Book 7: Chapter 20: Shaken off

Name:The Exorcist Author:
Book 7: Chapter 20: Shaken off

Zhang Jia Lins entire face was plastered against the windshield. Her features were squished flat and her eyes that were like black holes stared into the car, making Xiao Xia feel disturbed. Although Xiao Xia knew she couldnt be seen, she still felt as if all her thoughts were laid bare, making her afraid to even breathe. If her hand hadnt been gripped by Wan Li, if it werent for his steady warmth, she might have fled on the spot!

She cant see us! Xiao Xia told herself.

Although this was indeed the case, she had forgotten something. Zhang Jia Lin couldnt see them due to Ruan Zhans profound talismans, but she still carried the bloodwood sword. It was a Daoist treasure that would glow red when encountering fiends!This chapter is updated by nov(e)(l)

Zhang Jia Lins power prevented the bloodwood sword from reacting previously. Now that she was close, it suddenly started vibrating fiercely in Xiao Xias shirt pocket, shooting a beautiful ray of red light into Zhang Jia Lins eyes!


Caught off guard, she screamed and fell from the car!

At the same time, Wan Li suddenly started the car. As the engine revved, he said loudly, Sit tight, were leaving!

The car screeched from the sudden acceleration. Wan Li calmly put the car in reverse and backed up until the road widened before he turned around.

Xiao Xia knew he wanted to avoid harming Zhang Jia Lins body. Who knew if the little girl was still alive? Although she understood Wan Lis intent, her reactions were a beat too slow. The jerky movements of the car caused her head to collide against the window with a thud.

At the same time, the little girl in the backseat was also flung against the window. Yet while Xiao Xia struggled for a while to right herself, the little girl immediately sprung back up. She still maintained her rigid seated posture in an indescribably eerie manner.

Xiao Xia got the creeps with the human doll sitting behind her. Unable to feel at ease, she kept turning around to look. Yet she remained lifeless and unmoving. On the other hand, a small figure gradually drew closer behind the car.

Goodness, shes catching up! Xiao Xia stared as Zhang Jia Lin got closer and closer. She got the bloodwood sword and its accompanying talisman ready in her hands. Faster, we cant let her catch up!

Lady, Im already going a hundred twenty. Wan Lis eyes were fixed on the road as he spoke evenly. If someone sees a little lass able to catch up to a speeding car, shell be treated as a national treasure and captured for experiments.

This is no time for jokes! Xiao Xia avoided looking at the little girls face in the backseat and continued watching behind them. Even if she can run, can the real Zhang Jia Lins body endure such stress?

That I dont know, but we need to worry about the living first! Wan Li stepped on the gas while pulling out the tattered banner from the paper bag next to him. He reached out and placed it on the roof of the car, immediately chanting some spell and tossing a talisman after it.

Xiao Xia was startled, afraid the treasure would fall underneath the car. Yet she heard a clang on the roof as the tattered banner attached itself to the car. At the same time, something heavy landed on the trunk. The car sank and rapidly slowed down.

Zhang Jia Lin had caught up. Yet why was such a little girl so heavy?!

She crouched there, her fingers seemingly suctioned to the rear window and trunk. No matter how Wan Li swerved or braked, she didnt fall off. Her head slowly lowered and she peered excitedly at the people in the car.

How fun!

Her lips hadnt moved but her voice drilled into Xiao Xias brain like an awl. She involuntarily clutched her head, as if trying to stave off the splitting headache caused by the sound. The car also swerved violently at the same time. Wan Li had clearly been affected as well.

However, he reacted much faster than Xiao Xia. The moment the noise stopped, he immediately took out another talisman. With a few words, he once again tossed it out the car. This time, Xiao Xia sensed something buzzing on the roof. A gale formed outside the car, causing Zhang Jia Lin to stumble. Her body suddenly disappeared from Xiao Xias view.

Did we lose her? Xiao Xia asked.

Not yet. Someone answered, but the voice hadnt come from Wan Li. Instead, it came from her window, causing her heart to leap.

