Chapter 73: Big guy's little cutie (1)

Chapter 73 The big guy's little cutie (1)

The night in October brought a little coolness.

On the road next to the No. 1 Middle School in City A.

A petite girl in a blue school uniform stood there shrinking.

In front of her stood several stubborn teenagers.

These teenagers are regulars on this road.

often take advantage of the dead of night to block students who are alone.

I saw the young man with dyed green hair at the head, staring fiercely at the girl, "Little girl? Borrow a little pocket money from my brother!"

The girl who was borrowed the money was the white tea she just passed through.

It was too late to think about it, and I encountered such a scene.

"Huh? Borrow money?"

Her voice was soft and sweet.

The boy was stunned for a moment, and his eyes were filled with different emotions. He took a step forward and stared at the girl's cheeks, which were mostly covered by thick bangs and black-rimmed glasses.

By the dim light, the delicate chin of the little girl can be vaguely seen, and her skin is as white as a fine suet jade.

The boy's heart twitched.

The wretched meaning in his eyes suddenly appeared.

"Tsk, why don't brother give you pocket money? Would you like to go with brother?"

The teenagers behind him laughed.

Knowing that this is the eldest of their family who has taken a fancy to the little girl.

Bai Cha blinked, looked at the boy's eyes, and nodded, "Okay."

"However, you have to give money first!" she said softly.

Qiqi, […] He wanted to remind him aloud, but after thinking about it, when did he ever see Chacha suffer?

Want to take advantage of Chacha?


Sorry, it doesn't exist at all!

So Qiqi changed his mind and took a quick glance at the environment near the road, [Chacha, go a few dozen steps to the south, there is a particularly dark alley,]

Chacha, "Okay!"

"Qiqi is awesome!"

【No, Chacha is the best! 】

Bai Cha explained kindly as he walked, "Let's go over there, there's no one there."

The little girl in the school uniform looks nice and soft, followed by a few social teenagers.

Occasionally passing by, just took a look, and was quickly scared away by the teenagers.

Bai Cha fearlessly walked to the entrance of the alley, paused, turned around and looked at those people, "Why don't you come together!"

Under the black frame, the girl's eyes are as bright as stars.

"Huh? Together? Not good? Let me go first!"

"Alright, just take a little time."

Several teenagers bent over with laughter. I didn't expect that the little girl could play so well.

After three seconds.

The laughter stopped abruptly.

They watched the boss who was suddenly kicked to the ground, "..." stunned.

"Big, big brother? Are you all right?"

Green-haired boy, "..." I'm very busy right now!

Damn, the real murderer!

The little girl's soft voice sounded again, she rolled up her sleeves, moved gracefully, and said a little impatiently, "I said, let you come together, why are you disobedient?"

She dislikes disobedient people the most.

Qiqi, [Blow up my tea! hit hit hit! 】

After two minutes.

White tea leaves from the alley.

There was a happy smile on his little face.

Her slender hands, clutching the money, slowly counted, "One hundred, two hundred, three hundred, four hundred..."

Qiqi was elated.

【Awesome! My tea is great! 】

Bai Cha laughed even more happily upon hearing the compliment.

"I also think I'm great. As soon as I walked in, I met so many kind young people giving pocket money! Of course, Qiqi is also great, and the alleys where Qiqi is looking are very suitable!"

Qiqi, […Chacha, I will be embarrassed if you praise me like that! 】


Keep working hard.jpg

Three shifts.

(end of this chapter)