Chapter 84: The big guy's little cutie (12)

Chapter 84 The big guy's little cutie (12)

Ning Feng imagined wildly.

had no idea that his appearance was behind Zhou Qinghuan's eyes.

Xiaoba Zhou felt more and more that he was stupid.

Tsk, why did you accept such a silly little brother?

The two left the teaching building and climbed over the wall beside the gate.

"Brother Zhou, where are we going to play this time?"

Zhou Qinghuan didn't lift his head, "...Go home and sleep."

Ning Feng sat on the wall and almost fell, "???"

Go home to sleep? Is it worth skipping class?


It wasn't until he followed Zhou Qinghuan's apartment near the school and watched Brother Zhou enter the bedroom without saying a word that he was sure that Brother Zhou was really skipping class to sleep.

He touched a pillow, lay on the sofa, found his phone, and started the game.

Inside the bedroom.

Zhou Qinghuan was holding the quilt in a daze.

As soon as he closed his eyes, the pretty face of the nerd would appear in front of him.

looks pretty, why are you so dumb?

Stupid...and a little silly...

Zhou Xiaoba didn't know that the corners of his lips had been rising quietly.


Until the morning after school.

Zhou Qinghuan and Ning Feng no longer appeared in the classroom.

Cha Cha is still quiet on the surface.

In fact, he kept beeping with Qiqi.

"Qiqi, are they skipping class?"

【Yes, it is! They skipped class. 】

"Okay... It's great to be a school bully, you can skip classes at will."

【Yeah! 】

【Um? ? ? 】Looks like something is wrong?

【Chacha, we are good kids, good kids can’t skip class…】

Qiqi tried to persuade, but found that his tea was whispering in a low voice, and he didn't listen to what he said.

Chacha, "School master = you can skip classes, skipping classes = you can eat at any time, so school master = a lot of delicious food!"

Well, it's another day to work hard to be a school bully!

Cha Cha left the classroom full of expectations for the future, and ran towards the cafeteria.

She is looking for something delicious!

Qiqi, [...Yes, what Cha Cha said makes sense! 】

No matter what the process is, the result is right.

Work hard to be a school bully, no problem!

At the same time that Cha Cha went to the cafeteria.

Several private groups in the 18th class exploded and exploded.

These groups have their own characteristics.

There is a group of girls.

There is a group of boys.

There are boys and girls too.

But without exception, there are no teachers, Zhou Qinghuan and Ning Feng in these groups.

The group where Zhou Qinghuan, Ning Feng and the teacher are, commonly known as the official group of Class 18, this group usually does not have anyone talking except for some news from the teacher and the monitor.

At this moment, except for the official group.

Their private group exploded.

XX: [What the hell? What's the identity of that new cutie? 】

XX; [The identity is unclear for the time being, but she must not be a simple character. 】

XX: [A little girl who dares to reject Ning Feng and look at Zhou Xiaoba, tsk, pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger! 】


After some communication.

The    school forum also exploded.

I don't know who made this anonymous post.

rejected the white tea to Ning Feng, Zhou Xiaoba made way for it, and after looking at Zhou Xiaoba, the schoolmaster and Ning Feng both skipped class and disappeared, and they said it again...

Even at the bottom of that post, there are photos of new students.

What is the peerless cutie that can make Zhou Xiaoba look different? ? ?

There are sarcasm, envy, and jealousy…

And the client is eating her sweet and sour pork ribs in the cafeteria.

"Ahhh, Qiqi, I like it here. I didn't expect that the food in this school's cafeteria tastes good!"

When she eats, she is very serious and doesn't like to be disturbed or distracted, and she only wants to eat.

In this plane, there is nothing to make her stop eating!

Food is a landscape in her eyes, and she is also a landscape in the eyes of others.


One more update.

Another day of early morning updates.

Scenic Tea Tickets online.

(end of this chapter)