Chapter 635: Unexpected reunion

Name:The Eye of Evolution Author:Ashero
The seal spell on the holy box, the light completely extinguished.

The eyes of Bai Xiaowen's evolution can see that the invisible thin lines connecting the seven divine colossus on the Seal Box have disappeared. As if losing strength in the air, the Seal Box crashed and fell gently to the ground.

Aunt Coarse Sonia and Dean Melda stand up at the same time.

However, Li Shuyi reacted faster and leaped in shape. She ran to the seal box in a few steps and picked it up.

Spiritual Realm Rule Tips:

"S + class elite branch mission: The secret of the monastery has been completed, please submit the mission after leaving the combat state."

"SS Special Elite Branch Mission: The Scavenger has been completed. After leaving the combat state, open the Seal Box to submit the mission."

Bai Xiaowen was stunned. The so-called fighting state ... naturally, they were the two directors of Melda. They had a clear tendency to attack Bai Xiaowen. Even if they didn't do it, they would be judged to be in a fighting state by the spirit rules.

"Dior Skelboom, surrender the Soul Stone and Seal Box! That's not what you should touch," said Dean Melda, although injured, still speaking in a strong tone. "According to our previous agreement, I can exchange it with you using the pages of God. "

"Uh ... God's Page? Is this the thing?"

Bai Xiaowen gently peeled off a piece of parchment paper from the bottom of the seal holy box.

The surface of this parchment paper is like being sprinkled with magnesium powder, with light dust falling from the stars, very gorgeous, and it is not extraordinary at first glance.

Dean Melda nodded.

"But the page of God's gift is already in my hands, I don't seem to need to use what I have already obtained, as your bargaining chip?" Bai Xiaowen said with a smile, "So please allow me to refuse this transaction."

"Dior, if you really want to join the Imperial Army, I want you to close your greedy face," said Golantis frowning. "The Empire believes in the Lord of Light, and the North County Abbey is also a natural ally of the Imperial Army. .If you take the soul stone and the Seal of the Seal, it means that you have chosen the evil camp, and the Imperial Army will have no place for you. "

Bai Xiaowen shrugged: "I'm sorry."

He is really sorry. After this expedition, the identity of Dior Skelboom has gained a high profile in the world of Aaron, and no matter what the task is, it will be convenient. However, if no camp is willing to accept him, this identity will be abolished more than half.

The prestige of the Resistance is already hostile. If the door of the Imperial Army is closed again, the next eight days of free exploration time will greatly reduce the number of tasks that can be tapped.

Golandis' expression turned cold, and he snorted, "It's an insatiable foreigner. Since I'm determined to be an enemy of the Imperial Army, I can only stand on the side of President Melda and punish you . "

Swordmaster Carlisle stepped silently for the first half step, and the high-ranking leader's courage rushed towards him.

Bai Xiaowen silently evaluated the strength comparison between the two sides.

"The wind cries."

Although Sonia had a broken arm and Melda was half disabled, the other party was four senior leaders after all. Bai Xiaowen could barely fight if the summoned creatures were there, but lost the butcher, he was not sure to limit Swordmaster Carlisle.

Li Shuyi nodded, and the two ran back and forth towards the stone ladder.

"Stop them!"

Shouted Melda.

Suddenly, Bai Xiaowen felt a fever in the storage space, and then a blue light spot bloomed beside him, and quickly spread into a blue portal.

The space fluctuated and spread. A long, straight leg crossed the portal first.

Later, Bai Xiaowen saw the person ...

"It finally succeeded."

Qiao Rui wore a gold-lined hollow robe with an amethyst inlaid on his crown, holding an emerald bamboo flute, and appeared abruptly.

She saw Bai Xiaowen at first sight, and gave a relieved smile: "You're fine."

"Sister Xue ...?" Bai Xiaowen was a little aggressive, he didn't expect Qiao Rui to appear here suddenly.

"I said, if there is a fate, we will meet again in the spirit world." Qiao Rui blinked.

emmm ...

Bai Xiaowen thought of the fever in the storage space. The source seems to be the mysterious spar given by Qiao Rui? But he didn't say that wisely, he just smiled and nodded: "Well, it does."

"Sister Qiao Rui Xue is here, we can fight back!" Li Shuyi came to the spirit, she was very impressed with Qiao Rui's strength.

Since following Bai Xiaowen to break into the spiritual realm, Li Shuyi has always been unfavorable. The embarrassing situation of being chased by BOSS like this today has almost never happened, and it is a bit not used to it. So when she saw a new force join, her first reaction was to fight back.

"Well, there really is no need to run."

Bai Xiaowen took a deep look at Qiao Rui, this beautiful girl's body ~ ~ seems to hide a lot of secrets.

As for why Qiao Rui hadn't arrived before, it just happened to come after the seven divine colossi were turned into stone statues ... Bai Xiaowen also had a more likely guess.

Qiao Rui should use some kind of positioning props to rush to Bai Xiaowen's side. She should have tried it before, but due to the influence of the "space-blocking halo" of the divine colossus, the positioning transmission has always failed.

That's why Qiao Rui appeared "successfully" as soon as he appeared, and relieved when he saw Bai Xiaowen's safety.

Thinking about it this way, Bai Xiaowen was touched a bit. In Qiao Rui's mind, he seems to be really important?

This feeling is not narcissistic, Bai Xiaowen does not think that Qiao Rui is in love with himself. Until now, Bai Xiaowen felt more of Qiao Rui's affection for his younger brother. As for the emotion between men and women, he could not say ...

"Another outsider, has your old story ended?"

Golandis's voice sounded: "Dio, finally give you a chance, surrender the soul stone and the seal holy chest, I can let you go and keep your chance to join the Imperial Army."

"I refuse," Bai Xiaowen said.

"Go ahead, be careful not to let them run away, Ms. Golantis," Melda said in a deep voice.

"Sorry, I think ... it's you who should run?" Bai Xiaowen squeezed his fist, raised his palm, and smiled.

Shadow Assassins, Dead Bone Wizards, Skeleton Sword Shield Hand, Skeleton Warrior ... one only summons creatures to appear.

A long wolf howl, his fur was smooth and watery, and a giant wolf's angry claws appeared like a bull.

"Is all four enemies?"

Qiao Rui nodded slightly, the emerald bamboo flute was on his lips, a soul rhythm quietly played.

Fight, fire right away!