It was noon soon, and the APP, which had not been moving for a long time, issued an instruction to everyone, asking the remaining players to go to the banquet hall to gather for dinner.

Like yesterday, the captain should announce the second round of voting at lunchtime.

The antique clock in the banquet hall rang twelve times, and everyone was already seated in the banquet hall.

The table is full of delicious food, but obviously everyone is not in the mood to enjoy the food, with a solemn expression on their faces, and some people even have cold sweats on their foreheads.

It is already the second day of the game, the dawn of victory is about to be seen, and no one wants to give up halfway at this time.

The meal was almost finished, and the captain hadn't come yet. Gradually, some people began to lose their temper. They looked around frequently, and kept making small movements, as if fidgeting.

Especially Lu Zhongze next to Lu Shijin, who stood up and moved his chair for a while, sat down and shook his thighs for a while, and it was difficult for people to ignore his movements.

When Lu Zhongze lifted his **** to move the chair for the Nth time, and the chair feet and the ground made a harsh rubbing sound, Lu Shijin finally couldn't help but turn his head and glance at him.

Lu Zhongze immediately caught Lu Shijin's eyes, and finally there was someone who could talk. Lu Zhongze couldn't wait to lean over to Lu Shijin, "You're also nervous, aren't you?"

Lu Shijin hooked the corners of his mouth perfunctorily: "It's okay."

Lu Zhongze looked at him nervously: "Did you vote?"

Lu Shijin shook his head calmly.

Lu Zhongze glanced at Rongzhi, who was facing him, "Where's him?"

Lu Shijin: "Neither." After a pause, he said, "It's the second round. Shouldn't anyone vote without knowing who the murderer is?"

"That's not necessarily true," Lu Zhongze said with a weird smile on his face. "Other people may not vote, but have you forgotten? There is another person who can vote for whomever he wants."

Lu Shijin's mind flashed, and his eyes widened slightly, "You mean?"

"That's right," Lu Zhongze sneered, "it's the real murderer. His mission is different from ours. As long as he hides his identity and does not reveal it, he will win, so he is not restricted by voting."

Lu Shijin raised his eyebrows, Lu Zhongze was right, he actually forgot this.

Originally thought that the second round should be calm, but now Lu Zhongze reminds me that things will not be so simple.

If the murderer did not vote in the first round, then in the second round, the murderer will definitely vote out the person who threatens him the most!

Lu Shijin, who had been calm this round, couldn't help but get nervous.

Pray silently, we have come to this point, the murderer must not vote for him and Rongzhi!

Lu Zhongze seemed to have guessed Lu Shijin's thoughts, lowered his voice and continued: "I tell you, if someone is voted out in this round, then the murderer must be among the five people who didn't vote in the first round, do you understand?"

Of course Lu Shijin understood, and deliberately said quietly: "But it is also possible that the murderer has already voted in the first round. And I think if the murderer is smart enough, he will not vote in the second round, narrowing down the number of suspects. range, it's not good for him."

"What you said makes sense," Lu Zhongze smiled, "then let's wait for the result."

As soon as the words were finished, the captain walked into the banquet hall. Everyone held their breath and followed the captain, waiting for him to announce the start of voting.

Captain: "Good noon, everyone, Dr. Xu has already examined Mr. Lu's body, and the cause of death can be determined later in the afternoon. Before that, I was worried that the murderer would attack others. I believe that after a day's work I have observed some new clues, and if anyone thinks they have confirmed who the murderer is and wants to identify them, I am very welcome."

After the captain finished speaking, the vibrating sound of the mobile phone sounded one after another on the dining table, and the same voting interface as last time appeared on the mobile phone screen. The difference is that this time there is a bright red prompt at the top of the interface.

"Attention, this will be your last chance to identify the murderer, please vote with caution!!!"

There was silence in the banquet hall, and everyone lowered their heads and stared at their mobile phone screens. The expressions on the faces of those who had voted or who had not voted were not easy.

This is not a game, but a big gamble, and the stake is your life.

In this gamble, no one is destined to be the winner, because even if they win, it is premised on sacrificing the lives of others.

As long as it is a gamble, the dealer will win.

"Voting is over."

The captain didn't give everyone much time to think about it. When the time came, he closed the voting interface.

"The results of the vote will be announced within three minutes, please wait here for a while."

The captain went out, leaving the rest in the banquet hall to wait for the results.

Everyone should feel the same way. They have never felt that three minutes are so long, and every second is a torment for them.

"There will be people who will die, and there will definitely be people who will die..." Lu Zhongze was sweating coldly and muttered, "The murderer will definitely vote, we can't win!"

"You're so noisy! Can you be quiet! What nonsense are you talking about!" Miss Gao, who was sitting next to him, couldn't listen anymore and clapped the table, "Votes have been cast, what's the use of talking about this now! So afraid Damn, what are you doing here? Stay and continue the mission!"

Lu Zhongze looked at her faintly, with a weird hoarse tone: "Do you think you can get out of here alive? The person who set up this ultimate challenge doesn't want us to leave alive at all, watch, the murderer will destroy us, but Before that, hehehe...someone will die first..."

The crowd felt chills on their backs because of his quirky smile, and the haze in their hearts became heavier and heavier.

Although they had tried their best to remain calm, they knew in their hearts that what Lu Zhongze said was the truth.

These people entered the ultimate challenge smoothly, thinking that the difficulty of the ultimate challenge would be similar to the previous tasks, but they ignored that in the task, the characters they faced were only NPCs made of data, not to mention Said there is system help.

And here, they are fighting alone, and the opponents are real players with different hearts.

