Rongzhi looked at Xu Chen very coldly. When the two of them were chatting just now, Rongzhi heard Lu Shijin speak to Xu Chen in a very intimate tone, as if they were very familiar with each other. Now the two say no. How is it possible to know each other?

Of course Rongzhi wouldn't believe it, but since Lu Shijin didn't admit it, he didn't plan to get to the bottom of it.

Afraid of causing suspicion, Xu Chen planned to leave first, "I still have something to do, so I'll go first."

After he finished speaking, he felt that greeting "strangers" was a lot of effort, so he raised his chin proudly and made a "hum" before strutting over in front of Rongzhi.

Lu Shijin is very speechless, does this guy know that he really looks like Jingfen?

Xu Chen left, leaving Lu Shijin and Rongzhi on the deck.

Lu Shijin is in a very delicate mood now.

On the one hand, it was confirmed that Rong Zhi, Pei Wen, was the one who accompanied him all the way, which made him ecstatic.

On the one hand, Rongzhi lost his memory of his previous mission, couldn't remember who he was, and couldn't be sure how Rongzhi felt about him now.

Lu Shijin really wanted to hug the man in front of him and tell him how much he missed him and how much he loved him.

But now, this situation will seem very abrupt.

Lu Shijin had no choice but to suppress the excitement and surging love in his heart, and tried his best to keep his face light.

Rongzhi didn't know the twists and turns in Lu Shijin's heart, and asked in a normal tone, "What were you talking about just now?"

"Oh, that's it, have you seen the flower in that pot? I think it looks very unique. I wanted to pick one out of curiosity. Doctor Xu reminded me that it was a mandala flower, and it was poisonous," Lu Shijin walked over. In front of the railing, he supported the railing with his hands, and looked at the ocean in front of him, "We chatted after that, he just finished examining Mr. Lu's body, you know, he is just an NPC, and he is still very much from the NPC's mouth. It's so cliche, I asked a few questions about the cause of the old man's death, and he told me everything."

Rongzhi walked to Lu Shijin, "What did he say?"

Lu Shijin: "The old man died at around 1:00 in the morning. He died of bleeding due to the severed heart pulse. The wound was smooth and he was killed with one knife. I think the murderer was probably a man, because there are still four female players left, one of which is Mr. Lu. My sister, daughter, nanny and lover have all been with Mr. Lu day and night. My sister and daughter are both relatives. Needless to say, if there is family in them, they should not adopt such a **** and cruel way of killing. The nanny and Miss Gao seem to be the same. With a petite body, he can't stab so neatly, so I think the suspicion that these people are murderers can be ruled out."

"What do you mean, the murderer is between you, me, and the remaining two male players, Mr. Feng and Lu Zhongze?" Rong Zhi asked lightly.

Lu Shijin smiled, "I think our suspicions can be ruled out, right? We've come this far, and I won't lie to you. My method of killing is to poison the old man's wine, but the old man didn't drink it. What about you, yours? What is the method of killing?"

Rongzhi: "The APP reminded my grandfather that he is allergic to peanuts. I know he has the habit of eating late-night snacks, so I added peanut powder to the glutinous rice ball stuffing that I made for the old man in the kitchen, to make him suffocate allergies."

Lu Shijin raised his eyebrows and realized, "No wonder, Dr. Xu said just now that he found allergic symptoms on the old man's body at the same time. Then the situation is very obvious. The murderer is most likely between Lu Zhongze and Mr. Feng."

Rongzhi: "Who do you think is more likely?"

"Judging from the method of killing, it should be Lu Zhongze who is more likely." Lu Shijin patted the railing confidently.

Rongzhi looked at him: "Why?"

Lu Shijin pointed to the pot of mandala flower, "Did you see that flower? The mandala flower is dried and ground into powder, which can be used for anesthesia. Dr. Xu said that he detected it in Mr. Lu's body. The composition of the mandala flower. I guess the murderer first fascinated Mr. Lu, and then committed the murder. If not, Mr. Lu's struggles will definitely attract others. The anesthetics are strictly controlled by the hospital, and ordinary people can use them. If you don't come, even if you do get it, the hospital will leave evidence, so the murderer will come up with a homemade anesthetic. And people who can think of using mandala flowers as anesthetics should be very knowledgeable about drugs. Think about it, we people Who has the experience of being in constant contact with drugs?"

Rongzhi thought for a while, and quickly came to the answer: "Miss Gao? She used to be a nurse?"

Lu Shijin snapped his fingers, "bingo! And according to Mrs. Li, Lu Zhongze and Miss Gao had an affair. It's not surprising that these two could come up with such a way to kill in order to seize Mr. Lu's inheritance. Of course, I think Mrs. Li is also not clear. According to her, she is likely to be in the same group as Lu Zhongze and Miss Gao. Mr. Lu wants to limit her extravagant life, so the aunt and nephew are at odds, inciting the nephew to kill his own brother. ."

Rong Zhi: "According to what you mean, Mr. Feng and Mrs. Feng are the ones who changed the medicine?"

Lu Shijin nodded, "Yes, changing the dressing is not enough to kill him. No matter what, Mr. Lu is Mrs. Feng's biological father. I don't think there should be any daughter in the world who would be cruel enough to kill her own father, right? The second round of voting is coming, Lu Zhongze and Mr. Feng, with a one-half probability, should we take a gamble?"

Rongzhi stared at him for a while, and suddenly asked, "You just believe what that Doctor Xu said? What if he conveyed the wrong clue? Besides, since he has already obtained the autopsy results, why didn't he tell others, Just told you? Don't you think it's weird?"

