Chapter 6: Actor's fiancee (6)

Chapter 6 The Actor's Fiancee (6)

hung up the phone, and the agent was stunned for a while.

Could it be that her artist is in love?

As soon as the idea of ​​   appeared, it was quickly rejected by her.

Who is Su Qinghuan?

That is a rock recognized by the entertainment industry!

The iceberg will still warm up one day, and the stone will not melt no matter how warm it is.

Well, he's just a rock without emotion, cold and hard, so, fall in love? It is absolutely impossible!

Maybe it really has a private matter!

Although she is his manager, she is not like other managers who can control artists. Like Su Qinghuan's current status, basically what he says is what he says, and her tasks are only responsible for handling some Just trifles.

Soon, this little thing was thrown out of her mind.

After eating the white tea, I touched my stomach, um, it's not as shriveled as before.


Taking advantage of Bai Cha's good mood, the system reminded her at the right time, [Cha Cha, since Su Qinghuan is unhappy because you went on a blind date tomorrow, you should explain this matter clearly, didn't you say you don't like misunderstandings? 】

Bai Cha nodded, "Well, what you said makes sense."

She put down the tableware and turned her head, just in time to see Su Qinghuan coming out of the kitchen.

Thinking about the previous situation of the original owner, she got up and walked in front of Su Qinghuan and gave him a friendly smile, "Can I tell you something?"

Su Qinghuan was stunned for a moment, but he hadn't recovered from her empty bowl.

looks small and weak, how can he eat so fast?

It's only a few minutes? A bowl of noodles just gone?

"Do you have time? My sister asked me to meet a friend with her tomorrow, but I don't know that friend. The meeting should be...Yes..."

Bai Cha put her hands in her hands, and she suddenly got stuck while talking. She was stunned for a while, and then she came up with the word.

"It should be embarrassing!" Yes, embarrassing!

Su Qinghuan raised his eyes slightly, "Your sister asked you to meet friends with her?"

What did he seem to ignore?

The news of    Bai Cha's blind date was also revealed to him by Bai Yuan.

Bai Cha nodded, "Yes." Bai Yuan lied to the original owner, saying that she was going to see a friend, but in fact she was going on a blind date.

She is not as stupid as the original owner.

However, although she now knows that Bai Yuan is going to cheat her on a blind date and destroy her relationship with Su Qinghuan (a relationship that does not exist for the time being), this kind of thing cannot be said directly for the time being.

If she said it, Su Qinghuan would definitely be even more angry.

The system's response to the host is not overjoyed.

worthy of being the host of its home, so smart!

The coldness in Su Qinghuan's eyes faded a bit, but he still had that indifferent look, "I have something to do tomorrow, so I can't go."

White tea bit his lip, feeling a little helpless.

got rejected.

She was rejected.

"587, what should I do now?" Does she want to find a crack to get in?

The    system, […] It wants to play dead.

The host always asks some questions that it cannot answer, what should I do?

Bai Cha's watery eyes looked at Su Qinghuan like that, with a bit of grievance in his eyes. He didn't seem to expect that he would refuse so simply.

For a moment, Su Qinghuan felt a stagnation in his heart, as if someone was holding his heart.

Even when he said it, he couldn't help softening a bit, for fear of scaring the soft-hearted person in front of him, "You send me the time and address first, and I'll see if I have time tomorrow."

Su Qinghuan, who wanted to sneak past, "..." He felt that he might not be able to do it without knowing it.

Bai Cha was overjoyed and touched his body. Hey, where's the phone?

"I, my phone is on it, I'll find it."

Su Qinghuan watched the girl jump upstairs, and there seemed to be an unknown emotion in her heart.

He raised his hand and touched his chest.

It was probably his delusion!

A minute later, Bai Cha 哧吭哧 hugged the phone and ran down again, her pretty face flushed, "I don't have your contact information..."

These words came out with a bright grievance.

She is his fiancée, she doesn't have his contact information, is this the proper treatment as a fiancée?

Obviously not!

She felt that she needed to exercise her rights as his fiancée.

(end of this chapter)