Chapter 67: Actor's fiancee (67)

Chapter 67 The Actor's Fiancee (67)

Bai Yuan reacted more than Qiao Weiwei, "You are talking nonsense! They can't possibly tell you the address here!"

His eyes were full of disbelief.

Bai Cha glanced at her, "Why is it impossible? Not only did they tell me your plan, but they also turned themselves in."

Those people are more obedient.

She asked them to turn themselves in, and they really did.

Qiqi, […] I was obviously scared by you, but I dare not say it.

Bai Yuan was stunned for a few seconds, his mind went blank.

Surrender? ? ?

What the **** is a surrender?

How could    turn himself in?

No no no! It's not true!

Qiao Weiwei obviously reacted faster than Bai Yuan. Bai Cha appeared here and said that those people ran to surrender. After thinking about it for a while, you would know that something must have happened.

She flipped her wrist and held a sharp fruit knife in her hand.

"White tea! Go to hell!"

white tea, "???"

She reacted very quickly, she leaned forward and kicked Qiao Weiwei hard.

The fruit knife landed on the ground with a bang, and the sound was crisp.

Qiao Weiwei was also kicked to the ground, causing layers of dust, and the hatred in her eyes was almost monstrous.

She tried to get up and continued to attack Bai Cha, but she didn't want to. Bai Cha's kick caused her lower abdomen to gasp for air.

The ferocity in his eyes became stronger and stronger, and he wanted to shred white tea as food like a wolf.

Bai Cha took a few steps to the door indifferently, then found his mobile phone in the corner and said hello to it, "Hello everyone, I'm fine now!"

Bai Yuan + Qiao Weiwei, "..."

What are you doing?

As if he could hear their voices, Bai Cha turned his head to look at them and explained kindly, "Before I come, I will start the live broadcast!"

In this way, everyone can prove that the two really wanted to kidnap her, and Qiao Weiwei wanted to kill her. As for the kick just now? She is really defending herself!

Bai Yuan and Qiao Weiwei were stunned on the spot.

No one expected such a development.

Special? Live broadcast?

Start the live broadcast...

Their final fantasy is that the white tea is lying to them.

Live…to face countless audiences.

And they… what did they just do?

Fighting and tearing each other?

Also kill Bai Cha?

Bai Yuan let out a roar immediately, and she stared fiercely at Qiao Weiwei beside her.

"It's all your fault! It's you who insisted on pulling me to deal with her! Are you alright now? Something happened? Qiao Weiwei, you bitch!"

Qiao Weiwei was already manipulated by Baicha, and she was so angry that she wanted to vomit blood.

Now being held back by Bai Yuan and her pig teammates, she slapped her backhand, "If you hadn't talked nonsense, I would have killed her already!"

The two soon scuffled again.

Bai Cha took the phone and took a step back silently.

She thinks...

The IQs of these two people are really not suitable for kidnapping and murder.

It is better to live a quiet and honest life.

This...they can kill themselves at any time.

She just wanted to shout 666 for them!

Qiqi was also very excited at the moment, it found that the fight between the two was really interesting, [Ahhh, **** it, fight! Hurry up! Left hook! If you can't hit her, you scratch her face! 】

Chacha, "..." Qiqi, you have changed.

You are no longer the Qiqi I know.

The audience in the live room.

is very complicated inside.

They followed Guchacha to the show, and at the same time, they quietly helped Chacha to call the police.

Oops, girls are outside, you must protect yourself!

At the same time, many fans of Baicha Aite Su Qinghuan one after another:

【You big pig's hoof, you have to deal with the kidnapping of Guchacha yourself, you say, what's the use of you! 】

【Su Qinghuan, come here and be beaten! 】


Silly Baitian Qiqi is asking for a recommendation ticket online again!

(Seven Seven: I don’t believe I’m not popular!)

(end of this chapter)