Chapter 634: procrastination

Name:The Eye of Evolution Author:Ashero
"... Do you have a way?" Golandis enjoyed another human-shaped drift, and the giant sword almost fell against her head.

Bai Xiaowen smiled, took a scroll from the storage space, and tore it apart.

[Withered Fog Scroll: S-level props, create a fog, the radius is the spirit of the user * 10 meters. All enemies in the fog will stack withered layers over time. Each layer withering effect will reduce all attributes by 10%, stacking up to 5 layers. 】

This scroll is Bai Xiaowen's original harvest in the world of Kane's plane, and requires advanced level 7 meditation skills!

Before, because the level of meditation was not enough, I kept eating in the storage space. Now it's time to come in handy.

With Bai Xiaowen's current mental strength, the withered fog covering the entire underground space is more than enough.

The mist spread quickly and quickly filled the entire underground space. All enemies in the fog range begin to stack wither layers.

One, two, three ...

Gorantis screamed angrily: "Dior! What are you doing, and why have Carlyle and I been negatively affected!"

Melda and Sonia were equally alarmed.

Bai Xiaowen coughed: "Sorry ha ... focus on the main points, I mainly deal with these colossus, you just hurt by mistake."

In fact, this kind of large-scale magic scroll props is based on the subjective will of the user to distinguish the enemy and the friend. If the user does not intentionally distinguish, then the default faction relationship shall prevail, which only affects the target of the enemy faction.

After Bai Xiaowen killed Master Mage and submitted his seal to Collantis, he was equivalent to leaving the Resistance camp. Although he has not yet officially joined the Imperial Army camp, Golantis, Carlisle and others, for him, have been regarded as "neutral camp", and will not be affected by the withering fog by default.

The result of the four leaders being affected by the withering fog, of course, was Bai Xiaowen's active intentional distinction, which temporarily included Gorantis and the other four into the hostile target.

In the field, with the exception of Bai Xiaowen and Li Shuyi, all other individuals quickly became weak under the effect of withering and fog.

After 5 layers of withering effects, the power of the Divine Colossus has been reduced from 100 to 50, and the poor agility has been reduced to 15.

Their health has dropped to 150 points, but the maximum health is still 3,000. It needs to be said here that the upper limit of the health is the physical attribute * 10, but when the enemy reduces the physical attribute by the debuff spell effect, the upper limit of the health does not change.

The only change is that the natural armor and resistance brought by the physique will fall in sync with the physique.

Of course, 150 armor is still a rock solid, let alone 3000 health. Bai Xiaowen also did not eliminate the extravagant hopes of these divine colossus through the withered and misty scrolls-under the influence of the aura of despair, he and Li Shuyi simply did not have enough battery life.

The only skills, stamina, and mental power, should be kept to avoid the attacks of the divine colossus. Bai Xiaowen still decided to adopt a delaying tactic to the source of energy of the divine colossus—the seven seal mantras were all burned.

The good news is that the 15-point agile colossus can be described by slow movements, and the power drops to 50, which means that the power of Shi Jianping is also greatly reduced. The actual damage of a single blow is only a few dozen points. Bai Xiaowen and Li Shuyi is fully able to withstand, and the fault tolerance rate is greatly improved.

The withered and foggy scroll can have such power. In addition to the powerful quality of the scroll itself as an S-level prop, Bai Xiaowen chose a suitable battlefield.

Under normal circumstances, no enemy will stupidly stay within the circle of the withered fog-the spiritual value of Bai Xiaowen is 69 points, which means that the withered fog is 1380 meters in diameter.

This distance, for a powerful spirit leader, can easily be crossed without waiting for the withering effect to be superimposed. As soon as it leaves the area of ​​withered fog, the layers of withered will soon dissipate.

But in this battlefield, the underground space itself is a closed area of ​​1,000 kilometers, all areas are shrouded in fog, there is no escape!

Besides, the four leaders such as Golantis also suffered a five-layer withering effect that reduced their total attributes by 50%. However, they avoided the divine colossus after weakening. It was easier than before, and the fault tolerance rate increased a lot. He was stabbed with three, four, five, six, seven, and eight swords, and with the high health of the leader, he could fully carry it.

Li Shuyi whispered in the team channel:

"Xiaowen, should you take advantage of this opportunity to get rid of these four leaders? If you succeed, holding Golantis's head against the army, it should be able to offset the negative effects of Kevin, let alone four more Treasure chest. "Li Shuyi was murderous.

Bai Xiaowen sighed: "Don't be too greedy. Our primary goal is to complete the two S-level elite branches ~ ~ Under the aura of despair and dull aura, our combat effectiveness and battery life are very problematic. Although the attributes of high-level bosses have been halved, they still have high health and are not so easy to kill. Especially the swordsman Carlisle, I have seen his skills. His strength is less restricted by the attributes, and it is very explosive. Danger."

To put it bluntly or not enough, Bai Xiaowen and the two need to keep their strength and try to avoid the attack of the divine colossus.

"Then, after the mission is completed, if the withering fog is still there, can we consider it?" Li Shuyi asked.

Bai Xiaowen shook his head and smiled bitterly: "When the mission is completed, the unique halo skills of the divine colossus are gone, especially one of them has a space to block the halo ... Golantis has teleporting props, but we can still get away when we are anxious. We have to offend the Imperial Army again. "

As a great lord in the north, Gorantis did not reach the lord level. However, Bai Xiaowen speculated that the difficulty of killing Golantis would not be much lower than that of killing Ussock. According to the urine of the spirit world, Golantis should be characterized by strong life-saving ability.

It is not good not to catch the fox to provoke a show, it is better to do the task honestly and save the chicken from flying.

Time passed minute by minute, and finally, the seal spell of the first divine colossus burned out, and the action stopped. The Holy Frozen Aura effect also disappears.

As if the chain reaction was turned on, the second, the third ... the divine colossus stopped as the seal mantras disappeared.

When the sixth divine colossus runs out of energy, the duration of the withering fog is over. There was only one last divine colossus left in the audience. Although it temporarily recovered all its strength, it only had one and was unable to make a comeback. After chasing a few steps in vain, it ran out of energy and stood still.