Chapter 87: The big guy's little cutie (15)

Chapter 87 The big guy's little cutie (15)

As soon as the words   chacha came out, the entire cafeteria was instantly silent.

All eyes were on her.

Little girl, you are very courageous!

Dare to say this?

Zhou Qinghuan, Zhou Xiaoba, are you able to drive down casually?

And the boy who was collapsing was also frightened by these words.

Sister-in-law, are you so courageous?

Do you take big brother in your eyes?

He glanced at Zhou Qinghuan quietly, and saw that Zhou Xiaoba was not displeased, but the corners of his lips seemed to be curved.

"..." Well, he understood it in seconds.

IQ goes live at this moment.

He thought, this is probably, just! Call! Affection! interest!

may be a new way to play the big brother and sister-in-law!

He shrank and looked at Zhou Xiaoba, his eyes were flattering, "It's because I don't know Taishan, and I accidentally offended my sister-in-law. I'm willing to...... blah blah blah..."

Chacha, "!!!"

"Qiqi, I think he has a hearing problem. I understand it so clearly, why did he call me sister-in-law? And why did he talk to Zhou Qinghuan instead of me?"

Qiqi, […This question, sorry, Chacha, I, I really can’t answer it! 】

Silly Baitian cried with a wow.

Chacha's questions are always so difficult, it, it is also very desperate!

"Okay." Cha Cha was a little lost.

She stared blankly at the male classmate who had been there for a long time.

Immediately afterwards, she was keenly aware of Zhou Qinghuan's emotions, it seemed to be very good?

She is going to take his place, why is he so happy?

Hmm... Could it be that what this male classmate said was just right for Zhou Qinghuan's appetite?

She was lost in thought.

Hey, I just forgot to listen to what the male classmate said. When she wants to hear it... He's done... This, this is very confusing.

is also followed by Ning Feng.


When did Brother Zhou be so patient?

Actually tolerate a man's nonsense for so long?

Until Ning Feng keenly captured that every time the male classmate said a word, he had to bring eldest brother and eldest sister-in-law. After these words, Ning Feng felt that he might have guessed the truth by accident.

"!!!"Ah! Brother Zhou, it turns out that you are a black-hearted man!

He glanced at Little Cutie quietly.

Tsk, that cute look is so good.

and many more.

Something seems to be wrong, try again!


Sister-in-law's dazed look is a perfect match for Brother Zhou!

Keep this style in the future!

Ning Feng sighed silently in his heart.

Chacha didn't know at all, a lot of dramas had already popped up in Ning Feng's heart.

Not only him, but even the people around me who eat melons silently made up a love-hate relationship.

What is the relationship between the school bully and the pretty girl?

Listening to others being a big sister-in-law, Zhou Xiaoba did not refute, nor was he angry...

is amazing!

And the little girl just said that she took the position of the school tyrant Zhou, and the school tyrant was not angry!

is simply amazing!

They really think this melon can make a splash in the school.

And, they ate a meal and accidentally became witnesses of history!

This feeling, spontaneously proud!

Immediately after, they saw the school bully wave his hand, and the boy cautiously took a few steps back.

Um? ? ?

Is the drama about to start?

I saw Zhou Xiaoba looking at Bai Cha with a faint smile on his face.

"Do you have any questions about this?"

Cha Cha was dissatisfied, "..."

I think you are a very bad person. I don't even know what you said. You still ask me if I have any questions?

So many questions!

Too many!

Good night, remember to vote! yah~

Thank you Nanli Youge and TeFuir for the reward, alright~

(end of this chapter)