Many people regret in their hearts that they should not enter the final challenge impulsive, and should stay in another world to continue their tasks, at least they can survive in another world.

And if the final challenge fails, their last bit of consciousness in the world will be obliterated, and there will be no one else in the world.

"The result is out!"

The captain's voice, like Hong Zhong's voice, suddenly floated in from outside, like a thunderous thunder that woke everyone immersed in their emotions.

Lu Zhongze reacted and asked the captain eagerly, "Did anyone get thrown out?"

The captain glanced at him secretly, did not answer, and walked to the table with his head held high.

The tense atmosphere spread, and the air seemed to condense, so quiet that even the sound of breathing could not be heard.

Lu Shijin was also uneasy, holding the handrail tightly with both hands. Judging from the captain's eyes just now, someone must be out this round.

Who is the one?

The captain turned a blind eye to everyone's nervousness, and announced in a business-like manner: "Everyone, the voting results have come out. In this round of voting, there is only one person voting..."

Lu Zhongze stood up and cried out: "I'll say it! The murderer will definitely vote!" He pointed to the few people who didn't vote in the first round, "The murderer is among you!"

"Be quiet, Mr. Lu, are you all right?" The captain was displeased and knocked on the table twice to signal everyone to be quiet.

Lu Zhongze closed his mouth angrily and sat back, muttering that he didn't know what he was cursing.

Lu Shijin felt that Lu Zhongze was about to be stunned, but it was normal. Under this kind of pressure, it was only a matter of time before he had a mental breakdown.

"...In other words, only one person got the votes, and this person is—"

The captain first glanced to the right, and there were three people sitting on the right, Mrs. Li, the nanny and Rongzhi.

When Lu Shijin saw the captain looking to the right, he was afraid that the captain would call Rongzhi's name in the next second, and his heart almost jumped to his throat.

Fortunately, the captain quickly withdrew his gaze and looked to the left again.

This time, it was the turn of the person sitting on the left to worry about their own fate. The person on the left was sitting as neatly as before, with no missing one.

The captain looked at them like a sharp knife, and the five of them were sweating coldly, holding their breath, waiting for whose chest the sharp blade of judgment would eventually pierce.

The captain raised his hand and pointed directly at Mr. Feng: "I'm sorry, Mr. Feng, you got the only vote. Please follow us to the interrogation room. We have some questions to ask you."

Mr. Feng's face was as pale as paper, and he pointed at himself in disbelief, "What? It's me? How could it be me?! Why!"

He stood up, his facial muscles were twitching with excitement, and the reaction was exactly the same as when Mr. Li knew he was thrown out, and shouted: "Who of you voted for me! Who wants to hurt me! Who! Stand up!"

Of course, those who voted would not stand up, and poor Mr. Feng couldn't toss for too long. He was quickly carried away by the sailors on the ship and dragged to the interrogation room.

The people who stayed watched Mr. Feng being dragged away like a dead fish, and knew in their hearts that he should never come back.

For a time, the expressions on everyone's faces were different, some people were happy for the rest of their lives, and some people were worried about the death of a rabbit and a fox.

"Next, we will interrogate Mr. Feng, and the results will be announced to everyone soon. In addition, in addition to the first and second floors, the area on the third floor is also open to everyone."

After the captain finished speaking, he left the banquet hall. The murder scene was opened in the third round. There must be many secrets hidden in Mr. Lu's room.

Lu Zhongze escaped with a smug smile on his face, and he was completely different from the one who had lost his face just now.

"Okay, I've already determined that the murderer is among those people. Don't think it's safe to hide in the dark. You can't escape this time!"

Miss Gao on the side snorted lightly: "Don't talk so much, what if Mr. Feng is the murderer? If so, it will be fun, gameover."

"Impossible," Mrs. Feng shook her head with a pale face, "he's not. Think about it, Mr. Lu and I have a 'father-daughter' relationship. Even if we want to attack him, how can we want him to die?"

Mrs. Li smiled, "Then according to what you said, wouldn't it be possible to rule out the suspicion of those of us who are related by blood? That leaves—"

Mrs. Li glanced at Miss Gao, Lu Shijin and the nanny one by one. Although she didn't say everything, it was self-evident what she wanted to say.

Lu Shijin sneered secretly, this is just one person out, and some people can't wait to bring the rhythm.

Lu Shijin took a sip of water calmly, his voice was not loud, but he said loudly: "At this time, I still want to confuse the eyes, either the mentally disabled or the murderer. It's the third round, and if we don't work together to find the murderer, we have to wait until the murderer wins. Are all the talents satisfied?"

Mrs. Li was ridiculed by Lu Shijin for a while, her face flushed, but she also realized that what she said just now was wrong, she just glared at Lu Shijin and did not refute any more.

"Okay, okay, let's stop fighting," Lu Zhongze stood up as a peacemaker, "It's right now, our top priority now is to work together to find out the murderer. If you're not sure who the real murderer is, don't do it. This is our last chance. Now that the third floor is open, and the cause of death of the old man will be announced in the afternoon, we still have a good chance of winning. Let's unite and find out the culprit! "

It is a pity that Lu Zhongze's impassioned speech did not get a response from many people, and everyone else's faces were expressionless.

Seeing that no one cared about him, Lu Zhongze touched his nose embarrassedly, and suddenly the phone vibrated, which made him relieve his predicament.

"The results of the interrogation have been announced! Mr. Feng is definitely not the murderer!"

"Don't be too happy," Mrs. Li said calmly. "Don't forget, since the murderer has not been found, it means that there will be more deaths tonight."