Chapter 74: The big guy's little cutie (2)

Chapter 74 The big guy's little cutie (2)

Bai Cha counted the money in his hand, and suddenly said with emotion, "Qiqi, it would be great if you could eat, I can take you to eat a lot of delicious food!"

Qiqi, […] Poor me left with tears of heartache.

A lot of delicious food, all of which are missed by me.

Tongsheng is full of tragedy.

After   white tea finished with emotion, he laughed happily again.

She put a large amount of money in her pocket, patted her bulging pocket, and walked towards the snack shop next to the school.

A lot of money = a lot of delicious food!

Popcorn! Dried fruit! Wide fall! I'm here to pamper you!


Alley entrance.

Several delinquent teenagers were so frightened that they wanted to cry.

What's the matter...

Where did the little devil come from?

brought them all down in a few strokes!

And then...and then make them pay...

woo, all the face is lost.

They looked at their empty pockets...they wanted to die.

Until the figure of Bai Cha disappeared, they supported each other and escaped from here.

Too, too scary!

They will never appear here again!

Above the head, the meniscus hanging in the sky is obscured by dark clouds.

In the quiet alley, two young men walked out slowly, who didn't look very old.

The one in front of    is cold and fierce, his eyes are sharp, his delicate facial features are as finely crafted, and his aura is obviously not an ordinary person.

The one in the back is also very good looking, but all the light was snatched by the one in front. He leaned forward and smiled, "Brother Zhou, I didn't expect that there are such amazing little girls in our school!"

Tsk, unfortunately I didn't see the face clearly.

Zhou Qinghuan glanced at him, turned and left without saying a word.

Ning Feng, who was standing on the spot, "..."

Tsk, Brother Zhou is still the same Brother Zhou, still not interested in any girls.

The white tea on the other side walked towards his dormitory with a pile of delicious food.

Qiqi also began to share information about the original owner with her.

is called Baicha like her.

Senior year.

I just transferred over the past two days.

Something happened to the school before   , and he couldn't stay any longer, so the original owner had to change schools.

The original owner was born with a good-looking appearance, and he looked so beautiful. When he was in junior high school, his appearance attracted a lot of rotten peach blossoms.

When I got to high school, it attracted many people to pursue it.

Beautiful is really beautiful, but there is no background and there is no background, it's miserable.

Both her parents died in junior high school, leaving her alone to survive.

Fortunately, she works hard, has good academic performance, and is a quiet little girl. The teacher also likes her and can help you from time to time.

However, once you meet someone with a background, the little girl will be miserable.

The little girl didn't dare to talk to the teacher at will, after all, the teacher is just an ordinary teacher, and sometimes it's going to be a big trouble, and the teacher can't keep her, and will be affected.

Yes, what is the matter, she likes to endure it by herself.

In the previous school, because of her beauty, she provoked people she shouldn't have provoked. She had no choice but to change schools.

When    transferred schools, she wanted to understand.

hid his face and appearance for a while, but he still couldn't escape his fate.

Not long after she was in this school, someone saw her photo on her previous school forum, and then it was passed around, causing a lot of trouble again.

The girl was bullied by several girls again.

The reason is the same as before.

She is on the boys side, she is very popular and has a high topic of conversation, so naturally many girls don't like her.

The poor original owner had nothing else to ask for.

Just one - Be the school bully!

As the school bully, no one dares to bully her!


Four shifts.

There are more than 800 votes, and there are more than 100 votes to be added, go ahead!

Thanks to Yingluo, Qianzhu, Yijiu Lianrong, D., Yunzhongxianmeng Xiangyi for their rewards, alright~

(end of this chapter)