Turning, she saw to small hands tightly holding onto the window. The pale face framed by scattered hair had already stretched inside the car, causing Xiao Xia to see herself reflected in the pupils. Almost instinctively, Xiao Xia put her hands together. The talisman in her left hand that was almost drenched with her sweat was stuck to the small bloodwood sword in her right hand.

What are you doing? He watched her feel her talismans, putting them into two separate groups. One group was placed back into her pouch while the other was placed on the dashboard.

Im taking out the fire element spells Xiao Xia said. Ive come up with a plan. The fire talisman shoots out a fireball, though in my case it just shoots out some sparks. I can use one at regular intervals to help you make out the road. Then, youll drive according to memory. We can keep it up until daybreak. Then sun rises early in the summer. Its already past three now, we just need to hold on a little over an hour!

Good idea. But can I ask a question? How big of a spark can you shoot out?

Depends on how Im feeling. You have enough gas?

God rewards the diligent. I filled up before coming here.

Alright, then Im going to start!

Hold on, hold on! Wan Li blinked heavily, staring at the road straight ahead. How are you currently feeling, young mistress?

Itll have to do. Xiao Xia responded, and started reciting the fire mantra, Southern Trigram of heavenly flames, form the state of enlightenment, burn!

Xiao Xia gathered all her willpower, yet the resulting flame was like the fire on a gas stove, the kind used to simmer soup. Luckily she had the advantage of numbers and continuously sent out three of them. Only then could Wan Li clearly see, before his eyes bulged out, that they were about to reach the overpass.

He let out a silent breath, thinking it was lucky Xiao Xia had come up with this idea. It was also lucky that had taken this road on the way here. Although he knew they would end up getting stuck on the bridge, they at least had a chance.

What are you doing? He drove nervously, not daring look away from the front. Yet he felt Xiao Xia busying herself next to him.

Im trying to make the fire spell stronger. Should I try again?

Wait. Wan Li focused on the cars speed and incline as they drove onto the bridge while Xiao Xia put her hand outside the window in preparation. Now.

Xiao Xia immediately cast the spell. He didnt know what Xiao Xia had done, but this time a small fireball burst forth. Since she still used three of them, a small opening was torn in the darkness ahead of the car. He immediately saw that if they didnt turn right within three meters, they would crash into the railings and plunge off the bridge!

That was close!

Cold sweat trickled down his back as he meticulously directed Xiao Xia to use the fire spell over and over. He slowly realized that every time they reached the peak of the bridge, no matter what path they took to get off, they would eventually end up back on top. This made it possible to calculate the timing and positioning of their up and down path. If he could figure out the pattern, Xiao Xia wouldnt have to cast the spell so frequently.

The talismans were limited after all. They should use them sparingly to avoid falling into a passive state in the end.

Time passed slowly. Wan Lis clothes were soaked with sweat. Although he had figured out part of the pattern and memorized the route, he didnt dare get careless, afraid the fiend would suddenly change the boundaries of the restriction. He didnt know how long it had been, but even the darkest darkness would eventually pass. A ray of light appeared in the east. He couldnt help but let out a breath.

Look out! Xiao Xia screamed.

Wan Lis heart clenched as Zhang Jia Lins figure suddenly appeared a few meters ahead of them!

She had appeared too suddenly. Wan Li wasnt able to think and instinctively swerved to the left. Then, a though flashed through his mind, pushing him to immediately turn back. An earsplitting screech rang out from his side as sparks flew everywhere.

Unable to worry about the fiend, he stomped on the brakes. Yet before he could catch his breath, Zhang Jia Lin flew towards the windshield with teeth bared!

Without time to do anything else, he could only turn around and cover Xiao Xia with his arms. Yet at the same time, the tattered banner on the roof and the bloodwood sword reacted, preventing the fiend with Zhang Jia Lins appearance from breaking in. Instead, she retreated and left.

Despite being strong enough to withstand sunlight, she was still at her weakest during the day. At this moment, she was no longer able to break through the protection of the two treasures. After all, she didnt belong to the world of the living!