according to the requirements of the original plan, the task assigned to a few people is to observe the information with naked eyes, and then report back to the camp.

When Li Shi is in this team, it is not easy to be satisfied.

Either don't do it or do your best!

The strategic deployment map is what Li Shi is after.

"The head of Jinya castle, named Leng Jingwei, is a monk at the peak of Xuanyuan realm!

The strategic deployment map is probably on him. "

"Hiss --"

when people heard what Li Shi said, they took a breath of cool air.

At the peak of Xuanyuan state, none of them is his opponent, even if they are together.

"The cold longitude and latitude will be handed over to me, but I can't guarantee that the strategic plan must be on him, so we must act separately."

Li Shi's calm eyes make people feel at ease.

It seems that where Li Shi is there, it must be safe.

However, hearing Li Shi's saying that soldiers were divided into two ways, the hearts of the people just put down were raised.

"If you always depend on me, you can't grow up!"

Li Shi saw the faces of the people and warned them in a deep voice.

Yes, if you leave Li Shi and you can't accomplish anything, they will always be nothing but rubbish!

Seeing several people's eyes gradually firm, Li Shi nodded with satisfaction.

He once again lent Gong Dabao the colt python, who made great achievements yesterday, and patted him on the shoulder: "this time you come and take everyone to complete the task. If you complete it well, this weapon will be given to you!"

Gong Dabao's face was suddenly excited. He was short of breath, and his eyes had uncontrollable fighting spirit.

After using colt Python once yesterday, he was already familiar with the pith. Even in his dream, he looked like a powerful weapon.

At this time, when I heard that Li Shi was going to give it to him, he said excitedly: "absolutely no problem. When did I ever let you down?"

"I haven't said the task yet. Don't be too eager to brag about it!" Li Shi rewarded Gong Dabao with a fierce chestnut.

Gong Dabao scratched his head and said with a smile, "you, no, you say, you say!"

Li Shi rolled his eyes, but his face was serious: "you know that there are many people from the alliance of ten thousand islands in this golden crow castle, so the strategic plan is probably in the hands of the monks of the alliance of ten thousand islands!"

In their intelligence, they only know that the head of the human castle in the castle is cold longitude and latitude, but they don't know who the friar leader of the alliance of ten thousand islands is.

"So our task is to find the friar leader of the alliance of ten thousand islands?"

Wen Qingyu's eyes lit up and asked.

"That's right. Just find it. Remember that our task is to investigate rather than attack. Don't fight with them or frighten the snake!"

Li Shichen explained in a deep voice and his eyes swept at the crowd.

"Li honest, you can rest assured." Gong Dabao is still immersed in the joy of holding colt Python in his hand, and his mouth is almost grinning behind his ears.

Li Shifu's forehead is covered with black lines. The most worrying thing is you!

However, he continued to explain: "in addition, according to my observation, there are a lot of Monroe friars in the castle. You should not be careful when investigating. Don't underestimate any Orc's magic Luo!"

The people's faces became serious in an instant, and they obviously remembered the battle with cicada people yesterday.

If it's not Li Shi, if it's not Longyan, if...

no if!

They immediately adjusted their mental state to their best and were ready to go.

Li Shi nodded. Before leaving, he confirmed that the medical friar would not cause him any trouble. After that, he separated himself from the team members, put on his disguise and went out from the gate.