabbing Xu Chen's shoulder and shaking, "...It's not your fault! I believe it when you said he didn't come in! Convenience store, as expected of you, you are still the same idiot! I believe you. evil!"

Xu Chen raised his hands: "It's mine, this time it's really mine, how did I know he had such a hard head and dared to challenge the second ultimate challenge. Didn't I come here to make up for my mistake? You know now Who is he?"

Lu Shijin knew it, of course he knew it, and he was 100% sure.

Not Rongzhi, who else could it be?

In this way, it makes sense for Rong to have amnesia.

Lu Shijin's heart pounded, Rongzhi was the Pei Wen he knew. It turned out that the person who accompanied him all the way was Pei Wen?

It turned out that they knew each other a long, long time ago?

How fortunate he was to have met a person who would accompany him hand in hand and never betray him!

He knew that he didn't miss out!

"No wonder, no one else can add friends, only the two of us can." Lu Shijin suddenly became enlightened, and now everything can be connected.

Xu Chen said sternly: "It must be this kid 211 who quietly opened the back door for its host."

Lu Shijin pushed him and said angrily: "How dare you say it! When I asked you to open a back door for me, you didn't even give me a card! Look at 211!"

Xu Chen coughed and sneered: "That's not it, 211 is not stable, you don't fear getting caught when you open the back door, I'm different, I'm a serious system, how can I open the back door for the host casually, if I get caught, my performance will be deducted. Yes. Besides, now that I'm all here, isn't it more useful than any card?"

"That's right, well, for the sake of making up for your faults, I forgive you." Lu Shijin resisted the urge to rush to Rongzhi immediately, and asked, "You went to check on Mr. Lu's Corpse, do you know the cause of his death?"

Xu Chen: "Naturally, the cause of death was that the heart was cut off by a sharp object, and the heart bleeds to death. The murder weapon was the fruit knife inserted into his chest. The wound of the deceased was very smooth, and the murderer's method of murder was neat and swift, almost killing him with a single blow. ."

Lu Shijin was a little surprised, "It turned out to be a stab wound, who would be so cruel to kill a dying old man so hard?"

"It's not just what it looks like on the surface," Xu Chen said. "I also found the composition of mandala pollen in the blood of the deceased. The deceased should have been in a coma before he died. There is also undigested food, which seems to have allergy symptoms before death, and as for what the allergen is, it is difficult to judge when a person is already dead.”

Lu Shijin frowned: "In a coma?" He suddenly remembered that he heard a huge movement in Mr. Lu's room at about 1 am the night before, and asked alertly, "Can the time of death of the deceased be confirmed?"

Xu Chen: "It was about one o'clock in the morning the night before yesterday."

really! So that movement should have come from the murderer's murder process, right?

As long as it is confirmed who has been to Mr. Lu's room at one o'clock in the morning, isn't it possible to determine who the murderer is?

Lu Shijin first excluded himself, and then excluded Rongzhi, because he clearly remembered that Rongzhi had knocked on the wall of his room at that time, and Rongzhi was in his own room and had no time to commit the crime.

This made Lu Shijin heave a sigh of relief. Originally, he was worried that one of the two of him and Rongzhi would be the murderer, but now there is no such concern, and they can leave this ship together.

"Then who do you think is the murderer?" Lu Shijin looked at Xu Chen expectantly, thinking that since 711 was an insider, maybe he knew the answer.

Xu Chen shrugged, "Don't count on me, I don't know the answer, and even if I did, I wouldn't tell you. It's illegal to pass the test."

Lu Shijin: "...what's the use of you?"

Xu Chen pushed down his glasses: "I don't need me? Then I'll go."

"Don't go, don't go, I'm joking." Lu Shijin hurriedly stopped him, pulled Xu Chen's arm and coaxed, "How can you go, you are my most precious and most important person!"

As soon as the words fell, Lu Shijin heard someone coughing behind him, looked back, and thought that something was wrong.

Is it so coincidental, why is Rongzhi here? !

When did he come? How much have you heard and seen?

Now is not the time to let him know Xu Chen's identity!

Lu Shijin quickly released his hand from Xu Chen's arm, and waved at Rongzhi awkwardly, "Hey, why are you here?"

Rongzhi had a panoramic view of the intimate behavior of the two, with an indifferent expression on his face, and his tone was colder than his face: "You know each other?"

Lu Shijin and Xu Chen looked at each other, took a step back at the same time, shook their heads and said in unison, "No, I don't know each other!"