Chapter 68: Actor's fiancee (68)

Chapter 68 The actor's fiancee (68)

White tea is not in the entertainment circle now.

But with the last live broadcast, she also gathered a wave of fans, as well as Su fans who always follow her.

The two parties quickly put the topic of Bai Cha's kidnapping on the hot search.

After Su Qinghuan finished filming the morning scene, he returned to the lounge and found his mobile phone and planned to tell Baicha that lunch was ready, and he just had to wait at home for someone to deliver it.

He suddenly found that there were a bunch of push notifications on his phone.

The    title is even more maddening.

was so frightened that he was stunned on the spot, his mind went blank, and the blood all over his body seemed to flow backwards.

Always in front of everyone, Su Qinghuan, the noble and incorruptible, ran out of the lounge with red eyes and madness.

The staff hadn't dispersed yet, they all looked at him at a loss.

Looking at his always cold eyes, the red eyes were full of blood, as if he had lost most of his life.

As he ran, he called Bai Cha.

Maybe he was frightened, or maybe he couldn't see the screen of the phone because he was jealous, so he pressed it a few times before dialing Bai Cha's phone number.

"Su Qinghuan?"

The little girl's voice was very soft, the same as usual.

When    called him, he felt a little guilty for some reason.

White tea doesn't know why he feels guilty, anyway, there is such a feeling.

Listening to the man's breathing on the phone, she explained silently, "I'm fine, those who came to arrest me have surrendered, um... Bai Yuan and Qiao Weiwei were also taken away, and it is estimated that they will be sentenced, Su Qinghuan ? I..." Isn't that great?

This sentence, Bai Cha subconsciously did not say it.

When    came to her mouth, she turned a corner, "Are you all right?"

After a long time, Su Qinghuan's hoarse voice came over, "It's okay."

Bai Cha stared blankly at the phone he had been hung up on with a confused expression on his face.


Something is wrong.

"Qiqi, I feel very uncomfortable in my heart, I'm stuck in a panic... Are you sick?"

Qiqi, […] You let me have a system, how to popularize love?

very worried.

It decided to find a few TV dramas about love, and then watch that Chacha, maybe, Chacha will understand!

What   white tea does not know is.

Another city.

in the crew.

Su Qinghuan hung up the phone, bent down as if all his strength had been drained, half squatted on the ground, and covered his face with his hands.

for a while.

The rest of the crew didn't even dare to let out the air, and stared blankly at the man on the altar, helpless like a child...


That night.

When Baichawo was watching the TV series Qiqi found for her on the sofa.

The door of the apartment was suddenly opened, and she was taken aback.

put down the phone and ran over, just bumping into Su Qinghuan who was walking to the entrance.

"How come you... ah-"

Bai Cha was dazedly held in his arms by Su Qinghuan, the strength was so heavy that her bones were almost aching.

She subconsciously wanted to reach out and push away, but in the next second, she felt his unease, fear, worry...

She thought about it, put her hands around his waist, and patted his back lightly, her voice soft and soft, "Good boy, it's alright! I'm here!"

It seems to be played like this in TV dramas.

Although this is what the male lead said to the female lead, but... it should be almost the same, the same meaning.


Ah ah ah, ask for a ticket!

Chacha finally got enlightened and asked for tickets online.

(Qiqi's popularity is not as high as Chacha's. Today's recommended votes are much less than yesterday, and my heart hurts.)

(end of this chapter)