Book 7: Chapter 19: Encounter

Name:The Exorcist Author:
Book 7: Chapter 19: Encounter

You dummy! If you couldnt turn the laptop off no matter what, cant you just pour your bowl of noodles over it?

Xiao Xia stood dumbly, not knowing what to do.

Isis it already over?

Isnt it? Bao Da Tong shrugged. If this happens again in the future, remember to chant the water spell before pouring water over the laptop. See, your laptop wasnt plugged in but it still burnt out. This is due to sorcery.

Sorcery?This chapter is updated by nov(e)(l)

It was sorcery. Bao Da Tong was too smug to notice Xiao Xias tone was off. The five element spell. I taught it to you, remember?

You taught me?


Alright, then compensate me for the laptop. Xiao Xia had been scared and was now angered. Fuming, she stretched her hand out towards Bao Da Tong. Couldnt you just have driven it out of the laptop? If I could just pour water over it, why would I call you?

Ittook less effort.

Less effort, huh? Then get me a new laptop. Otherwise, Ill make it so you wont need to use any effort for the rest of your life. Youll have to lie there, freeloading, waiting for death! Xiao Xia leapt off the bed as she spoke, closing the closet doors.

Where would I get the money?

Keep swindling rich people, I dont care. You have to compensate me! This was the second computer that got broken within the year. The first one was due to Guan Zheng, and this time was due to the missing children. She didnt have the money to buy a new one. Furthermore, all her files had been on it. She would have to get a friend to check it out. If the hard disk wasnt damaged, she might be able to retrieve some of the data.

Fine, fine! Bao Da Tong saw how vexed she was and could only agree. Well stick a talisman on the computer next time, just like the phone. That way, the fiends wont be able to cast illusions through it anymore.

If its hellbent on coming after me, itll have all sorts of channels. Did you notice? Although it couldnt enter the room, it could affect me through many different media. Xiao Xia sighed. Forget it, let it do as it pleases. Itll be fine if I can reach you guys at all times. She waved the phone.

There was a sticker of Bao Da Tong on the back. In reality, it was to hide the fact that there was a talisman. If it werent for this talisman, she couldnt have called for Bao Da Tong with the fiends seals preventing outside communication. Actually, she hadnt called using the phone. She had notified him of the urgent situation directly through the talisman.

Right, is Wan Li back yet? Xiao Xia asked.

Not yet.

Does he have that much work piled up?

ThatI think, how should I put it? Im not someone to sow dissension, but I feel his movements are very worthy of suspicion. He probably isnt engaging in proper business. Bao Da Tong winked naughtily. I think you shouldnt wait for him any longer. Might as well come downstairs and play a while. There are many people downstairs, and Master Bao here is overseeing things. He knew Xiao Xias work files were all in the laptop. She clearly couldnt keep working anymore, so he made the suggestion.

Xiao Xia hesitated for a moment. Forget it, Im going to sleep for a bit. We still have to move according to plan a few hours later. I dont want to show up at work with bags under my eyes tomorrow.

Wont you be scared being by yourself upstairs?

Yes, but it cant be helped. I have to face it by myself. I cant always have others protecting me. You all must remember, I am your companion, not a burden! Xiao Xia paused and then spoke again. Besides, as long as you stick a talisman on the phone and the power outlet, there wont be anymore links to the outside. It has also just made a ruckus, so it probably doesnt have the energy to come bother me again.

Bao Da Tong nodded. Youre right. Ah Zhans formation should still be effective. Otherwise, that powerful thing wont be using such roundabout methods to get at you. However, this does make me curious. Why is it so interested in you?

Id rather it ignore me. Xiao Xia was thoroughly annoyed. Was her birthdate really that inauspicious? Enough nonsense, hurry and draw the talismans!

Follow the child! Wan Li snapped out of his musings. A total of fifteen children have gone missing since Zhang Jia Lin started, and there have been no reports of them leaving the city. Therefore, there has to be a hiding place, unless theyve already entered the fiends stomach.

He spoke calmly, but Xiao Xia shivered as she listened. She was unable to imagine human-eating demons hiding in this bustling city. What kind of world was this, where there were still so many secrets hidden within the masses? Perhaps people might seem incomparably clean, but there were the most unsightly desires hidden in every corner!

