Chapter 7: Actor's fiancee (7)

Chapter 7 The Actor's Fiancee (7)

The    system was very pleased with the sudden enlightenment of the host.

Su Qinghuan took the mobile phone from her hand with a sharp-boned hand, and stored his mobile phone number in it skillfully.

"If anything happens, just call this phone number."

"Well." Bai Cha nodded, looking well-behaved.

The soft voice has the unique flavor of Jiangnan, and it is soft and sultry.

She has a well-behaved appearance, delicate facial features, and a pair of beautiful peach blossom eyes, which should have contained a graceful style, but she was stunned by her cute and soft appearance, which made her watery and seductive to the extreme.

Su Qinghuan's eyes were dark and unclear, he seemed to treat her a little differently.

If it were someone else, he would never have such good patience.

The man turned slightly to the side, the indifference and alienation on his body were restrained a little by him, and there was a little strange peace.

Bai Cha tilted his head and waited for him to return the phone to her, but the man seemed to have forgotten the phone.

She thought for a moment, then pointed to the phone in his hand, "Mine."

Su Qinghuan squinted his eyes, so good-natured, his eyes fell on her round fingertips, a touch of pink, which should be as soft as hers.

The thin lips unconsciously evoked a just right arc.

"Remember to send me the time and address in advance." After that, he put the phone back in her palm.

White Tea nodded again, being so well-behaved.

Su Qinghuan went upstairs and entered the master bedroom, leaving Bai Cha alone standing there for a while.

"587? How is my performance?"

【Of course the performance is very good! Cha Cha will continue to work hard and try to complete the task as soon as possible, then let's go upstairs to sleep now! 】


all listen to the system.

The    system is right!

system,【! ! 】 Tsundere proud face!

The host I brought must be awesome!

Bai Cha walked into the room and climbed into bed. She was holding her mobile phone and always felt that she needed to add a little knowledge.

"587, I think, when will you continue to teach me! I want to learn a little bit of basic knowledge in this world."

Although she has the memory of the original owner, it is limited to memory.

Like the original owner's style and personality, she resisted almost instinctively.

The system thought about it for a while, and answered weakly, [Chacha, it's already very late, you have to go to see a man with that bad woman Bai Yuan tomorrow, you should rest first, and I will tell you later when I have time. . Don't worry, I'm here, don't be afraid! 】

White tea, "Okay."

Humans are so troublesome, they have to eat and sleep...

She rubbed her drooping eyelids, feeling sleepy quickly.

Lie down on the bed with a small body, and soon fell asleep.

When the system saw that its host was asleep, it was a single son, and suddenly wailed.

The question of the host always stumped me, crying!

How to do how to do?

While the host is sleeping, let’s go to supplement the basic knowledge first?

that is it!

The    system quickly blew itself a wave, what a clever ghost!

The next day.

The sky is bright.

After washing the white tea, before he had time to say anything, his little nose took a sharp breath, and a bright smile appeared on his pretty face - it smells so fragrant!

The big watery eyes were full of light, and soon, he came downstairs along the aroma.

I saw an exquisite breakfast on the dining table.

"587! Su Qinghuan is such a good person!"

system, […] The second good person card is born!

She turned around, but didn't find Su Qinghuan's figure. She guessed that something had left.

After the meal, Bai Cha burped and rubbed his belly, "587, it's nice to be a human!"

[It's not that it's good to be a person, it's mainly that Su Qinghuan is good to you, so you think it's good to be a person. When you see Bai Yuan later, you'll know that not everyone is a good person! 】The system is sincere and sincere, for fear that his host will be deceived by the bad woman Bai Yuan and does not know the east, west, north and south.

Bai Cha shook his head, refuting the system for the first time.

"System, I'm just unfamiliar with this world, it doesn't mean I'm stupid..."

The    system looked at the host with a serious face, this soft appearance, what he said... really had no lethality.

In order not to undermine Baicha's self-confidence, the system is very perfunctory, [Mmmm, you are the smartest! 】


after a long time.

The    system is extremely sad, […how blind am I? Do you feel that your host is soft and well-behaved? 】

(end of this chapter)