the structure of jinyabao is very simple, with two main roads extending in all directions crisscross the castle.

The central point of intersection is the command center, which is the military aircraft hall, where the fort commander is cold longitude and latitude.

After leaving the door, the two groups left in two directions. Li Shi went to the military aircraft hall in the north, while the others searched in the West.

Several people gradually get used to their own identity, walking in the street, completely regard themselves as cicada people, swagger, unscrupulous.

In the past, when people saw them, they often lowered their heads to show their respect.

However, they did not forget their mission. While memorizing the terrain distribution, they were looking for the friar leader of the alliance of ten thousand islands.

The orcs in the street are very strange, with gull wings and huge beaks.

There are round bellied and strong whale people.

There are a pair of long claws waving, the crab race.


"so many kinds of orcs, do they really have a unified leader?"

"Are you doubting brother Li's judgment?"

"It's not... But how can we find it? Can we ask them?"

"Silly fork, isn't it exposed immediately?"

Several people walk, while quietly discussing, the head is chaos into a pot of porridge.

"Don't panic. We can always find a trace."

At the critical moment, Gong Dabao, who is usually the most impetuous, is the most calm.

His tiger eyes swept around, like lightning, not letting go of any trace.

In response to that sentence, some people are born to do great things.

Several people were infected by him, and their emotions gradually stabilized.

When the sun began to rise, several people finally found a wonderful place!

It was a somewhat remote alley. Long Yan watched a hangover shake his body with his own eyes. When he reached the entrance of the alley, he was suddenly swept away by a dark shadow and disappeared in his sight.

"Dabao, look..."

Long Yan turned his head and reported his findings to Gong Dabao for advice.

Gong Dabao looked at the alley and said, "do you smell the smell of... Monroe?"

Several people complexion a white, at the same time nodded.

Li Shi previously told them that they were not allowed to contact with Moruo, but they did not want to let go of this hard won clue.

Gong Dabao pinches the colt Python at his waist, and his heart is filled with infinite courage.

"Let's go. I'm afraid of an egg, Granny Gunter!"

So a few people will quietly cat into the alley.

The dim alleys seemed to be the only place where the sun could not shine in the whole golden crow castle.

As soon as several people entered, they felt a damp and cool feeling. At the same time, there was a dark evil spirit around them.

At the end of the lane, on the left, is a small wooden door.

The wooden door was closed, but strange sounds came from it.

If the devil like ghost, such as the wind blowing, people can not help but feel upset.

People are more nervous.

Gong Dabao stood in front of the team and was about to reach out to the wooden door...

just then, a vortex suddenly emerged from the ground, and gurgling water flowed out of it, like a fountain.

Among the fountains, there stands a big figure.

This figure is about twice as big as Gong Dabao, with a strong body, which directly blocks the way for people to leave the alley.

"Stop! You guys