Actually, the police are already looking for the hiding place. Its not possible for them to know the culprits are evil spirits. At most, they would assume some pervert is kidnapping children. However, the city is too big. They need time. I think we should do our best to resolve this case. If we cant, we should try and ruin their plans. Every child we manage to save counts for something. At the same time, we can indirectly help the police.

I understand. Xiao Xia nodded.

The two no longer spoke. They sat quietly in the car, seriously observing the darkness around them.

This was a new neighborhood. Not only were the roads not fully paved, there wasnt a single streetlamp. The surroundings were dark and still. There was an empty field with overgrown grass where the sounds of summer insects could occasionally be heard, as well as the small specks of light from fireflies. The tranquility should have felt soothing, but it actually made Xiao Xia feel like the scene of some horror movie. Even the night wind blowing in through the windows made her feel some chill. At that moment, she suddenly felt the wind seemed to have gotten stronger.

She sat up straight, feeling Wan Lis comforting large hand pressing against hers, making her feel less jumpy. However, she could feel that Wan Lis entire body was tensed. He was looking over at her side, staring at the empty field outside the window.

In the thicket, a rustling sound could be heard. Their eyes had already adjusted to the darkness and they could see the long grass moving about. It was as if something was moving through the grass towards the road behind them.

The scene made Wan Li snap to a decision. He pulled out two invisibility talismans Ruan Zhan had left behind and stuck one on his and Xiao Xias shoulder.

From the rearview mirror, they saw a tiny figure leaping out of the moving grass.

It was a young girl around five years old. She wore a beautiful red dress and small sandals. Her hair was short, and although her features couldnt be clearly seen, her eyes were glowing green specks like two fireflies. This reminded Xiao Xia of those ghostly children she encountered at the hospital.

Swish. Another gust of wind swept by. The little girl standing vacantly by the road suddenly made a strange turn and started walking towards them. Her movements were stiff, slow and unsteady, as if she was sleepwalking.

What should we do? Xiao Xia asked quietly.

Dont worry, were currently invisible. Wan Li gripped Xiao Xias hand, feeling that her soft palm was covered in sweat. Its fine as long as we dont speak. He trusted Ruan Zhan. Ruan Zhans powers had undergone a complete transformation. His invisibility talismans were definitely foolproof, even to that fiend. Although those with the talismans could see each other, in the eyes of other humans or spirits, the car was empty!

Xiao Xia nodded, nervously watching the little girl walk over. Her footsteps were rhythmic and heavy, step by step! She prayed that the girl would keep some distance from their car and pass them by quickly, but her hopes were in vain. The girl not only stuck close to their car as she passed, she even stopped next to the door and turned to face the car.

Clickshe actually opened the door and sat down in the backseat!

This was definitely unexpected. When the door closed again, Xiao Xia glanced at Wan Li, not knowing what to do. Wan Li thought for a moment and then winked at her, giving a gentle smile. She understood he was telling her not to panic and not to move. They would observe silently first.

Xiao Xia obediently remained still, watching the girl through the rearview mirror. Her features were delicate and cute, the green light in her eyes already gone. However, it made Xiao Xia feel even more unsettled. Despite the expressionless face, there were still signs that she was being controlled. The girls skin on her face was completely still and she wasnt even breathing. Her eyes stared straight ahead without focusing on anything. She was like a moving doll made out of a real human!

She didnt know why the doll would get into the car or what she wanted to do. She just sat there silently and unmoving.

Should we take her away? Xiao Xia asked with her eyes.

Wan Li blinked and then shook his head. He meant to say, Of course, but not yet.

Xiao Xia didnt know what he was waiting for, but she didnt refute. After over ten minutes, she suddenly heard something scraping against metal above her head, moving around behind them.

She hadnt seen what had crawled onto the roof of their car, but she could clearly hear it crawling about.


Slowly, the sound reached the front of the roof before suddenly stopping. After a long while, a head lowered itself in front of the windshield! Although it was upside-down, although the long black hair brushed softly against the windshield like overgrown weeds, Xiao Xia still recognized her at a glance: Zhang Jia Lin!