Chapter 88: The big guy's little cutie (16)

Chapter 88 The big guy's little cutie (16)

Chacha glanced at Zhou Qinghuan again.

looks weird.

She struggled for a few seconds.

Suddenly turned his head to look at the boy, and pointed his finger at the messy ground, "Remember to clean this place!"

The soft voice was mixed with a bit of displeasure.

Male classmate, "..."

Okay, clean up.

It's just...sister-in-law, can you get over this mess?

He quietly glanced at Zhou Xiaoba again.

"Don't hurry up!" Zhou Qinghuan yelled at him fiercely, why is there no wink now?

What are you doing here?



Schoolmaster Zhou is still the cold and fierce schoolmaster!

Chacha's good mood for eating is destroyed, so naturally there is no need to stay in the cafeteria.

Besides, she still has something to say to Zhou Qinghuan.

She was just about to speak.

Qiqi said again, [Chacha, I suggest you find a place where there are few people to whisper, it is more appropriate. 】

"Huh? Good!" There are indeed quite a lot of people here.

She swept around, and sure enough, there were a lot of melon eaters.

She calmly looked at Zhou Qinghuan, whose complexion had recovered, "Let's go out to chat?"

Cha Cha was a little confused about this school bully's temper.

It was weird from the beginning anyway.

But... Anyway, it was because of his appearance that this matter was resolved faster.

Although she can solve it too.

However, since Zhou Qinghuan took care of this matter, then she... just reluctantly doesn't care too much about that boy!

Seeing that the man's attitude of admitting his mistake was not bad, he didn't take off his arm.

Clean up...well, that's easy!

Ning Feng stared blankly at his brother Zhou and followed Little Cutie...Aah, he followed the sister-in-law out of the cafeteria.

And just obediently following behind Bai Cha?

"..." What's the matter, are you trying to scare him to death?

He looked complicated and tangled for a while.

In the end, he decided that it was better not to disturb those two people at such a time.

But...but...he's super curious!

This scene is definitely a rare big scene!

After three seconds.

Ning Feng risked being beaten to death and followed quietly.

Of course, he consciously distanced himself.

Chacha took people out of the cafeteria, and after scanning around, he didn't see any close corners.

So, I just found a place to stand there.

She turned her head and looked at Zhou Qinghuan seriously.

"I have something to tell you."

Zhou Xiaoba's voice was rarely calm, "Well, you said."

His whole body also lost some of the usual hostility, as if it was deliberately restrained.

Cha Cha tilted his head and tangled for a while.

"Then I said it?"


"I, I..." Hey, this kind of thing is really a bit embarrassing.

Zhou Qinghuan's brows twitched, and she was overjoyed by her tangled appearance, how could she be so cute?

"Are you feeling embarrassed?" The corners of his lips twitched, with a bit of a smile.

Cha Cha nodded, "Yes, I'm a little embarrassed."

"It's okay, I can wait for you to organize the language slowly, I'm not in a hurry."

The young man looked at the little girl in front of him in a good mood. Her wet eyes seemed to contain special magic power, but with just one glance, his heart was a complete mess.

Confessing this kind of thing really needs to be tangled.

He is in a good mood now, he can wait slowly.

Not in a hurry at all.

If it was someone else, let alone let Xiaoba Zhou wait for her, he wouldn't even have a chance to talk to her.

Zhou Xiaoba confidently waited for the little girl to confess.

In the second shift, the super confident Zhou Xiaoba is asking for tickets online!

Thank you Shen Ziye and Ruo Butterfly for the reward, alright~

(end of this chapter)