Chapter 94: Big boss's little cutie (22)

Chapter 94 The big guy's little cutie (22)

Ning Feng, who fell out of favor on the second day.

ushered in the first batch of deadly enemies.

When he looked at the four or five teenagers who suddenly appeared in front of him to surround him.

He groaned in his heart, secretly screaming bad.

This...a dozen of five.

I'm afraid he won't be able to beat him.

Ning Feng secretly glanced at the back of those people, "..." I always felt that there were people behind them.

The leading boy whistled at Ning Feng with a reckless attitude, "Tsk, why didn't you join Brother Zhou today? I heard that he doesn't want you anymore?"

Ning Feng took a sip, "Nonsense! My brother Zhou is always my brother Zhou!"

Although he has a cutie now, he really doesn't want me much.

However, I am still Brother Zhou’s closest brother!

"Your Brother Zhou is indeed your Brother Zhou, but whether Brother Zhou admits you or not is another question."

Ning Feng, "You ride a horse..."

The last half of the sentence came to an abrupt end.

He saw several other people approaching him.

Ning Feng, "!!!" I don't mind eating dog food every day.

I didn't expect that I would have to be beaten now?

Brother Zhou, Brother Zhou, I really...don't want you anymore.

Heavy color forgets meaning.

There are wolves in front and tigers behind, no matter how fast he runs, he can't find a breakthrough!

He secretly thought: I didn't read the almanac when I went out today.

These people were bumped into by him when they were collecting protection fees near the school, so he played a hero to save the beauty.

after that……

Well, he never hit these people, and he was heroically injured.

Then his brother Zhou carried a wooden stick and sent these people to the hospital...

This feud was just like that.

He gritted his teeth and beat him again. Anyway, his brother Zhou will come to avenge him in the future.

But now, how to get out of these people's hands is a problem.

"Need help?" A soft voice sounded.

Ning Feng was stunned for a moment, and followed the voice in astonishment.


Why is the little cutie here?

He swept around subconsciously, it was scary... His brother Zhou wasn't there?

"Who are you, I don't know you!" Ning Feng hurriedly distanced himself, and desperately winked at her.

It's okay for him to be injured. His little sister-in-law is weak and weak, with thin arms and legs... She can't be hurt.

Chacha tilted his head to look at him, holding a cup of milk tea in his hand.

Tsk, Ning Feng has become uncute.

He actually said that he didn't know her?

Cha Cha took two steps forward, his tone full of displeasure, "I'm your brother Cha!"

It seems that he will need to be well educated in the future.

Let Ning Feng be the same as that group of people, and he has to call Brother Cha when he sees her!

Ning Feng, "..." Ancestor.

Don't tea brother!

Don't you see how dangerous this place is?

Seeing Brother Cha walking in his direction, Ning Feng was so frightened that he almost cried.

"You, you, you, don't come here!"

Chacha, "I will come here!"

Ning Feng, "..." Cute is really cute.

But what... a bit silly.

The teenagers surrounding Ning Feng watched the little girl break in, and they looked at each other.


what do you say that is?

Brother tea.

Um? ? ?

Brother tea? ? ?

So, Zhou Qinghuan's new little brother is a woman?

Several people looked at each other, and immediately became interested.

The little girl looks delicate and beautiful, not only cute, but also very sweet.

"Ning Feng, could she be Zhou Qinghuan's new recruit?"

Ning Feng's face turned cold, and he reprimanded, "Go away!"

"Oh, no wonder Zhou Qinghuan didn't want you. It turned out that he was fascinated by the little girl."

"Tsk tsk, Brother Cha, right? Come, let's play?"


One more update.

Ahhhhh, ask for a ticket!

Go crazy.

The number of tickets is poor, so cry for a while.

(end of this chapter)