Chapter 72: hidden tasks

Chapter 72 Hidden Missions

White Tea opened his eyes again, and what he saw was a bunch of peach blossoms in full bloom.

The peach blossoms are delicate and dripping, beautiful rouge color, eye-catching and beautiful.

The fluttering petals paint a very beautiful scenery.

But as far as white tea is concerned, in addition to being stupid, it is still stupid.

"Qiqi, where is this?"

【Um? Chacha, this is your resting place. After each plane is over, you will automatically come back here. 】


White tea is a little lost.

Wait...she seems to have missed a question.

"It's over? Is my last plane over? I just got married soon, and my life hasn't finished yet!" How could it end?

We promised to spend a lifetime with Su Qinghuan!

She She She She is back here now, what about Su Qinghuan?

White tea suddenly became anxious.

Su Qinghuan will be crazy if he can't find her.

【Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, Chacha is not afraid! 】

【We will meet him again! Believe me! 】

Qiqi was so frightened that it was the first time he saw Cha Cha in such a hurry.

"Will I meet him again? Is he like me?" Also going to the Three Thousand Planes?

【He is a big... big, big man, you are a little girl, of course it is different, but since I said that you will meet him, then you will definitely meet him. 】

Qiqi pretends to be profound.

muttered silently in my heart:

If you can't meet that big-tailed wolf, what three thousand planes are you wearing?

Besides, after the Chacha mission is completed, after leaving, it is estimated that the big tail wolf will also leave, there is nothing to worry about.

But it can't say that to Chacha.

Hey, sadness!

Too hard for it to be so honest!

Bai Cha's expression was dark and unclear, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Qiqi thought for a while, then said, [Chacha, let's clear up the previous plane. 】

The system is about to enter the statistics...

The system is under statistics.

【Congratulations on the successful completion of the host mission! 】

【Congratulations to the host for completing the hidden mission on the last plane! 】

【Congratulations to the host for triggering the hidden mission of 3,000 planes! 】

【Congratulations to the host for getting a big gift package! 】

【One-click unpacking function is enabled! 】

[Congratulations to the host for getting the Su Qinghuan permanent charm card! 】

【Su Qinghuan Permanent Charm Card - Winner: Bai Cha, this charm card can be used for a long time, drop... in use! 】

【Congratulations to the host's own charm value has increased! 】

【The liquidation is completed, and you are about to enter the next plane! 】

white tea, "???!!!"

ignorant, ignorant...

"Qiqi, what is the hidden mission?"

White tea is as sharp as ever, capturing key information directly.

Qiqi smiled mysteriously, [Oh, a hidden mission is a hidden mission!

In addition to the original owner's wish quest, each plane will of course have other quests!

Hidden quests can get a lot of gift packs, don’t worry, Chacha, the hidden quests are well done!

Like the previous plane, you see, while fulfilling the original owner's wish, the hidden task was quietly completed! 】


Chacha tilted his head, always feeling... um, something was wrong.

I suspect that Qiqi is tricking me, but I have no evidence!

Qiqi, […] A group of messy hearts.

Chacha is really the best swindler it has ever seen...Bah, the best coaxing host.

Although this is the first time it has a host.

Tsk, another day of perfectly fooling the past.

Well, a hidden mission is a hidden mission!

Qiqi is not straight and strong.


Two more.

Silly Baitian author is online... There seems to be something wrong, start again: Silly Baitian Qiqi is asking for tickets online!

(end of this chapter)