Chapter 85: The big guy's little cutie (13)

Chapter 85 The big guy's little cutie (13)

In the cafeteria, the first reaction of many people when they saw Cha Cha was basically the same as that of the students in Class 18.


Where is the little girl from?

looks beautiful and delicate, like a porcelain doll.

looks very well-behaved and soft.

I want to touch it...

A good boy came over, chatted with Cha Cha, asked her name, and asked if she was from this school...

All kinds of problems followed.

Cha Cha looked up at him, she was very unhappy.

"You are noisy!"

Don't you know that when others are eating, don't disturb others at will?

The boy who came to talk, "???"

He almost laughed angrily.

But that anger disappeared immediately after seeing Bai Cha's pretty face.

Look at it up close, it's so beautiful!

is delicate and pretty.

Just be afraid of the school beauties, but also willingly bow down

He couldn't help but tease a little more on his face.

"Little girl? When I asked you a question, not only did you not answer me, but you also said I was noisy? You are not polite, you scared my brother, what do you think I should do?"

The boy looked like I had been greatly wronged, and looked at the white tea with malicious intent.

Tsk, the little girl is also in good shape.

Chacha's good mood was suddenly destroyed in a mess.

Her face turned cold, and she stared at him, "You're wrong, it's you who disturbed my meal, it's you who is rude! I haven't asked you for compensation yet, how dare you call yourself a brother? shameless!"

Qiqi was also so angry, [Find a place where no one is there to beat him! 】

gas to explode!

Where did the shameless bad guys come from?

Dare to have an idea about its tea tea?

Damn, where are those eyes looking?

Believe it or not, I climbed out and slapped you to death!

"Qiqi, calm down! There are so many people here! How can I find a place where no one is there to beat him? It's not easy to find."

Chacha was particularly calm and complained to Qiqi.

Qiqi was a little anxious, [What should I do then? 】

"It's very simple, just hit it here!"

Chacha is extraordinarily calm and calm, and his voice is as sweet as ever, but it's a bit like the calm before the storm.

Qiqi shuddered and silently ordered a wax for the boy.

Young man, I wish you a safe journey.

Tijia Chacha is not vegetarian!

Unfortunately, that boy is still doing his own way, and people are reluctant to let him go.

I saw him reaching out and touching his face, "Little sister, look at my face, isn't this here? Otherwise, call me a good brother, and I will give you whatever compensation you want!"

There are many people in the cafeteria at the moment.

There were also many people near Chacha. Hearing this, a burst of laughter broke out, which was particularly harsh.

She tilted her head at the boy and smiled, sweet and heart-warming.

Seven Seven, 【! ! ! 】The smile of death is here again!

Next second.

A loud bang.

The laughter stopped abruptly.

The plate with cold light fell from the boy's head to the ground, collided with the floor, and made a clanging sound.

The greasy vegetable soup on the boy's head slid down his cheek and dripped onto his white shirt, making him look extremely embarrassed.

His pupils dilated and his face was full of disbelief.


Cha Cha restrained his smile, looked serious, and said word by word, "You are really noisy and annoying!"

"By the way, are you satisfied with the meal I invited you to eat?"

Sweet voice, completely inconsistent with her actions.

The people around who were laughing subconsciously took a step back.

"..." This little girl is so hot!

Why does the ghost think she is sweet!


Second shift, unhappy Chacha asks for tickets online!

(end of this chapter)