Lu Shijin: "..." How does this make him explain to Rongzhi?

Xu Chen is 711. Of course, it is impossible to deceive him, but it is difficult to know.

From a modest point of view, it's not normal for him to be so convinced of the words of a stranger he just met.

Lu Shijin coughed unnaturally, "It's an NPC, not an accomplice of the murderer. I don't think he needs to lie to us, right?"

Rongzhi looked away, looked into the distance and said faintly, "Although this is the truth, I think I still have to be cautious. This is the last chance."

Lu Shijin couldn't help but raised his eyes and glanced at Rongzhi's profile. The profile of the man's profile was tight and he looked a little unhappy.

Lu Shijin was inexplicably stunned, and a question popped up, did he not believe Xu Chen, or did he not believe in himself?

Feeling that his lover doesn't completely trust him, even if Rong Zhi doesn't remember who he is, Lu Shijin is still a little lost.

But 711 is right, no one can believe this game except himself.

If he didn't know who Rongzhi was, he might not be able to fully trust the other party. Before he knew the truth, wouldn't he also doubt Rongzhi?

Thinking of this, the haze in Lu Shijin's heart just disappeared suddenly.

It doesn't matter whether Rongzhi completely trusts him or not, the important thing is that the two of them will complete the final challenge together and return to the real world!

Lu Shijin nodded slightly, "Your consideration is reasonable, so let's be cautious and observe it again."

The dark clouds in the distance began to roll, and in the thick clouds, flickering electric lights were faintly visible, and the crisscrossing lightning was interspersed in the clouds.

The muffled sound of thunder rolled from a distance, and the calm sea just now also set off waves.

Occasionally a drop or two of raindrops fall into the sea, and they are quickly submerged by the waves without even seeing the ripples. The cruise ship sails on the endless sea, ups and downs, like a drop in the ocean, becoming more and more insignificant.

The storm is finally coming.

Lu Shijin took a deep breath to relieve the discomfort caused by the low pressure, and suggested, "It looks like it's going to rain. Let's go back to the cabin, shall we?"

Rongzhi: "Okay."

The two returned to the cabin together, went upstairs to their respective rooms, walked to the door of the room, and was about to open the door when Lu Shijin suddenly remembered that Rongzhi had participated in the discussion, and stopped to ask him the result of the discussion.

"Who participated in the discussion this time?" Lu Shijin asked.

Rongzhi: "Me, Lu Zhongze, and the nanny."

Lu Shijin laughed: "Lu Zhongze is really unwilling to give up, he is everywhere."

Rongzhi opened the door of his room, and Lu Shijin didn't grumble and walked in after him naturally.

Although they drank very late last night, but now the room has been cleaned up, the faint smell of cologne floated in the room, and there was no smell of alcohol at all.

It's just a place to stay for a temporary task, and it can be cleaned up so spotlessly, which shows how particular this person is in his daily life.

Lu Shijin sat down on the sofa, looked around, saw that everything was neatly arranged, and suddenly felt a little uneasy.

Although he is not sloppy in life, like ordinary men, he does not pay much attention to details.

It is also common to throw away the clothes that you have changed, do not fold the quilt when you get up, and put things in disorder.

After I go back, I don't know if the two have different living habits in the future, whether they can get along.

It seems that I need to correct my living habits. With such an excellent husband, he can't fall behind.

When he realized that he was already imagining the life of the two of them in the future, Lu Shijin felt a little shameless, his face was slightly hot, and he stared deeply for a few seconds.

Rongzhi poured the water back, turned around, and was confused by the emotion in Lu Shijin's eyes. He staggered his gaze a little embarrassedly, and pretended to calmly ask, "What's wrong with you?"

Lu Shijin felt that Rongzhi was embarrassed by his warm eyes, so he couldn't help but pursed his lips and smiled, cleared his throat, and said solemnly: "It's nothing, I'm thinking about something. By the way, you just said that the nanny also attended you. The discussion? This is quite unexpected. The nanny seems to have no sense of existence in the whole game. Why is a nanny qualified to divide the inheritance? What is the relationship between her and Mr. Lu? Also, she also wanted to kill Mr. Lu. What is the motive and method of the murder? There is a cloud of suspicion on this woman."

Rongzhi: "In the discussion just now, she explained this. She has been taking care of Mr. Lu since he was sick. Because of her dedication, she wanted to give the nanny a house, so she came here. As for murder, She did not say that all the clues she has obtained so far seem to have nothing to do with her."

Lu Shijin said in disbelief: "Is it possible? If it has nothing to do with her, why is there such a superfluous character in this broken game? Isn't that letting people lie down and win?"

Rongzhi took a sip of water and glanced at him: "So there are still many mysteries that have not been solved, and the forensic doctor's words cannot be fully trusted. We cannot rashly vote in the second round."

Lu Shijin: "..." It turns out that Xu Chen hasn't had a good time.

Lu Shijin was puzzled. Just now on the deck, he found that Rongzhi was a little unhappy.

If you just doubt Xu Chen and don't believe in others, just say it directly, because of such a cold and indifferent character, you shouldn't be angry for someone you don't know.

What is the reason for being unhappy?

It's not because of him, is it? Because he and Xu Chen were a little closer in their behavior, words and deeds, so jealous?

It's not that he is narcissistic and shameless. Lu Shijin can only think of this possibility when he wants to break his head.

But since the two met, they were just like normal friends, and Rongzhi didn't show any signs of being interested in him.

Lu Shijin decided to find an opportunity to try again.